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    [Barrage: Big brother! The little brother was captured by the boss again! ! ! ]

[Bullet screen: There is no way out, there is no way out, a F will be completely wiped out in hell, I think the world of the main god is about to collapse. 】

【Bullet screen: Huh, no crow's mouth, it's not all gone yet. ]

[Barrage: Not all gone? The two died at the beginning, the second black screen of the younger brother was more ominous, the newcomer who turned into a teddy bear failed to solve the puzzle four or five times, and the remaining two old people can still shake the sky? 】

【Barrage: Don't be too truthful in the front row. I watched all the way and didn't speak. They probably hoped that the "little brother" would escape again. 】

The number of live viewers is 793801.

The number of live viewers was 776,281.

The number of live viewers was 493877.

[Barrage: Wait? Have you given up? Don't go, hey, hey. 】

【Barrage: Don't worry, they just went to watch the scumbag and will be back soon. ]

[Barrage: ... What play? 】


Focused on the drop in the number of live broadcasters on the bracelet, Ye Shi's heart gradually sank into the valley.

The number of viewers in the live broadcast can actually reflect many problems. Experienced players can even infer the direction of the instance and the situation of other players. Realizing this, quickly observe your surroundings.

However, there are only a few situations in which the number of people dives in a large area during the story of the copy.

The first is that the copy is extremely boring, and the player crushes the props.

The second is that the player is powerless, and the boss crushes and wipes out the field.

There is no suspense in either case.

With their distressed appearance just now, it is impossible to be the first situation, so...

Zhou Zhao said in a hoarse voice, "I don't know how Lin Ke and Su Xue are doing, I think we should—"

His complexion suddenly changed, and he saw five children, except for Xiaolan who was closing her eyes and pale face, all of them suddenly stood up. They grinned, showing their white teeth, and their eyes shone with excitement.

"Where's the dean?"

"... Where's the dean?"

"Hehe, isn't the dean here?" The

children stood there, their bodies trembling, their expressions becoming more and more excited, and their questions became more and more urgent, as if An evil spell that urges the box to be opened.

The scene was so weird, Ye Shi frowned, and just about to speak, Zhou Zhao stopped her suddenly.

Ye Shi was puzzled, but Zhou Zhao was in a cold sweat for a split second—at that time in the restaurant, the children also asked the same question, and Su Xue answered "the principal is not here", and the children went crazy.

He remembered Lin Ke's previous instructions, wiped his forehead, and said with a straight face: "The dean will be back soon. Why, do you want to be caught again?" The

scene was silent for five seconds. The two slowed down their breathing and stared warily at the excited children.

I saw the children's expressions slowly, slowly--

one by one crack.

The four pairs of excited eyes froze instantly.

They looked at me and I looked at you, and sat down silently under the eyes of the two.

Be as cute as a rabbit.

[Barrage: The booming fire is still coming in a trance! Tried and tested! 】

【Barrage: It doesn't matter children, those who know the current affairs are heroes, you have already done it. 】

【Barrage: Help, this sentence is a bit strangely familiar! I almost thought my little brother was possessed. ]

[Barrage: High! What I thought of was "If you are not good, the dean will be angry" or "The dean will not want you", which is not as lethal as this sentence. 】

[Barrage: Pfft, the scene is too vivid, I suddenly feel that the npc is quite human. 】

Ye Shi and Zhou Zhao looked at each other, and they both saw a decision in each other's eyes - before Lin Ke and Su Xue came back, they had to do something.


Lin Ke finally regained his consciousness slowly, and when he realized what he was doing, he suffocated for breath.

Slowly, he moved his jaw, let go of the opponent's arm, and slowly turned his head.

I saw that the whole study room seemed to have been bombed, the walls, ceiling chandeliers, floors, desks, holes that should be smashed, and things that should be broken.

And he himself, in disheveled clothes, was with the men, who had obviously had a fight. The little finger of my left hand is already in pain.

Link: "..."

Link couldn't laugh or cry.

He hasn't fought like this in six years... What happened?

[System No. 2: Host... Master...]

System No. 2 made a faint sound because of the freeze, which made Lin Ke jump. He went from tense to shocked in an instant, and then was speechless.

【Lin Ke: You...haven't been disturbed? ]

So they watched their scuffle all the time? keep silent?

You are all so professional!

Tucao return to Tucao, in this way, the memory slowly come back.

This time, the man's condition seemed to be much worse than last time. After entering the door with Link's neck in his hands, he didn't let go at all. Instead, he held his neck tightly and pressed him on the cashmere carpet. Those long amber eyes that seemed to be lit in the darkness hung over Lin Ke's head like two flame lamps, bursting out full of anger.

The roaring shadow behind him began to bark his teeth and claws again, as if he was about to stand up and destroy the world in the next moment.

Lin Ke was crushed half to death, and was pinched so that his eyes were black and his head was dizzy. His first reaction was to raise his hand to hold the man's wrist, ready to "link" like last time, to appease the other party's emotions.

But Lin Ke has calculated thousands of times, but he has a temper himself!

The last time the man was just anxious and irritable, but this time he was really angry. When his fingertips touched the man's cold wrist, the fire burned him up.

I only heard a long "buzz" in my head, and countless shrill roars rang in my ears. When Lin Ke recovered from the severe pain in his fingers, he found that he had wrestled with the man and was biting his arm tightly.

The unprovoked anxiety and anger were like fire, still burning Lin Ke's nerves, blood vessels throbbing all over his body, his heart burst, and he was so angry that he wanted to stab someone with a knife.

But of course he couldn't do that, so with extreme sanity he continued to fight with men.

Wait, according to the strength of this boss, he can hit three of himself with one fist, so why did he end up rolling on the ground disheveled with him?

Lin Ke felt something was wrong, so he lowered his head to observe carefully.

The man's head was buried in Lin Ke's shoulder socket at the moment, his hair was thick and stiff, making it itchy. But he seemed to wake up, rubbing his forehead up and down.

Lin Ke: "..."

Almost habitually patting the man's head away, Link found that he felt no pain other than being sore. It seems that just now he was just unilaterally "beating" the man ineffectively. The man didn't do anything, but just hugged him like a cat hugs catnip.

Good guy, Lin Ke has seen the system's way of solving problems. I'm afraid this ring is not just about sharing emotions, but throwing all the emotions on him. As long as the two are connected, the boss can calm down. As for Lin Ke himself? If you are furious, you will be furious, and you can't beat the boss anyway.

Being regarded as a tool for replacing emotional digestion, Lin Ke smiled instead of anger, and called out the disappeared No. 2 system again.

[Lin Ke: Are you there? ]

[Lin Ke: Explain? If this goes on like this, he is not crazy, I am going crazy first? 】

The familiar system was disturbed by the "呵呵" sound again and again. It seemed that the second system really wanted to talk, but unfortunately it couldn't.

Link's face was expressionless. It seemed that the system was switched off again. He could only rely on himself, so he left first.

Clenching his left hand tightly, he could feel the ancient, complex and mysterious lines of the leaves at the base of his fingers, and the coolness calmed him a little.

He raised his right hand again, pressed it against the man's hot chest, and pushed it up.

It didn't move, but another large hand took his right hand.

Lin Ke raised his eyes in surprise, and met a pair of quiet eyes. In the amber pupils, the faint light of the Southern Cross star beside Link's ears shone.

Compared with the first time I saw a boss with a baby animal body, this time, the man's eyes were obviously more mature, and he was handsome like a god, so he was also full of a special charm, which made Lin Ke suddenly look at him. shocked.

Just when he was in a daze, he saw the man's thin lips move slightly: "You can't... hit someone." His voice was low and hoarse

, although he stated the facts, his tone seemed a bit aggrieved because of his slowness.

Lin Ke: "???"

Wait, you can talk?

No, why are you wronged? ? I hit someone, why do you have no points? ? ?

[No. 2 system: host... master... please let the master go back quickly. All...all dungeons...changes...]

Shocked, the No. 2 system found its voice, and it, which was always gentle, urged Lin Ke anxiously.

Lin Ke's eyes were fixed, although he didn't understand what was going on, but he didn't care about doubts, he struggled out from the man's body, once familiar with the second time, grabbed the man and pulled him out.


When Link grabbed the boss and walked out of the little black room again, the content of the barrage was varied.

[Barrage: Who couldn't tell just now? Does your face hurt? 】

【Barrage: Good guy, now I really suspect that there is something wrong with them. 】

【Bullet screen: daily operation. 】

Compared with the shock of the first time, the expectation threshold and acceptance of the live broadcast viewers have obviously risen. Although the explosions are frequent, the tone has tended to be analytical.

But this kind of "calmness" was ruthlessly broken when he saw Lin Kefu nervously let go of the dean's hand as soon as he went out, and the dean turned around and grabbed Lin Ke's wrist briefly.

【Barrage:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I am dazzled? ]

[Barrage: ahhhhhhhhhhhh success! ! 】

【Barrage: Although it was released soon, I ate it! ]

Linke's astonishment was no lower than that of the audience. He turned his head abruptly, almost turning into a ghost with his neck turned 180 degrees: "You... what are you doing?

" I will return the words, my little brother is too ruthless, it's because the plot is going too fast and I didn't keep up. ]

[Barrage: Suddenly turned into a chasing wife crematorium? 】

The dean looked down at his hands, as if he was thinking.

After a while, he looked up at Linke.

"No. I want to tell you not to worry." Lin Ke

: "?


Explosion, amidst the screen full of "???", the number of viewers rose wildly.

The number of live viewers was 593,971.

The number of live viewers was 733877.

The number of live viewers was 964468.

Still going up!

[Barrage: The boss is comforting the player! Is this what people can say! ]

[Barrage: A millennium wonder! 】

A thought came to Lin Ke's mind, regardless of whether the dean's words of consolation sound like a weasel's New Year's greetings to chickens, he rushed down the second floor and broke into the classroom——

I saw that on the wooden tray where the puzzle was placed, the pieces of the puzzle were densely piled up, like a small pyramid.

Lin Ke picked up a puzzle piece at the tip of the pyramid, glanced at it, his tense shoulders slowly relaxed, and a flash of relief flashed in his eyes.

On the jigsaw puzzle, Xiaolan smiled slightly, like all innocent and lovely girls, with hidden lights in her eyes.

Amidst the screen-full "???" and the number of viewers of the live broadcast, which quickly rose to over one million, Lin Ke tidied up the desktop and carefully inserted Xiaolan's smile into the puzzle.

At the same time, the long-lost electronic sound of the main god system rang in my ears.

[Main God System: Orphanage Dungeon, player progress 1/6, please continue. 】

【Barrage: The dawn of hope! ! ! 】

Compared to the icing on the cake and the optimism of casually swiping the frequency, Lin Ke just let go of half of his heart, but raised it again.

...five children. one-sixth?

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