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   This is the first time that a female ghost trusts a person like this, even though he has shown a dangerous aura just now.

Inexplicably, she felt that the person in front of her would not hurt herself.

Lin Ke will indeed not hurt her. In Lin Ke's mind, the npcs and bosses in the dungeon have never been on the opposite side of the player, and everyone can often achieve unexpected results by working together.

In order to reassure the female ghost and create a mirror space that is not easy to be conquered, he chatted with the female ghost about her past affairs all the way, just like chatting with humans.

The female ghost didn't feel abnormal either, but slowly let go of all vigilance during the ordinary chat.

Her experience is very ordinary. She grew up with her mother. She was discriminated against because of the birthmark on her face. She tried countless folk remedies and medical methods but failed to solve her troubles. comfort.

A very short sentence can summarize the life of this NPC, but her emotion is exactly the same as that of many human beings: "Why do people only pay attention to the appearance of others, but don't care about the heart of others at all? Could it be that God gives people a unique appearance? Is it just to make some of them suffer?"

Lin Ke kept listening quietly, until then he said, "Maybe it's to let others recognize you faster.

" : "Really? But now that I've turned into this inhuman appearance, no one should recognize me, right?" "We found you

only by the photo," Lin Ke reminded her, " Those who care more about you will recognize you no matter what you become."

With these words, the female ghost slowly put away her smile, feeling a little lost.

The two walked forward in silence for a while before she said: "Thank you, no one has ever said that to me. But I think, apart from my mother, no one else wants to recognize me..." "

Then There is no need to care about their evaluation of your appearance." Link said.

Yes, people don't care about themselves, so what do they do?

Hearing these words, the female ghost's eyes lit up, as if she had figured it out a bit. Some kind of inner strength slowly returned to her body, she said sincerely: "You are really good, not because you are good-looking, I think everyone can give you a good look at the first sight. Recognize... I'm getting a little incoherent, I mean, you're gentle, but you make such an impression that even those who've forgotten everything else might remember you."

The female ghost was praising Link, but hearing Link's words, not only made his heart skip a beat, but also reminded him of another person.

...Did Lu Zhou remember him or not?

Lin Ke was inexplicably disturbed.

But the current situation does not allow him to be upset, Link stopped at the corner of the corridor, where the first mirror wrapped in rags was placed.

"Do you feel safe?" Link confirmed to the female ghost again.

The female ghost nodded.

Lin Ke stretched out his hand to uncover the rag, and with a scream, the monster that had not seen the light for a long time in the mirror widened its eyes, and its hooked nose suddenly rubbed against the mirror, but it was stopped by some force and could not penetrate the hole. mirror.

It worked!

Link breathed a sigh of relief, he was worried that the female ghost would be frightened by the monster's appearance.

Unexpectedly, the female ghost beside him suddenly said: "It's so pitiful."

Lin Ke was stunned for a moment.

I saw the female ghost squatting down and looking at the hooked-nosed man howling inside: "He said he hadn't seen his lover for fifty years, and asked if we have seen his lover?" Then the female ghost turned her head and saw

Lin The guest looked a little surprised, and explained with a smile: "Oh, you are afraid that I will be scared by him, no, when I was a child, I was scared by my own appearance every night when I looked in the mirror. These are commonplace for me. La."

When she laughed, the pie-like birthmark was squeezed on her face, covering the left half of her face and the bridge of her nose like a spread of pie.

But looking at it now, it's not so ugly.

[Barrage: I was scared by myself... I suddenly felt that this female ghost lived a bitter life. ]

[Bullet screen: I am also ugly, so I can understand her feelings too well. I'm not scared by myself, but every day when I look at myself in the mirror, I'm in a bad mood, and I hate those people who are naturally good-looking and get preferential treatment. Over time, I feel that maybe it's because I'm so vicious, That's why it looks so ugly. But look at the female ghost...]

[Barrage: That's because you haven't met a little angel like your little brother! everything will get better! 】

【God C: Lin Ke is very powerful, and a safety mirror has been made. Because he reassured the female ghost, the space where he and the female ghost were now temporarily became a safety mirror for the dark side female ghost. Therefore, the female ghost is emotionally stable here, and external forces cannot easily break into this mirror. 】

【God B: The little brother should be looking for a safety mirror that really belongs to the female ghost. 】

【Barrage: Wow, the boss has started calling you little brother too! ]

Sure enough, Lin Ke nodded and said: "We will try to help him find it. As long as this mirror is restored, they can all be reunited." Seeing

Linke put the rags on again, the female ghost seemed a little unbelievable Following his footsteps: "How to reunite?"

Linke had already lifted off the rag covering the next mirror, and the mirror was pitch black with nothing on it.

His eyes darkened: "Let's try it first."


Zhou Zhao was sweating profusely, and entered the safe house while grabbing the ghost in the fourth photo. Mu Cheng skillfully tied it up with the rope net brought by Huo Jianan, and leaned against several other "customers".

When Zhou Zhao hurried out again, Jin Qingyue, who had been sitting at the table, suddenly stood up.

Mu Cheng caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye, paused, first closed the door of the safe house, then turned around and said, "What?"

Jin Qing glanced at him more impatiently: "Get out of the way, I have a feeling, Yin Li is about to show up. Lin Ke can't do it alone, I have to go out and help him."

Mu Cheng remembered Lin Ke's instructions, and said, "He can. You first—"

"Don't coax me," Jin Qingyue sneered Said, "Your task is to keep me under surveillance, right?"

Before Mu Cheng could refute, Jin Qing overturned the table violently, and the table fell to the ground with a loud bang.

He came down so crazy that he shocked Mu Cheng back.

"...You all think that I will mess up everything, I can clearly see that Yin Li is playing everyone around, he is still waiting, he is still waiting! If you wait any longer, the world will be full of top props, who Can you still shake Yin Li? So there is only one possibility, you know, Mu Cheng, you really shouldn't treat me as a fool with him, is he going to deal with Yin Li alone, isn't he?" Jin Qingyue wanted at first Analysis, unexpectedly, the more I talked, the more emotional I became.

Mu Cheng's face turned cold suddenly, and his voice raised slightly: "Don't be childish, that's why I can't take you with me all the time! After I died, you calmed down a lot, I shouldn't show up again, let you live longer The more you go back."

These few words were very heartbreaking, and it was said by "Mu Cheng", Jin Qingyue choked immediately.

He looked at Mu Cheng in disbelief, and Mu Cheng looked back at him. Their chests heaved violently.

They were all wearing the clothes they usually wear the most. The quarrel just now was as familiar as it was when the two were still living in a small villa. It was so realistic that a friend was about to come to try to persuade them to fight.

It's a pity that one of them is now an NPC transformed from a dungeon, and the other has become a demon.

"Seven years," the devil said with a trembling voice, "I have been thinking about revenge for you for seven years. In your opinion, this is also childish? I have been looking for the truth for so long. Do you know what Yin Li told me? Is it? He said that you are weak, that you deserve it, and that this is how the world works, and there is no reason. So I will definitely let him die in a world that operates according to his will, isn't it the law of the jungle? I will be stronger than him Strong."

"You were taken away by him," Mu Cheng said, "This world never works like that." "

Then why did you die?" Jin Qingyue pressed.

Mu Cheng was speechless for a moment.

[Barrage: Soul torture, I shouldn't appear in this perspective. ]

[Bullet screen: This question is too difficult to answer. There is one thing to say, Jin Shen is indeed a bit childish in this scene, but I can understand him. He is in too much pain. If you want to say that this world is not a world where the weak are prey to the strong, then why would a good person like Brother Cheng die? Why do people like Yin Li live well? ]

[Bullet screen: You can't ask why, but what you want to do. If we were all braver, people like Yin Li would not live long. 】

【Barrage: As for what they are discussing now, it is their private matter, so let's not analyze it, let's cut the angle and show them some respect. 】

The viewers of the live broadcast who were originally staying at Jin Qingyue's perspective turned their perspectives back to Lin Ke, and the safe house became quieter due to the loss of many bystanders.

Mu Cheng knew that letting Jin Qingyue leave the safe house would speed up his mental pollution.

But who can remain indifferent after seeing others go crazy because of themselves?

"If you don't die, or if you come back to life, as long as you say a word," Jin Qingyue showed a cruel smile, "I can go to Yin Li and kneel down to apologize, and then hug him and make friends. As long as you come back, But is that possible?"

Of course he couldn't do it, it would make him feel worse than death and humiliation, but he said so.

Mu Cheng couldn't even breathe.

Obviously knowing that the other party is childish irony, and obviously Mu Cheng himself is an extremely rational person until his death, but at this moment he is shaken.

"Let me go out, I'll help them." Jin Qingyue said again, he seemed to have calmed down.

It was this momentary illusion that made Mu Cheng move away slowly, watching Jin Qingyue walk out with a mirror on his shoulders.

He failed to analyze why Jin Qingyue didn't use any props to get rid of mental pollution, nor did he see the cunning under Jin Qingyue's cold expression.


[Bullet screen: I... Damn, why can Yin Li find it everywhere! ]

[Barrage: Help! ! ! 】

I saw Yin Li reappeared in a mirror like a cloud of black mist. With the ability to shuttle back and forth between fear and danger, he quickly found his destination.

Sure enough, as Lin Ke expected, he couldn't hold back anymore.

He originally thought that Lin Ke was robbed of his ring after being ridiculed by him like this, and he must be eager to get the disciplinary boss to help, or he was so worried and restless that he triggered the death point in the dungeon.

But Lin Ke is so calm, not only deduced the clearance conditions from his actions, and learned that the ghosts in the ancient house need to be removed before the mirror can be repaired, but also adopted a delay method to make himself so passive.

He obviously didn't do anything, but made him look like he was being played like a monkey.

It was the first time that Yin Li was so deflated, he hated a person so much that he gritted his teeth, and vowed to make Lin Ke's life worse than death.

The scene of the house gradually condensed and formed in front of my eyes, Yin Li reappeared from the mirror, still maintaining his dangerous and elegant figure, and his fangs smile.

The tail of the dress dragged across the frame, and the "rustling" sound alarmed Uncle Chen, who was staring at the bed.

"Don't worry." Seeing Uncle Chen's suddenly wary face, Yin Li said with a smile, "I didn't come to trouble you today... Well, I have something to do with your son." "You must want to ask why the
doorman The props didn't stop me, did they? Oh, I have to say a few more words on this point, you know, people who are obsessed with revenge are very scary," Yin Li slowly approached the bedside, "like a person who wants to A fisherman, he can't really hold the bait in his hand—"

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