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  [Barrage: Chasing Wife Crematorium hahaha, as expected of me, God Jin, the dungeon is so easy to understand! ]

[Barrage: Jin Shenren is good, it's too generous...]

"Of course, we must pay attention not to trigger the death point while solving the puzzle. The first batch of players will be eliminated tonight, everyone must be careful The elimination rules and elimination methods must be related to the roses at night, and the dungeon has given a reminder."

Because the sky is getting dark and time is urgent, all the players are heading to the east of the town while discussing the content of the dungeon.

As Jin Qingyue opened his mouth, many players also took the initiative to share their information. Jin Qingyue made a summary and analysis, and told everyone a few things to pay attention to, and told everyone that only two people can enter a room at most.

Ji Hong, who had been listening silently by the side, suddenly smiled coldly: "That's the end of the order? You're so stingy, don't you want to tell your conclusion about tonight's death point?"

Jin Qingyue paused: " ...There is no conclusion, and I don't want to mislead everyone's judgment because of my guess that is not necessarily correct."

[Bullet screen: Ji Hong is really the queen of the old war. ]

[Bullet screen: Jin Shen is very difficult. At this time, he must believe what he says. It really became "you can eat more food, but you can't talk nonsense". 】

【Barrage: Don't make people a myth, you really don't think he said a lot of useless things today? ]

Ji Hong laughed again: "That's it?"

At this time, the sky was almost completely dark, and a fragrant but palpitating fragrance of flowers filled the town.

The fragrance seems to have a substance, and the mist hits.

The players stopped in front of a group of small brick houses. Compared with other houses in the town, these small brick houses were obviously rough, like a bunch of copied and pasted models of the same style, with red sloping roofs and milky yellow walls.

Jin Qingyue stopped answering Ji Hong, and was about to enter one of them with Yu Sheng.

At this time, a man suddenly rushed up and grabbed his wheelchair, crying, "Jin Qingyue, Brother Jin, wait a minute, show me, can I, I can be saved like this?

" The trembling red rose male player, he was obviously afraid of exposing his situation, but at the last moment, fear of death prevailed, begging Jin Qingyue, and stretched out his hand to him.

I saw an obvious scar on his rough palm.

"I was scratched by the thorns on the rose, it didn't hurt or itch, but..." But I don't know if it will be a mark and become a must-death point.

"Countless." The dog-legged horse-faced man next to Ji Hong sneered, and then looked at the white mist that filled the air with an unfriendly expression, not planning to waste time, he dragged the fat man into a brick room first, and closed the door.

On the side, a little girl named Jin Mian wanted to drag Ji Hong into another room, but Ji Hong lightly told her to go in first.

Ji Hong still stared at Jin Qingyue, and carefully squeezed his left hand, as if trying to find the answer to his survival from him. God knows that she is also cursing in her heart. Annan said that if she acts alone, she will act alone. Without Annan, she can only rely on Jin Qingyue - and just now, her palm was also scratched.

I saw Jin Qingyue looked at the palm of the man very carefully, moved his lips, but still didn't say anything.

The white mist filled the air even more.

"It's okay, Big Brother Jin, I'll call you Big Brother, just say what you want, even if I made a wrong judgment and killed me, that's my own fault!" The man held the wheelchair and swore desperately, looking like he was going crazy from fright up.

Before Jin Qingyue could speak, Ji Hong gritted his teeth for a moment, and then showed a playful look: "You don't really think that Jin Shen is worried about harming you so you don't talk? I'm kind enough to remind you Let me remind you, he is hiding something." "Think about it, since he is so familiar with the background, he will definitely be able to save people at the beginning, why did you watch seven of you Red Rose die in vain?" Ji Hong explained. She smiled sweetly: "If you want to avenge Mu Cheng, you don't want to kill everyone, do you?"

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