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Taking care of the wounded and sick?

Lin Ke's mind froze for a moment.

Weng Tianwu beside him said: "This protection mechanism is not bad!"

Xin Chen said sadly, "But I was not injured." It was

too late, and saw that the first leader, Sang Shi, had already run to the train station building and the wasteland. At the junction, here's the last light.

The dim light was like a starting line, drawing long shadows on the ground. The moment Sang Shi stepped on the shadows, countless black shadows pulled out from the wasteland, howling like wolves.

Everyone's heart trembled.

"Go! Run! When they come, we'll be finished!" The thin and tall man's voice was hoarse, and with a few loud bangs, they opened the fire doors on both sides, and everyone rushed out.

Immediately, a rotten smell irritated everyone's noses with a strange fragrance.

In the dark night, a sense of panic spread like a tide. The players who were sitting together discussing the plot just now had a blank mind, and no one could care about them, and they were quickly dispersed.

All the rotting leaves on the ground turned into mud, making people slippery and unable to run fast. Seeing countless black shadows about to rush into the train station, Lin Ke sharply noticed that there was an abandoned exit of the underground parking lot of the train station in the middle of the wasteland, so he chose to evade first. 

They hurriedly turned against the crowd and entered the escalator leading to the underground. Several players who were slow to keep up with the large army and surrounded by zombies saw them running downstairs and followed them. 

Seven or eight people were panting and running wildly in the empty basement. The safety sign above the head crackled, and ghostly green shadows flickered in the corridor. Soon, the footsteps and roars of zombies sounded behind him.

    They ran very fast, far exceeding the zombies that everyone had encountered in Area C, and they came behind them almost in the blink of an eye. A more intense smell of rotting flesh filled the entire basement.

Weng Tianwu moved the fastest, ran into the garage first, turned around and dragged Lin Ke, Xin Chen and the little girl in, and was about to close the glass door.

"Wait for us!" A woman was panting, and the zombie behind her was a step away from her, and suddenly threw her down.

Several players took advantage of this time to also rush into the underground garage.

Weng Tianwu hesitated for a moment.

A zombie rushed over the woman who was thrown down. Out of the corner of her eye, the woman on the ground also twitched and raised her head. Her eyes were covered with a white film, showing a strange smile.

Weng Tianwu shuddered in his heart, and closed the door with a "bang", and the zombies who followed slammed into the glass door heavily, causing countless cracks in the glass door.

The three players who escaped screamed and ran out desperately, one of them looked back in horror.

The glass door was slammed violently, Weng Tianwu struggled against the door, his hands trembled, and for some reason he couldn't use his strength, Xin Chen also helped him, Lin Ke grabbed the iron chain from the side, and quickly locked the door—— It didn't help. It was estimated that the glass door was about to be smashed.

Only the little zombie girl showed no fear on her face, staring blankly at the zombies that kept hitting the glass door.

Time passed by like this, with only a "click".


Lin Ke grabbed the little girl, and the three of them turned around and ran away.

He ran two steps, remembered something, and looked back.

Weng Tianwu caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye and shouted: "It won't last long, I can't be rescued, run!"

Only their footsteps were heard in the silent underground garage, and their heartbeats were faster than their footsteps. Grinning monster. The more they ran, the more fear they felt, and when the fear reached its peak, with a roar, a zombie who had been lying in wait for a long time jumped out.

Xin Chen was the first to scream, subconsciously hiding behind Weng Tianwu.

Lin Ke was the first to greet him.

The zombie originally had a fierce look on its face, but when Lin Ke flashed in front of it, it brushed past him as if daring not to move, and then retreated a few steps with hands and feet.

Behind Lin Ke, Weng Tianwu, who was startled into a cold sweat, realized that this zombie was not as fast as those zombies just now, and was wearing work clothes—it seemed to be an employee of Yihua Company, and it wanted to take the opportunity to catch some people Head, but had to retreat because of the regulations that the injured and sick cannot be easily injured. The zombie took a few breaths, then turned and ran away.

At this time, the sound of glass being smashed came from the end of the passage.

The three of them looked at each other, without speaking, turned and ran away again...

[Bullet screen: Scared. ]

[Barrage: Come on! 】

【Barrage: Too nervous to type. 】

【Barrage: The zombies were chasing after them, they ran into the passage, but what to do, the ground has also fallen. 】

【Bullet screen: Why do you feel that the muscular brother is in a weird state? He was very agile, but is it because he is carrying a fat man on his back? 】

"How are you?" The footsteps of the zombies approached from behind, Lin Ke ran to the upward exit of the garage, turned his head and saw Xin Chen, then looked back, and saw Weng Tianwu panting against the wall and blinking desperately.

Weng Tianwu shook his head, seemed to regain some sense of consciousness, readjusted the position of the fat man on his back, and then strode up.

Lin Ke was a little worried, but the situation was urgent and he didn't have time to ask in detail, so the three of them walked out quietly from the garage exit in the dark.

From this position, the large trucks of Yihua Company can already be clearly seen, but within a short distance of less than seven or eight hundred meters, alienated zombies are everywhere on the wasteland. They catch players and staff, zombies and zombies, zombies and humans Fighting together, there were screams and roars everywhere, and the scene was like hell on earth.

What was even more frightening was that the strange plant that several people had seen before stretched its body like a snake, emitting a strange fragrance, entangled people like a rope, and cut everyone like a knife.

It would be fine if the ones that got cut were zombies, they were originally undead, and they could shake off the plants with a few howls, but the players would be seriously injured.

Sure enough, as Lin Ke expected, those plants were not ordinary.

Seeing that there were wolves in front and tigers in back, and there was no way out, Lin Ke whispered to Xin Chen, "Just take a gamble. These zombies will be controlled in a while, and then you can take Weng Tianwu to the truck, and you don't need special protection." Me."

Xin Chen was stunned: "Why?"

Lin Ke whispered: "Because they can't see me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the roaring zombies behind him rushed out from under the garage.

At the same time, Link also dragged the little girl into the wilderness, and the plants were immediately alarmed and attacked Link.

"Stop them!" Lin Ke ordered softly.

He had already thought of this way. The moment he opened his mouth, the skill effect was triggered.

[The Witch's Gratitude: Thank you for giving me a new heart, let us live together, we can share the witch's ability, and when attacked by plant monsters, we can manipulate monsters for a short time.

*Additional effect: Thank you for the two-person world you left us. When there are only three players or bosses present, you can choose to trigger the 180-second invisibility effect.

Cooldown: None. ]

I saw that the movements of the plants stopped in unison. Then, they jumped up and danced suddenly, attacking the zombies behind Xin Chen. Xin Chen was surprised at first, then followed Lin Ke's instructions, dragged Weng Tianwu and ran towards the truck.

Link also followed, biting the bullet and breaking into the crowd of zombies.

The feeling of breaking into the scene of a thriller is very uncomfortable. He bumped directly into the zombies covered in rotten flesh several times, scaring himself into a cold sweat. There were some players who couldn't stand up along the way, and he also threw them Rip it up.

Where Lin Ke passed by, the plants gave way one after another, and even swept away the terrifying zombies for him, and the staff wearing work clothes fishing in troubled waters did not hurt him, and the journey was surprisingly smooth.

Xin Chen, who was running ahead, was about to cry. When he jumped in front of the glowing truck, his face illuminated by the light was full of joy for the rest of his life—like seeing heaven.

Lin Ke was not so optimistic, because he saw that Weng Tianwu was about to fall, so he stepped forward and pushed them to the car.

Looking back, a few zombies and a few players stumbled out of the purgatory-like wasteland. They were staff members who also passed the test.

Yihua Company did not know what to do, within 20 meters from the truck, no crazy zombies approached.

At this moment, a hand grabbed Link's arm.

Lin Ke was startled and turned around suddenly, only to see Uncle Chen with a nervous face.

At this moment, Lin Ke was completely stunned: "You..."

"We'll talk about it later." Uncle Chen suppressed his voice, and with all his strength, he pulled Link into the truck, and then grabbed the little girl. The interior space of the truck compartment is huge, and medical kits and reagents of different colors are placed everywhere along the two walls of the compartment. Sang Shi was sitting in the corner, but Ji Hong, who was being carried by it, was nowhere to be seen.

Sang Shi seemed to sense something, and turned her head to Linke's direction.

Uncle Chen settled Lin Ke and the little girl next to Xin Chen, and then picked up the disgraced players and zombie staff in the car, and arranged seats for them one by one.

The players who managed to escape collapsed on their seats one after another, looking at each other, all silent in exhaustion.

Although it is safe here, they no longer have the strength to rejoice.

I only heard the iron door of the big truck compartment "rumbling" shut.

It's thirty minutes.

"Don't you wait for them?" Xin Chen wiped his face beside Lin Ke and asked in a hoarse voice. There were at least 30 players on the moving car just now, but now, only him, Lin Ke, Weng Tianwu and three other players appeared here, as well as a few zombie staff.

Due to company regulations, the staff did not attack them, but sat peacefully with the players.

"I can't wait, those who have been infected for more than 30 minutes cannot be rescued temporarily." Uncle Chen said again.

Only then did Lin Ke realize that Uncle Chen was wearing a white coat.

As soon as he was out of danger, he was filled with doubts again.

At this time, the isolation door on the other side of the truck compartment opened, and several zombies in white coats came out. They felt around for a moment, and then went straight to the fat man beside Weng Tianwu.

Weng Tianwu was about to act vigilantly, but he heard Chen Bo say: "It's okay. Let them take him away."

So Weng Tianwu stopped moving, watching the zombie medical staff carry the fat man into the compartment, and then took out some injections for the people in the compartment. Zombie staff injections.

Lin Ke also probed his head, but Uncle Chen pushed his head back: "Have a good rest!"

Lin Ke made a sad face. The escape just now still left him with lingering fears, and now the mysteries are one after another.

But in front of him, Uncle Chen was full of displeasure because he didn't take good care of himself at all. Lin Ke was a little timid: "I know. There is no medicine in this place. I have been running wildly since I entered the dungeon..." As he

spoke, his legs felt sore.

Chen Bo snorted coldly, and bent over to pinch Lin Ke's leg: "It's hard for you to live until now!"

At this moment, the truck made a loud noise and started to move forward.

Finally, at least at this moment, everyone far away from the zombie wasteland is completely safe.

The smell of disinfectant lingered on the tip of his nose, and Lin Ke suddenly felt a little drowsy, no, his body was a little limp.

He frowned and tried to squeeze his five fingers into a fist, but he couldn't do it.

He panicked, but Uncle Chen let go of his legs, got up and sat beside him, and said, "You are lucky, because your body temperature is high due to a cold, which actually slows down the speed of infection."

Chen Bo's words not only shocked Lin Ke, but even Weng Tianwu and the players who climbed up from behind were frightened.

"Are we all infected?" Xinchen asked dryly.

"Yes," Uncle Chen replied with a glance at him, "but it's not necessarily a zombie virus. As for what kind of virus it is, we'll have to test it to find out."

Xin Chen's face turned green.

Link took over the question: "Is the plant poisonous? What's the difference between the two batches of zombies?"

In the process of escaping for his life, he had already noticed that the strange aroma was very strange, and the zombies in the wasteland were obviously completely inhuman. Attack, not only attacking the player, but also attacking the zombies getting off the moving vehicle.

So he guessed that even zombies were divided into different species.

At least, the zombie workers from Area C who were sitting with them in the car at this moment were completely different from the group of rotting ghosts outside.

Uncle Chen was both appreciative and dissatisfied, he glanced at Ke Lin, and said with a cold face: "The reasoning is right."

Ke Ke: "..." He squeezed to the side to make room for Uncle Chen.

Uncle Chen sat down, and then he said to everyone: "The whole environment is poisonous. Here, ordinary people stay outdoors for more than 30 minutes, their bodies will become limp and unable to move, and then they will be attacked by zombies. The concentration of toxins in the building is lower. , can make you last longer, you must not have stayed outdoors for 30 minutes, have you?" When

Uncle Chen said this, everyone suddenly realized that they all ran out of the underground garage, and they hadn't spent enough time outdoors. Less than ten minutes.

Lin Ke asked: "Is there any preventive method?"

Uncle Chen shook his head and said: "No."

Everyone was in an uproar.

Uncle Chen glanced back at the closed isolation door, and said: "I just entered this dungeon, and I am an employee of this company. I have been staying in the company's experimental vehicle and doing experiments for them. They will take the things you see Crazy zombies are captured, and their five senses are weakened with drugs, especially the visual part, and then they are sent to area B. Area B is most likely the base camp for their transformation of zombies." Speaking of this, Lin

Ke Thinking of something, he took out his cell phone from his backpack.

Sure enough, as before, there was still no news about Area B on the Internet. Lin Ke originally thought that Area B was a bit strange, but now it seems that Area B is a secret experimental area, and no one lives at all.

"Then the transformed zombies will live in Area C." Lin Ke murmured, the thoughts in his mind became clearer and clearer.

"Where is Area C?" Uncle Chen asked in a daze.

Thinking that Chen Bo has been assisting in the experiment in the car since he entered the dungeon, several people hurriedly introduced the clues they knew again.

[Bullet screen: It turned out to be a copy of the map combined with clues. 】

【Bullet screen: It's too difficult. Everyone can only see a part of the world. The only hope of clearing the level is to try to survive until you meet other people. ]

[Bullet screen: How strong is this willpower, I wouldn't be able to hold on to a few maps instead... Come on everyone! ]

Sure enough, under the comprehensive science popularization by Lin Ke, Weng Tianwu and others, Uncle Chen knew that there are cities where zombies live in this world.

He frowned and thought for a while, then clapped his hands and said, "So that's what happened!" "

Then our next job is to catch these mutated zombies, right?" Lin Ke said thoughtfully.

"Wait, what do you understand, why are you going to catch zombies?" Weng Tianwu interrupted.

Uncle Chen glanced at Lin Ke and signaled to him, "You can start showing off now."

Lin Ke: "..."

He explained to several people in a low voice: "The setting of this world is basically clear. Area C is the living area of ​​zombies, but those zombies used to be humans. Now the area F we see is the ruined city where humans lived. Here All plants and animals are mutated, and humans are also infected soon..."

"I understand!" Xin Chen raised his head and said excitedly, "This is a doomsday disaster movie. Viruses raged, infecting land, rivers, animals and plants, and humans. Therefore, it became a zombie. Yihua Company found a way to reduce the aggressiveness of zombies and restore the humanity of zombies. That's why they created Zombie Living Area C!" Xin Chen said, and the faces of the remaining players were also stunned

. Empowerment expression.

That makes sense. The zombies outside are virus-infected and completely inhuman zombies. The zombies they saw in Area C—that is, the zombie staff who are sitting with them in the car now—are under the action of medicine. Under the zombies who can restrain part of the desire to kill.

Lin Ke nodded slightly, but glanced at Sang Shi who had been silent all the time from the corner of his eye.

The road outside was bumpy, and Sang Shi swayed back and forth with the undulating carriage. At this time, it seemed that he didn't hear their words, with a blank expression on his face. As a zombie with full human consciousness, it is probably the "person" who knows the most information in the entire doomsday world.

Sang Shi's performance made Link feel that this was still not the correct answer.

But for a while, he couldn't make other guesses, so he could only follow Xin Chen's way: "Yes, in order to make the whole world safer, Yihua Company sent employees to catch these terrible zombies." "Understood, understood.

" Alright," Xin Chen repeatedly said in understanding, "It seems that this is our next task. But these zombies are too aggressive, how can we catch them?" "At that time, we will distribute this reagent to you." As Chen Bo said, he took out a bright green test tube from the side of the carriage, "Injecting this reagent into the veins on the arms of the zombies can make them temporarily incapacitated for about three to five hours. Just send them to the experimental vehicle." Easier said than done.

Zombies will not obediently stretch out their hands to inject people with medicine!

Thinking of that scene, the faces of several people turned black.

But it's useless to be afraid. The dungeon will never reduce its difficulty because of the player's fear and shrinking. On the contrary, it will only punish the cowardly and reward the brave.

The speed of the big truck slowed down significantly, and then slowly stopped.

Uncle Chen glanced worriedly at Ke Lin, who felt the gaze and immediately said, "I'm fine."

His voice fell silent, and the left, right, and rear walls of the entire carriage were opened, exposing the staff directly to the night.

A cold electronic sound sounded.

"Everyone, the tranquilizer you inhaled in the carriage can guarantee that you will not be infected for 72 hours. Please capture a hundred zombies within the effective time." "Three days, one hundred?"

Xin Chen was shocked.

[Barrage: One hundred? ? ]

Lin Ke was also shocked.

But the reason for his shock was different from everyone else - he saw the world in front of him clearly.

What was unfolding in front of everyone at this time was a devastated, dilapidated, lifeless city, with terrifying roars resounding everywhere.

This city is exactly the same as the central city that once belonged to them.

Setting up the map like this seems to be the main god playing a joke on them, showing a city that was destroyed by the players in this form again in front of the players.

The rest of the people also noticed this, and walked to Lin Ke's side one after another, watching silently and blankly.

[Barrage: This city... is it? 】

【Barrage: Is it our city? ! 】

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-08-14 16:55:03~2021-08-15 19:45:55~

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 7 bottles of soft kissing father; 5 bottles of um; 3 bottles of Hexiu;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

I send warmth to the boss in the horror world [Unlimited]Where stories live. Discover now