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   Lin Ke really thought about it, but he couldn't imagine that a majestic main god would pretend to be sick.

This incident shocked him so much that he was stuck by Lu Zhou for another forty or fifty seconds before he reacted and pushed the person on him: "Get up, you are sober at all!" "It

seems You're awake too." The person on the body smiled lowly, then got up, his eyes were shining with gold, and he looked at him with burning eyes.

Sure enough, he didn't look crazy at all.

Lin Ke: "..."

Looking into these eyes, he was speechless for a moment, but the logic in his brain was still running - since Lu Zhou said, "It seems that you are awake too", then Lu Zhou was actually helping he?

Let him recover by raising his body temperature?

Obviously the other party had let go of him, but Lin Ke felt that his whole body was burning, and the hottest part was his face.

Wait a minute, this is not normal, what's going on?

"What's going on?" He stumbled to his feet, straightened the clothes with both hands, his mind was blank, and asked dryly.

Lu Zhou in front of him had pale skin and was still wearing the formal attire that belonged to Mr. Yihua. If it wasn't for the clothes that were a little messy due to the hug just now, it would have been as if he had just returned from a meeting.

"Because I'm a little uncomfortable, so I came to you." Lu Zhou straightened his collar with one hand, lowered his jaw slightly, and lowered his eyes in satisfaction. "Of course, there are still some important things that I need to discuss with you." He suddenly

changed With a serious face, he easily changed the topic, neither did he say the reason for his discomfort, nor did he say whether he was sober or not just now.

If it were someone else, Lin Ke would definitely expose it with a single mouth.

But facing the person in front of him, for some reason, he himself felt a little guilty, so he just followed Lu Zhou's words and asked, "Is this world about to fail?" "

Then you underestimate me too much," Lu Zhou said with a smile , "It's about the final pass."

"The final level?" Hearing these three words, Lin Ke also became slightly serious.

Although it is too early to mention the final level before the doomsday dungeon is cleared, Lin Ke always remembers what Huo Jianan said to him earlier - Lu Zhou once asked him to enter the final level alone.

He has always had doubts about this point, and when Lu Zhou mentioned it, it naturally made him care.

"Yes," Lu Zhou paid attention to Lin Ke's expression, "I have thought about it for a long time, and I think the customs is very dangerous in the end. If the customs clearance method is wrong, the world can hold on, but you and your friends may not be able to stay. "

This sentence is very euphemistic, meaning that he is definitely fine as the main god, and the world will definitely not end, but it is difficult to say for players, npcs and bosses.

If the customs clearance method is wrong, it is likely to cause an explosion to the main god world and then reorganize.

Now, Linke's expression was completely solemn. He completely forgot about his upset just now, frowned and said seriously: "What can I do? Huo Jianan told me before, let me go in alone, is that true?

" When my mental power was most turbulent, it was you who helped me regain my consciousness."

"Does it have anything to do with this?" Linke didn't want to understand the reason.

Lu Zhou said: "I am the main god."

Lin Ke was stunned: "I know."

"In the vast space and time, there are many main gods. They are too powerful, and they usually don't have sympathy for everything." Lu Zhou said again.

Lin Ke understood: "You mean, as the main god, even if you set up some final checkpoints, it must be malicious and very dangerous." "It's not

me, it's them." Lu Zhou corrected.

Lin Ke: "..."

All right.

But Lu Zhou paused, and then said: "Or, it was me."

Linke was dumbfounded by this "sincerity": "You mean, the boss in the final pass is yourself, the former you. If you followed your past temperament, we would be wiped out as soon as we entered. But because I and You have a close connection, if I go in alone, maybe you can wake up from the memory of the 'used you', recognize me, think of me, and then show mercy and let us go, is that right?" Lu

Zhou He coughed unnaturally, as if he was trying to draw a line between his present self and his past brutal self, and said coldly, "That's right, he is a cold and ruthless person." Hearing this, Linke was inexplicably a

little Want to laugh: "Then in case you don't recognize me, I will be the first to be wiped out." "

No, there is no such possibility." Lu Zhou frowned and retorted, "That's why I'm looking for you now."

Lin Ke couldn't help but want to provoke him: "How is it impossible? You usually don't recognize me when you're crazy." "

Yes." Lu Zhou looked into Lin Ke's eyes and said seriously. Cynical as he is, no living creature can remain untouched when he speaks with such an air.

Link's smile froze on his face.

It was a very strange feeling again.

"I will never lose control in front of other people." Lu Zhou took a step closer to Lin Ke, looked down at him and said, "You always underestimate a main god." This is a strong sense of

oppression , Lin Ke retreated subconsciously, but his back was stuck to the cold mirror. Before he could tremble, Lu Zhou had already stretched out his hand to bring him up.

"Yes, if I can recognize you, what else can I discuss with you?" Link tied his tongue.

Sure enough, the Lord God stopped talking.

Just when Lin Ke thought he had offended the other party, he heard Lu Zhou say slowly: "So I want to ask your opinion to make this matter more secure." Link looked at him suspiciously


"We can achieve our goal by deepening our memory of each other, Lin Ke," Lu Zhou said still looking at him, "for example, doing something that will impress us and never done before, which will help us in the final stage. Let me recover my memory faster."

Lu Zhou's words were too formal and sanctimonious, and Lin Ke was too clueless about certain things, so he really didn't react. 

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