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The disciplinary boss suddenly appeared, and everyone present was stunned.

Link's reaction was the biggest, his head turned away with a "crack", and he became a real zombie in shock.

Then Link realized that he had overreacted, and turned his head back stiffly.

—but it was too late.

Everyone was looking at him with the eyes of "Why are you joining forces with the punishment boss again?" Among them, Jin Qingyue's expression was particularly seeing through, he hesitated to speak, and he wanted to speak again.

Even Weng Tianwu, who had been looking worried just now, showed a thoughtful expression.

Link recalled his hesitation when faced with the question of "who did you hug" just now, and suddenly felt indisputable.

"That's it." Lin Ke had no choice but to bite the bullet and say that he couldn't justify it without speaking.

"Understood." Jin Qingyue answered.

Lin Ke: "..."

What do you understand!

He suppressed the madness in his heart, and looked at the man who was standing at the door with his usual expression on his face.

The boss of Zombie King nodded slightly again: "All the staff of Yihua Company are ready to go to Zone E to prepare for the annual meeting. We have prepared separate vehicles for all outstanding employees, and we are about to leave. Please gather downstairs in ten minutes."

If In a normal dungeon, this passage will undoubtedly be regarded as the standard prompt language for npcs, but at this moment, Lu Zhou is standing there in a well-dressed manner, exuding a compelling aura, and a few words almost speak to the players present Both the boss and the boss are out of breath—if you look carefully, you will find that the tall magician wearing a cloak is leaning forward slightly at this moment, looking down as if paying respect. In this terrifying and subtle atmosphere, all the players who can think have only one thought in their minds: Why does this kind of collection of information require the company boss, no, the punishment boss to be present and inform in person?

Everyone vaguely felt that something was wrong, but no one dared to ask, and no one dared to answer.

"Okay, we got it." In the end, Lin Ke answered again with a tense corner of his mouth, "Is there anything special about this year?"

He dared to ask, and the boss of Zombie King really dared to answer.

I only heard the boss say: "This is the last carnival annual meeting."

His accent fell on the word "last", and after he finished speaking, the scene fell into a dead silence.

Link had no choice but to ask again: "What does this mean?"

The Zombie King glanced at him, paused and said, "We will relive our past lives in a city that originally belonged to humans, and then end all suffering there. Happy to start again. This is a celebration full of hope."

This sentence is really meaningful, and the players present have interpreted different meanings, and their expressions are varied.

But no one asked questions, or their worried or puzzled eyes were still focused on Lin Ke. Everyone seemed to subconsciously feel that if Link asked the question, they would be able to get the most correct answer.

Feeling these gazes, Lin Ke immediately felt like sitting on pins and needles.

At this time, Lu Zhou's teasing eyes nodded on Lin Ke: Just when Lin Ke thought about it, for fear that he was about to say something shocking again, this person suddenly seemed to be enlightened, and he was no longer embarrassing. Instead, he nodded and said: "That's it, please don't forget the meeting time. If you have any questions, just ask me at any time." After speaking,

he glanced at Lin Ke again, turned and left politely.

The Zombie Emperor had long legs, a strong waist, and strong strides. After a while, he disappeared in front of everyone.

The punishing boss came and went like the wind, which caught people off guard, and the scene was silent for a while.

"That was the disciplinary boss just now?" After a while, Huo Jianan spoke slowly in disbelief, "What is the last carnival annual meeting?"

"That's right, it is indeed punishing the boss." Jin Qingyue looked at Lin Ke, and passed the topic of "punishing the boss" for him, "The word 'last' has a deep meaning, so it seems that Area C is about to fall Yes, the story of the world is still moving forward, maybe the terminator is set at the annual meeting."

"It won't end," Lin Ke subconsciously said, "judging from the current information, this world should not be overwhelmed by We will pass the level or we will end without clearing the level."

The speaker was unintentional, but Jin Qingyue, as the listener, was stunned for a moment, and said: "If this is the case, it would be good."

His mood is quite complicated. Jin Qingyue has no sense of belonging to any dungeon for a player who regards npc simply as a source of information, but when he gets the mirror that can occasionally summon Mu Cheng, he expects more and more that npc has real thinking and life. More and more expect everything in the copy to be real.

Just after Lin Ke, who became a zombie, said these words, he felt an inexplicable excitement in his heart, thinking that this might be true.

They and them have the same life - then Mu Cheng is really alive, not a phantom.

If you think about it from this direction, they are not clearing the level, they are just working together to make this world more suitable for survival, which is also in line with the direction of the main god's world.

"If this is the case," Ye Shi crossed his arms and said, "How can we avoid the end of the annual meeting? Just now Linke said that through the dual effects of medicine and body temperature, human beings can recover their minds in the process of transforming into zombies. This Is it feasible?" As soon as these words were uttered, several frustrated players cheered up again.

Yes, it's not over yet, and there's still hope. The CEO of Yihua Company has said that this is a celebration full of hope.

"It's feasible, but you must first contact Sang Shi to confirm. Before leaving, fully charge the equipment that can be used for communication." Linke's words gave everyone more practical hope.

Without further ado, there will be a gathering in ten minutes, and the players will immediately split up, tidy up the scene, and take away usable items.

After some fuss, several male players picked up Weng Tianwu, Lin Ke and Chen Bo took charge of the little zombie girl and the female zombie respectively—this time, Uncle Chen refused to let Lin Ke carry the female zombie on his back no matter what. They all went downstairs again.

Lin Ke walked at the end of the line and looked towards the door.

I saw a rather luxurious bus parked at the gate on the first floor of Yihua Company. On the silver-gray body, the double diamond-shaped logo of Yihua Company is like spreading wings.

In the cab, an impatient zombie driver was tapping his fingers on the steering wheel desperately. When he saw them coming out, he let out a "wow".

There is no one else but the driver.

Link heaved a sigh of relief, followed the team out of the gate, but couldn't help but look back at the towering office building behind him.

The zombie driver in front of him was still cursing in dissatisfaction, the little zombie girl on Linke's back had regained some consciousness, raised her head and said a few words weakly, the driver turned his head in astonishment when he heard the voice, and then seemed to feel pity for the little girl In general, no more cursing.

So everyone boarded the car smoothly.

After the bus drove out of the gate of Yihua Company, all the people saw the current situation of Area C clearly through the bus window.

On the street, the zombie residents who came and went have long disappeared, overturned vehicles and trash cans are everywhere, several storefronts have been smashed, shelves in convenience stores have been dumped, and colorful plastic bags are scattered all over the place. No one picked it up all over the place.

The ambulance that used to be ubiquitous was also gone. When the bus drove past the hospital quickly, several people saw that the gate of the hospital was smashed, the ground was full of stains, and there were several torn white coats.

This scene is really shocking.

"The so-called annual meeting to end pain, shouldn't it end all lives?" Some players couldn't help repeating the old saying and asked cautiously.

"No, we have entered the full protection stage, and we cannot die." Jin Qingyue answered him calmly.

If you can't die, that's another possibility.

The reason why they are in pain now is because they want to maintain their sanity as humans, but if they forget everything about being humans and become a group of zombies who know nothing, live forever, and cause trouble everywhere, there will be no pain at all. .

"Don't scare yourself," Lin Ke said when the car suddenly fell silent, "I have lost contact with Sang."... The bus


Yihua Company crossed the unattended expressway toll booth and drove at high speed with.

Along the way, countless medical cars and police cars are chasing the zombies who are driving frantically and fleeing.

The residents of Area C instinctively realized that they were about to be captured, and they fled collectively by car.

Chaos on the highway.

It was getting dark.

After passing through several extremely chaotic road sections, the bus of Yihua Company finally passed through a dense forest. From a distance, the lights of the experimental building could be vaguely seen in the darkness.

Lin Ke withdrew his gaze and looked at the phone screen in his hand again.

He was talking to the only sane staff member in the lab building, so he knew what was going on in that building right now.

Sang Shi told Lin Ke that all the control systems in the experimental building had been damaged, but fortunately the zombies just released from the ice storage were not strong enough to move, so it temporarily controlled them in several connected rooms.

But the strange thing is that most of the zombies are still in a lukewarm state, but there are hundreds of them fighting each other before they even recover their strength.

Lin Ke guessed that this group of people who were so discordant and would be beaten if they died were most likely Yin Li's group of zombies, but he didn't tell Sang Shi in detail, he just asked him to pay more attention.

While thanking Lin Ke for his kindness, Sang Shi spent more than an hour looking through the materials according to the clues provided by Lin Ke for painful rehabilitation. Finally, he remembered the key to this reagent, and told Lin Ke a matter that Lin Ke felt very regretful about. Answer.

[Sang Shi: The temperature condition, I tried it a long time ago, but unfortunately, I don't think the temperature is directly related to whether the reagent takes effect. ]

Lin Ke gently put down his phone, let out a sigh of relief, and didn't share the news with others for the time being.

In the doomsday atmosphere, everyone's nerves are sensitive and fragile. A little hope can make people excited, and a little disappointment can create despair.

He still has to think about ways to keep people rational...

"Brother Weng!" At this moment, Su Xue's small and anxious voice sounded.

"What's wrong?" Several people stood up.

"Brother Weng seems to be unable to breathe." Su Xue had been sitting next to Weng Tianwu, breathing deeply at this moment, as if she wanted to breathe for the person in front of her.

Lin Ke stood up abruptly, looking over several seats, he saw Weng Tianwu's face was flushed, he seemed completely out of breath, and his chest heaved very little.

This symptom is very similar to severe muscle weakness, and if this continues, he will die because he cannot breathe.

"Give him the reagent injection." In the silence, Jin Qingyue said calmly, "There is no other way to save his life now." No one dared to answer

this sentence. If you inject the reagent to Weng Tianwu, you will be lucky. Weng Tianwu can still have consciousness, if he is unlucky, he will become a crazy zombie.

There is only so much space on the bus, and Weng Tianwu is the most physically strong among the players, so you can tell how dangerous it will be by moving your toes.

That is to say, this group of extremely centripetal players all have some abilities and are old acquaintances with each other. In addition, there are backbones such as Lin Ke and Jin Qingyue, so they can reluctantly come up with the plan of "injecting reagents". Switching to other players would have already left Weng Tianwu to fend for himself-not to say that he is so cruel, but from the perspective of the overall situation and safety, he can only choose that way.

This is also the survival rule of all doomsday zombie worlds, either choose cruelty or choose danger.

After another moment of silence, Weng Tianwu's eyeballs moved, his breathing became weaker, and even his eyes dimmed.

However, there was no resentment in his eyes, but encouragement instead.

Liu Meng was standing beside Weng Tianwu, her eyes turned red all of a sudden. She turned her head and couldn't bear to look any more.

"Let's make a decision. Is it safe to use the method of raising body temperature?" Jin Qingyue asked again.

"No." Lin Ke walked up to Weng Tianwu and leaned over to look into Weng Tianwu's pupils, "But we don't have to make him come back to his senses right now. Humans in this world have tried hundreds of times to come to this conclusion. Thousands of times, tens of millions of times, we have no reason to expect ourselves to be 100%."

​​When Lin Ke said "no", everyone's face flashed a trace of sadness, but after Lin Ke finished speaking, After that, they all congealed their expressions.

"It's too dangerous." Jin Qingyue commented, but did not object.

"If that's really what we want," Ye Shi said, "We can first cover Brother Weng with a white silk screen." "I

think it's feasible, let's try." Huo Jianan also said, "Is anyone afraid?"

"I'm not. "Liu Meng said.

Although the remaining players were a little apprehensive, they also expressed that they were not afraid: "It's okay, anyway, you can't tell, everyone will become like this sooner or later? Well, it's better to live than die... Is it sooner or later?" It doesn't matter if you become a zombie or later. Hmm! It doesn't matter."

"Yeah, and if I become like this, I'd rather you tie me up and become a zombie, really "

"Oh, it's a big deal for everyone to change together."

Mingming became more and more frightened as he spoke, every word seemed to comfort himself, but they were still stubborn.

"Indeed, change is the most wonderful thing in this world, don't be afraid of it." Even the magician sitting in the corner spoke.

Weng Tianwu, who couldn't move all over his body, forced a smile from the corner of his mouth.

He tried to remember the figure of everyone present with his blind eyes, hoping that even if he died, he would not hurt them.

Then he felt a pain in the inside of his forearm.

It was the people who held his body and injected the reagent into his veins.

A huge net covered Weng Tianwu, and the four corners were firmly fixed on the bus seat.

Nearly ten pairs of eyes were fixed on the trembling Weng Tianwu inside the giant net.

I saw him trembling all over at first, then his eyeballs were quickly covered with a white film, and his teeth were chattering unceasingly. Then, he made another sound like a bellows being pulled, and his chest began to rise and fall at an abnormal height, as if his whole body was about to explode.

Suddenly, his upper body jumped up violently, and he let out a roar with a ferocious expression.

The appearance was so terrifying that several people screamed in fright, stepped back a few steps, and almost tripped in the bus.

Lin Ke, who had been watching vigilantly from the side, stepped forward again, and stretched out his hand to block the people behind him: "I can hold him down, you step back a little first."

After turning into a zombie, Linke's own physical strength also far surpassed before , he tried to press Weng Tianwu's shoulders, but it didn't work at all, because Weng Tianwu's strength was too great.

Weng Tianwu's eyeballs moved wildly, his head turned 180 degrees, and he let out a painful roar. He tried his best to restrain himself, and the veins spread to the base of his neck, but he still opened his mouth and bit Link's arm.

This scene is not only scary to watch, but also uncomfortable and hopeless. The players in the back row tremble unconsciously.

Weng Tianwu roared again, tore through the net with his right hand, stretched out, and grabbed Jin Qingyue.

Jin Qingyue fixed his eyes, dodged to dodge, and shouted: "Lin Ke! Dodge first!"

But Lin Ke still stood motionless, staring at Weng Tianwu who was struggling in the net.

Seeing his former partner become like this, and because Weng Tianwu's roar touched a certain language system that existed after his alienation, Lin Ke, who is also a zombie, was emotionally infected, feeling his chest tightness, panic, and breathlessness Come on, even get a little restless.

How to do? What if Weng Tianwu completely turned into a zombie?

What if everyone turns into zombies on the bus if they don't control it well?

Think again, he forced himself to say, think again, how did you do it then?

In his memory, he crashed into that hot hug again, his whole body seemed to be on fire, and the man's low voice seemed to ring in his ears, his mind was in a mess, he couldn't think of any clues, but Inexplicably feel very at ease.

More than ten, it was a very reassuring feeling—Lin Ke never knew that certain events and feelings can be more intense when recalled than when they actually happened.

When he was extremely afraid that he would lose his mind, turn into a zombie, and even push his relatives away because of this, someone completely accepted him.

This made him believe that no matter what he became, the other party would tolerate him. This feeling gave Lin Ke great strength at this moment.

Yes, that is the main god, there is nothing he cannot tolerate.

This S-level dungeon once opened the "full protection stage", which is the promise of the main god to everyone. No matter what they become, they can survive here and have a place here.

What is there to be afraid of?

Lin Ke's anxious eyes gradually calmed down, as if a fire was burning in them.

He stretched out his hand to Weng Tianwu.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me as the overlord or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-08-26 20:55:07~2021-08-27 20:52:48~Thanks to the little angels who voted for mines Little Angel: walk away with shame;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Lin Kecai is really stunning; 5 bottles of Dazed Dog Dazed; 1 bottle of Shuben Yanyou; thank you very much

for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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