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   [Barrage: Help, my nosebleed! ! 】

【Barrage: The little brother thought he was wrong, but the bishop said that the world was wrong. Am I translating correctly, sisters. 】

【Barrage: So handsome, too handsome, husband woooooooooooooo! ]

[Bullet screen: You don't want □□oss, can you? The bishop is mine! ! ! 】

【Barrage: Wake up, you don't know who the bishop is? ]

Lin Ke didn't expect that he could pass, let alone pass in this way. He stared at the bishop in a daze and disbelief.

For some reason, this expression seemed to make the person in front of him happy, but seeing the bishop raised his brows slightly, he asked him, "Aren't you coming in?


He took a deep breath, his face was a little hot, he felt dazed, raised his hand to brush his hair, and went to the church as soon as he lowered his head.

At this point, everyone had finished their confession, and the bishop turned around after him. The main entrance of the church was slammed shut, cutting off all the noisy sounds outside, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Compared with the daytime, the church at night is more heavy with heavy shadows, and the complicated patterns add a touch of mystery here.

Yu Sheng, Yang Yue, and Mr. Blind were all standing in the middle of the church, anxiously waiting for the bishop's arrival.

Seeing Lin Ke coming in, Yang Yue waved to him lightly, and whispered, "You are coming too."

Lin Ke nodded, but turned to Mr. Blind.

Mr. Blind was holding the chair with one hand, his back was straight, his lips were tightly pressed, and his blind eyes were staring straight at the direction of the bishop.

Link calmed down a bit, thinking about what he was going to say next—he didn't intend to let Mr. Blind really die because of this. If Mr. Blind used his life to save the witch, would the witch accept it? If one crazy blind gentleman is missing, there will inevitably be another crazy witch in this town, and he will have to continue to clean up the mess in the end.

He never does things that only solve superficial problems.

"I thought about it just now," Lin Ke said before the bishop approached the few people and before he spoke, "Since we are all recognized and forgiven by the bishop, in theory, we can also be with the bishop. Mr. Blind made this rose together, isn't the purpose of our coming to Rose Town just to bring it back to spring?"

Linke said tactfully, but the rest of them understood everything.

What Link meant was that helping Mr. Blind to make this rose is the correct clearance condition for this town.

Unexpectedly, she really had a chance to clear the level. Yang Yue's eyes lit up, her face excited, and Yu Sheng's eyes also flashed surprise, but it quickly turned into worry—she was worried about Jin Qingyue who was still outside, although Jin Qingyue had been There is no need for her to worry, but right now she still hopes that Jin Qingyue can pass the level with a few people.

"You mean," Yang Yue said with a suppressed voice, "let us also accept the blessing, and then donate a little, um, heart and soul, and it will be... right?" Lin Ke nodded


"What about the bishop?" Yang Yue was a little worried, "Will the bishop agree?"

Before she finished speaking, she stared blankly behind Lin Ke.

Lin Ke only heard a deep voice behind him saying: "Yes."

[Bullet screen: That's it! It turns out that this is the meaning of giving Mr. Blind what he needs, ahhh, will I have a chance to see a happy ending again? ]

[Bullet screen: When everyone is thinking about living, the little brother is still thinking about how to pass the level hahahaha! ]

[Bullet screen: Ahhh, I regret that I didn't go in with my little brother, how happy to have such a contemporaneity...] [Bullet screen:

I'm different from you, I just want to ask——]

[Bullet screen :——Is someone surnamed Y still watching? Do you feel that others are stronger than you? ]


Yin Li is watching.

The gloomy anger on his face has almost turned into reality, and he even clicked on the terminal to enter the dusty dungeon selection interface for a long time.

The selection interface is still blood red, which means that no one has cleared the level.

"They're all trash," Yin Li said to himself in a cold voice, "Without me, everyone is trash. It's a shame to be played around by this world and a group of bosses." He paused, then turned his

head Go: "However, this Lin Ke is still interesting, isn't he?"

Beside him, a man who served him tea and water had already changed, and he trembled when he heard the words, unable to figure out Yin Li's attitude, and didn't know how to answer.

Yin Li smiled, and replied: "Ji Hong is useless, I already knew that, An Nan is not bad, but he was put on by this kid." The man replied: "You are right."


Li Glancing at it, I felt bored immediately, and waved my hand to make people go away.

I really can't figure it out, why are all the people under him turned into trash, also, do they follow me with any props? It was very easy to pass the customs, and it was naturally abandoned.

Putting this kind of waste in, and then being crushed by Lin Ke with a mysterious prop, wouldn't it be another slap in the face?

But that prop...

Yin Li quietly stared at the young man's left hand on the screen. After looking at it for a long time, he still couldn't analyze all its functions. However, the existing information is enough for him to give these ignorant people a little Surprised.

As he thought about it, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again. The corner of his eyes swept across a row of deadlocked A-level dungeons, and he raised his hand to send out a barrage.

[Yin Li: Four mirrors. ]


[ Bullet screen: Damn it, a copy of the four-sided mirror! Is this a gauntlet? 】

【Barrage: Qiantiao, why are you so provocative! Aren't you cheating little brother...]

[Bullet screen: I just watched it. It's an infinite-time A-level book. The stalemate has been almost five months. The players in it must have been driven crazy...] [Bullet screen: Let him come, no one is afraid of

anyone! I also want to join this little brother! 】

The terminal bracelet vibrated again, and Lin Ke, whose idea was being approved by the bishop, looked down and saw that the number of viewers in the live broadcast had soared again.

On the side, the bishop is raising his left hand, placing it on Mr. Blind's left shoulder, and is about to start blessing.

Feeling vaguely that something was wrong, Lin Ke frowned, and before he had time to analyze the reason, there was a bang in his ear.

Following Yang Yue's scream, the church shook suddenly, and flying sand and stone chips fell from the top of the head.

Everyone was so shocked that they couldn't stand still. Yang Yue pulled Yu Sheng to the side and looked up in horror: "My god, what is this? The witch broke out, is she going to attack?" No,

no The witch broke out, but the bishop became weak.

Linke, who had been paying attention to the bishop, suddenly jumped away, dodged a pebble, and looked at the bishop again. There are more and more bright red parts on the bishop's body, which have spread to his left shoulder and cuff. And the bishop's state became more and more strange as the color of his robe changed.

It seemed to be getting harder and harder for him to keep his cool.

From the perspective of the dungeon mechanism, the bishop was originally the shadow of the witch. He and the witch have two sides, and they have the ability to restrain people and protect the town. Since Linke's rose was taken away by the bishop, the bishop seemed to be influenced by the red rose and the awakening witch, and possessed another kind of power-the calm side was less and less.

It's like a completely closed person is opening himself up, and the transformation of abilities also brings damage to the original power system.

This may be an adjustment made by the main god/body under the wish of the witch. Instead of becoming a cold-hearted bishop and freezing the whole town, it is better to become a bishop who can understand other people's emotions and be able to be at peace with the wind. The bishop who talks to flowers brings new hope to the town while protecting the witch and Mr. Blind.

There was another loud bang.

The beams of the church fell, the brick walls shattered, and the multicolored glass shattered into thousands of pieces like a rain curtain.

The church has collapsed!

Yang Yue's gaze was fixed, she grabbed Yu Sheng's hand and rushed out, Lin Ke didn't give in, stretched out both left and right hands, grabbed Mr. Blind with his right hand, and stretched out his left hand towards the bishop - he saw clearly that the bishop was in a bad mood, Immediately want to use props.

Unexpectedly, before he touched anyone on his side, a very powerful arm had already wrapped around his waist, and then Link felt his eyes blur and flew up.

Numerous building wreckage passed by, and when Link came back to his senses, both he and Mr. Blind had been brought to the door of the church.

He raised his head, met a pair of heavy eyes, and then relaxed his body.

After the bishop put Link down, he raised his hands and raised a barrier again.

Lin Ke panted carefully, and glanced around, only to see those players and townspeople who thought they had lost their chance of survival were ecstatic when they saw the bishop come out, and rushed to surround them, Jin Qingyue also Slowly turning the wheelchair over.

Looking into the air again, I saw that the witch's long vine hair had fallen to the top of everyone's heads. It seemed that the air barrier had been broken.

Under the air barrier, there are many strange props densely supported. It seems that the players present have bet their own wealth on it. Those props flash with different colors of light in the night, like strange patches, crumbling in mid-air .

It seems that it won't last long, and it will be breached by the witch in five or six minutes at most.

Link took a deep breath, remembering how long it took for the bishop to bestow a blessing...

it was too late.

Is it really only possible to let everyone work together to protect the bishop, and then the bishop will bless Mr. Blind, and finally sacrifice Mr. Blind to save the witch? In this way, the witch may be able to return to normal, and the bishop will restrain the witch, but—what is the difference between that and not clearing the level?

Especially for a staff member like him, if he kills the client directly, what else is there to serve?

Beside him, Mr. Blind's expression of gratitude just now because several people were willing to help, now turned into resignation, and he even raised his head and tried to persuade the witch with a hoarse voice: "Nightingale, you don't have to worry about my absence, after you come back , everyone in the town will take good care of you."

"They are very nice people, and they promised me to help. So don't make things difficult for them." "Don't

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