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  Linke was shocked, and regardless of the pain in his ankle and the little zombie still in his hand, he stuffed the wallet he had found into his backpack, stepped up abruptly, and staggered after him.

This dungeon is no different than others, not to mention the large map, and the transportation is extremely inconvenient—it is really not easy to meet the client by chance in this situation. If you lose it at this time, you don't know when you will find it in the future.

Lin Ke didn't forget that the object of service is the alienated boss in the dungeon, which will greatly increase the difficulty of customs clearance or directly make the customs clearance conditions disappear.

Must keep up with it!

But the client moved very fast and ran very fast. Lin Ke, who was dragged by the zombie girl, couldn't keep up. He only chased under the escalator where a zombie cluster was, and lost him.

There were zombies everywhere in front of him, Link could only stop.

In a hurry, Weng Tianwu and Xin Chen rushed to his side, looked at the escalator crowded with zombies not far away, and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?" Lin Ke couldn't tell them about the

clients he served, but Neng also replied in a low voice: "The zombie who hit me just now lost a wallet."

Hearing what he said, the other two looked surprised.

Anyway, people are lost, and it is impossible to rush into the crowd of zombies to face each other. Lin Ke can only suppress some uneasy emotions, take the two to a corner, open the backpack, take out the wallet, and try to be with the two first. Analyze clues on documents.

"ID card!" Xin Chen almost broke his voice in excitement.

"Hush!" Weng Tianwu yelled at him angrily.

Before Lin Ke only saw the photo and chased people, he didn't look carefully at the information on the ID card, but now he took a closer look and saw the dejected man with the hooked nose on the ID card, whose name was "Sang Shi".

Three people: "..."

Weng Tianwu's mouth twitched: "The name is quite random."

Xin Chen: "It's probably an easter egg."

Link didn't know whether to laugh or cry, brought their topic back, and said while touching the wallet: "Wait a minute, there seems to be something here."

Then, he took out two bright silver metal cards from the inner compartment of the wallet.

The card is cold and full of sense of technology, with a string of codes engraved on it, and two rhombuses with two sides sticking together in the upper right corner, patched together like a symbol of love wings.

Several people have seen this logo, it is the logo of Yihua Company.

"He's an employee of Yihua!" Xin Chen said in surprise.

"There are train tickets," Weng Tianwu shook out a few banknotes with small denominations and a train ticket from his wallet, "Congratulations buddy, you have everything."

Weng Tianwu sighed and handed the ticket to Lin Ke.

Lin Ke put the ticket back in his wallet again.

"There are still two employee cards with different codes. Why does he still hold two positions?" Xin Chen pointed to the employee card in Lin Ke's hand and expressed doubts.

Lin Ke also noticed, and he compared the two cards together.

There is only a code on the employee card, the code is different, and the name is not displayed. It is not sure whether the two employee cards belong to Sang Shi.

A thought flashed through his mind - could it be that Sang Shi's work pressure was due to working two jobs?

Why? Is it to pay off the mortgage?

While he was thinking, he heard a commotion in front of him, and someone shouted.

Lin Ke could understand the shouting, "Fuck them to death!"

Hearing this familiar language, Weng Tianwu and Xin Chen beside him also reacted together.

Be a player!

At the escalator in front of me, several zombies screamed, fell down from the escalator on the second floor, and injured the zombies below, startling the zombies on the escalator, and the scene became chaotic.

A few zombies in security uniforms ran from everywhere screaming.

But before they commanded the order, the zombies who just wanted to step on other zombies and squeezed down the escalator fell down, causing a chain stampede reaction. Countless zombies blocked the escalator, screaming from being stepped on.

The zombie security guard was furious. He pulled out his baton and turned his head 270 degrees, as if he was looking for saboteurs.

But it's a pity that the smell of zombies is everywhere here, and the human breath is still looming on the second floor, and they can't find their way.

They couldn't find it, but Lin Ke and the three of them could see it clearly.

At the entrance of the escalator on the second floor, four or five players were wearing plastic bags on their heads, holding iron rods and knives in their hands, hacking around mindlessly. Several zombies were thrown down the corridor, and some were simply split in half.

Objects that should have been mosaics flew around.

The scene was too horrifying, for a moment Lin Ke thought he saw a terrorist/terrorist.

Even Weng Tianwu was stunned: "This player..."

Xin Chen turned his head, leaned on the corner of the wall and retched again.

"Leave first, the zombies are coming." Lin Ke said calmly.

"Okay." Weng Tianwu said.

This time, none of them offered to rescue the few players who were surrounded by zombies.

First, it's too scary, and second, it can't be saved.

Those players had the upper hand at first, because the escalator entrance was easy to defend and difficult to attack, but soon the zombies on the second floor also rushed over and attacked them. The zombies have sharp claws, swift movements, great strength, and a large number... No matter how many props they summon, they are still invincible.

Soon their screams came from the second floor.

Lin Ke, Weng Tianwu, Xin Chen and the little zombie had already left the scene and turned into the safe passage next door.

Thanks to those few players who attracted the zombies to the escalator, there was not a single zombie here, but the three of them were still in shock.

"Too...vomit..." Xin Chen still couldn't stand still.

"Go up first." Weng Tianwu supported him, "It can't see it."

Weng Tianwu said the second half of his sentence to Lin Ke.

Hearing this, Lin Ke realized that he was subconsciously covering the eyes of the little zombie girl, quickly withdrew his hand, and explained, "I'm used to moving."

Weng Tianwu nodded: "Let's go while there are no zombies here, thanks to them." ."

The three hurried upstairs.

[Barrage: ... I can't react. 】

【Barrage: This habitual action is too gentle, huh huh. ]

[Bullet screen: Can't react +1, it's terrible, just now I empathized with the zombie security guard for a moment. ]

[Bullet screen: I'm cold all over. ]

[Bullet screen: Me too, look at the shock of my little brother. ]

Link's face turned pale.

Through the wall of the safe passage, the sound of commotion outside could be vaguely heard.

The closer they were to the exit of the corridor on the second floor, the louder the sound became.

Several people stopped in their tracks.

Weng Tianwu asked: "Going out? Or wait?"

Lin Ke took out his mobile phone in low battery mode from his bag, turned on the screen and glanced: "It's six fifty-two." The

train starts at half past eight. Open, there will be no time to dawdle any longer.

Weng Tianwu glanced out at the scene where the demons were dancing wildly. The players were already overwhelmed by the zombies. He gritted his teeth and said, "Then go ahead. If it doesn't work, we'll run back here. It's so chaotic outside, it's very suitable for stealing things—go, Look for tickets separately."

"Stealing, won't you be caught for stealing?" Xin Chen's face turned blue when he heard that they were splitting up, "Can we think of another way..."

"It's useless to escape," Weng Tianwu pushed him away with his big hand, "Don't worry, your face can cosplay with a zombie, no one will recognize you, if you want to survive, work hard, let's go." Xin Chen enviously

said Staring at the wallet in Lin Ke's hand and the ticket ID card in the wallet, he had to prepare to set off to be a pickpocket.

"After half an hour, no matter what happens or not, we will still meet here." Link told them.

Weng Tianwu responded repeatedly, covered his mask, and slipped out carefully with Xin Chen.

Watching their backs disappear, Lin Ke lowered his head again, looking back and forth between Sang Shi's ID card and work card.

And tickets.

According to the ticket, Sang Shi also bought the bullet train from Zone C to Zone F at 8:30 p.m., ticket gate No. 23.

Lin Ke looked up, looking past the chaotic group of zombies, passed through the security checkpoint, and saw clearly the sign hanging on the top of the hall, "forward", "ticket gate 15-35".

He still had a chance to find a client, because there was chaos at the security checkpoint, and many zombies entered the waiting hall without security check. As a zombie who "walks on the edge of the law", and in such a hurry, Sang Shi will definitely take advantage of loopholes and go straight to the ticket gate.

You can definitely find Sang Shi at the ticket gate, but...

Lin Ke looked at the crowds of people in front of him, and his heart was overwhelmed.


Suddenly, he heard a small sound.

Link lowered his head, and saw the little zombie girl raised her head and was gently touching her upper and lower lips.

She probably wanted to call her "Dad", but the language system was confused for a while.

A zombie who was walking towards the safe passage seemed to "saw" the little girl, shook its head towards Lin Ke, and then squeezed past them.

Lin Ke: "..."

He suddenly let go of his high-pitched heart, and looked at the little girl with complicated emotions.

The zombie just now seemed to classify him and the little girl in the same category.

Thinking about it this way, although it was inconvenient to take the little zombie girl with him along the way, the little girl acted like a protective layer, obscuring his identity many times.

Is this the purpose of dungeon design?

[Bullet screen: Why did the zombie just stick to the little brother and passed by, didn't he find it? 】

【Barrage: It seems that the little brother is treated as the same kind! 】

【Barrage: Maybe because your daughter is a zombie? 】

【Barrage: Oh my god, my little brother is so brave, he went to the zombies! 】

What is the specific reason, Lin Ke has no time to delve into it. He clenched the little girl's hand tightly, his whole body tensed, and slowly walked towards the crowd of zombies.

I don't know if it's because he's used to the smell, but Lin Ke no longer feels the pungent smell of the zombie crowd. He bypassed a few fighting zombies, quietly avoided the stiff security guards who were waving batons everywhere, and soon came to the security check Mouth—The zombie security inspector was speaking words that Link could not understand, cursing and lifting up the isolation railing, trying to restore the entrance to its original state.

It would be difficult for him to pass after he recovers. Lin Ke felt anxious and was about to speed up his pace when the little girl let go of his hand suddenly and ran forward with a "wah-wah-wah".

Lin Ke was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized that his "anxious" emotion was transmitted to the little zombie girl through the tail ring.

He was suddenly covered in cold sweat again, and followed quickly.

The security inspector had been alarmed a long time ago. It turned around and yelled at the little girl and ran towards the little girl—it just left the position where the door was blocked, and Link quickly followed and ran in, hiding behind the huge security inspection machine. look.

I saw that the little girl who was shuttling among the zombies had been caught by the security inspector, who said "Wow, wow" I don't know what to say. parents.

After a while, the security inspector gave up with a "wow" and pointed to the information desk not far in front of the little girl, apparently signaling the little girl to go to the radio to find someone.

[Barrage: Although I don't understand, but I actually understand? ? ? ]

[Barrage: This zombie is too smart! ]

[Bullet screen: That's not true, even the train station is developing very well. ]

[Bullet screen: I know you can't leave the post for too long, this professionalism is much better than our company before...]

While the security inspector was walking back to his post, Lin Ke quietly moved out from behind the security inspection machine, gritted his teeth and rushed to the group of zombies , holding the hand of the little girl who was spinning around in a daze.

The little girl was so happy that she immediately "wowed" and attracted many zombies to turn their heads.

Link held his breath.

Fortunately, the waiting hall was chaotic, and the busy zombies couldn't smell the smell of humans, nor could they feel Linke's breath, so they quickly lost interest in the screaming little girl.

[Barrage: This... It seems that the passengers are still indifferent. 】

【Barrage: Fortunately, there are no zombies running over to help others, laughing and crying, I'm going to be scared to death. ]

Lin Ke was almost scared to death, and he was also almost suffocated.

Grabbing the little girl's arm and walking around, he finally saw the "No. 23" sign.

There is already a long queue outside the ticket gate.

Lin Ke noticed with sharp eyes that Weng Tianwu and Xin Chen were hiding aside. The two of them also saw Lin Ke, and both showed surprised expressions, as if they didn't understand how Lin Ke sneaked in here by himself.

Weng Tianwu lip-synched to Lin Ke through the crowd.

Lin Ke bypassed the long line and joined them at the corner.

"Why did you come in too? But that's good, we don't need to go out to find you anymore," Weng Tianwu said almost silently, "We were looking for an opportunity outside just now, but we didn't expect that the ticket gate would be so crowded." It's not strict, the two of us just thought about coming in... but I didn't expect..."

He glanced at the security line with a complicated expression.

"I didn't expect the order of the zombies to be so good." Xin Chen wept.

Indeed, the zombies that were in a mess in the waiting hall just now lined up neatly at the ticket gate. Even if you really wanted to steal something in this situation, it still seemed quite abrupt to go up hastily. So Weng Tianwu and Xin Chen could only stay here and wait for the opportunity.

Lin Ke was speechless.

"I was afraid that we would not be able to wait for the right time, but now that you are here, we don't have to worry about it," Weng Tianwu said, "We don't need to go back to meet you, we can wait until the ticket check starts, and it will always be a little messy when the ticket check starts. ."

This reasoning is very correct, but it is very risky.

The electronic display at the ticket gate shows the time, 7:15.

According to the rule of high-speed rail trains to check tickets 20 minutes earlier, it is estimated that they will have to wait until 8:10 before they can act. This group of zombies is more orderly than human beings. The only difference is that they are not afraid of hardship or tiredness, have endless energy, and will not sit and wait at all - they are all in line.

So the three Lin Ke can only wait.

Wasting time in the dungeon is something that makes people feel anxious, and Weng Tianwu and Xin Chen have more or less uneasy expressions on their faces.

But what they didn't know was that Lin Ke was also uneasy.

Lin Ke slowed down his breathing and raised his head to carefully observe the situation in the team.

I saw that most of the zombies queuing up were wearing quite formal attire, as if they were going to work.

This is very strange, because based on Lin Ke's own experience, if he just rides a bullet train, he will choose to wear some more comfortable clothes. Unless he is about to go to an interview or join a job after getting off the train, he needs to dress very formally.

Sang lost was not found.

Lin Ke's heart sank slowly—where did Sang lose? He won't do anything illegal or criminal, right?

It won't blow up the train station, will it?

The client is out of his control, which makes him feel very uncomfortable.

Just when Lin Ke turned his head and wanted to tell Weng Tianwu to wait here before he looked for Sang Shi everywhere, he heard a very dissatisfied "wah-wah-wah" sound coming from the queue.

I saw a zombie waving its arms to push away the other zombies and jump forward.

Its behavior obviously angered the zombies who lined up seriously, and all the zombies opened their mouths, revealing their pale gums and teeth due to mutation.

And the besieged zombie was not only not afraid, but opened his mouth wider: "Wow!"

showing a mouthful of fangs.

All the zombies retreated in fright.

The three Lin Kes: "..."

Zombies are also afraid of being raped.

[Barrage: ...too vivid. 】

【Barrage: Ignoring that they are zombies, I am already getting angry, how can I jump in line! 】

【Barrage: Still threatening others, where is the security guard? 】

Speaking of security, the security will be there, but unfortunately, the security who is waving a baton is also scared to the side by this zombie.

Only then did Lin Ke see clearly, isn't this Mr. Sang Shi!

Really worthy of a talent for crime.

Lin Ke was thinking about how to follow it, but when he saw this zombie who hated passengers and security guards, he also quarreled with the ticket inspector as expected.

He first took out a piece of paper from his handbag and stuffed it in front of the ticket inspector. The ticket inspector said "cheap ligua" as if refusing it.

Lin Ke could understand it. This is when Sang Shi found out that he had lost his wallet and ticket, and was negotiating with the ticket inspector, but the ticket inspector disagreed——

Lin Ke's eyes widened suddenly.

With a roar, the zombie grabbed the ticket inspector by the neck and smashed the ticket inspector onto the ticket inspection machine.

The zombies screamed and ran away one after another, and the scene was in chaos again!

"There is a chance," Weng Tianwu said excitedly, "Let's go and see if we can steal the ticket."

"Wait a minute!" Lin Ke called out to stop them.

Weng Tianwu looked at Lin Ke with some puzzlement, but saw Lin Ke's expression was very serious.

"This zombie is more aggressive, wait a little longer." Linke just explained in this way.

Indeed, in the blink of an eye, Sang Shi sent several zombies flying.

Weng Tianwu also noticed something was wrong: "This is, this is going to..."

A zombie was stuffed into the trash can by Sang Shi with one hand.

Sure enough, Sang Shi was emotionally unstable and lost control. Seeing Sang Shi wandering around and beating people everywhere, he was about to attack them. Lin Ke lowered his voice and said, "Let's go first."

If this goes on, Sang Shi will be slaughtered. Nothing will happen to those undead zombies, they will be eliminated.

The three of them wanted to evacuate immediately, but they found that the security guards surrounded from all directions had blocked their way at some point.

Weng Tianwu cursed secretly, looking back at the chaotic scene.

[Main God System: Because District C is applying for the title of "civilized city", the board of directors of Yihua Company responded highly, saying that the company's employees will lead by example. The latest regulations of the company stipulate that in the civilized activity area, no employee shall disturb the social public order and must abide by the rules. ]

[Barrage:? ? ? 】

[Barrage: Didn't you punish the boss before? Now it has become a punishment company? The boss has also been upgraded? 】

【Barrage: Laughing dead, expand your business and start a company. ]

Lin Ke and the three of them also heard the electronic system sound that suddenly appeared.

Lin Ke's expression froze for a moment - no way, this familiar tone, this familiar rule, the company regulations? Lu Zhou opened Yihua Company?

Could he be the Zombie King?

Before he could stop being surprised, Sang Shi, who was still insane just now, suddenly let go of the other zombie's collar, and took two trembling steps back.

Seeing this situation, those zombies who were scared away by him tentatively stood up and stopped running away.

I saw the zombie walking towards the ticket inspector who was pushed down by him just now, saying something in a low voice "Wow, wow!" The ticket inspector was very frightened, and when he raised his hand, he accidentally slapped Sang.

The ticket inspector was so frightened that he hugged his dangling head, but unexpectedly, the zombie just twisted his neck back and did not fight back.

Sang Shi didn't fight back.

The zombies who were about to flee the scene just now stopped.

After a while, all the zombies saw that he had indeed "complied with the company's regulations", and immediately regained their backbone. The crowd surrounded him excitedly, especially the furious and embarrassing security guards, who waved their batons and attacked angrily.

[Barrage: Counter-reversal came too fast, is the company's order so terrible? 】

【Barrage: That's not a company, that's a disciplinary boss. ]

Lin Ke, Weng Tianwu and Xin Chen also stared blankly at this scene.

Xin Chen asked in a daze, "Are you still going?"

Weng Tianwu replied in a daze, "Let's not go."

After a long time like this, Sang Shi, who had been beaten so hard that he didn't look like a zombie, staggered out of the crowd. , Then suddenly rushed to the ticket inspector.

The hearts of the three of them rose.

But the zombie grabbed the ticket inspector's pants, which were almost torn to shreds, and knelt down on the spot.

He lost several teeth, and he couldn't speak fluently, he just held up the piece of paper in his hand. As the distance got closer, Lin Ke saw that there was also a logo of Yihua Company in the upper right corner of the paper. It seemed that the zombies were in a hurry to go to work.

Is it to... support the family?

Lin Ke looked at the zombie who was arrogant and domineering just now, but now kneeling and begging with a complicated expression.

[Barrage: Although it is very happy, but inexplicably feel miserable. ]

[Bullet screen: It's a bit like the feeling of being unable to catch up with the college entrance examination...]

The train station began to broadcast information reminding ticket inspection——The farce just now lasted for nearly an hour.

Hearing the voice announcement of the ticket check-in, Sang Shi, who was kneeling and begging, became more and more ferocious.

He is doing this now to keep this hard-won job.

Lin Ke looked at the time on the electronic display—it was eight past eight.

What will Sang Shi do if he misses the train and loses his job completely? He dare not imagine.

He has to stop this from happening.

All of a sudden, the wallet in the backpack became hot.

"Looking at the situation, he wants to block the door so that everyone can't get in the car, what should we do?" Weng Tianwu said.

Before he finished speaking, he watched Linke squat down in surprise, as if he had made some important decision, and put the wallet he took out from his backpack into the hand of the little zombie girl.

Then he heard Lin Ke earnestly teach.

"It's okay to pick up money, will it?"

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-08-10 19:56:42~2021-08-11 19:08:27 oh~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the landmine: Well written, the author Da Da, Sissi 1;

thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 6 bottles of Sissy; bottle;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

I send warmth to the boss in the horror world [Unlimited]Where stories live. Discover now