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   The power of the three demons exploding everywhere has already made this small world unbearable. A strong wind blew up around the old house, and the sky that was originally as dark as ink flashed and thundered.

In the center of the screen, just now, the other two demons were stabbed fiercely on the ground. Seeing that they were about to kill two demons on the spot, they suddenly stopped their movements.

His messy curly hair was blown away by the strong wind, and his downcast face was as calm as water.

Calm down...

Amidst the scorching rage, Link stared at the silver tail ring.


He controlled his body with great difficulty, stretched out his hand, restraining the crazy thought of crushing Yin Li's neck, and finally pinched the ring tremblingly.

The cold and warm touch of the fingertips instantly traveled along the veins of the limbs to the center of the flame, and instantly eased Lin Ke's heartbeat.

For a moment, a thought flashed through Lin Ke's mind.

It turns out that it is so comfortable to have this peace of mind when I am depressed.

He tore off the ring and held it in the palm of his hand, his temples were throbbing, and he looked down at the other two struggling demons.

Then he moved his lips: "Really? Then please tell your master, I can handle it, so I won't bother him..."

His voice to Feng was so soft that only Feng could hear it.

But that voice was also very cold, so cold that it could almost freeze the wind.

Down below, the unwillingness flashed in Yin Li's eyes.

The person in front of him is obviously about to go mad with anger, but he can still control himself, why?

"Coward," he stared at Lin Ke, biting his lips with his fangs, revealing bright red blood, and then he licked it contentedly, "You submissive coward, you can make you work for him if someone gives you a little sweetness, Dog of fate... Don't pretend, you are obviously the same person as me. No matter how well you hide, I can see your ugly heart."

Lin Ke's chest heaved heavily, and the ring was almost pressed into his palm by him. The cold and tingling feeling made him regain his consciousness.

[Barrage: Come on! ! ! 】

【Bullet screen: Don't be irritated by him, damn it, even if you cut Yin Li into pieces right now, you're still my little angel! ! 】

【Barrage: Sober up, let me go! ! ! ]

[Bullet screen: Nima can bear this, if anyone says in front of me what will happen to my parents, I will make him unable to see the moon tonight. ]

[Bullet screen: The fist is hard, but the little brother can't ruin the way to clear the level for this kind of person, wake up little brother, you can win a more beautiful one! Or leave me alone! ! ! 】

"Tsk tsk, how hard you have endured, just to pretend to be someone different from me, which is not so interesting." Yin Li slowly turned his left arm, and held Jin Qingyue's other hand with the left hand wearing the replica ring. only the wrist.

There was a malicious and calculating light in his eyes.

[Bullet screen: Don't struggle to the death, Yin Gou, let me just say it straight. To be reasonable, not only are we supporting the little brother, but the boss and npc in this dungeon are also supporting the little brother! ]

[Bullet screen: I'm sure it's true, how did you do it! ]


I saw "Lin Ke" appeared again from Zhou Zhao's perspective, this time it was "little angel Lin Ke".

When the little angel Lin Ke came over, Zhou Zhao was standing at the door of Mu Cheng's room, arguing with a tall male NPC. The NPC was very vigilant, and even if killed, he would not believe that Zhou Zhao would lead him to find the safety mirror.

"It is impossible for such a good person to exist in this world, you must have other plans!" The middle-aged man stared at Zhou Zhao and said.

Zhou Zhao has already helped several other npcs who are key to the plot to successfully find the safety mirror, but the last one hit a hard nail, and he also became angry: "Yes, I am the little angel who came here to help you, what's the matter?"

Even the NPC was speechless after hearing these words, and the man glanced at Zhou Zhao's face three times in disbelief: "If you're like this...at least he's like that." Who else could be


Zhou Zhao turned his head impatiently, but was so startled by the scene in front of him that he almost jumped up.

I saw a "Lin Ke" with a flawless appearance, even better than the previous Lin Ke, tentatively walking towards him with a bouncing head.

"Yes?" Zhou Zhao was dumbfounded.

The other end rolled over on the ground, and he looked up at Zhou Zhao, grinning and said, "Wow-although my body can't leave that room, but my head can, I'm so powerful !"

The head happily jumped more than one meter high, and the young man behind hurriedly stepped forward to catch it, held it in his palm and wiped it.

The expression of "Lin Ke" did not change at all. He wiped the dust off the boy's head and face with his very clean sleeves, carefully avoiding the boy's eyes and mouth. His slender and beautiful five fingers, like white jade, rested on the boy's neck Soft fracture.

This scene made Zhou Zhao terrified!

Lin Ke was so frightened by this head in the orphanage that he almost died, but now he can hold this head in his palm so calmly?

Although he was upright, he was not stupid, and he immediately understood that this was indeed a big deal, but the person holding the big deal was not Link himself.

Da Ke appears here, most likely because he exists in Linke's terrifying memory, so he also appears in Linke's mirror of danger and fear. As an NPC appearing in the mirror, Dake should have been restricted in his actions like Mu Cheng, but the dungeon rules...missed Dake's head, which can move freely.

So Dake brought this "Lin Ke" out.

Is this the power of the light side? He is not afraid of ghosts at all? Can you also cooperate with ghosts?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhao hurriedly waved to "Lin Ke": "Lin Ke!"

The little angel Linke heard it, and looked up, with a surprised expression on his face: "I finally found you! Thank you." The

second half of his sentence was directed at Dake in his hand.

Da Ke blinked and rolled comfortably in the hands of the little angel Linke.

Zhou Zhao was excited, and was about to say something when he suddenly realized that he still had an npc to deal with, so he turned his head quickly—

the npc was staring at the little angel, completely dumbfounded, and then he murmured to himself: "Okay!" Well, I believe you are angels, take me away."

Zhou Zhao: "..."

Wait, he argued with people for more than ten minutes just now, and no one believed in angels, why did Linke only show his face? Does the face believe it?

Zhou Zhao's expression cracked.

[Barrage: Although the situation is urgent, let me laugh for half a second hahaha. 】

【Barrage: I can't do it either hahahahaha. 】

The overall situation is the most important thing, and at this time, I can't care about the theory. Zhou Zhao looked at the npc and then at "Lin Ke".

"Let Link come to my side first!"

It was Mu Cheng who was in the room calling.

Zhou Zhao's eyes lit up, and he saw that the scene in the mirror behind Mu Cheng had changed. It was Liu Meng who carried the safety mirror that was originally in Jin Qingyue's room, and came to another ancient house according to the guidance of the pigeon blood stone. , There was lightning and thunder, and it looked wrong.

Thanks to the fact that this is an A-level dungeon where the space is randomly intertwined, they can get a shortcut to where Lin Ke and Jin Qingyue are.

Just now, Zhou Zhao learned about what happened to Lin Ke from the female ghost of Zengsheng Ancient House, and was very worried. Seeing that Liu Meng had arrived on the battlefield now, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Excited, he grabbed the male ghost's arm and said, "Let's go!"

Seeing that the man whom he questioned for so long was still so enthusiastic, the male ghost couldn't help showing a complicated expression. He glanced at the scene in Mu Cheng's mirror from a distance, and reminded: "Let your friends come out quickly, this kind of The weather mirror will be shattered."

As soon as he said this, everyone present was shocked.

As if in response to the male ghost's words, another flash of lightning struck the mirror, and the whole mirror trembled three times.

Mu Cheng solemnly said to Liu Meng in the mirror: "Be careful, take Lin Ke away as soon as possible after you find him! No, I'll bring you all back directly." Liu Meng also heard it, but was very calm: "I ca

n't Come in, I have to take the mirror with me, otherwise if the mirror breaks, you don't know what will happen."

Indeed, the broken mirror in the dungeon should not be fatal to the player, but it is the mirror itself that produces For Mu Cheng, it may be very dangerous.

Mu Cheng couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm just an npc."

Liu Meng adjusted his glasses seriously and said, "But after watching so many dungeons of my little brother, I can no longer distinguish npcs and players purely based on the faction. The more I I feel more and more that we are all residents of this world."

[Barrage: Me too! I agree! 】

【Barrage: As expected of my cute girl, she said what everyone wanted to say as soon as she opened her mouth! 】

Seeing that Mu Cheng was in a daze on the screen, he smiled after a while: "Is it...it's always like this now? The time in the world of the Lord God is passing too fast, and I can't keep up. I didn't live long enough." You guys are really sorry at this time."

[Bullet screen: Tears, don't be like this, Brother Cheng, you are a generation of peace ambassadors of the land reclamation group. ]

[Bullet screen: It's not too late, protect our best main god world, rush! 】

【Barrage: Fuck the mirror is cracked! ]

There was only a "click", and an obvious crack appeared on the mirror.

Now even the male ghost's complexion changed, he didn't care to follow Zhou Zhao, and said straightly: "Call them out!"

In the mirror, Liu Meng didn't seem to hear it, but shouted loudly in one direction: " Little brother!"


Ke was taken aback for a moment.

He seemed to hear someone calling him.

The moment he turned his head and saw Liu Meng who was full of anxiety, Jin Qingyue under him suddenly withdrew his hand from Yin Li's chest, and grabbed Yin Li's neck fiercely, trying to press Yin Li under him .

The power he erupted was so amazing that Lin Ke couldn't control it when he was distracted, and his whole body was shaken away.

This time Lin Ke finally saw what Yin Li was doing, his eyes turned cold, and he grabbed Yin Li's arm and gently folded it.

——The little devil is like a fragile straw, the whole body bends down.

Yin Li's expression changed.

He has never been so embarrassed in his life, he has always used overwhelming power to make others breathless, but now it is finally his turn to be breathless.

Yin Li was panting in the torrential rain.

Damn it, it's all because the two of them teamed up to trick him.

He wants them to kill each other and lose what they most want to protect.

Yin Li's eyes scratched Lin Ke's cold face, and then across Jin Qingyue's crazy eyes beside him, a trace of hatred flashed across his face, and he threatened through his teeth: "It's useless, Jin Qingyue The more you hate me, the more you want to avenge yourself, the more you don't want me to die at the hands of others. If you insist on killing me, he will kill you first." "What's so

difficult about it," Link said With one hand, he firmly suppressed the hand of Jin Qingyue who lost his mind due to the control of the silver ring, he tilted his head quite casually, looked at Jin Qingyue, "I can also give him the right to eliminate you. "

His tone was so nonchalant, as if Yin Li was a bug that didn't deserve his second glance.

Yin Li was completely enraged.

The blood flow in his whole body accelerated, and every drop was like sulfuric acid, trying to melt the bones and blood of the person in front of him-but he couldn't do it.

"Oh?" Lin Ke bent his eyebrows, "Is this the beginning of impotence and rage?"

"Go to hell—" Yin Li let out a sound from his throat. Under the hideous prototype of the devil, the long and protruding teeth pushed up the flesh of his face, and he bit Lin Ke with his fangs.

Lin Ke slightly hooked the corner of his mouth and raised his palm.

A silver light flashed, and Yin Li screamed in pain as if being burned.

A wisp of blue-gray smoke came out of the silver tail ring embedded in Linke's palm.

Liu Meng had already arrived, and she was standing next to Uncle Chen with a mirror on her shoulders. Uncle Chen called her in a hoarse voice, "Girl, stop them. If this goes on, something will happen." Liu Meng also had a serious expression on her face

. Looking at the three of them, she brought a few props, but it was obviously impossible to match the strength of these three.

Even if she is carrying the mirror up now, the mirror may be shattered - if the punishment condition is triggered by then, it will be bad.

But standing here like this is not an option, the mirror in his hand may be cracked by lightning at any time.

How to do?

Liu Meng's heart was burning with anxiety.

But even so, she still comforted Abo in front of her and said: "Don't worry, Lin Ke is the most powerful among us now, I trust him." "I don't trust him,"

Uncle Chen said anxiously, "This kid is anxious He can do anything!"

"Then let him do it..." Liu Meng muttered.

Uncle Chen: "..."

[Barrage: Hahahahahahahahahahaha, how can you delay Ah Bo's education of the children! 】

[Barrage: Yes, yes, children are not allowed to be violent. But it's okay for little angels to be violent once in a while. 】

【Barrage: I didn't expect that one day I would become a double-standard dog. 】

When Chen Bo heard what Liu Meng said, his expression was very complicated, but he didn't say anything.

He could see it. He didn't know what that brat did. He is quite popular in the main god world now, and his life should not be bad.

Uncle Chen hummed twice on the spot, squinted his eyes and continued to observe. After a long time, he sighed and said slowly: "He is a good boy... Don't look at him who is always silent and aloof, and he is very loyal. Who If he dares to touch what he holds in his heart, then he will turn his face and deny anyone."

Chen Bo hadn't finished speaking when he heard a very frenzied laughter in the heavy rain.

Yin Li was probably completely mad with anger, or maybe he didn't want to make Lin Ke feel better, and wanted to please him verbally. He was very talented at provoking others. When he saw the ring with a wound on Link's palm At that time, he already understood what Linke valued most.

"I should have found out a long time ago that you have been so smooth all the way, so it turns out that you are the dog who is the main god," he said while laughing, blood kept pouring out of the hole in his chest, "It's a pity, I originally thought that I could let you He knelt at my feet and carried it for me—uh—"

Before he could finish the second half of his sentence, the furious Link grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

At the same time, on the screen of Zhou Zhao's perspective, the figure of the little angel Linke suddenly distorted.

With a painful expression on his face and trembling hands, he handed Dake's head to Zhou Zhao, and then leaned against the table with a pale face and purple lips.

"Lin Ke?"

"Lin Ke!"

[Barrage: No! ! ! ]

[Barrage: Cao! 】

【Barrage: Can't be tricked! He no longer has the strength to resist, he just uses his tongue! 】

[Barrage: The player who has killed someone in this dungeon does not have a bright mirror, so it is impossible to pass the level, please! 】

"Look into my eyes and see how ugly you are now, you are not even worthy of being a dog to the Lord God." Yin Li managed to say another sentence, his vision was completely blurred and bloody.

In front of him, Lin Ke swung away Jin Qingyue, who was jumping up and attacking him, and sent Jin Qingyue flying dozens of meters away, rolling him to the side of the ancient house.

Dozens of thunderbolts fell, and the mirror in Liu Meng's hand was instantly covered with spider webs.

Liu Meng looked forward in astonishment, only to see Lin Ke lifted Yin Li up in the thick clouds rolling in, and his long and cold figure looked like a demon.

"Mirror! The mirror is going to be broken!"

"Magician, hurry up and fix the mirror! You can do it!" "

I, I can't...the mirrors I make are all bad." "

It's not bad at all, look at your mirror What a beautiful little angel in the picture!"

"Really, he's so beautiful, look at him. He's hurt..."

There were many voices.

So annoying.

Lin Ke narrowed his blood-red eyes, as if he felt that he had forgotten something.

But no matter what, kill the person in front of you first.

"Kill me," Yin Li grinned his bloody mouth, "You are like me, with blood on your hands, ugly and hateful, see you in hell..." Linke tightened his five fingers slightly, but the

other The voice sounded again.

"Brother Link is the most beautiful person I've ever seen!" It was Dake's voice.

"He is indeed beautiful." It was Mu Cheng's voice.

"Oh, she looks better than me." It was Zhou Zhao's voice.

"Then, let me give it a try. He is really perfect, and I really want to help him." It was... the voice of a timid magician.

Lin Ke suddenly remembered something and looked sideways.

The mirror in Liu Meng's hand emitted countless golden lights, gradually filling the cracks—the mirror surface was slowly being repaired.

On the slowly repaired mirror surface, there seemed to be two more light bulb-like things, and those things blinked.


"The magician finally made a real mirror again~ I can finally relax... Huh?" The

startled voice of the mirror sounded: "Master, master!" "

I heard you.

" Responded with an angry voice.

In the room on the other side of the mirror, everyone was silent. All the players and npcs were arrogant and did not dare to breathe, watching the disciplinary boss who suddenly appeared in the room. The tall man stroked the little angel Linke's head with one hand, and the little angel Linke seemed to regain his blood color in an instant, and his face became rosy again.

He looked up at the man in a daze.

The man gave him a rather gentle smile, without any trace of the hidden anger just now in his voice: "I heard that there is the little angel I have been looking for, come and take a look." "Wait for me." After finishing speaking, the owner of the


house , the figure of the mirror god moved, and gently disappeared into the eyes of everyone, into the mirror that had just been repaired by the magician.


Hearing the frightened voice of the mirror and the familiar deep voice, Lin Ke, who was carrying Yin Li, felt his heart sink.

This mirror—will attack all demons.

But now, he is also a devil.

Seeing a tall figure of a man appearing on the mirror, Lin Ke tightened his five fingers and kicked his feet on the ground. Just as he was about to move away from the mirror, he suddenly heard someone calling him.

"Lin Ke."

Lin Ke couldn't believe it, and slowly turned his head away.

Facing the quiet eyes of the owner of the ancient house.

He recognizes him.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me as the overlord or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-07-25 20:40:28~2021-07-26 20:36:22~Thanks to the little angels who voted for

mines little angel:? ? ? ? ? ! , Qingyi 1;

thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 60 bottles of supper phobia; 53 bottles of Ah Yuan who is in the book shortage again; 2 bottles; 1 bottle of Yu Moci;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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