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   This is too coincidental, right?

He just ran away from the bishop's room yesterday, when a scumbag who disappeared in the middle of the night came out in front of him.

Although Link thinks that these two things cannot be compared at all, and he has no need or reason to feel uncomfortable because of this, but he is really guilty for no reason.

After all, the bishop seemed to be very concerned about this matter, and he still had a gloomy face in the morning.

He forced himself to be calm, comforted himself that this was just a clichéd plot of the copy, and pricked up his ears to listen more carefully.

However, the bishop was silent for a moment, and said: "Yes. You continue to talk."

So the woman continued to cry.

"We had a very good relationship before. Although he wasn't very careful, he was very responsible and hardworking. No one in the town didn't envy us." It

was clearly a confessional room, but she was busy talking about the past.

"You also know that there are evil things around our town. Although you have suppressed them, those things will still be around at night! Someone must have turned to evil to take my Alang away at night I, I... I really only did this to resist evil."

"Don't do it again next time." The bishop said, his voice a little cold.

The woman spoke for a long time before she showed any sign of wanting to repent, and the bishop seemed to answer perfunctorily. Lin Ke bent over and listened, and gently moved closer to the curtain.

At this time, Lin Ke could smell a sweet fragrance with a sharp nose, which was faint but continuously emanating from between the curtain and the wooden partition of the confession room.

The scent was accompanied by the woman's low sobs, which made Lin Ke a little uneasy for a while.

What the hell is this? What did she do to resist evil?

Lin Ke was a little anxious in his heart, but the woman just kept silent, as if she had really done something sinful and dared not speak.

I don't know how long it took, but when Lin Ke felt his waist began to ache, the curtain suddenly opened, and a woman with red eyes almost knocked Lin Ke over on the spot.

The people behind caught a glimpse and stretched out their hands to set up the curtain.

In the confessional room, the bishop looked up at Lin Ke, who was eavesdropping outside the door, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

[Bullet screen: I will answer this question, and I will translate—oh! You also come to confess? 】

【Barrage: Hahahaha why did you leave last night? Bewitched by a witch? ]

Linke couldn't take his eyes away from the woman for a while, as if his eyes were attracted for a moment.

Suddenly, with a thought in his mind, he felt blessed, and immediately understood what a woman's "sin" is!

In a blink of an eye, the woman felt ashamed, and ran away quickly, but the bishop was still holding the curtain with his hands, and said to Linke very naturally: "Please come in."

Linke took a look, only to find that the confessional room was very small , only two people can sit opposite each other.

This also made the bishop taller, like a mountain pressing down, looking down at Lin Ke from a height.

Lin Ke felt stage fright for no reason.

What are you afraid of? Feeling baffled, he bent over into the confessional and sat down on a slightly lower stool.

The bishop let go of the curtain, the confessional room suddenly went dark, Link suddenly looked up at him.

It was too quiet, and the breathing of the two could be heard clearly in the confessional room. The bishop almost rubbed Linke's body and sat down opposite him, and nodded to him. Link only felt that when he raised his head, his forehead could touch the bishop's.

In the inexplicable embarrassment, he raised his hand and pinched his earlobe, but because of this small movement, the bishop's eyes moved, and his deep eyes followed.

In the confessional room there was still a faint fragrance left by the woman just now, and it was lingering around the two of them at this moment.

No, it must be resolved quickly.

"I want to repent." Link calmed down and started softly.

"Okay," the bishop answered almost immediately, his voice was deep, quiet and gentle, as if he could relieve all the distress of the people in front of him, "you don't have to really confess anything, if there is anything in this world that made you sad and unforgettable Or if you have resentment, you can tell me. You don't need to lie to me, just like you don't need to lie to yourself."

Linke was thinking about how to verify his conjecture, but what the bishop said Startled in place.

The voice seemed to have magical powers, and instantly evoked the grievances and sorrows he had never known since he was a child. When his parents were away, the old house was dark like a haunted house. Every time he quarreled in the middle of the night, he still didn't know how to fight back when he was chased and beaten. The embarrassment... In the end, he missed the day when Uncle Chen left.

They were all trivial things, which he thought he had forgotten long ago, but they were picked up just because of a voice and a word.

It even made his mood fluctuate a little.

This is too embarrassing!

[Bullet screen: Oh my god, my little brother's face has changed, what should I do, what should I do, the mental pollution of this kind of isolated confined space must be super powerful! 】

【Barrage: Did you think of something bad? Forget it woo woo woo. ]

[Barrage: Bishop, hurry up! 】

"I didn't..." Didn't make it to the last meeting with Uncle Chen?

But Linke still frowned involuntarily and spoke with a hoarse voice.

He lowered his head and caught a glimpse of the terminal that he hadn't paid attention to for a long time. Viewership has risen to more than 17 million. No matter how large the population base of the main god world is, this is an astonishing number.

Lin Ke was taken aback by the number, and instantly realized that he was being watched by countless people, and suddenly he woke up from embarrassment, and hurriedly met a pair of eyes that were surging with emotion.

Link was taken aback for a moment, the bishop was clearly in no better mood than him.

"Although you didn't speak," the bishop's voice was muffled and deep, "but I have already felt your guilt. If not speaking will make you more relaxed, but speaking will make you heavier, I suggest If you choose the former, at least you can feel comfortable."

Although the bishop said so, there seemed to be a trace of frustration and gloom in his eyes.

[Banmaku: Ah...is the boss so caring? Although I don't know what's going on in the actual confessional, I'd love to speak to the Bishop. ]

[Barrage: I feel that the bishop is a little depressed. ]

Lin Ke also noticed that a sense of crisis filled his brain instantly, and he realized that he had to say something, otherwise it was very likely to trigger the death point in the confessional room.

He had a lot of things he wanted to inquire about, such as the rose at night, the disappearing bishop, and the strange things that happened in the town, but because he was immersed in the memory just now, his thinking was a little dull, and he was stuck for a few seconds.

In front of him, the bishop's lips were pursed into a line, his gaze became darker, his big hands were clasped together, and his joints made a "click" in the darkness.

Lin Ke was shocked.

Before he had time to think carefully, he opened his mouth and said, "I repent, I... know that the rose here will make people lose their minds, but I still took it off. On this point, I want to ask for forgiveness.

" They are all roses, and I don't know which god they are respecting, and Lin Ke dare not mention the subject of forgiveness indiscriminately.

[Barrage: Strange, although it is true that roses make people lose their minds, why are there roses in churches when bishops and witches are against each other? 】

【Barrage: Laughing and crying, so there is no experience sharing in this dungeon, right? The whole thing is weird. ]

[Bullet screen: I can think of such a response, my little brother is already very good! 】

The bishop's heavy eyes fell on him for a moment, and then he said slowly: "It's good that you can tell me this. And you have realized your mistake and thrown it away, haven't you?"

"Yes, but at night, it always bewitches me and makes me feel very scared." In the dim candlelight, Lin Ke was nervous and worried about the bishop's attack, and he seemed a little "scared", "Bishop, you Is there any way to save me from this trouble?" The

bishop was silent for a moment, then he narrowed his eyes slightly: "You mean, she dared to seduce you?"


Lin Ke was stunned for a moment, and was confused by the bishop's expression——the man seemed to suddenly have an unknown fire, and he didn't know who it was, and it seemed that some of it was directed at him.

But Lin Ke was only stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that this was important information.

"No, she..." Link thought frantically, "I'm not sure if it's her."

"Who else could it be?" Shashen, "I will warn her today, and I won't let her bother you anymore."

[Bullet screen: Wait a minute, this is a lot of information! ]

[Barrage: So strange things often happen in the town at night, and the bishop knows the instigator of the incident? 】

【Barrage: Yes, it must be the townspeople who often come to confess. 】【Barrage: Is it a witch? A witch hiding among the townspeople? ]

Not a witch.

Lin Ke calmly analyzed that the nightingale witch in the dungeon is a woman who is willing to give her life for the one she loves, and it is impossible to come out at night to "seduce" other people.

Even though the Witch is a background villain boss, Link intuitively trusts her in this regard.

Who else could it be? Is it related to the mutated rose in the night?

All the clues were suddenly entangled again, which made Lin Ke feel dizzy.

He still wanted to try to chat some more information, but suddenly he was enveloped by a hot breath.

The bishop stood up!

The man raised his hand and rubbed between his brows, as if he was extremely dry, he stood up all of a sudden.

An unbearable light flickered in his eyes. It could be seen that he wanted to stay away from Ke Lin, but the entire confession room was so big that he couldn't leave even if he wanted to, and he couldn't step out of Ke Lin. .

"Sometimes the power of evil is hard to resist, just be firm yourself, you go, there is no need to continue to repent." The bishop waved away people, his voice was hoarse, and some words were inconsistent.

But he was clearly suffering.

[Barrage: Are you going to let people go? 】

【Barrage: The bishop not only forgave quickly, but also secretly spoke for the little brother, and said that he would protect the little brother... True love! ! ]

Is that the case again?

Link was also a little dazed, realizing that this was the second time the bishop tried to stay away from him. The first time was downstairs in the witch's brick house, and he already felt a little strange at that time.

Combined with the bishop's awkward character, he had a vague inference in his mind—maybe Lu Zhou himself is getting more and more sober, and he is trying to keep himself sober.

Now that the client has this kind of awareness...does it mean that "communication" is possible?

Lin Ke clenched his left hand tightly, the cold ring sticking to his palm.

Every time he had to use the ring to empathize with Lu Zhou before, he would be driven irrational by his emotions and fail to think about the true purpose of the ring.

Lin Ke has analyzed that the appearance of the punishment boss and the boss's emotions are not without reason.

In the last copy, the children needed protection, and the dean appeared, so Lu Zhou's emotions came from the children. So why did the bishop appear? Why is Rose Town frozen? Where did the bishop's emotions come from?

Thinking about it now, maybe through the ring, try to find clues through the other party's emotions when the other party's emotions are appropriate.

"Go back." The bishop said again in a deep voice. Even though he said that, his right hand couldn't restrain himself from pinching Link's left shoulder.

The strength was so great that Lin Ke felt that his shoulder blades were about to be broken.

Lin Ke raised his eyes, looked carefully at the man's painful and restrained expression, stretched out his left hand, and gently pressed on the bishop's right hand.

for a moment.

Lin Ke felt extreme hatred and incomprehension, as well as the sadness of being betrayed, and several silhouette images came to his mind.

At the table, the two girls having a long talk; at night, the witch crying alone to the red and white roses.

Wait a minute, those two girls...

Lin Ke was recalling what he saw, when the big warm hand under his palm suddenly pulled away.

He blinked.

But at some point, the bishop's face had returned to calm, with a trace of frustration in the calm, he lifted the curtain bluntly and said, "Please come back."

Link opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but the bishop suddenly narrowed his eyes. He looked behind him.

Lincoln turned his head.

Jin Qingyue was resting on the wheelchair with his eyes downcast, when he just raised his head to meet his gaze and smiled.

"Are you done talking?"

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