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  Lin Ke, who had no idea that the customs clearance army was on the way, was still listening to the elf's translation of the cards.

"After this world is built, I have to show it off in front of those guys who harass me every day. All in all, my world is the best." "

No one can compare..." The Elf King blushed, "here It's a relatively intimate nickname, so it's not easy to translate. In short, no one is more suitable for creating the world together than you and the Lord God." "I hope you, the Lord God, can discover more advantages of the world. If you have the opportunity, bring the Lord

God Look at other people's rotten worlds. Only by comparing them can you understand."


Link couldn't hold back anymore, and wanted to laugh a little.

He thought it was so much fun.

The wish of the Lord God actually has a sense of joy like "the king uses a golden axe". OK".

It's just that the subject is changed to the world.

He observed Lu Zhou from the corner of his eye, and saw that Lu Zhou was obviously a little bit impatient - after all, he also knew what childish words he had written, so Lin Ke didn't smile mercifully, but picked up another card and asked : "What about this one?"

"I think it's almost there?" Lu Zhou finally pretended to be calm and said, "It is very energy-consuming for the elves to forcefully interpret the text of the main god, let it rest, and I will translate it slowly in the future." I'll listen to you."

The little elf was the first to show his loyalty: "No, master, I'm very energetic!"

Lu Zhou: "..."

Lin Ke: "..."

Lin Ke finally couldn't hold back his laughter, and Lu Zhou stared blankly. After staring at Lin Ke for a while, he finally hooked the corners of his mouth and did not speak.

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two turned harmonious, the progress of the dungeon in the ears of all the residents was also advancing rapidly, and the distance to the customs clearance was getting closer and closer. At this time, there was a sound of uniform footsteps from the side.

Lin Ke and Lu Zhou, who didn't know what to say, turned their heads together, only to see Uncle Chen coming with a group of people.

His heart skipped a beat, feeling that Uncle Chen was going to make a big move, his back tensed, and he subconsciously stopped him: "Why are you here?"

Uncle Chen looked solemn.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Uncle Chen was so serious, Lin Ke couldn't help but also became serious.

"We've discussed it for a long time," Chen Bodao said, "Although this world is very good, everyone can get what they want, but if the foundation is not solid, everyone still can't live at ease." Lin Ke: "?" He


n't Understanding Chen Bo's meaning, I only heard Jin Qingyue say: "What we mean is that we will always support you. If you don't want to stay here, we will go back to the small world together." What is it all about

? ?

Lin Ke was completely baffled. Just as he was about to ask, he sensitively found that Lu Zhou's body froze beside him.

The main god on the side seemed to be very nervous, his eyes were slightly lowered, he didn't speak, his ears were almost pricked up to the sky.

Lin Ke felt a little unhappy in his heart for no reason: "What are you talking about?" "

Everyone is worried about you," Su Xue, who had always been soft and weak, also said in a low voice, her eyes shuttled between Lin Ke and Lu Zhou, "I was worried that you would be unhappy, and I stayed because of us."

"Do you really think this place is good?" Ye Shi also asked with concern.

It turned out that everyone cared about him. Link smiled and opened his mouth to explain, but the words got stuck when they reached his mouth.

No, if this continues, is he going to praise Lu Zhou's world in front of everyone?

Although he thinks Lu Zhou is very good, but doing so is a bit...

While Lin Ke was hesitating, Uncle Chen and Lu Zhou quickly met their eyes. Just as Lin Ke thought before, the two had a sense of sympathy and understanding because of some similar experiences in the past. They understood each other's status as friendly forces almost as soon as they looked at each other.

Lu Zhou's body slowly relaxed, as if he felt sad because Ke Lin didn't answer this question, his eyes were a little bit disappointed.

This point of loss fell into Lin Ke's eyes very precisely. He was stunned for a while, and the words that were on his lips ran out for some reason: "...here, it's very good."

Lu Zhou's eyes lit up, looking I got a little spirit back.

"But we always feel that living in this dungeon will put a lot of pressure on you." But Zhou Zhao scratched his head and poured another basin of cold water. Pretty happy."

"No, what kind of pressure can there be?" Lin Ke was puzzled, "I'm very happy here? Really." Beside him,

Lu Zhou's pride was about to overflow, and he was in high spirits.

"Ah, really?" Liu Meng's starry eyes flashed, "You mean, are we going to pass the level soon?" Everyone

looked at Lin Ke in unison, their eyes shining with the light of victory.

Lin Ke: "..."

Lin Ke: "..."

He suddenly turned his head and stared at Lu Zhou with squinted eyes.

This time Lu Zhou was very honest and looked at Lin Ke innocently, which meant that although he felt that this conversation was very problematic, it was definitely not arranged by him and had nothing to do with him. He is just a weak, pitiful and helpless main god who has been criticized inexplicably.

So Link slowly turned his head and stared at Uncle Chen.

Uncle Chen smiled.

Seeing Lin Ke's face jumping between white and red, it is very likely that he will have a rebellious mentality again. Lu Zhou, who has fully understood how to get along with Lin Ke, hastily stood up.

His tall figure stood in front of Lin Ke, blocking Lin Ke's somewhat embarrassed face, and said in a very guilty voice: "Let everyone worry about it. But I will handle this matter with Link. As for It doesn't matter whether you can pass the level or not, no matter what, the world can still function normally."

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