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 Link thought for a moment that he had heard it wrong.

He was so shocked that he didn't expect to come down quickly even though he was so small in the arms of the man, he just stared blankly at him.

Who is this man?


Lu Zhou?

[Barrage: Qiuqiu gets married on the spot! ! ! 】

【Barrage: Ahhhhhhhh I can do it again! ! 】

【Barrage: I always thought red roses were quite vulgar, but they were put together with the ascetic archbishop... My friend asked me why I was kneeling and crying. 】

【Barrage: Did the friend ask you if you want it? ]

[Barrage:? ? ? ? 】

【Barrage: Don't talk about it, romance is only for handsome guys. 】

It's a pity that Lin Ke doesn't think it's romantic at all, he's so embarrassed!

Even he himself has to admit that once he thinks that this handsome archbishop boss in front of him is the one who stalked him in the small dark room of the study, he feels uncomfortable all over.

Help, he has an embarrassing disease for others!

However, the person in front of him seemed to have lit up the fairy skill of which pot should not be opened and which pot should be lifted, and said in a hoarse voice: "Sorry, I didn't expect... I can't stay awake for a long time." His voice was still low, with a sense of coldness, but But very gentle, reminiscent of the dean at the end of the last dungeon.

Lin Ke didn't expect it either.

The bishop woke up too suddenly, and seemed to have reason and sanity in an instant.

For a while, he couldn't tell whether he wanted him to be awake or not. He continued to stare blankly at this person, and said after a while, "You..." Lu Zhou?

[Barrage: Ah, what are they talking about, why are they all blocked? How can there be blocking when speaking with the holy bishop? Let mom listen to it! 】

【Barrage: I have to say that my little brother's expression is like a stunned quail. 】

[Barrage: Your face is also a little red, and you look a little embarrassed? 】

【Barrage: Scratching your head, so what are you talking about? ! 】

Just when Link opened his mouth again and again, trying to say the word "Lu Zhou", the bishop's eyes gradually became filled with black mist, and then covered up the only light.

Then the strength on Link's body suddenly loosened, the bishop gently put Link down, and his voice became a little cold: "I told you just now, that's the witch's residence." After

being put down suddenly, a stumbling Link: "..."

Well, this sobriety is indeed not very long-lasting.

Lin Ke didn't say what he wanted to say, and the embarrassment hadn't dissipated. He stood there for a while, and his "thumping" heart slowly eased down. He dispelled the suspicious blush on his face, and slowly stood up straight. : "Understood, I will pay attention next time." The

bishop's eyes shot at Link like lightning.

"..." Lin Ke remembered that the bishop and the witch were in conflict, and the bishop seemed too possessive, so he had to say again, "I won't come here when it's not necessary."

Nonsense, the ban is out, unless the future house The owner, Mr. Blind, invites players to enter, otherwise, whoever enters will violate the rules, and no one can enter casually.

Hearing Linke's words, the bishop's expression softened a little.

[Bullet screen: Here it comes again, I'll translate it - okay, okay, I know you hate witches, you don't want me to come over, so I won't come over. 】

【Barrage: The previous article, Nima hahahahaha, if you can speak, just say a few more words! ! ]

[Bullet screen: The skill points of coaxing people have increased. ]

[Bullet screen: I'm different, I like to watch my little brother walk the career path, is there still someone who said he couldn't make it out alive? Come out and line up with your dad. ]

Seeing that Link is fine and even continued to "have fun" with the punishment boss, the bullet screen happily made Link visit the whole town.

The layout of the town is very simple. The distribution of residential buildings is centered on brick houses, spreading out in a circular shape. The church is not far behind the brick houses. Due to the high terrain, it is particularly eye-catching, with the spire pointing straight to the sky.

After visiting the town for a week, the two quickly returned to the original starting point, the small square.

There are already many Red Rose players chatting with the townspeople waiting here, and it seems that the tour is over.

There are also some white rose players who are lonely and cold, and explore independently. Most of the white rose players are listening to the questions of the red rose players.

They did ask a lot.

From "What strange things happened in this town", "Do you like to plant red roses or white roses" to "When does the town enter winter", "Who is Mr. Blind who will come soon".

Lin Ke listened by the way, and the answer from the townspeople was unremarkable.

Most of the townspeople shook their heads after hearing the red and white roses, claiming that the roses were not planted by them, but grew naturally. To them, roses are just like wild flowers and weeds, and there is nothing unusual about them.

And there are no strange things, of course, they have a wise and powerful bishop in charge, and there are no strange things in the village! And winter, winter is the most beautiful season, and they have been enjoying it for a long time; as for Mr. Blind, he is just an insignificant eccentric guest who insists on living in the worst house in their town.

Sure enough, there was no mention of witches, nor where the worst house was.

The townspeople spoke cryptically, and only when they saw Link and the bishop, did they look at the bishop with blushing or shyness or reverence, and secretly said a few more words of praise for the bishop, saying that with the bishop around, each of them Sober up a lot.

It's all like this, and he also said that he was "sober". Many players smiled helplessly when they heard this, but Lin Ke had a thought.

For no reason, he thought of the scene where the townspeople went crazy for the Red Rose player a few hours ago at this location.

It was the presence of the bishop who brought them back to their senses, and the bishop himself had said that red roses were deceptive, so he froze them—was there any connection?

Just as he was thinking, he heard a familiar voice carrying a wheelchair on the brick floor with a "gululu" sound.

"Is that so? You don't like it?" At the corner in front of him, Jin Qingyue and a girl were talking and laughing, and they also came to the square.

The townsman girl raised her hands to cover her face, as if she was amused: "Of course, it's too dangerous for you to carry these with you. The roses you pick will melt at night, so you should throw them away quickly. If you really want to give them to me Give me a gift, just catch a little butterfly for me at the beginning of spring."

[Bullet screen: At the beginning of spring...death speaks. 】

【Barrage: This is already very important information! As long as the frozen roses are picked off, they will melt at night. The clue from the little brother just now is that the red roses are deceiving people. Of course, it is safer to throw them away in this situation. ]

[Bullet screen: It doesn't work to throw away the initial props. 】

Many nearby players immediately heard the answer. The answer Jin Qingyue came up with must be a standard answer. Everyone's expressions changed again and again, and they suddenly felt that the rose in their hands was a hot potato.

Thinking about it carefully, it's really not a problem to always hold this prop in your hand, can you still hold it while sleeping?

Besides, when the ice and snow covering it melts, who knows what weird things will happen?

Immediately everyone felt bad.

Several players looked up at the gradually darkening sky with ugly expressions.

Here, seeing Lin Ke slowing down and looking like he wanted to listen for a while longer, the bishop also turned his head, his voice was cold and dissatisfied: "Dear guests, they are all newcomers, don't you have nothing to ask? Is it?"

Lin Ke: "..."

Players around: "..."

Townspeople around: "..."

[Barrage: The magic in the world has begun again, and I feel anxious that the boss can't give you any information. 】

【Barrage: It's me, I'm also in a hurry, why don't you ask if I'm an archbishop, why don't you ask me, why don't you tell me? ! 】

Several envious eyes fell on Lin Ke one after another, as if saying "Look, this is the chosen one, this treatment".

"Oh," Linke said blankly, the other players are happily clearing the level, the poor man is still thinking about his magical client, "Then, rose, can you throw it?"

"Of course, although you have already been infected with it Breath, it will cause some trouble..." The bishop frowned, as if thinking of something unpleasant: "But I am still very lenient, and I don't mind if you throw it in the cemetery behind the church. After all, there is no better place to bury them than there."

Such a straightforward answer...so

straightforward that Link himself was a little surprised.

The eyes of the players around him were red, and they were about to shed tears of emotion. Everyone had "I beg you to ask a few more questions" written in their eyes.

Even Jin Qingyue, who conjured up a little pink butterfly prop out of nowhere, making stars appear in the eyes of the girls around him, encouraged him to look at him.

This made Lin Ke feel ashamed of his ardent expectations for his fellow villagers without asking a few more questions.

In fact, Linke really had a lot of questions in his mind.

From why the bishop took him to see the former residence of the witch, to why only he knew about the witch, what is the identity of Mr. Blind, why the red rose turned into a white rose, and whether all the information should be shared—— What if there is misleading information in it? He prefers that players gather together to integrate information, rather than listen to one side.

Just when he was thinking about opening his mouth, a gust of cold wind suddenly hit, and the tone of the whole town darkened a few degrees.

I saw a dark figure walking step by step from the rose field in front of the town.

He was dressed in shabby clothes, hunched over, walking in a state of embarrassment and desolation, but in the embarrassment and desolation, there was a little bit of elegance that could not be ignored, as if it had not been obliterated by wind and frost, it was engraved in his bones nature.

The roses leaned to the sides to make way for him.

When he was about to step into the border of the small town, it seemed that some kind of more timid emotion closer to nostalgia held this thin man, and he raised his head and "looked" forward.

It was a pair of eyes with only the whites of the eyes. He knew he couldn't see people, but all the players standing on the square felt chills down their spines.

It's Mr. Blind.

Mr. Blind also sensed the player, and his pale lips grinned in a warm smile.

Link frowned.

This client...is so malicious.

"I'm back," a hoarse and broken voice popped out of Mr. Blind's trembling throat, "I'm back again, and I'm going to live in that damned house that you cursed."

"She's waiting for me to come back, I I don't believe she will lie to me."

"Those who lie to me will die."

The author has something to say: Yes, it's only the second update T T Sorry cuties, the third update will definitely be released today! ! !

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