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When the female ghost said that she was lying with blood around her, Link's blood froze.

He wasn't worried about something wrong with his original body, but kept asking himself in his mind.

Why didn't Uncle Chen wake him up?

Is there any accident?

He dare not think.

The bracelet was still vibrating, but when Lin Ke held the female ghost's hand, the vibration of the bracelet stopped.

[Barrage: I feel so distressed, my little brother's face is turning pale. 】

【Barrage: It's okay, he realized that something happened to Abo, let's stop going in and out to scare him. 】

【Barrage: The female ghosts are helping! Yin Li is really angry with all NPCs, go to hell! 】

As if there was a tacit understanding with the live broadcast audience, when the bracelet on his wrist stopped vibrating, Lin Ke's heart was miraculously calmed down.

He was keenly aware that the vibrating bracelet was a warning from everyone, and now that the bracelet stopped vibrating, it might mean... safe?

Uncle Chen is safe.

It must be so.

Lin Ke, who was used to facing everything alone, felt the support and comfort from others for the first time.

His hands trembled a little, but the female ghost pulled very hard, and in the next second, directly pulled him into the mirror.


Zhou Zhao, Huo Jianan and others who were fighting with the ghosts on all floors of the ancient house also felt the vibration of the bracelet at the same time.

Huo Jianan was the first to jump up, seeing Liu Meng rushing down, said: "Something happened!"

They are all advanced players, and they know about the bracelet signal. There have been many discussions in the forum on whether the audience can communicate with the players in the instance. Cooperation, at that time someone proposed to do this signal, but was immediately ridiculed mercilessly.

The mockers said, how popular is this player, is it worth everyone wasting time logging in and out for him? After all, the increase that can cause the terminal bracelet to vibrate is not one, two, four, five, six, it is proportional, that is to say, the more live viewers, the more increase is needed to support this "signal".

A dungeon with few people does not need a signal, and a dungeon with a large number of people is difficult to mobilize the audience. This is indeed a problem, so this matter will be left alone.

But now, Huo Jianan and the others all remembered this.

Actually let them do it!

"It must be Lin Ke who is in danger." Huo Jianan said solemnly, while speaking, several people rushed back to the safe house, only to find that Jin Qingyue was gone.

Mu Cheng told several people about Jin Qingyue taking away a mirror, and told them Lin Ke's previous thoughts.

For the first time, he lost his sense of propriety and realized that the situation had changed. The young man's face was full of self-blame, but his thinking was very clear: "According to Jin Qingyue's temperament, he will definitely block Yinli, and Yinli must be in Lin Each room in the dungeon is very small, and it is difficult to find it, so it is better to go directly to Lin Ke. There is one more thing to ask you..." He said, and the players had already divided into two groups

. , Huo Jianan and Hu Lun took the pigeon blood stone to find Jin Qingyue, Zhou Zhao took the other two to act, and Liu Meng followed Mu Cheng's intention to find Jin Qingyue's room.

Not long after, Zhou Zhaoxian came back: "There is a mirror on the fourth floor. There is no one in it. The female ghost is gone, and Lin Ke is not there.

" The other 'customers'... No, no, it's too dangerous, you have to turn the opposite side into a safety mirror like Lin Ke first..."

He frowned, as if he was frantically thinking about countermeasures.

Zhou Zhao pointed at himself abruptly and said, "Me too! Like Lin Ke, I used the light side to fuse the dark side, and finally chose the light side mirror. I am also a little angel! Let me go!" [Bullet screen: Pfft

. 】

[Barrage: Although the situation is urgent, I have to say that Zhou Zhao is really confident. 】

【Bullet screen: Take a closer look, he is indeed a lot more handsome than before, and he probably wasn't lying when he chose the bright side. 】

【Barrage: Laughing, let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, I think he is quite cute. 】 Mu Cheng took a careful look at Zhou Zhao, and reluctantly believed

him: "You chose the bright side mirror?"

There is no danger, and I have always been very friendly, and the girls in the company used to love to ask me questions." [

Bullet screen: ... one of the top ten illusions in life. ]

[Barrage: Seriously? 】

Whether Zhou Zhao is serious or not, there is no other way at this time. Mu Cheng has to repeatedly tell the ghosts to feel at ease before opening those mirrors, otherwise the ghosts inside and outside the mirror will be enraged and triggered. death condition.

Zhou Zhao responded again and again, and walked in front of a crying kid. When the kid suddenly raised his head, his neck was like a spring, supporting his head and shoulders at ninety degrees.

Zhou Zhao shrugged his shoulders and forced a smile: "Good boy, do you want to go with big brother? Big brother will accompany you to find..."

[Bullet screen:! ! ! There is a picture, cover your face. 】

【Barrage: The scene of abduction and trafficking of children hahahaha. 】

Unexpectedly, the kid rolled his eyes and grabbed Zhou Zhao: "You want to find me my bazooka, don't you?

" "Yes."

The little ghost cheered, and actually stood up and prepared to follow Zhou Zhao to leave.

[Barrage: Oh my god, are ghosts so easy to deceive? 】

【Barrage: So ghosts can actually tell the difference between a good guy and a bad guy, right? 】

Zhou Zhao started working, Mu Cheng stayed in the room alone, and suddenly heard a sound of knocking on the mirror.

He turned his head, only to see Liu Meng appearing in the mirror connecting Jin Qingyue's room, tapping the mirror lightly: "Brother Cheng, then shall I remove this mirror?"

Mu Cheng nodded, "The sooner the better." ."

He was worried that Jin Qingyue would not be able to hold on anymore.


Lin Ke was almost unable to hold on anymore.

He walked through the mirror and found himself in a small room, where the female ghost and the old woman were looking at him anxiously.

The state of the female ghost is very strange, there is still a woman stuck behind her, resembling her original appearance, and the two bodies are glued together like glue. It was only then that Lin Ke realized that the room in front of him seemed to be split in half. The front half of the room and the second half of the room obviously did not fit together, but were bounded by the place where the backs of the female ghost and the original female ghost were touching. Put together, like a defective product that is repairing itself.

The female ghost's original body was close to the mirror on the other side, with her hands outstretched, grabbing the person outside the mirror.

In the gap where she blocked the mirror, the messy scene in Lin's room was revealed.

Lin Ke's heart trembled, and he suddenly stepped forward two steps to help, but when his hand touched the mirror, it was bounced back by a very powerful force.

He was stunned, and the female ghost was also taken aback.

She stared at him blankly for a moment, then suddenly understood.

"I see," the female ghost explained, "little angel, your body is already outside, so you can't get through." It's not that you can't get out

but you can't get through. There is a space-time gap between them.

When she said this, Lin Ke immediately realized that he was now in the body of the "agent". As an agent of the dream world, he could not pass through the separation between the dream mirror and reality—in other words, he could return to the original place as long as he woke up. body.

But he can't wake up!

Whether pinching myself or trying to wake myself up, I couldn't wake up.

Lin Ke, who realized this, kept sinking in his heart.

Seeing the woman's hands in the mirror gradually lose strength, the expressions of the two demons in the mirror gradually distorted, and behind the mist around them appeared the blurred figure of Chen Bo in the other mirror.

Lin Ke, who has always been calm, rational, and can always think of a million ways to get out of trouble, feels helpless in an instant.

In fact, any other person, as long as Chen Bo is not in such a crisis before his eyes, he can immediately think of a better way, but at this moment, his brain is frozen.

He clearly knew that this was just a common psychological phenomenon - the unprocessed memory of the past would make a person have a subconscious reaction to the problems encountered at this moment, but he couldn't resist. For a moment, he seemed to be back in the torrential rain. He rushed into the hospital and stood by Uncle Chen's bed, unable to do anything.

The feeling from the memory came back and took hold of him, making him feel cold all over.

He was afraid of losing and was powerless.

[Barrage: Little brother's state is not right! 】

【Barrage: Mental pollution? 】

【Barrage: It doesn't look like it, but it seems to be fear and fear, why ahhh! Wake up! 】

【Barrage: Don't be too demanding on him, you will be afraid if your most important person is in crisis! 】

It can't be like this. Lin Ke said to himself in his heart, don't just... He suddenly froze

because of fear . He originally wanted to scold himself not to give up hope and escape from reality because of fear, but what appeared in his mind was another sentence. Don't close your heart because of fear. Lin Ke's headache was splitting from such a familiar sentence. Suddenly, he remembered!

[Blessing and appreciation from the bishop: Never close your heart because of fear, try to express your true emotions, the whole world will give you help, trigger randomly when you are truly emotional, you can get 180 seconds to communicate with natural phenomena or flowers and trees Ability.

*Additional effect: This is a blessing you choose actively. You are brave and contagious. When you actively initiate communication, the trigger probability of the effect increases by 50%.

Cooldown: None. ]

At that time, he was still laughing at this additional effect, complaining about it to make himself talk to the air.

But now, Lin Ke hesitated. Want to try it?

Seeing Linke standing there in a daze, the female ghost was also anxiously turning around, her face turned ferocious, obviously she cared more about Linke than her own affairs. She went all out and said: "I'll go out and fight them!"

But that was of no avail, she was just an npc. Even under Yin Li's tricks, she has the fighting power of the dark side, but that power is only a little bit, and it is impossible to rival the real devil.

So she just made a useless suggestion.

But the thing is so amazing that when people are most helpless and vulnerable, they will connect everything together and regard everything as a sign of hope.

Lin Ke was awakened by this "useless suggestion".

Knowing that she couldn't help him, the female ghost would rather sacrifice herself to help him. Doesn't it correspond to the sentence in "The Bishop's Blessing and Appreciation", "Try to express your true feelings, and the whole world will help you"? Lin Ke then remembered the reminders given to him by the viewers of the previous live broadcast by entering and leaving the live broadcast room.

At this moment, he suddenly believed that the bishop's blessing was always around him, which made him feel extremely at ease.

All the strength returned, and reason and calm suppressed the uneasiness surging in his heart again.

Lin Ke took a deep breath, summoned up his courage, faced the female ghost's puzzled eyes, and asked the silent air beside him, "Can you help me and wake me up? I don't want to be late again." One

second , Two seconds...

The demon in the mirror is slowly breaking away from the woman's control, and even scratched the woman's arm.

Cold sweat broke out from Lin Ke's forehead, and he was burning with anxiety.

Just when he couldn't help but want to use another extreme method to break the situation in front of him, a very slight moan sounded in his ear.

"No, I... I'm too young to wake you up."

Linke: "!"

It was the slowly flowing air that responded to him.

It was the world that responded to him.

His heart was beating wildly, and he was about to say something when he heard the voice again.

"But I will, try to convey your meaning, please wait for me."

Lin Ke only felt an extremely soft wind passing by his ears, which hardly made him feel cold, but only moved the ends of his hair , as if to appease him.

But then he heard a "whoosh", like the wind suddenly accelerated, and then a ripple appeared on the mirror, like an invisible soul carrying his hopes and wishes through the mirror, through time and space .

After a while, Uncle Chen on the other side of the scene suddenly opened his eyes wide, and looked in the direction of Lin Ke through two layers of mirrors.

He heard it.

A wind whispered to him in his ear, please wake up Lin Ke quickly, if Linke is allowed to watch him get hurt, it will cause more harm to Linke.

In fact, Uncle Chen could have woken Link up long ago, but he didn't do so. Because he was worried that according to Lin Ke's temperament, he would rush up and fight those two demons - if that was the case, it might be safer to let him lie down.

When Lin Ke was still young, some gangsters chased him to the house, threw stones after him, and accidentally smashed Uncle Chen's head. As a result... the little Lin Ke chased him out with a disheveled face and a

knife That scene will always remain in the minds of the social workers and Uncle Chen who had dinner at Uncle Chen's house that day.

They all called Uncle Chen raising a ruthless child, making Uncle Chen dumbfounded and worried at the same time. Although those gangsters didn't dare to come again, Uncle Chen was always worried that Lin Ke, a lonely kid, would do something radical because of him.

This forced Lin Ke to work with his social worker brothers and sisters.

"Wake him up, don't let him regret anymore."

The wind in the ear continued.

Uncle Chen woke up suddenly, a little bit suddenly - he forgot, he had been away for too long, Linke had grown up, and he was braver than he imagined.

And the hurdle of regret in Lin Ke's heart has never passed.

He saw the two demons fighting together, and finally shouted in a calm voice: "Lin Ke!"

In the other mirror, the little angel beside the female ghost suddenly disappeared, and the woman let out a scream, and suddenly lost her strength.

Yin Li grinned again and brought Jin Qingyue's claws to hit the mirror where Uncle Chen was.

On the bed, Link suddenly opened his eyes.

In the nick of time, he jumped up without any props or strength to use, but even so, he jumped up to block in front of the mirror, and calmly said to his back: "Pull me in!"

Behind him, Chen Bo, who was so frightened by his actions that one Buddha came out of his body and two Buddhas ascended to heaven, subconsciously stretched out his hand according to the command, but found that he could penetrate the lens surface.

He grabs Link and pulls Link into the mirror a split second before he gets scratched by his claws.

The sharp claws cut Link's collar, but Lin Ke grabbed it with his backhand.

The angel's face entered the mirror and was suddenly covered with a layer of darkness. Link opened his same scarlet eyes, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Since you want to fight, then enter my safe zone and fight!" [Bullet

screen: Fuck little brother's eyes! 】

【Barrage: Wait a minute, take a look at the mirror opposite them! ! ! 】

At some point, an exquisite and perfect angelic face appeared in the mirror opposite to Uncle Chen, which originally represented danger.

[Bullet screen: I see, I understand, the little brother disassembled himself again. 】

【Barrage: How did this happen? Is the current little brother a devil little brother? ]

[Bullet screen: This dungeon is too weird. For the time being, we can understand that the safe area in the safety mirror is to allow demons to act rationally. Players who can maintain their sanity and bright side can stay in the dangerous world to operate-but I'm not sure about this. 】

【Bullet screen: I guess, the little brother merged his light side and dark side before, and obtained a complete personality body that can act in dreams, but in fact he is still incomplete! Because his bright side cannot completely suppress the dark side, the dark side must be suppressed by the safety mirror, and finally combined, so just now, as soon as the little brother entered the safety mirror, the dark side immediately bounced the bright side to the opposite side! 】

【Barrage: Anyway, my little brother is quite...violent now, right? ]

It is indeed violent.

In the picture, the third demon was born. One in each hand, he grabbed the other two demons and entered the mirror. Uncle Chen had already been protected behind him with his not-so-thick back.

One of Jin Qingyue's arms was still stuck in Yin Li's chest, and Yin Li was injured because Jin Qingyue had indeed swayed him, making it difficult to move around. He could have untied Jin Qingyue as soon as possible, but he wanted to cheat two in a row, which made himself more injured. Unexpectedly, Lin Ke completely figured out how to use the mirror in the dungeon, and became a super-combat man. Strong demon!

With this premise, the two of them were completely suppressed by Lin Ke. The two of them were kicked open the door by Link and pushed out like candied haws.

Sure enough, this is another ancient house, but it is quiet and suitable for fighting.

[Barrage: Is this... still my little brother? ]

[Barrage: So scary. 】

In the picture, Lin Ke is exuding a chill all over his body. There is no anger in his eyes, only extreme indifference.

[Bullet screen: I seem to know... The bright side of my little brother is a helpful little angel... The dark side... is indifference? ]

"I didn't want to take care of your rubbish things," he slowly knelt down in front of the two of them, holding Jin Qingyue's arm that passed through Yin Li's arm with his left hand, and Yin Li's other paw that was trying to sneak up on him with his right hand , "I have been, have been patient, why do you have to provoke me, why?" "

...Are you trying to compare me with someone more ruthless?"

His voice was hoarse, and his whole body was as pale as a ghost climbing up from hell.

Yin Li groaned under him, followed by the sound of bones being crushed.

[Barrage: Wait a minute, is this what the little brother said? Why do I feel that he is still immersed in the memories of the past? ]

[God A: If he walks away, he also loses control. 】

【B God: This is really annoying. Seeing the state of the three of them, Yin Li will suffer a bit, but if Linke can't come back, the whole situation will be over. ]

"Lin Ke!" Behind him, Uncle Chen grabbed the door frame and shouted to him from a distance.

But Uncle Chen couldn't leave the door, as if an invisible force trapped him in this room, he could only circle around the door anxiously.

In such a state of extreme pain, Yin Li could still laugh: "Kill me, let everyone see your true face as a 'little angel'..."

"Lin Ke!" Jin Qingyue, who was crushed below, said with pain, "In this dungeon, anyone who has killed someone or wants to kill someone will lose his own bright mirror. You can't kill him, you will lose the clearance It's—"

"Shut up," above, Lin Ke raised his eyelids indifferently, "It's none of my business whether you pass the level or not?"

Jin Qingyue was stunned suddenly.

This is not Link.

Yin Li began to smile smugly. Even if he wants to die, he is too proud. This is his declaration of war on the main god and all players. He just wants them to watch. He can destroy all the beautiful things in this world and all the players they want with just a little effort. something to protect.

Rather than defeating Link here, it's actually more interesting for him to lead Link to become a vicious person.

He just wants to let everyone know that it is not that he is evil, but that this world is inherently evil.

That being the case, why be so sanctimonious?

That laughter finally caught Lin Ke's impatient gaze.

"Kill me," Yin Li said with a suppressed voice, "otherwise I'll cut that old man bit by bit..."

Linke's pupils shrank suddenly, and a black mist suddenly appeared around him. In extreme anger, his five fingers unconsciously sprouted sharp claws, scratching the skin of the two people below him.

He was really crazy, the crazy look in Jin Qingyue's eyes gave Jin Qingyue a moment of rationality out of fear.

Jin Qingyue tremblingly turned the hand that passed through Yin Li's chest, twisted it at an angle that would cause him extreme pain, pinched Link instead and let go of his wrist.

Lin Ke only felt the cold on his wrist.

He was very impatient, and was about to shake it off, but his eyes froze abruptly.

He saw something familiar in Jin Qingyue's palm.

The silver tail ring flashed an arc in Jin Qingyue's palm, the pattern on it was complicated and beautiful, solemn and warm, like an eye staring at him.

Lin Ke took a breath, and then exhaled lightly.

In an instant, a slight sound of wind also reached his ears.

"Don't be afraid, don't be angry. The master asked me to send you a message...he said, please rest assured, please leave everything to him...don't get your hands dirty." The author has something to say: Thanks in

2021-07 -24 20:25:33~2021-07-25 20:40:28 During the period, the little angel who voted for the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution for me~ Thanks to the little

angel who cast the landmine: Qingyi 2;

thanks for the irrigation nutrition The little angel of liquid: 10 bottles of Nadangdang Beatirx; 7 bottles of mona; 5 bottles of Puyu Youxin; 3 bottles of Xinxinzi; 1 bottle of FX_shirley; thank you

very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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