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 Four beams of light enveloped the four of them.

"Brothers and sisters, come again next time." Five colorful children waved their soft hands to them.

"Lu Zhou" had just accepted his new name, and raised the corners of his lips to

Lin Ke, with a delicate expression: "Goodbye." Link froze.

No way...

Was it the goodbye he wanted?

The scenery around him changed, and in the blink of an eye, he stood again at the entrance of the orphanage copy. From a distance, he could still see the colorful balloons floating out of the restaurant window on the first floor, swaying in the breeze.

From the looks of it, it's time for the system to distribute dungeon rewards.

The audience of the live broadcast was more excited than five people in an instant.

【Barrage: Oh, oh, oh, oh, here, here! 】

【Barrage: Show me the god-level rewards! 】

【Barrage: What toys will the children give? 】

【Barrage: Manually quiet! ! 】

The electronic sound of the main god system sounded.

[Main God System: The closing speech of the full protection stage will be broadcast below. ]

[Barrage: What is this? 】

【Barrage: gearing up, very grand. ]

Lin Ke also lowered his voice: "What is this?"

Both Ye Shi and Zhou Zhao said that they had never had this link before, but it should be just a boast, just listen to it.

Just listen to the system solemnly start reading the manuscript.

[Main God System: In the unknown stories that have happened in the orphanage for hundreds of years, among the 5,980,173 people who entered this instance, only you are the ones who helped the children from the very beginning. A delicious breakfast is prepared.

Time flies, childlike innocence is not old. This lovely experience will become their precious memory forever, keeping them smart and rational.

Thank you for visiting the children and using this as an opportunity to find everything they lost. Thank you for your patience, persistence and understanding, and thank you for running away in a hurry and never hurting.

The children have gifts they want to give you, they are not fancy, they may not even be useful to you, you can put them in the corner to collect dust, but you must remember that maybe one day, they too will become dusty miracles. 】

Everyone: "..."

Suddenly sensational! But this voice is wrong!

It can be heard that the main god system is trying hard to be eloquent and expressive, but it is still a little unskilled.

It is understandable that there are not many players who probably pass the level perfectly.

Lin Ke suddenly had a strange feeling: If this passage was read by the No. 2 system, it would not violate harmony at all.

Before he could think about it, the main god system immediately resumed its main business with a normal voice and started broadcasting rewards.

[Main God System: Congratulations to player Lin Ke, who obtained the F-level item "Little Fish's Promise" x1, congratulations to player Ye Shi, who obtained the F-level item "Sticky Ball" x1, congratulations to player Zhou Zhao, who obtained the F-level item "Traveling" Bad suit" x1, congratulations to the player Su Xue, who got the F-level prop "Teddy Bear Not Afraid of Getting Injured" x1. ]

[Barrage: Am I stupid? It's so exciting to get F-level props...]

[Barrage: Laughing and crying, I almost forgot that F-level dungeons are about equal to feelings. 】

【Barrage: An impassioned speech, passionate thanks, and this is the last thing you take out? ]

Lin Ke felt the bracelet vibrate.

Then, a terminal screen popped up in front of him, and he automatically entered the item storage bar with five rows and five columns. In the first square storage pane, a faint blue transparent small shark is swimming clockwise, and there seems to be waves of sea water in the item compartment along with its movement.

Very delicate, very beautiful, like the soul of the sea.

Lin Ke couldn't help reaching out and touching the panel.

[Little Fish's Promise: Remember that the fish that come and go freely in the sea are the most beautiful. When passively triggered by drowning or any dying conditions, you can get 30 seconds of free breathing or life time without injury.

*Additional effect: I am a super powerful fangtooth shark, and I can move regardless of all obstacles within 30 seconds of free time.

Cooldown time: 24 hours. 】

"A sticky ball, I don't see any use for the time being." Ye Shi obviously checked his panel, "But this ball will always stick to me, but it's quite cute.

" Bad," Zhou Zhao was very satisfied, and he closed the torn shirt, and the shirt immediately looked brand new, "There will be no such embarrassing situation like this time." Su Xue stared at the front seriously: 

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