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  A rotten smell of rotting flesh poured into Lin Ke's nostrils.

Lin Ke's heart stopped suddenly, a scream stuck in his throat, blood rushed to the top of his skull.

His eyes went dark.

The extreme tension triggered an adverse reaction in his body, and he was so dizzy that he couldn't even think of using the ring with his left hand. In a daze, he was pushed down by the zombie in front of him, and he fell heavily to the ground, only hearing There was a crisp "clang".

It was the mirror in his pocket that fell out. He finally came back to his senses, raised his left hand to push away the zombies on his body, and went to grab the mirror with his right hand. His thumb unconsciously slid across the mirror, bringing a burst of cold.

The temporary blindness made Lin Ke's heart beat faster, so he didn't see the terrified expression of the grinning, saliva-dripping zombie after seeing the content in the round mirror.

Link felt lighter.

[Barrage: Oh my god, little brother's world is so scary! Open screen crit, I'm dead! 】

【Barrage: ... Sister, did you also enter the F book, and watch other live broadcasts in leisure time! ]

[Bullet screen: Let's clear your own level first, I'll come and cheer up and leave, come on! 】

Although it was a very thrilling and exciting scene that usually required millions of viewers, at this moment it only attracted a few sparse bullet screens.

After cheering for Lin Ke, several players who had spare time also rushed into their own customs clearance process.

Lin Ke didn't have time to pay attention to the number of viewers. He only knew that the person on his body left for some reason. He blinked frantically and regained a bit of blurred vision. Then he saw a black figure suddenly opened the door, rushed out, and then turned the room The door slammed shut.

In just a moment, he saw in the corridor outside the door, countless zombies heard the sound, opened their bloody mouths and turned their heads, and looked at him in the short time the door opened.

All this happened so quickly, when Link stood up staggeringly and finally calmed down his beating heart, there was only silence in the room.

Lin Ke panted carefully, looked down at the foggy round mirror, and after confirming that it was not broken, he put it back in his pocket, then raised his head, and stared at the solid-looking Grade A soundproof gray and black anti-theft mirror. Door.

It was very quiet outside the door, as if the six or seven zombies in different clothes and staring at him just now were his illusion.

Looking back on the details carefully, some of those zombies were wearing shirts and trousers, some were in loose casual clothes, and some were shopping clothes...

What kind of world is this?

Lin Ke took a deep breath, moved his eyes, skipped the light and luxurious living room, walked into the aisle on the side and the three rooms at the end of the aisle, and confirmed that nothing strange came out suddenly.

Just as he was about to find a handy weapon to check the situation inside the house, there was a "rusting" sound outside the door, as if someone was scraping the outer wall of the anti-theft door with nails or something else.

Lin Ke, who had just turned around, froze.

He froze in place, not daring to move, and clearly felt the cold sweat slowly coming out from the back of his neck, sticking to his hot skin, bringing a tingling sensation.

Before the door was broken into, Lin Ke had already automatically imagined some mosaic scenes of demons dancing wildly, and the scene of himself being besieged by a group of zombies. Just thinking about the smell he just smelled made his whole body messy—— — This dungeon is too unfriendly to him! Fortunately, the zombies outside the door finally did not break into the door, but the sound of "swish" has not stopped, slowly spreading the restlessness into the room through the anti-theft door. After a while, Lin Ke slowly regained his energy, and his eyes focused on the door again. This time, he mustered up his courage and walked barefoot to the door on tiptoe. Gently put your palm on the anti-theft door, and slowly move your head closer to the cat's eye. Although he had made all the mental preparations, when he was caught off guard and met a pair of pale bloodshot pupils suddenly, he almost fainted from fright.
The chill spread to his palm through the cuffs of the cotton pajamas he had put under his palm, and Linke looked at the zombie outside the door in this motionless posture.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Just when he couldn't hold it anymore, the zombie's eyes finally turned, and then its face slowly moved away from the anti-theft door...

Link was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but he was caught off guard and saw the zombie's decayed and sunken nose, and the collapsed nose. Half of the mouth is still hanging with shredded meat.

Lin Ke's soles softened, and he slid down against the anti-theft door: "..."

Ahhh, let him die! Why put up with all this!

But if you pay, you will gain. After the zombies staggered away, Linke saw the scene in the corridor clearly—this is obviously a high-end residential area, with two elevators and two households. At this time, the elevator door is slowly closing, and the inside seems Standing full of zombies. The door of the house facing him was wide open, and a wooden shoe rack was placed near the door. Judging from the wind and the hanging painting style of simple color lines, the overall decoration style on the opposite side is similar to the house where Linke lives.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like you just started a zombie queue.

Nothing strange continued to come out.

From the angle of the cat's eyes, Lin Ke couldn't determine which floor the zombies finally reached after entering the elevator, and it was impossible for him to go out rashly in this situation.

He turned his neck and found that his whole body was stiff, so he supported the anti-theft door and slowly stood up straight.

Suddenly, a pair of small hands grabbed the back elbow of his pajamas.


Lin Ke finally couldn't bear the stimulation, and for the first time in the dungeon of the main god world, he yelled loudly. While running, just as he was about to pick up the desk lamp next to the sofa, a small voice called him.


Panting, Lin Ke pulled out the desk lamp: "?"

He turned his head slowly.

I saw a little girl who also didn't wear slippers, was wearing cotton pajamas made of the same material as him, and her ponytail was tied up one high and one low, looking at him suspiciously: "What's wrong with you? Did you have a nightmare?

" I..."

The little girl was about ten years old, at the age of just sensible, at this time she stared at Linke with round eyes, and was obviously taken aback by Linke.

Lin Ke was at a loss for words for a moment.

In the main god world, players usually participate in the dungeon as tourists or as a specific indiscriminate identity, while npcs are the aborigines in the dungeon world. The relationship between the two parties is relatively weak, and there will be intersections gradually in the background of the dungeon. .

But in this dungeon, Lin Ke's clothes all over his body have changed, and there is a little girl who is not a few years younger than him calling him "Dad"... What is the name Dad

? Calling brother is also good!

Lin Ke almost had a heart attack.

[Barrage: Hahahaha, cut to see such a funny picture for ten seconds. 】

【Barrage: What a young guest father! 】

【Barrage: In other words, it is really attractive hahahaha. 】

【Barrage: Little brother, get used to it, you're sure to be fine! ]

Lin Ke adapted quickly. He thought to himself that this might be the reason why S-level dungeons are more realistic than other level dungeons-every player has his own unique identity. Thoughts turned quickly, he knelt down and said to the little girl, "I didn't have any nightmares, good boy, Dad just feels a little sick, do

you know where the medicine cabinet is at home?"

Basic information is always fine.

Just thinking about it, the little girl froze for a moment, and then ran up to touch Lin Ke's forehead: "Is Dad sick?"

She looked a little anxious, as if she was about to cry: "What should we do? If no one comes to buy our house, will we starve to death? Die from illness?"

Selling the house? starve? unemployment?

Link's heart skipped a beat.

He gently stroked the girl's head with his right hand, telling her not to panic, while looking at the huge LCD screen in the living room.

According to the main points of zombie movies they summarized before, the most information can be obtained on TV, followed by the Internet, and the tools that can be used to talk.


Link looked down at the worried girl.

This child can scare her parents like this even when she has a fever. Shouldn't she know too much?

Lin Ke didn't think about whether the little girl was a key npc, but analyzed it from a rational point of view, thinking that making her panic would be useless to the development of the situation.

"Don't walk barefoot on the ground." He said as he walked to the shoe cabinet by the door, and when he opened it, he found that there were only men's size slippers and little girl's slippers in it.

He kept his composure and took out a pair of pink ones: "Hey, put them on and go back to the room to play for a while, there are still people coming to see the house later." The

little girl still looked at him worriedly, a little uneasy, but finally nodded Head: "Okay."

Then he took the slippers and walked back to the room with a "patta pata".

Link hesitated for a moment, followed her back, and saw her walk into a children's room decorated in pink, and closed the door for her.

In addition to this children's room facing south like the living room's floor-to-ceiling windows, there is also a master bedroom at the end of the corridor and a study room next door, and there is no one there. There is another bathroom next to the children's room. Lin Ke went in and turned on the faucet to try it out. There was water.

The living conditions look surprisingly good.

Going back to the living room and finding the remote control, Link turned on the TV and went to the kitchen.

There are three boxes of milk, two eggs, one cabbage, and no fish left in the refrigerator.

There was half a bag of eaten biscuits on the dining table, damp.

"The high-speed rail line from Area C to Area F has been repaired, but it is only open to passengers who have purchased tickets. Residents in Area C, please—" The

surround sound suddenly sounded, but fortunately Linke was well prepared, holding the remote control The device is just a mute.

On the screen, as expected, news about the city was being broadcast. The hostess looked gloomy and pointed out that several traffic lines that had been temporarily suspended due to accidents had resumed operation, but because of unexplained disasters in other districts, only those who had already purchased tickets were accepted. Passengers get on the train, and round-trip tickets are no longer sold. If you are sure to leave Area C, passengers must bring the bullet train ticket purchased in advance and the correct ID card.

Is there an error in the ID? Do you need to buy train tickets in advance?

Lin Ke didn't have time to think deeply, but the channel suddenly jumped automatically, and then the screen went black.

He froze for a moment, and walked forward, the TV was still running normally.

After observing for a while, Linke carefully raised the volume a little.


After a sharp electric sound passed, a noise mixed with human voice appeared.

The noise was very loud, and the human voice could hardly be heard clearly. Link turned up the volume a little bit, but it was still useless. He could only put his ear close to the speaker, and then he heard a voice like a whisper.

"Please don't believe any information about evacuation. Please don't believe any..." "

At present, the overall condition of Area C is good, and other areas are still on alert. Residents in other areas are requested not to go out at will and wait for rescue.

" -"

"As soon as possible! As soon as possible," a woman's panting voice sounded, as if being interviewed on a rainy day, "I just escaped from Area C yesterday, it's terrible, they learned to lie to us with the news! There is no safety at all District, my God...they bit people right outside my house, and I..." "

All the companies have long stopped letting me go to work! The food market is also closed, there is no food at all, and I can only starve to death if I don't come out, but I don't know Is it reasonable that the people on the news are still looking for jobs online? Please help them!" "

There are still people who find it difficult to find a job and start selling houses, God!" "

The trains are still running, but after tomorrow there will be no trains Yes, my grandparents are still in Area C, please save them!"

"It's stabbed——"

"Residents in Area C can go to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination and receive protective measures—"

There was another violent electronic sound wave After the movement, there was no more strange sound, and the pictures on the screen reunited. The gloomy female announcer stared blankly at Lin Ke outside the TV: "Currently everything is normal in Area C, please don't believe in rumors. Don't make rumors, don't spread rumors, live a happy life."

Then the news icon in Area C covered the face of the female announcer, and the news broadcast ended.

This concluding remark...

Lin Ke heard his ears burning, and looked out of the window again. At this time, the shadow of the sun had already slanted, and it should be afternoon, but there was still no one on the street, only a few black cars speeding through the street .

It's so wrong.

According to the "News" broadcast just now, the area she is currently in is Area C, which is the area she said is "in good overall condition". Not only can she go out, but she can also go to the hospital for a physical examination; Stay home and wait for help.

But in the black-screen interview that I don't know how to insert just now, the woman said that Area C has fallen, but everyone does not know it. They are still looking for jobs online, and some are even selling houses leisurely. Judging from the content of the interview, he had to take advantage of the only time the high-speed train was running today and leave the city.

Which side is telling the truth? You can't even believe the news?

And this S-level dungeon, the map is too big!

Link was a little crazy, and took advantage of the time when he was crazy to turn over the whole room.

There is a storage room on one side of the living room. There is a medicine box in the storage room, but the medicines in it have expired. Lin Ke stuffed all the medicines into a travel bag and put them on the sofa in the living room, preparing for possible escape later.

He found some clothes and the mobile phone he was charging by the bed in the big room. Fortunately, it was a very new model that could be unlocked with fingerprints.

A dialog box pops up after unlocking. As expected, he received a tenant who came to view the house just now, and the agent is sending him a message.

[Intermediary: I'm really sorry, the tenant just now sneaked out to look at the house during working hours. He said that he suddenly saw the boss of his company and remembered that it was time to go to work, so he hurried away. ]

[Agent: But he is very satisfied with your room type, and would like to ask if the total price can be lowered? ]

Lin Ke: "..."

[Lin Ke: Yes, but can I pay the full amount? ]

[Agent: This...]

[Agent: The buyer has just started working, so the full payment may be difficult, but his credit investigation and loan are no problem at all! There will be no commercial loans or revolving loans. ]

Lin Ke's heart skipped a beat again.

[Lin Ke: What company does he work for, can I find out? As far as I know, the company has recently shut down due to accidents. Can his company still pay wages? 】

The agent is inputting.


The intermediary is not inputting.

Link's heart sank.

What kind of buyer was that just now? It was clearly a zombie!

He started to search for train lines from Area C to other districts on his mobile phone. Sure enough, train tickets are no longer open for purchase. Currently, there are only two trains running from Area C to Area E, and Area C to Area F. The departure time is always at 8:50pm.

The time now is three forty-six in the afternoon.

To get the ticket and the correct ID in such a short period of time?

Lin Ke quickly searched Areas A and B on his mobile phone... all the way to Area F, and confirmed that there are a total of six areas in this world. The management methods of each area are very different. About Area C The information is all positive, while Area A is in chaos. Some bloggers have released photos of smoking shops, streets, and cars crashed on the road. There is no news in Area B. It may be a total fall, or it may be self Closed; District D itself is more like an industrial park, with few citizens living in it, and there are not many comments and news on the Internet. District F is the largest area, and there are dense wild jungles and small ocean islands. The equipment is relatively backward. There are also very few people who post.

Lin Ke tried to post information online, but was constantly reminded that "real-name authentication failed."

go or stay?

How to choose?

Just thinking about it, the phone vibrated again.

[Intermediary: Of course it is Yihua Experimental Company, which is chained in various districts. Don't worry about this company? ]

[Intermediary: Of course, we also hope to find customers who pay in full. If the family who made an appointment to arrive at 4 pm can watch it, it will be convenient for both of us! They are replacing a large room with a small room, and the full amount can be paid. ]

Linke's eyelids twitched when he saw the intermediary's words—is there anyone else who wants to see the house?

Wait, four o'clock?

As soon as Lin Ke realized it, he heard the doorbell ringing behind him.

Then the "squeaky" sound sounded again.

Lin Ke walked to the door stiffly again, and looked out through the cat's eyes again.

This time he was already immune. When he saw a family of five zombies neatly blocked at the door, grandparents, parents, a zombie child, and a zombie intermediary behind him, he felt that everything was very logical.

Everything is clear, City C is indeed normal.

There are a group of very normal zombie residents here... He shouldn't be here.

Lin Ke quietly took two steps back.

On the mobile phone, the intermediary suddenly started sending messages frantically. [Intermediary: Open the door. ]

[Agent: Open the door quickly! ! ! ]

[Intermediary: The buyer is going to be angry! ]

There was a muffled "bang", as if someone had thrown a sandbag on the door.


Another sound.

Lin Ke's heart, which had not been able to calm down, slowly raised again, and he could feel the blood flowing all over his body is accelerating.

But the little girl in the house came out because of the noise. She rubbed her eyes and said, "Father? Has someone bought a house?" She

looked outside the door in doubt: "Then why don't you open the door?"

"Open the door Dad." The little girl urged, her voice suddenly became very strange.

At some point, her eyes had turned blue-gray, her pupils were so pale that she couldn't see, and on her pale skin, countless small blue-colored meridians emerged.

She walked towards Link step by step: "Open the door."

Link: "..." He stopped breathing, watching the little girl's steps.

The little girl suddenly jumped up and rushed towards him.

At the same time, Lin Ke's pupils suddenly tightened, he quickly opened the anti-theft lock at hand, and pulled the door open!

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution during 2021-08-07 20:34:20~2021-08-08 18:05:53~ Thanks for the

irrigation nutrient solution Little Angel: 5 bottles of Ding Linwu and Qingyi;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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