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  [Jin Qingyue: Congratulations. 】

Full protection stage?

Lin Ke thought it was time to clear the level, but he didn't expect to complete only eleven-twelfths, and a whole new stage appeared.

Although this stage sounds beautiful, his face is still wrinkled immediately, can the two out of 12 we agreed to get through together?

Why is there more, more?

Is it possible to get one in seven hundred and sixty-eighth if this continues?

Ye Shi caught a glimpse of Lin Ke's cracked expression, and hurriedly said, "Don't worry, you've cleared the level."

Lin Ke raised his eyelids: "Have you cleared the level?"

Beside him, Zhou Zhao's hands trembled wildly, holding a small spoon in his hand. "Ding Ding Dang Dang" on the dinner plate: "Full protection stage! I, I have played the full protection stage!"

[Bullet screen: Wake up, uncle...you didn't play it...]

[Bullet screen: Straightforward as always male. But I understand, he didn't maliciously take the credit, what he meant was that the team was very happy to clear the level. 】

【Barrage: I'm also very happy woo woo woo. 】

Ye Shi relaxed his whole body, only feeling sore all over, so he found a small round stool to sit down, relieved to support his forehead and said: "Yes, we have cleared the level. We can try as much as we want for the remaining one-twelfth. The death point will not be triggered, because the boss is open to us."

When she said this, she immediately realized that Linke was a complete newcomer, so she further explained: "The open state means that the interaction between us and the boss is friendly. Communicable, without worrying about triggering any key words, this state is very rare, I have been in the world of the main god for so many years, and I have only seen it once."

Lin Ke immediately relaxed: "Is there any special reward?"

No I have eaten pork and seen pigs run, and if I can achieve a once-in-a-thousand-year ending, then the reward should be more expensive, right?

It's not about Linku Tu, he is mainly because he is too tired from dealing with the brats, so he needs to find some balance for himself.

Unexpectedly, Ye Shi shook his head: "I don't know."

Lin Ke: "?"

Ye Shi: "The live broadcast was suddenly disconnected, maybe the players didn't want others to know how they cleared the level and what rewards they got, so they hid it all In short, except for one of them, no one else appeared in the public eye." It's

so boring, I took the treasure and lived in seclusion.

Lincoln yawned. He and Zhou Zhao didn't sleep all night. After discussing it, they confirmed that the remaining one-twelfth must be the jigsaw pieces of the dean's portrait. Anyway, we have to eat dinner first, so it's better to take a nap first.

【Barrage:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ]

[Bullet screen: How long have you slept, is this in the dungeon? ! ]

[Bullet screen: I'm so dazed, I'm so close to clearing the level perfectly, do you want to sleep? ? ? Wouldn't it be nice to take the reward and come out and sleep with him for ten or eight days? Do you have to sleep in someone else's orphanage? ]

[Bullet screen: I'm all off, you let me see this! 】

It's a pity that the players can't communicate with the barrage, and Lin Ke and others don't know how regretful it is in the barrage. All in all, they are extremely sleepy, especially Lin Ke, who doesn't even bother to cover his head this time, and falls down when he touches the pillow. Leave the live broadcast audience with a beautiful sleeping face.

[Danmaku: Uh, just, actually, sleeping, um, is also pretty good. 】

【Barrage: It's a pity that I can't take a screenshot! 】

【Barrage: This is a live broadcast of horror, you guys stand firm, hey... you won't miss dinner time! ]


The four of them didn't miss dinner time because Su Xue woke up.

She can be regarded as the luckiest person in the whole game. Since entering the orphanage dungeon, she has been ignorant. First, Ye Shi patiently explained to her, and then Zhou Zhao and Ye Shi protected her. No matter where she went, she almost never left alone. Under the leadership of Lin Ke, a legendary perfect ending was played.

Therefore, the little girl was always a little excited, and couldn't sleep. Hearing the three heavy breathing sounds beside her ears, she felt very guilty, feeling that she hadn't made any contribution to the team.

So she took advantage of the full protection stage to boldly go out for a stroll.

After the children left, the orphanage became more gloomy. Su Xue felt that something was weird, but she couldn't analyze it.

It wasn't until she found that the leaves of the vegetables in the kitchen were wilted that she deduced that all the items and food in the orphanage were aging and decaying at an accelerated rate.

Su Xue hurried back to the room to wake up a few people.

Linke was still in a daze: "You guys eat, I'll sleep later... Anyone can go and put together the puzzle."

[Bullet screen: What's going on, little brother! Don't you want to take a look at the joyful scene on the opposite side and share the happiness of family? 】

【Barrage: Little brother, don't hit me with a full face hahahaha. ]

[Bullet screen: I'm right that I finished overtime. ]

[Bullet screen: Young lady dragged him up. Although this newcomer is inconspicuous, he has grown up very quickly. 】

【Barrage: The little brother must also be slandering in his heart--what do you want me to do after clearing the customs and finishing the work? ] On the screen, Su Xue

put her slender arms on Lin Ke's shoulders, and firmly shook Lin Ke awake: "No, you must leave here.


The master's intern made him suddenly feel the vicissitudes of the younger generation being too active and the waves of the Yangtze River pushing the waves ahead.

He raised his three-ton eyelids, gave Su Xue a desperate look, and supported the bed board with his elbows.

He got up.

Ye Shi and Zhou Zhao also got up like night wandering souls. It will be dark and there will be no moonlight outside the window.

Several people shivered at the same time.

Ye Shi: "The temperature has dropped?"

Su Xue said: "Eat first, I just looked around, it seems that the whole orphanage is slowly breaking down."

Her description was very general, but several people understood it instantly.

Zhou Zhao glanced at her in surprise: "Looked around? Are you alone?"

Su Xue nodded.

Under Su Xue's insistence, the four of them came to the kitchen very quickly, and the scene was exactly as Su Xue said, the food seemed to be rotting at an accelerated rate.

Although there is no rush to clear the level, but if the food is rotten, you can no longer eat it. A few people can only rush around in the kitchen. It only took fifteen minutes to bring out a pile of edible mush, and divide the last A bottle of milk, poured into four glasses.

Link took a spoonful and choked immediately.

【Barrage: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" 】

【Barrage: Hahaha uncle also choked. 】

Another fifteen minutes later.

Ye Shi scraped out the last spoonful of paste in the bowl with a spoon, and said sleepily, "This is probably the last meal the four of us will eat together."

Lin Ke choked again.

【Barrage: Hahahaha, sister Yu is so good at talking, so let's talk more. 】

【Barrage: How could this be? A celebration banquet tasted like a breakup meal. ]

[Bullet screen: It's not just a day or two that their atmosphere group is toxic. 】

The bullet screen was complaining, but seeing Zhou Zhao on the screen had finished eating, he raised his glass very appropriately: "Come on, let's do it!"

This time everyone sold his face, raised their glasses one after another, and drank the milk in one gulp.

Then the four of them sat down on the ground with their buttocks empty.

Lin Ke was in so much pain that he almost cursed, but when he opened his eyes, he froze.

[Barrage: Wow. ]

[Barrage: Wow! ! ! ]

[Barrage: So cute! ! ! ! 】

Ye Shi was also dumbfounded: "This is..."

They originally thought that there would always be one person who would be able to travel through time, but unexpectedly, after drinking milk together, the mechanism was triggered and they traveled together to the imaginary world.

Only in front of my eyes.

The walls of the brand new restaurant are decorated with colorful balloons and bright lights.

The originally long wooden dining table was also covered with a blue sky and white cloud tablecloth, with love cakes on it. All the stools are neatly stacked in the corner, waiting to be used.

The tableware divided into ten parts are cute ceramic animals.

The most amazing thing is that outside the window, the sun is clearly warm, but there are falling snowflakes. The yellow land has been covered by heavy snow, and there are a few snowmen like candied haws on it.

Lin Ke's lips moved: "... how do they know that there are so many kinds of animals... the weather?"

Su Xue was a little embarrassed: "Oh, I told them when I was free, but I didn't expect them to remember it. Lin Ke nodded slowly ,

while still feeling surprised, he walked out of the restaurant. When he was a child, he went out to work with his parents, and the most colorful place he had ever seen was an amusement park. The childlike fun here was beyond his imagination.

For a moment, he thought awkwardly, the children's arrangement is not ugly, and there is nothing unreasonable about it.

He had just finished boasting in his heart when he suddenly tripped over something, and rushed forward like a dog eating shit.

Lin Ke: "!" What's on the ground!

He stared wide-eyed, subconsciously glanced at his feet, it turned out to be a small dark blue train running silently!

Would a normal person put a train on the restaurant floor!

Lin Ke was waiting for himself to fall to his death, when suddenly he held him with both hands, and he suddenly raised his head.

I saw the dean looking at him with a little surprise.

This is the dean?

The man with amber eyes was so familiar, as if he was going to stick to him at any time, Link was startled, and took two steps back with his hand out.

There seemed to be a brief smile on the dean's lips.

[Barrage: Mom! This dean...was even more shocking. 】

【Barrage: The children are also much prettier. 】

Behind the dean, five children were walking in holding something. When they saw the four of them, they all froze, and then screamed piercingly, rushing up to surround the four of them.

The little shark wearing a little shark pajamas and a sharp-toothed shark hat was the most excited. He was the first to hug Lin Ke: "Big shark, are you really here?" You lied to us!"

Link grabbed the little shark's hat, but fixed his eyes on the dean.

This person... this person... the

dean didn't seem to recognize Lin Ke, looked down at him, and said in a calm voice, "Welcome, can you help us put the photos on the wall?"

Xiaolan was putting the puzzle pieces on the wall. On the table, the missing piece in the picture was lying quietly on the edge, and it was indeed a beautiful photo of the dean.

Ye Shi, Zhou Zhao, and Su Xue were very pleasantly surprised when they saw the final props for clearing the level, but since the principal asked the question was Lin Ke, they all looked at Lin Ke.

Lin Ke looked back, let go of the little shark, walked to the table, and picked up "Dean" with two slender fingers.

The man in the photo also has amber pupils, like a god.

Who is he? Lin Ke suppressed the infinite doubts in his heart and checked his position.

The puzzle pieces fall into place.

Just hearing a "bang", fireworks exploded in the air, and the children screamed again: "Happy birthday!" The little shark said triumphantly: "Today is the dean's birthday, shall we leave after eating the


: Congratulations to the player for reaching progress 12/12, and the dungeon will be released soon. ]

Lin Ke was taken aback, he didn't expect it to be reported so soon, he hesitated for a moment, squatting down and stroking his head: "Come to eat next time, since it's your birthday, you should give it to me first." The dean will come up with a name, and then you and the dean will..."

[Main God System: Received a friendly trusteeship task for cleared players, and named the dean. 】

【Main God System: Transmission delay, data calculation in progress. 】

Lin Ke: "?" What trusteeship task?

"Can't go, can't go!" Da Ke and Xiao Ke also yelled, pushing the cake to the front, the dean lowered his hands to cut the cake, but didn't make a wish, a tall and big man stood there, his movements were extremely beautiful.

In the end, everyone got a piece of cake, which was handed to them carefully by the children. They seemed to know that they would not stay for a long time, so they just said very politely: "You guys take it back and eat it. Be sure to come again."

The main god system once again speak.

[Main God System: After testing, the surname with a high degree of similarity to "Lin" is "Lu". After text coincidence calculations and civilization attribute matching, it often forms a phrase with "Ke" as "Zhou". The dean's name is confirmed, Lu Boat. ]

Lin Ke: "???"

[Barrage: This, the reward for this dungeon won't be the naming rights of the boss, right? 】

【Barrage: This naming method is a bit weird! 】

【Barrage: Woohoo, goodbye, kids! Sister loves you! ]

[Main God System: After the escrow task is completed, the teleportation begins and enters the reward link. 】

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution during 2021-06-02 20:50:04~2021-06-03 21:00:45~

Thank you for the irrigation nutrient solution Little Angel: 4 bottles of Moran Qingkuang;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

I send warmth to the boss in the horror world [Unlimited]Where stories live. Discover now