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 "I found it."

Under the moldy candies and chocolates in the utility room, Ye Shi's slender fingertips drew a piece of kite string.

Lin Ke was standing by the window looking at the playground. On the playground, Su Xue was sitting and chatting with the children.

Xiaolan is hugging the little bear, Lin Lin is holding the book, the scene is still quiet.

[Bullet screen: This dungeon, it turns out that you only need to play games with the children in the playground to clear the level. It's all because some perverts insisted on beheading their heads to make it like this! 】

【Barrage: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 】

【Barrage: But there is one thing to say, if the boss is a threat to my life, then of course I will choose to kill the boss when I have the ability. Doesn't he want to kill me too? 】

【Barrage: This friend, you have really expressed it many times. Everyone understands that there are indeed disgusting bosses, but please don't confuse the concepts anymore. It is a fact that the dungeon has become difficult to pass. Even if you have no feelings, is it difficult to accept the fact? 】

In the distance, Su Xue covered her mouth and laughed, and walked back with the children. The time for psychological counseling is coming soon.

Here, Ye Shi picked up the kite string and walked to the window to look at Xiao Ke downstairs who looked much better: "You are quite good at coaxing children, I can't tell." Just now she just watched Linke take Xiao Ke But the tears coaxed back.

If before, she only thought of Lin Ke as a strong teammate with a talent for clearing dungeons, but now she is already full of curiosity about this young man who occasionally explodes and is irritable, and has an incomparably handsome appearance.

"Not really," Lin Ke was obviously distracted, "They are quite obedient."

Perhaps because they only need to play games and their minds are simple, these children hate quickly, forget quickly, and recover quickly , much easier to deal with than real problem children.

Just like Dake and Xiaolan will selectively forget some painful memories, Lin Lin will forget some memories that are too good to have, only Xiaoke who has been well protected and has never experienced too much pain can act Witnesses remember everything.

The clues about the children are basically complete, and the children's emotions seem to be quite stable at present.

It's just...

"What are you thinking?" Ye Shi asked.

Lin Ke frowned: "I'm thinking about how to pass the level."

Ye Shi: "..."

[Bullet screen: Hahahaha When everyone is emotional, only the little brother is sober. ]

[Bullet screen: I just want to pass the level, so what evil intentions can there be! 】

Ye Shi was silent for too long, Linke looked at her strangely: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing," Ye Shi couldn't laugh or cry, "I thought you were sympathizing with these children, and you were reluctant to leave."

Linke: "?? ?"

So this is his image in the eyes of his teammates? Staying in the horror world and not willing to leave?

Ye Shi made up the knife: "After all, you seem to be very worried about them."

Worried? Lincoln thought about it.

"Don't worry, the little shark can kill two people with one slap now." He said with certainty, and got up, "Let's go."

[Bullet screen: Two people were killed by a slap! What level of devil are you not worried about? ? What are you not worried about? ? Don't worry that he can't shoot himself to death? ? Brother, are you in the wrong camp? ! ! ! 】

【Barrage: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha It's okay, it's the little shark who's already on the wrong side, it's ours! 】

Ye Shi was fine when she heard "don't worry", and her expression was obviously slightly distorted when she heard "shoot two people to death", but she restrained herself.

It doesn't matter, the baby shark is also quite cute. Ye Shi thought so.


Psychological consultation room.

Da Ke was more anxious than before, sitting on a small stool watching his heart, while Su Xue comforted him gently at the side.

Obviously, Su Xue also felt that it would be cruel for children to recall the painful memories of the past.

At this time, the little shark stood up, stood beside Dake with his hips akimbo, and looked at him like an invigilator.

Da Ke raised his head in horror, and his head almost fell off again!

Link's eyebrows twitched, and he stepped forward and pressed the little shark's head: "Don't scare people." The

little shark obediently stepped aside, showing gratitude in his eyes.

Lin Ke didn't talk nonsense: "Do you know what I'm going to do when I go in later?"

As Lin Ke who asked about Da Ke's past, he didn't feel guilty at all. Back then, he was also the big bad wolf brother who cried many children fiercely. , Children, is it difficult to be sad? Second, eradicating the abnormality in memory is the first priority. After all, what's the point of being sad without a pervert? Cut the grass to remove the roots.

Before entering the memory of a few children, I didn't have a good relationship with the children. The children's emotions were not high, so I couldn't make an appointment to cooperate. guide. Dake

nodded frantically: "I, I'll kill him with my head!"

Lin Ke took two steps back without changing his face: "Yes, that's good."

Gone. 】

According to the previous discussion, Lin Ke still put the props, small balls, kites, and kite strings he found on the sand table.

The soft and fine yellow sand is warm and wraps several props.

As the time passed by, the boss and the players stared nervously at the sand table.

Minutes passed and still nothing happened.

Even though everyone knew it failed again, because Linke didn't take the initiative to speak, they just waited. A look of astonishment flashed across Ye Shi's face, while Su Xue was a little puzzled.

The most nervous C position in the audience is still Da Ke. As Xiao Ke's elder brother, he has always been responsible among the children, but he didn't expect that he would be dragged down again and again, and he was really about to cry.

His temper also exploded, and he was about to hit his head again, Linke said in time: "I've confirmed, it's not your problem."

Hearing this, Ye Shi seemed to be stepped on the tail, and suddenly looked at Linke .

For the first time real terror flashed in her eyes.

[Barrage: It's not what I think, is it? After all, the props provided this time seem to be perfect. ]

[Jin Qingyue: Unfortunately, I think so. 】

【Barrage: God Jin is still here! ! ! ]

Lin Ke raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Shi: "It seems that you know what happened. This kind of thing is very common?"

Ye Shi felt numb from his heels to the top of his skull for a moment, and he almost couldn't stand up. She didn't understand why Lin Ke was so calm when he had such a guess.

Su Xue was confused: "What's the matter with all of you?"

"The conditions for customs clearance," Lin Ke said, "I've been thinking about why the dean's sense of presence has become lower."

Link paused: "Theoretically speaking, , the dean is the protector of the children, and also the killer god of the old players, there is no reason to hold the divine power, and retire after only two players are eliminated?"

Su Xue still couldn't understand: "So?"

Lin Ke Dao: "Unless he is sure, the remaining players will never survive. Why can he be sure? He doesn't know the quality of each player—so there is only one possibility. The number of players can directly determine whether a player can pass the level. "

【Jin Qingyue: The newcomer has strong reasoning ability, and the reasoning angle is also comprehensive. 】

[Barrage: Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh! ! ! 】

Ye Shi took over from Lin Ke and gave the most detailed explanation to Su Xue. She tried her best to keep her voice from trembling: "You entered Xiaolan's memory and helped Xiaolan; I entered Lin Lin's memory and read to him ;Zhou Zhao has entered Xiao Ke's memory, Lin Ke has entered Xiao Shark's memory... If a player can only enter the memory of one child, then we have no one who can enter Da Ke's memory to help him."

Dead end .

This was the worst situation. Ye Shi was still struggling in his heart, trying to arrange and combine all the props on the sand table - but they had already done countless attempts this morning. As a veteran player, she believes that balls, kites and kite strings are the right answer.

The correct answer does not bring the correct result, it only means that something else went wrong.

Su Xue finally realized the seriousness of the problem: "Sister Ye, what do you mean, we can't pass the level? Then what should we do next?"

Ye Shi took a deep breath: "When this happens, players can only Wait until the time limit is up, and see what happens."

Afraid of frightening Su Xue, she expressed the despair of waiting for death very implicitly, but her face was as pale as if she saw an extremely terrifying scene.

Lin Ke had been listening to the conversation between the two of them, and when he heard this, he also frowned and shook his head subconsciously. Because the relationship is too good, or maybe they are letting down their guard, they did not deliberately avoid the children in this discussion. The interaction of the players is also seen by the boss.

Da Ke stared blankly at several people, gently hugging his head, he didn't know what would happen after the end, but he knew that he would lose his self-awareness due to pain and anger, and in the end, only a pile of minced meat remained before his eyes.

No doubt he would kill them all.

But it was clearly not them that he wanted to kill.

"We can't wait," Lin Ke said after taking Ye Shi, "try other methods. It's not impossible to think about it carefully, but it's more difficult to implement."

[Danmaku: No way, no way, "other way" doesn't mean what I think, does it? ]

[Bullet screen: But apart from that method, there is no other way to survive. If you don't complete the mission, the boss will definitely be blackened...]

[Bullet screen: Why are you playing riddles? Stop hiding! Let's be realistic, if they kill Da Ke, won't the other kids fight back? So we can only kill five together. 】

【Barrage: The face hurts so much. 】

【Barrage: Hehe, remember what I said before? When knowing that the boss will kill me in the end, everyone will definitely resist, insisting on saying that I have no feelings and not telling the truth. If you have feelings, have you come up with a good solution? 】

The screen is full of silence. The audience of the live broadcast silently waited for Lin Ke's choice.

Even if Lin Ke really tried to kill the boss in order to clear the level, they would not blame him, nor would they be disappointed. After all, people want to protect themselves, and they are all players first, so they are on the opposite side of the boss. But in the silence, everyone was vaguely looking forward to it. The progress of this F-level dungeon has always been too surprising. They haven't seen such a relaxing and interesting live broadcast for a long time, and they don't want to become so heavy at the end.

In the picture, Ye Shi's face was even more ugly: "I don't think this method is feasible."

"But there is no other way," Lin Ke shrugged, "...you can only try, trust them."

Ye Shi: "?"

She was stunned, wait, who do you believe?

But Ye Shi reacted very quickly. Realizing what Linke wanted to do, she was stunned. This was too whimsical!

Lin Ke walked towards the sand table, glanced inexplicably at Ye Shi and the children who were pouring cold water without saying a word, took out the props, and waved at Xiao Ke.

"I heard that after Zhou Zhao used a kite to enter your memory, you never showed up. You have never entered the sand table world, right? And I also remembered that you played a prank before and wanted to throw Sister Ye Shi and the props together Going to the sand table activates the memory, which means that you also have the ability to activate the sand table, so it seems..."

As soon as he said this, the live broadcast audience also saw some signs.

[Bullet screen: ... What the hell? What does he mean? ]

[Bullet screen: Could it be that he wanted Xiao Ke? ? ? ]

[Barrage:! ! ! ! ! ! Can it still be like this! ! ! I kneel down to my little brother! ! Brother, don't take a big breath! ! 】

【Barrage: Hahahaha, look at the confused expression of the future wage earner Xiao Ke. 】

The barrage is crazy, they completely see Linke's idea - to let Xiao Ke enter Dake's memory instead of the player, and complete the jigsaw puzzle. The viewers of the live broadcast are all confused - let the boss go to clear the level, who would have thought of that! In an instant, the news spread from ten to ten, and the number of live broadcasts, which had been maintained at around one million, soared to 1.75 million.

In the picture, Xiao Ke is still in a daze, he doesn't quite understand, and tense up on guard.

Da Ke stood up and walked to Xiao Ke's side. He can allow his brothers and sisters to tie him up, because he really doesn't want to hurt them, but he doesn't allow them to do anything to Xiao Ke.

Seeing this, Linke could only take a few steps forward, squatted down in front of the two of them, stretched out his hand to pat Xiao Ke on the shoulder, looked at Dake at the side comfortingly, and then said to Xiao Ke: "Look, what happened before? It was my brother who protected you, let you hide, and took the initiative to run out to take the beating instead of you, now I give you a chance, do you want to win the game for your brother?"

Xiao Ke was stunned, not understanding what Link was talking about , just took the props Linke handed him in a daze.

"I'll teach you what to do when you go in, and you can blow the bad guy's head off together." Link said with a smile.

The bracelet vibrated again, and the number of viewers exceeded two million. [Barrage: Niu Niu Niu Niu Niu Niu Niu x10000000. 】

【Barrage: Child labor +1. 】

[Barrage: The boss level is turning the tide. 】

【Barrage: No one has ever done this before, right? Witness a moment in history! ! 】

【Barrage: They really started discussing! 】

The author has something to say: Lin Ke: You can't kill two of them with one slap, it's not worthy to say that it's the

little shark brought out by my big shark: Awwow!

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