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    Lin Ke was confused by this, and then suddenly recalled what happened before.

That's right, he had touched the mirror twice before entering the dungeon, and after entering the dungeon, he accidentally touched it again—could it have triggered the skill effect then?

Then I think of the zombies who fled at the beginning of the dungeon, and the sentence of the real estate agent, "The tenant just now sneaked out to look at the house during working hours. He said that he suddenly saw the boss of his company and remembered that it was time to go to work." - Lin Ke I feel more and more that my reasoning is correct.

That is to say, Zombie Emperor Lu Zhou has been in his round mirror all the time, not only seeing him screaming and running wildly because of the zombies, but also hearing all the words he said before, including reasoning and guessing about the intention of the main god.

Is there anything more embarrassing than this!

Link was a little speechless at the moment, and he didn't come back to his senses until the person in the mirror asked again: "Are you awake?"

In the mirror, the elegant boss of Zombie Emperor took the time to review a document, and then answered him: "Are you awake?" I can't wake up anymore. What do you want to ask?"

Lin Ke: "..."

He looked around and confirmed again that this space belongs to the junction of the main god's world and the main god's space, which is a blind spot in the live broadcast.

Similarly, the person in front of him should have the dual identities of punishment boss and main god.

So he boldly said: "What I said before... I have a chance to get props from Yin Li, is it still valid?"

Lu Zhou's men paused, raised his eyebrows slightly: "Yes.

" Something he owns?" Link confirmed again.

But I saw Lu Zhou smiled, the smile was very shallow, and it only passed across the pale face, and then he looked at Lin Ke as if he was looking at something very interesting.

"What's wrong?" Link asked alertly.

His idea is actually quite simple. If the right to demand items is still in effect, just use this method to get back the key items. At that time, Yin Li will lose the bargaining chip to negotiate with them—as for the zombies summoned by Yin Li , Lin Ke has other magical functions.

But now Lu Zhou's expression made Link a little unpredictable, as if his thoughts were stupid.

"It's nothing," but Lu Zhou said, "I just didn't expect you to ask such a simple question. It seems that my role is similar to that of the system. I thought that you, as an ordinary employee, finally got along with Yihua's boss. When people talk, they will consult a little about the company..."

Listening to this, I feel aggrieved!

Lin Ke didn't come up in one breath, and laughed angrily, thinking that you can still tell me the whole dungeon mechanism: "Then let me change the question and ask you some company secrets?" "There are no secrets," just listening to

Lu Zhou slowly He replied, "Yihua Company has always been adhering to the principle of openness, fairness and justice, and has never concealed the company's actual operating conditions and business from its employees. To be honest, I am very pleased that some employees took the initiative to ask about this matter. He

paused: "Although I have a lot of work, I don't have time to introduce it to you in detail, but I can assure every employee that there are no secrets in our company, and all data are fully backed up in the laboratory in Area B Make the mechanism public. You can work with peace of mind."

After listening to Lu Zhou's cliché, which seemed to be standard for NPCs, Lin Ke's angry smile froze slowly.

What does this sentence mean?

He seems to have grasped the point of this passage.

Lu Zhou must have heard all the conversation between him and Jin Qingyue earlier, but just now Lu Zhou said "the company has no secrets" and "all secrets are backed up in area B", but he was not telling him indirectly. Are the so-called key props taken away from here useless at all!

It's that straightforward!

Lin Ke fully understood.

"You mean..." Link said slowly.

"What I mean is," Lu Zhou began to answer Lin Ke's last question, "you do have a chance to ask Yin Li for any item, any item, as long as it belongs to him, as long as you want it, he must give it to you ——I remember that he took away your most important props at that time, so I suggest you think about how to use this opportunity." It's

all said and said, "There's no need to waste this opportunity to get one Useless props". Link glanced at Lu Zhou.

The handsome Zombie King gave him a polite smile back: "Is there anything else I want to ask?"

Lin Ke pursed his lips, feeling a little delicate.

He just wanted to confirm the request for props, but Lu Zhou grabbed him and told him so much, and revealed a lot of additional information to him.

This information may not be useful at other times, but for Lin Ke at this time, it is an urgent need. This is like the dungeon clearance information in Yin Li's hands. At other times, Jin Qingyue might not even bother to look at it, but in this life-threatening dungeon, he is restrained so that he does not dare to act rashly.

Lu Zhou's cooperation made Lin Ke feel that his previous guess was correct. The original intention of this dungeon was not to punish the player, but to give the player a chance to survive. Although the main god has always shown that he doesn't care, he may very much hope that the player can repair the world in his heart.

Facing the Zombie King boss who seemed to be looking forward to it, Lin Ke suddenly felt embarrassed and stuffed him back into the dark backpack.

Unexpectedly, as soon as this idea appeared, the other party immediately caught a trace of his hesitation, raised the corner of his mouth and said: "Really, it's so boring in this world, surrounded by a group of employees who can only 'wow', okay? It's easy to meet someone who speaks nicely, so I really don't have anything to ask?"

I saw the boss of Zombie Emperor who had a serious face just now, because Linke showed a moment of concern, his whole person was in high spirits.

"Or," Lu Zhou asked with a smile, "do you prefer to listen to me?"

Lin Ke: "..."

The slightly complicated mood just now was instantly disturbed by the beating tone and expression.

There is still time to joke with him!

For this person, the dungeon is actually a small game, right?

I always felt that after the Lord God awakened, his stubborn nature was exposed all at once.

The rare feeling of guilt in Lin Ke's heart dissipated, and he said with a straight face: "There is nothing to ask."

After speaking, he was about to put the round mirror back into his backpack.

Lu Zhou teased and was about to speak again when he and Lin Ke heard a knock on the door.

Feeling the opening of Linke's door, he smiled slightly. After a while, the white mist covered the mirror again, covering his face.


outside the door.

Jin Qingyue's expression was a little gloomy, and when he saw Lin Ke coming out, he quickly stretched out his finger to signal him to keep quiet.

In the silence that belonged to the night, Lin Ke sensitively heard the sound of "bang bang" coming from the door of the living room. The sound sounded muffled and strange, as if through several layers of soundproof cotton.

At a glance, outside the window of the dark living room, several rays of light flashed.

Lin Ke recognized that it was the protective layer that appeared after the homeland turned on the defense system, that is to say, zombies were trying to enter his homeland.

Doesn't that mean it's safe here?

His body tensed up again, and he looked at Jin Qingyue: Are the zombies here?

Jin Qingyue nodded.

Going down to the first floor will soon be unsafe.

The two walked upstairs lightly.

Entering the dining room, Jin Qingyue closed the door, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and said softly: "It has been safe and sound before, but now suddenly came to the door, Yin Li is really afraid that it is not obvious enough." Lin Ke thought for a second

, Immediately understood: "The letter?"

"Yes," Jin Qingyue said with a very ugly expression, "he was probably worried that we would not respond, or that he felt that you were coming and wanted to kill you. He attracted you through something in that letter, maybe the smell. These zombies found here. There is no other way right now, I will leave first with the letter, and then..." As soon as

Jin Qingyue said it, Lin Ke understood.

Yin Li's move was not insidious, he first sent a letter with an attitude of seeking peace, but seeing that the peace was unsuccessful, he immediately played tricks to attract zombies to harm them.

But it's not surprising if you think about it, for a person like him, what is it to go back and forth? When it really came to a terrible time, the skin could be torn off and thrown on the ground.

It is impossible to let Yin Li continue to do evil, otherwise this S-rank dungeon will be ruined.

Lin Ke lowered his eyes, thinking about how to solve this matter—Yin Li was easy to talk about, but he had to find a way to deal with the group of zombies that Yin Li had attracted.

Performance? performance?

Customs clearance conditions?

That's right, the "confidential information" in Yin Li's hands is worthless, but the group of zombies recruited by Yin Li with props, in exchange for a large "performance bonus", don't waste it.

"Let's write back to him." Lin Ke raised his head and interrupted.

Jin Qingyue was taken aback for a moment, and when he realized what he had heard, he looked at Lin Ke in disbelief: "What did you say?" "

I mean, send him a sincere letter back, saying that we are willing to help He, but we need him to cooperate with us in capturing zombies." Link said again.

Jin Qingyue stared, moved his lips, and then raised his voice slightly: "Did you ask about the confidential information?"

He didn't believe that Ke Lin would choose to cooperate with Yin Li, so he could only guess in another way, Lin Ke may already know some key information, but he just wants to pretend to cooperate with Yin Li.

"It doesn't matter whether you ask or not, that information is not important at all." Link affirmed him.

Hearing Lin Ke's words, the stone that had been pressing on Jin Qingyue's heart finally disappeared, his face suddenly relaxed, the corners of his lips moved, and he was about to smile.

During this period of time, he has been devastated by this matter. He can neither discuss it with the players to disturb the morale of the army, nor can he risk the lives of all the players and destroy the conditions for clearing the level——he just carries his hatred for Yin Li Anxious, almost going crazy again.

But now, Lin Ke told him that Yin Li's cards were nothing.

"If you can be sure of this, it will be easy." Jin Qingyue is worthy of being a person who has endured Yinli for more than ten years. He was excited and kept calm in the end.

For the rest, Linke can think of it, so he can think of it naturally, so he followed Linke's words and said: "You are right, we have to cooperate with him first... He has deceived so many people, it is time to die It's over."

The expression on Jin Qingyue's face finally changed from cloudy to clear, and his eyes flashed with excitement.


Lin Ke's home soon became busy.

To avoid panic, Jin Qingyue confessed to telling everyone about Yin Li and their current plan.

"No way, I thought he should be a man with his tail between his legs when he entered the disciplinary dungeon, how dare he be so arrogant?" "

Damn it, he's dead anyway, even if I become a zombie, I'll bite him to death!"

" Don't be discouraged, you can't give up your life just because of this kind of person." "

That's right, brother Lin beat him to the ground by himself before, but now we have so many people, so many people are powerful!"

Only then did everyone know Yin Li He even controlled the zombies to kill people, and they all jumped in anger.

But then when they heard the plan, they all shouted happily: "Okay! Let's do it this way! Otherwise, everyone will not be able to pass the level!" The

reaction of everyone at this time was beyond Jin Qingyue's expectation.

All the players who have been suppressed in the panic and fear of the doomsday world, none of them backed down, but chose to act together with them; not only that, but they also seemed to be inspired by new motivation, showing an aura that they didn't have before. field.

[Bullet screen: I was so nervous that I couldn't speak just now, but I still want to say that after seeing this, Yin Li finally played a role. 】

【Barrage: I have to say, everyone hates him so much, just thinking about defeating him fills his body with strength. Laugh and cry. 】

【Barrage: But this plan is very dangerous, will it really work? ]

In the screen, when the night is darkest and the players are most embarrassed, they are united as never before and quickly completed the layout of the entire plan.

Soon, except for the few players with special props who were named by Jin Qingyue, the rest of the players began to prepare to take refuge temporarily and wait for the final siege.

The senior players gathered here volunteered to manage a retreat in an orderly manner.

"Everyone pack up your things first. After you leave this house, there is no safe zone. You must remember the location of our tent, and ensure that the entrance and exit are disinfected with alcohol," Hu Lun told the way, "Go out from here in a while. , followed by an underground passage, try not to make any noise, so as not to attract zombies on the road. Now wait, Liu Meng will set off another flare, Brother Lin will lure the zombies in front of the door away, everyone waits for the right time to act." "Everyone follow me! You go as soon as I leave."

"Don't panic those who are infected, we will give you another potion, and then carry you out."

"I'm dead." Another humane.

The players quickly evacuated.

According to the plan, Linke did not leave and remained on the second floor of his home.

At this time, Weng Tianwu walked towards him with the little zombie girl.

Link leaned over and patted the little girl's head: "You're going to make a contribution today."

The zombie girl was still sleepy, and slowly blinked her eyes covered with white film.

"This plan is a bit risky." Weng Tianwu turned his head and saw that Jin Qingyue was busy, so he said, "Don't say so many zombies poured out all at once, even if there is only the group at the door, how can you attract them away? Really, little girl?" Can you call out those zombie staff? But how can those zombie staff beat these real zombies?"

"Try it." Link said.

Weng Tianwu fell silent, knowing that there was no other way at the moment. But he always felt in his heart that there could be better candidates for this kind of physical work, so he couldn't help opening his mouth again.

Before he could speak, Lin Ke turned his head and gave him a very casual look: "Don't worry, I still have helpers." Helpers

? Everyone has withdrawn, where can I get help?

Weng Tianwu was a little puzzled, but seeing that Ke Lin spoke firmly and someone calling him from behind, he could only wave his big hand at Ke Lin: "Take care! If you can't do it, send a signal flare, let's go together!" Not long after Weng Tianwu left,

Jin Qingyue came out, and asked Lin Ke: "Are you sure?"

His tone was different from Weng Tianwu's, and he seemed a little eager to try.

"No." Link said frankly.

Jin Qingyue: "..."

He folded his arms and looked at Lin Ke: "If you're not sure, you might as well let me come. Here, they're rushing in."

Following Jin Qingyue's gaze, he saw that the door of the living room was crazy. Tremors, and the sound of knocking on the door seemed to be far away just now, but it was also very loud at this time.

The zombies have broken through the defense line of the homeland and are about to break through the door.

According to the plan, they will make the illusion that they have to cooperate with Yin Li after being disrupted by the zombies. After Linke lures the zombies away, Jin Qingyue will send the reply letter.

As if to cooperate with them, as soon as Jin Qingyue finished speaking, the door of the living room collapsed. The first zombie stepped in and stepped on the door panel.

The security housekeeper system in the house was immediately activated, and several light films attacked the zombies, hindering their progress.

Link looked at the player hiding in the dark: "Are you ready?"

The player responded loudly: "Here we come!"

After that, a flame ignited in her hand, and the advertising paper that once belonged to Sang Shi was on the screen. Her palm turned to ashes, and then a little phoenix emerged from Nirvana, and the fire feathers danced and rushed out of the window!

S-level tracking props, Fenghuo chasing soul.

The phoenix is ​​very beautiful, but who would have thought that it was chasing the soul of a zombie?

The moment several zombies rushed up the corridor, Link broke the window with the little girl on his back. The zombies sniffing around immediately found the most active target, howled and rushed forward.

In an instant, the sound of broken windows, explosions, and the screams of the players mixed together, tearing apart the quiet night, and reaching Yin Li's ears on the tallest building in the central garden.


Beside Yin Li, his confidant lowered his head and showed a flattering smile: "It seems that they can't survive, they really toast and don't eat or drink fine wine."

Yin Li's complexion didn't turn better, but he just cursed: "Idiot! If they are really killed, there will be more zombies besieging us!"

Seeing that Jin Qingyue and the others would rather be overrun by zombies than contact him again, Yin Li felt angry while taking it for granted. But he is still waiting, he does not believe that Jin Qingyue can really give up Mu Cheng's life, nor does he believe that Lin Ke will easily admit defeat.

Lin Ke...

Thinking of Lin Ke, Yin Li's eyes were instantly filled with hatred.

When he first entered this world, his only thought was to cut Lin Ke into pieces, but he didn't expect this world to be so difficult, and the siege of zombies trapped so many of them alive.

What he didn't even expect was that he would actually have a real fear of death. In the past, he was too strong, so powerful that he dismissed life—but now he is actually afraid of death?

Such a self made him feel cowardly and hateful, so he hated the person who pushed him to this point even more.

"Just wait," Yin Li said coolly, "They will bow their heads. No one can escape from my grasp."


The players bowed their heads one after another.

With their backs bent, they quickly evacuated from the back door of their home hut, passed through an underground commercial passage, and came directly to the square opposite. The system control is changed to manual operation, and all rolling doors are closed.

Everything is in order.

On the other side, Lin Ke and several players who strengthened their movement speed diverted away the zombies who broke into their homes.

As Lin Ke was running, the little girl on his back was screaming "Wow!" It sounded meaningless, but it was actually shouting "Help". The shout immediately attracted countless zombie workers from Area C.

They are all veterans. Although they are physically inferior to wild zombies, they cooperate with each other tacitly. They helped Lin Ke catch a lot of little tails along the way.

Of course, some of them wanted to come up and bite after finding out that Linke was human, but Linke stopped them with poisonous plants.

This commotion quickly attracted zombies that were already lurking all over the city, and they followed in groups.

Lin Ke kept walking, turned and turned, and ran for an unknown amount of time, from the center of the city to the ruins on the edge.

The road in front of me is full of obstacles and traps, making it more and more difficult and dangerous, and the light from the phoenix is ​​also getting more and more dazzling.

Almost there, best hunter.

"Hey!" Lin Ke's voice pierced through the silence and went straight into an unknown cave, "Get up!" "I

brought you two hundred!"

The author has something to say: Sang Shi: Where ? Where are the two hundred? (Sit up startled in dying illness.avi)

Thanks to the little angel who voted for the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution during 2021-08-16 20:15:44~2021-08-17 20:30:34~Thanks to the little

angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: flow rate 360 ​​5 Bottles; 3 bottles of Xinxinzi, Hexiu, and Learning from Oda; 54090180 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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