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  Didn't you agree to summon Mr. Blind? Why did you bring Shijiao along with you?

Lin Ke is a little bit broken again.

Especially when he saw Shijiao's eyes - the eyes looking at his right arm holding the rose, as if he was going to eat his hand - Linke's whole body was not well.

[Barrage: Hahaha, I found that only the appearance of a scholar can make my little brother confused. 】

【Barrage: Stupid, the priesthood is here again, and I'm going to catch you off the shelf! 】

【Barrage: Nima made me laugh to death, this dungeon is really poisonous, there are Shura field scenes everywhere. ]

[Barrage: I rely on these three bosses to get together? ? ? Is this still alive? ]

[Bullet screen: You can live, don't worry. ]

[Bullet screen: Can live +1, as long as there are no disgusting players causing trouble, even ten thousand boss brothers can live. 】

The barrage is full of confidence in Lin Ke, and they all say that he will survive, but Link is not so optimistic.

Because seeing the teacher let go of Mr. Blind, he was about to walk over with a murderous look on his lips.

He took a step back subconsciously, and stepped on the ground unexpectedly: "!"

But when he was in the air, his arm hurt, and the tall figure almost flashed in front of him, coldly clamping his arm and pulling him back.

Lin Ke's heart froze, and he rubbed his left hand on his side, thinking that it would be impossible to use the ring on the spot. At worst, he would go crazy when he was watched by the crowd, but he heard the witch's mournful sobs coming from ahead.

This time the voice was clearer than ever, as if begging for something.

At the same time, the witch struggled to lift her two crippled arms, trying to cover her three-story-high face—the soles of Linke's feet began to tremble.

Shijiao was originally angry, but for some reason, after hearing the witch's begging, his eyes were fixed and he turned around. Then, he raised his sleeve and waved it lightly.

With a "beep" sound, countless frosts appeared from the void, reattached to the witch's shoulder blades under Linke's feet, and then spread in all directions. Countless vines pulled out tremblingly from the witch's body, and returned to the land.

The priesthood actually slowly suppressed the witch.

And the only Mr. Blind, who was more confused than Lin Ke, finally realized that he had left his beloved room. He became even more manic. He reached out and groped for the surrounding vines, and began to attack indiscriminately.

He was so strong that he could snatch three strands of the witch's hair as thick as a grown man's thigh with one hand.

Just after he became violent and raged and tore off countless hairs of the witch, a tear from the witch fell on his head.

It was a huge, soft rose petal, as big as Lin Ke's three faces, covering Mr. Blind's head like a satin towel, dressing him up like a bride.

【Barrage: ... Even the hijab appeared! 】

【Bullet screen: The color is pretty nice, hurry up and give the little brother a piece too. ]

[Bullet screen: Hahahahaha, you don't think it's a big deal and it's too much to watch the excitement. 】

【Barrage: Have some sympathy, it's a witch crying, okay? 】

Being hit by the witch's "tears", Mr. Blind was stunned for a moment. He first reached out and took off the huge petals and rubbed them, then unfolded them, and sniffed them. He seemed to feel even more baffled. After a while, he folded the petals and carefully held them in his hands. He raised his head and "looked", but of course he couldn't see anything.

Mr. Blind turned his neck around again, as if he had some intuition, and slowly took a step in the direction of Link.

Seeing that the witch was slowly disintegrating, and Mr. Blind didn't even realize that he was beside the witch, Link also became a little anxious.

The relationship between these three people is very strange. The witch's reaction just now was a bit like asking the priest for help, and she didn't want Mr. Blind to find herself.

As a rather strong fragrance of flowers hit the tip of Lin Ke's nose, he looked at the rose in his hand, and an incredible thought flashed through his mind.

Perhaps it can be rescued again. Judging from Mr. Blind's behavior, it must be the rose in his hand that can stimulate Mr. Blind.


on the elbow, Shijiao's five fingers had turned white with force, and it was almost impossible to break free under such circumstances.

Link was hesitating, but Mr. Blind over there seemed to smell something, accurately captured Link's direction, and walked up in a few steps.

The priest was paying attention to the situation of the witch. Seeing Mr. Blind walking towards him, he couldn't help but cast a glance back, followed Linke's drifting eyes, and returned his eyes to the rose that Linke was holding in his right hand heart.

Seeing Linke curling his fingers nervously, he slightly raised his eyebrows.

His eyes seemed to be saying: "What? You still want to send this monstrous flower?" Lin Ke, who

was secretly looking at Shijiao's face from the corner of his eyes, said, "..."

He almost forgot that the reason Shijiao was angry was precisely "Someone used witchcraft and got a rose that grows on the soil of life and love." Now holding this rose in your own hand is tantamount to committing crimes against the wind.

But the mood of Shijiao is much better than before. Is it because the witches are slowly being suppressed?

Before Lin Ke could figure it out, Mr. Blind burst into tears from his nasal cavity: "Ah—"

He stumbled over, almost stepped on the frost two or three times and slipped off the witch's shoulder, but his body But it was strangely light, quickly maintained its balance like an animal, and rushed towards Lin Ke even faster.

He shouted, and stretched out his hands impatiently: "That's it, that's it! Give me back my rose, that's my rose!"

Then he grabbed it with one paw.

Link was startled, but saw that the teacher held Mr. Blind's wrist with a sullen face, and gave it away lightly, and Mr. Blind was immediately shocked back two or three steps.

"..." It was an indescribable feeling that he was being caught by someone, and he was about to be executed as a monster at any time, but at this moment, Lin Ke felt a strange sense of security.

[Barrage: Little brother's expression is so subtle, master of micro-expression management! ]

[Bullet screen: Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ]

[Barrage:? ? ? Don't read too much into it, is it interesting? Obviously he was caught and was about to die. ]

[Bullet screen: The previous article... It's not that we over-interpreted it, I suspect that you are going blind...]

In the screen, the real blind Mr. Blind felt the presence of the priest, stood there trembling, his eyes were empty, his eyes were red, Extremely aggrieved, he howled again with resentment and hatred: "Give it back to me!"

He howled so heartbreakingly, Linke suddenly felt that he was quite suitable for a witch.

As soon as this idea came up, the witch also let out a long, muffled cry. The voices of the two were so harmonious, it was almost as if one extended the other's coda.

Looking at the expression again, Mr. Blind's face was full of pain like losing a precious treasure. Behind him, petals flowed across the witch's face, which was bigger than his whole body, and the frost had spread to her cheeks. She couldn't speak, but shed tears.

It was clearly a scene of sadomasochism, but Lin Ke was struggling with how to give the rose in his hand to one of the parties, and his smile gradually became difficult.

Finally, he decided to give up this plan under the death gaze of Shijiao, thought for a moment, and tried to talk to Mr. Blind in the air: "Mr. Blind." Mr. Blind

paused, and so did Shijiao.

Lin Ke: "..."

He risked his life and continued, calmly explaining with cold sweat on his forehead: "The person behind you is a witch, and you stand on her shoulders. If you want roses, you can ask her for them directly." The flower in my hand is not what you wanted."

Shijiao's eyes seemed to ease, Link was just relieved, but was almost stimulated by Mr. Blind's next words to have a heart attack.

I saw Mr. Blind turn his head back in disbelief, and quickly touched the lower half of the witch's face—it was already frozen by frost—and then touched upwards, touching the vines and flower petals, and then he turned back with grief and indignation: "You Liar! How could this be my witch, my witch has the most flamboyant skin and the most beautiful eyes in the world, and the most touching singing voice at night, how could this be my witch!" He

gasped He took a sip and continued: "I can tell the rose in your hand just by the smell. I can't see it with my eyes, but I have a very sensitive sense of smell. The rose in your hand is clearly watered from your heart." , there is no smell at all, it is clearly for me!"

Before Mr. Blind finished speaking, Lin Ke felt the Shijiao's fist on his elbow harden again.

What sincere watering is for you, what can't be your witch, your witch is gone!

Link's heart was full of alarm bells, and by the way, he complained crazily. In desperation, he could only say: "Didn't I say that it would be no good for me to lie to you? The rose you wanted was given to you by the witch, right, so my rose is really It's not what you're looking for, the witch is really behind you, she might be the same as the witch in your impression..."

I wanted to talk about the appearance and height, but Link thought about it, what impression could Mr. Blind have on the appearance of the witch?

He said helplessly: "It may not be the same as the witch in your impression, but you have to feel and judge for yourself whether she is a witch or not. Aren't you the one who knows her best? Here, you are in her After living in the place where I lived for so long, I must have felt something! Even if her voice, skin texture, or species have changed, you should know that the person in front of you is still her. Haven't you been looking for her all the time? Mr. Blind

was stunned by what Lin Ke said, and even Shijiao looked at Lin Ke meaningfully, and suddenly asked him in a very soft and deep voice: "Oh? Is that so?" Link:

" "

[Barrage: Hahahaha, that's so strange, why do you ask this question, are you two lovers who have been separated for thousands of years? 】

【Barrage: I also didn't find the logic of this question. Could it be that something happened between them that I don't know about? 】

[Barrage: There are so many small dark houses, there are so many things you don't know. ]

[Bullet screen: When it comes to the little black room, why do I feel a little familiar...]

Holmes in the bullet screen are still trying to solve the puzzle, but Lin Ke is completely confused.

When Shijiao first appeared, the gloomy and terrifying murderous intent in his eyes was real, so Lin Ke only regarded him as a runaway boss, but now he wanted to ask for a moment—brother, are you actually Lu Zhou? huh huh huh?

Don't play with me!

Lin Ke's expression of being struck by lightning obviously aroused Shijiao's interest, and even the corners of his lips slightly twitched for a moment.

Lin Ke didn't know how to answer this question at all, and Mr. Blind over there started to frantically disrupt the stage again: "Oh! Your tricks are better than theirs. Hmph, trying to lead me to make a wrong judgment? I don't understand your tricks. I'm tired of watching it, and you still say that your voice and skin have changed, you shameless tourists! There have been many people trying to pretend to be her to deceive me. Now you point me to someone who doesn't pretend to be like her. Why believe you? I only believe in my nose, your rose is real!"

Link broke down: "This rose is really fake."

Mr. Blind: "You lied!

" I really want to die from laughing, who can save me hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha will it be useful to turn off the live broadcast? 】

【Bullet screen: Why do I think my little brother can clear the level directly? ]

[Bullet screen: Damn you said that upstairs, the little brother has clearly cleared the level! ]

Sure enough, Mr. Blind said angrily: "Give it to me! I guarantee you can leave the town safely!"

[Bullet screen:! ! ! ! ]

[Bullet screen: Got it! ! 】

【Barrage: This boss is not only easy to deceive, is it also stupid! 】

[Barrage: Don't being deceitful and stupid mean the same thing? Where is your logic in the previous article! ]

Not only the live viewers were stunned, Link was also stunned. He was completely stunned, looked at the excited Mr. Blind, and then at the witch behind Mr. Blind.

Frost had already spread to the witch's eyes, and the "pattering" tears were also frozen. She could no longer cry, and could only stare dryly at the eyes covered with a layer of white mist, staring blankly at Mr. Blind's back.

For a moment, Lin Ke felt that he and the witch looked at each other.

His heart suddenly shrank.

[Barrage: Hurry up and agree! Why are you hesitating? This dungeon is obviously a dead end, the white rose players died like this, a group of red rose players will definitely die tonight, the power of the night priests is gone, and the witch is going to come out to sing again - I can't even imagine a C-level Derived from the spiritual pollution of the boss. 】

【Bulletum: Really, it's a good thing it's daytime now, I feel terrible when I think about it at night...]

Linke squeezed Rose's hand and felt that Shijiao's hand relaxed a little, and he just squeezed it lightly , and pulled his arm out of Shijiao's hand.

Shijiao still stared at him quietly.

Link lowered his head and looked at the bloody rose in his hand.

Its color is particularly dazzling, and the layers of petals tremble gently in the breeze, like the beating heart of a human being. When his blood was poured on this rose, he was reuniting with Uncle Chen, he didn't think about anything, he just felt that life had no regrets, even if he dedicated his blood to this world, it didn't matter.

It is such feelings that water this rose.

"This is my rose," Link said to Mr. Blind after a moment of silence, "it's not a witch's rose. I have the right to give it to someone who is important to me. It doesn't belong to you, and neither will I." Give it to you... But I promised you that I will help you find your rose and witch, and I will do it." "Didn't you say that she has the most moving

voice at night? Just tonight, I will take You find her."

【Barrage:? ? ? 】

【Barrage: What are you talking about, little brother? ]

[Barrage:? ? ? are you crazy? ? 】

The author has something to say: Bishop: tell me who I am?

Lin Ke: I don't know! goodbye!

I send warmth to the boss in the horror world [Unlimited]Where stories live. Discover now