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   After all, Lin Ke escaped unharmed.

The dean seemed dissatisfied, but he still gave him a chance, and sat on the plastic dining table and chairs that were too small to wait.

After Lin Ke entered the kitchen, he closed the door and activated the stone lantern by touching again, and three anxious faces immediately appeared on the opposite side.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Link was intact, and reported the good news.

Su Xue cleared the level, Ye Shi read to Lin Lin to clear the level, and Zhou Zhao somehow cleared the level.

"This is very strange," Zhou Zhao said in a low voice, "In the scene I was holding a kite with a broken string, and in front of me was the empty yellow land. In the consultation room, Xiao Ke's condition is normal."

Lin Ke frowned, feeling that there was something wrong here, but he couldn't tell.

Several people discussed the question of who they would travel to if Linke traveled back. This problem is very realistic. Once the dean finishes eating the food made by Link, Link will return to the real world, and no matter who cooks for the children, the three of them will enter the imaginary world and "spend a good night" with the dean. .

"As long as we eat normally according to the schedule, we will continue to travel between the two worlds." Ye Shi frowned, just thinking of suggesting that Su Xue should not take risks this time, and she would replace Lin Ke as the next traveler, so Hear Zhou Zhao's soul speak.

"Let me go. I'm the only man. It's not appropriate for you two women to stay with the dean for one night." He said.

Ye Shi, Su Xue: "..."

Lin Ke: "..."

[Bullet screen: I admire the attributes of this straight man hahahaha to the extreme! ]

[Barrage: Indirectly explain that dungeons do not eliminate straight men. 】

【Bullet screen: How do you answer this once the words come out? Even if Sister Yu said she wanted to go, she couldn't speak. 】

The barrage of complaints belongs to the complaints, and a few people praised Zhou Zhao for his responsibility.

This issue was no longer in dispute, and both sides began to cook. Although it was dinner, Lin Ke still only picked a few eggs and luncheon meat. Ye Shi, who was leaning on the stove on the opposite side and instructing Zhou Zhao to cook, saw it and said with a smile, "Just let people eat these, so you're not afraid of being killed?" Linke

: "..."

Is it a new method of homework? I have learned it. ]

Linke smiled: "It seems that you are quite relaxed."

"Yes," Ye Shi paused, and looked at him gently: "You may not be able to understand the most desperate in life, losing everything, and entering the legendary world where almost no one survives." Punishment copy, after preparing for all the disgusting things to happen, only to find that things are not that bad, and the npc and teammates are even a little cute. Otherwise, you will understand me."

Linke: "."

Linke especially thought Tell her, you probably won't be able to understand that after you have just finished your life's work in a hurry, you immediately enter a strange world of the main god and start a new job, and the new job is more disgusting, perverted, and more tossing than the original job, Salary, five insurances and one housing fund, and personal security are all gone. All in all, I don't know how many years I will work...

Otherwise you will understand me.

The joys and sorrows of people are really not the same.

He was about to speak, but Zhou Zhao, who had been cooking in a hurry, said to Ye Shi, "I understand you."

Lin Ke: "."

He suddenly felt a sense of loneliness and melancholy that no one could understand.

The melancholy staff and the relaxed players finished their preparations almost at the same time. Zhou Zhao walked out carrying a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes and fried pork with bamboo shoots, and Ye Shi carried the milk for him.

Lin Ke also walked out holding a cup of breakfast steamed egg with luncheon meat and green onion.

Beside the dining table, the dean was quietly staring at his hand. Hearing the movement, he raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on the cup in Lin Ke's hand.

Although he was quite sure, Lin Ke still tensed his back for no reason when the man's eyes swept over him.

The dean smiled: "What do I like to eat?"

[Barrage: I think this wave of little brothers can't get away with it, how can anyone eat this at night! Breakfast is about the same. ]

[Bullet screen: Blind guess, does the little brother only know how to do this? 】

【Barrage: It's too perfunctory. If the dean says he likes it, I'll give him my head. ]

[Bullet screen: Not even a pair of chopsticks...too crude...]

"Yeah, something to eat." Lin Ke put the cup in front of the man and took a spoon.

While the barrage was suffocating, the man picked up a very small spoon with his index finger and thumb, stirred it in the cup, and looked at Lin Ke with a half-smile.

Link stared at him solemnly.

Just when everyone's hearts were getting higher and higher, and Lin Ke's heart was gradually sinking, the man started to move.

The spoon is very small. He carefully scooped up a spoonful of dangling tender custard, and put it between his lips, as if he was doing something very novel. From time to time, he would carefully look at the emerald green onions and bright yellow eggs in the spoon.

It's so awkward to eat quite nicely.

[Barrage: I actually ate it. ]

[Barrage: It doesn't violate the peace. 】

【Barrage: People look good, and everything looks good. ]

[Barrage: Really like to eat? ? ? What is the standard? Don't be unkind, anchor, solve the puzzle quickly! 】

However, no one answered their question. After a few seconds, when the man had finished eating the custard, Link disappeared from the dean's face, and everyone followed Link back to the real world.

... In

the real world, the four big living people finally meet. Ye Shi looked at Lin Ke in surprise: "Are you back?"

Zhou Zhao turned around, smiled and wanted to say hello, and then disappeared.

The remaining three people: "..."

The dungeon didn't give the four of them time to breathe. As soon as Linke gave Zhou Zhao a few words through the stone lantern, Zhou Zhao said in horror, "Oh, the dean is gone, I won't talk about it."

Only three people were left in the kitchen, looking at each other.

The sound of children eating happily came from outside, like a very ordinary dinner time in an orphanage, and there was something unusual in the silence. The twilight outside the window was getting darker, and besides being abnormally empty, it was also a beautiful evening.

Su Xue couldn't help but said, "I really want to sleep."

Today is indeed a long day, even Lin Ke feels like a whole year has passed.

But he still felt a kind of false peace from the sinking night, and one-sixth of what he tried not to think about before came to his mind again.

"If we haven't completed the task of playing the game, can we pass the level after living for three days?" Lin Ke finally asked a question that newcomers must ask.

Although he already had the answer in his heart, he still didn't give up trying to confirm it.

Ye Shi's answer was more direct than Zhou Zhao's answer: "In theory, yes, but the closer the time limit is, the more anxious the ghosts will be. They always want to catch you and 'ask' why you didn't complete the task seriously. You may have to spend your life Come and answer."

Lin Ke: "...OK."

There may still be room for struggle if someone asks you, but if you are asked by the dean, you might as well turn yourself in.

Ye Shi didn't know what Lin Ke was thinking at all, and reminded him: "I'm going to be free soon."

Su Xue started "sleepy", and Ye Shi also seemed a little tired, but she still kept her spirits up. Her double eyelids were almost folded into three, she was a haggard beauty with an oval face, her shirt was messed up, and her sleeves were rolled up high, as if she was ready to fight someone at any time.

Su Xue looked taller and straighter than before, her pale face also turned red, although she was sleepy, her eyes were much firmer.

The three uninspired "guests" just walked out shaking their arms.

Outside the door, the children cheered.


Compared to the long and thrilling experience before, this hour of free time can be regarded as "warm". Xiaolan hugged Xiaoxiong and went back to the dormitory on the third floor to stay by herself. Lin Lin also went to read. Bubble □□ went to play.

Incredibly well behaved.

Just as the audience in front of the screen yawned and were about to switch to another frequency adjustment, the thin young man on the screen walked from the first floor to the second floor, and from the second floor to the third floor, and then knocked on the door of the dormitory.

"Shall we chat?" Link asked.

【Barrage:? ? ? ? ? 】

【Barrage: Although it is a boss that has already been defeated, is it really okay to come to the door like this? ]

[Bullet screen: I almost fell asleep and was woken up by the knock on the door, thinking that a ghost was coming, but when I saw the screen, it turned out that people were looking for ghosts. ]

[Bullet screen: Probably the little brother thinks it is too much trouble for him to find clues, smile.jpg, I am used to him messing around. ]

[Bullet screen: refreshed. 】


The door opened a crack.

In the crack of the door, behind the half-sized brown plush teddy bear, Xiaolan revealed half of her pale face, with crooked eyes, staring quietly at Lin Ke.

——No matter how cute the smile is, it's definitely a ghost.

But this terrifying look didn't stop the person coming, Lin Ke took advantage of the door to open and squeezed half of his body into the dormitory.

[Barrage: ...Contemplating. ]

[Barrage: Suddenly a little worried. What a delicate mood. 】

After Lin Ke entered the door, he scanned for a week.

The dormitory is not big, with six beds, two on the left and one on the right, and a bunk on the right. The vacant seat by the window is used as a desk. Since the orphanage is only an F-level copy, the world view is not very perfect. The six beds are like copying and pasting. Iron frame bed, white quilt cover, white pillows and white sheets.

Since Ke Lin had already entered, there was no need to close the door. Xiaolan climbed into the corner bunk and huddled at the foot of the bed without saying a word, staring at Ke Lin.

"Who is the dean?" Lin Ke looked around, but there were no clues in the room, so he simply sat on the bunk opposite her and entered directly.

[Bullet screen: This question is similar to "how to clear the level please". ]

Sure enough, Xiaolan gave Lin Ke a white look: "The dean is the dean."

Her movements are also much more vivid than before.

"Where does the dean live?" Link asked casually again, he didn't expect to have a correct answer, as long as he could answer, he guessed the correct answer. He has long been familiar with the work of finding the truth from a pile of subterfuge and lies.

Unexpectedly, Xiaolan's thoughts were clear, she paused for a moment and said.

Xiaolan: "What do you want?"

Lin Ke: "..."

Lin Ke was speechless, but the little girl's gossip seemed to suddenly arise. The bed on the left side climbed to Lin Fang through the wall, climbed on the wall near him, and asked him over and over again in all directions: "What do you want to do?

" Well? Of course it was stuck in the door of the dean's dormitory. ]

[Bullet screen: You can say a little more about the previous article. 】

"I want him to sleep well, okay?" Linke was entangled helplessly, and worried about triggering the death point, he answered her, "You can't even tell who he is or where he lives, which means he doesn't exist in the first place. Is it like this?"

Xiaolan's eyes turned red with anger, and she clenched her fingers into claws: "Who said that, he lives in the office, with the same bed, the same pillow and quilt as us!"

[Barrage: Hahahaha, everyone, quickly switch to the screen to see the dean's real name and be confused! The bed is coming! 】

【Barrage: Hey, this room was obviously empty before? ]


In another world, in front of the corridor on the third floor, Zhou Zhao nervously followed behind the tall man, his legs trembling.

Only then did Zhou Zhao understand how powerful Lin Ke was mentally. Ever since he appeared in front of the dean, he was overwhelmed by the dean's aura, and the other party didn't even look at him.

After the meal, the dean just put the spoon aside gently, got up and went back to the dean's room on the third floor. Zhou Zhao didn't know whether he should follow, and was afraid that he would make a mistake if he didn't.

At this moment, the dean had already opened the door of the dean's room a crack, turned his back to him and said, "Don't follow—"

His voice stopped abruptly.

Zhou Zhao's heart was beating wildly, and when he looked up, he was also stunned.

Through the gap, one can vaguely see that there is an extra bunk bed, a desk and a wooden chair in the dean's room.

As a boss's territory, it was too shameless, Zhou Zhao was dumbfounded, but he didn't expect the dean's reaction to be bigger than him.

The corridor is very narrow, and the angle of view is drawn very close. The man on the screen slowly opened the door, walked into the room, touched the bed and pillows that were too small for him, and stuck his big hands in the pillows for quite a while.

His expression was pensive, his eyes drooped, which made the cold face look less scary, and the broken hair fell on the side of his forehead, which was actually a little soft.

Then he slid his throat slightly, straightened up and looked at Zhou Zhao outside the door.

From the perspective of this live broadcast, he seemed to be watching all the live viewers.

[Bullet screen: My nosebleed...]

[Bullet screen: Suddenly, I seem to know the answer. ]

[Bullet screen: I know too. 】

【Barrage: Aww, what kind of riddles are you playing? Don't hinder me from seeing beautiful men. 】

[Bullet screen: Let me explain that the dean is mostly a person who lives in the children's imagination. He didn't even have a bed. Just now, the little brother guided the children to imagine, and the dean has a bed. From here, it is very easy to deduce what the dean likes to eat, because the dean has nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, eats, and the only thing he has ever eaten is the first meal made by the little brother who remembers with the children! ]

[Barrage: 1551 is so cruel? ? ? The dean now has enough to eat and sleep, please let the little brother pass the level! 】

The bullet screen was discussing, and the next moment, the dean said coldly to Zhou Zhao.

"That's all... Since you have come here, let me introduce our orphanage to you in detail."

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