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 [Barrage: Whoa, whoa, whoa, pass the level quickly! ]

[Barrage: So handsome! ! ! 】

【Barrage: So this is a complete magician, right? 】

【Barrage: It's amazing, God Jin and the devil clear the way, and the little brother angel guides them, and their cooperation is quite tacit! Can't do without anyone! ]

[Bullet screen: It can be said that the personnel allocation is used to the extreme. If I still can't pass the level, I will eat my head. ]

[Banmaku: You don't have to be so excited...] What was

more exciting than the barrage were the few people who witnessed the return of the magician, and even Linke breathed a sigh of relief.

But there was not much time left for them. Even if the magician cooperated very well, they only had more than an hour left to complete the restoration of the mirror.

Amidst the cheers of the ghosts, the safety mirror in the room was also switched on.

The magician looked at everyone present with his deep eyes, and he curled his fingers lightly, as if feeling very novel, and regained control over the world.

Then he thanked Lin Ke and others.

His tone is sincere, neither humble nor overbearing, like a born nobleman: "Thank you for allowing me to have all this again. In the past, I was not responsible enough for the mirrors I made. I really shouldn't. If there is anything I need to do, please feel free to do it." Open your mouth."

He even sincerely thanked the ugly female ghost, and apologized for his previous prejudiced eyes: "I remember each of you, you are very cute." Five minutes later, all the ghosts, players Surrounded by magicians, they returned from the dark room to the sunshine of the ancient house, and the group headed for the fifth floor of the ancient house in a mighty manner. The most relieved were the players, they lined up in two rows with Lin Ke and Jin Qingyue as the head of the team—the players who were originally scattered in each room were also taken out of the horror world by Hu Lun's team or the ghosts, and returned to this world. An old house with warm sunshine.

They all came in with apprehension and determination to die. They were trapped in the shards of the mirror waiting to be eliminated. Unexpectedly, they were able to pass the level. The joy on their faces could not be concealed.

If it wasn't for the limited time, they would definitely lift Link and the others up to cheer, and then take the opportunity to exchange valuable thoughts on the process.

The ghosts were also beaming. They had been trapped in the room for a longer time and hadn't been exposed to the sun. Although it seems strange that ghosts also need to bask in the sun, they are indeed very happy.

Under the harsh sunlight at noon, Yuan Jing slowly opened his eyes.

It has seen all kinds of characters since it was created, but today is a very different day.

First, a real little angel learned the most important secret of the whole world from it, and then most of the inhabitants of this world gathered in front of it.

And the magician is back too.

It's like when the mirror is not completely broken.

The mirror blinked and said sleepily: "Ah... what day is this, am I dreaming?"

It spoke very slowly, making a sound like a rusty gear turning hard.

The round mirror has been guarding here as the heart of the mirror, watching hopelessly as the broken mirror becomes more and more shattered, and now it has only one hour left in its life, and seeing this very reunion scene, even it itself is afraid Think of it as a flashback.

"It's great to see the little angel." It stared at Link again and said slowly.

"Wake up," Lin Ke didn't know whether to laugh or cry, knowing that time was really running out, "How's the mirror doing now?"

Yuan Jing: "..."

[Bullet screen: The state of the mirror is so bad, I feel like I can't react for a long time. 】

【Barrage: Is it because the time is running out? Another five minutes passed. 】

[Barrage: Oh my god, don't let anything happen at the last moment, it's sunny... What if I really fell asleep? 】

【Barrage: Then everyone can't get out? 】

In the quiet anxiety, Yuan Jing finally spoke: "Here, my master is sinking into the deepest darkness, waiting to pick up the pieces you abandoned." Link looked at the magician, and the magician

immediately Changing his previous expression, he stood in front of the mirror very solemnly: "My memory has never abandoned a single fragment."

Yuan Jing slowly closed his eyes, and then disappeared from the mirror.

The hearts of all the players suddenly lifted.

Just when Link felt that his fingertips were trembling, another solemn figure slowly appeared on the mirror.

The robes in Chinese clothes are displayed in the bronze mirror frame flowing with golden sunlight. The state of the owner of the ancient house is completely different from the past. His face is tired, but he has another charm.

He is the soul of the mirror. Rather than saying that he was created by a magician, it is better to say that he is more like a god descended from the sky. trace. "As long as there are fragments in your memory, I can collect them for you." The owner of the ancient house looked at the magician and said. Although his figure was in the mirror, he seemed taller than the magician. The magician lowered his hands, groping for the bronze mirror frame with respect, and his eyes seemed to be looking far away, when he made the first mirror. "There is a little girl who loves to laugh," he said. "Little girl." The owner of the ancient house asked quietly. There is too little information for him to provide the correct pieces. The magician frowned slightly, and a trace of pain flashed across his deep facial features, but after a while, he really found a specific impression from his mind like a magician: "There is a gap in her left ear."

There was a smile in the eyes of the owner of the ancient house, and he took two steps back gently, letting out a little girl who was skinny and full of panic.

The magician stared blankly at the little girl in the mirror.

It was this little girl who once bought his first mirror. At that time, the little girl was so happy that she almost burst into tears from laughing. At that time, he didn't care if the little girl accidentally broke the mirror, nor did he care if the mirror showed the little girl well.

A light flashed in the magician's eye.

He finally knew how he was supposed to restore the mirror, and he regained his magic as a maker.

He reached out and led his first customer out of the mirror.

The little girl moved lightly, hugged him timidly, and walked into the crowd.

"There is also a middle-aged woman with a bag of rice in her hand."

"Oh, magician, I am here, have you forgotten me?" A middle-aged woman in the crowd laughed ghostly.

The magician then looked at the people who had appeared in his mirror again, recalled all the stories again, and then continued.

"There is also a lame old man."

"There is also a man who looks particularly fierce when his eyelids are drooping."


[Bullet screen: So the discordant parts of the whole body are the ones that are easy to be remembered? ? 】

【Barrage: Maybe it's really a mark made by God. 】

【Barrage: The magician actually remembers it all. 】

Time passed by every minute and every second, people who had been forgotten in the world of isolated fragments came out of the mirror one after another, and were warmly welcomed by everyone.

This scene made the players very excited to watch, but also sweating in their palms.

Because the figure of the owner of the ancient house is getting weaker and weaker.

Finally, the magician said: "It's all here."

The mirror has been repaired!

Cheers erupted all around.

At this moment, all the players finally showed joy, and some even burst into tears—only Lin Ke still looked worriedly at the owner of the ancient house in the mirror.

The owner of the ancient house noticed his gaze and looked down at him.

The eyes of the two briefly met outside the mirror.

Lin Ke's heart skipped a beat, and he realized that this was a reminder for him, so he subconsciously said, "The fragments are still missing, aren't they?"

His voice was very soft, like a whisper, but it interrupted the surrounding traffic like a thunderbolt. Laughter.

Many people looked at the owner of the ancient house.

But the owner of the ancient house nodded slightly: "Yes, there is one last piece."

"Is there anyone else who hasn't come out? How is that possible?" The courtesan exclaimed, looking around in surprise, "I know Everyone is here."

The magician was even more surprised, and then showed an offended look: "I can't forget anyone who bought my mirror and appeared in my mirror."

His words are so firm , it can basically be judged that the npcs are all complete.

That is...

an incredible thought flashed in Linke's mind.

He looked at Jin Qingyue.

Jin Qingyue was also very calm. He walked up to the round mirror with the horns on his head and said, "I know a very sensible person, but I accidentally lost him. He was wearing the same clothes as me, and he was wearing the same clothes as me. They look the same, can you help me find him?"

[Bullet screen: That's it! It turns out that the lost bright side is also a fragment! ]

[Bullet screen: My mentality is about to collapse, and now there are only seven minutes until the five hours I counted on the watch, help, mom! 】

[Barrage: There are no other hidden conditions, right? 】

The barrage was discussing frantically, but I heard the owner of the ancient house explain patiently: "When you broke into that extremely dangerous mirror, he had already returned to your side unknowingly." [Barrage:

? ? ? No way? This possibility is also ruled out? ]

[Bullet screen: Immortal, please give me another hint. ]

[Bullet screen: A-level books really surprise people all the time...]

[Bullet screen: They haven't been eliminated yet, but I'm about to go into cardiac arrest...]

Even Lin Ke was a little surprised at this moment.

He really couldn't think of any other conditions.

At this time, the players and npcs surrounding the corridor began to commotion.

I saw that the originally sunny sky was once dimmed like a dimming light.

Lin Ke looked at the owner of the ancient house again.

The man's figure was so pale that he could hardly see his shadow, but his face showed no panic at all, it was very calm, as if he was sure Link would be able to pass the level.

"Only you can," said the look in his eyes.

Lin Ke once again recalled the initial conditions for the mirror to be activated. Is there anything that only little angels can do, and only the bright side can do?

At this moment, an even more unbelievable thought floated into his mind, making him feel stiff all over.

No way?

Another minute passed.

There is no time. No matter how shocked he was, Linke immediately said to the owner of the ancient house: "There is a...boy with fox eyes." The owner of the ancient house

looked at Linke with a very peaceful look, and then asked: "Is there a boy with fox eyes?" What?"

It turned out to be true!

[Barrage: Huh? Where did the fox-eyed boy come from? 】

[Barrage: Could it be? ? ? ]

Lin Ke's heart sank to the bottom, but he still tried to think back: "He likes to dress himself up grandly? ——No, he should be dressed in rags." At this point,

Jin Qingyue also understood, he Staring fixedly at Lin Ke, his face was so dark that water dripped out instantly.

At this moment, the owner of the ancient house moved away again, and standing behind him was a little boy squatting on the ground.

The little boy was wearing extremely shabby clothes, his skin was extremely white, and his body was bruised and purple.

He didn't look up for a long time, it was Lin Ke who stood outside the mirror and called him softly twice, then he raised his head in a daze.

When he saw his face clearly, not to mention the players, even some npcs gasped.

[Barrage: Damn! ! ! 】

【Barrage: Why is Yin Li not dead yet! ! 】

【Barrage: No way, people like him also have a bright side? Vomit, throw the bright side here? 】

【Bullet screen: So this is where he is confident. He must have hidden a fragment on purpose. If he is eliminated, he will return to the underworld? ]

The little boy is actually very pretty.

But with Yin Li's behavior as a foreshadowing, everyone outside the mirror looked at him coldly, no one welcomed him, and no one spoke to him again.

He panicked all of a sudden, clutching the hem of his clothes tightly with both hands as if he was afraid of people, and looked at the owner of the ancient house standing beside him as if asking for help. The owner of the ancient house did not come forward to help.

"This..." Huo Jianan said with embarrassment.

In all fairness, even though she knew that this was Yin Li's bright side and that he was an NPC created by the dungeon, she still couldn't accept him in her heart.

Not to mention Jin Qingyue, his face was livid and silent throughout the process.

Even a straight man like Zhou Zhao, who is a bit disturbed when he sees old people and children, was not moved by him.

Tears soon filled the boy's eyes.

This is indeed a vicious trap.

Yin Li must have thought about it from the very beginning, to cut off the clearance conditions of this dungeon, so he tried to obliterate his bright side, because this bright side made him feel ashamed and disgusted--it's a pity that the mechanism of the dungeon made him feel ashamed. The bright side is back.

He was afraid that he would never have thought that his pitiful appearance as a child would fall into the eyes of everyone.

Another two minutes passed.

"What's your name?" Link asked suddenly.

All look at Link, not at the boy in the mirror.

I saw Linke's complexion was very stable, and there was no sign of anger, but because of his light side appearance, there was a sense of condescending care.

Seeing that someone was willing to talk to him, the little boy immediately came over on all fours, as if he couldn't walk. He looked up at Linke and said, "I don't have a name.

" Really unacceptable. ]

[Bullet screen: But he doesn't know who he is...I'm so contradictory...]

[Bullet screen: How is little brother going? ]

"Can you play with me?" The little boy smiled at Lin Ke, "If there is something good, I will give it to you." The

little boy's character is indeed completely different from Yin Li.

Lincoln didn't answer.

A look of loneliness flashed in the little boy's eyes: "Aren't you playing with me? I just haven't been out, and I'm not a monster. I, I'm also very useful, don't leave me..." "Can you help me?

" Let's hear what everyone is doing." Link asked suddenly.

There were only three minutes left in the five hours, and several players wanted to rush forward and pull the little boy out, but they were too frightened by Jin Qingyue's face to go forward.

They really didn't know what to do with Yin Li's bright side, so they could only trust Lin Ke instinctively and trust Lin Ke's handling methods with full authority.

The little boy was taken aback for a moment, and then said pleasantly, "I can do a lot of things. I can tell a lot of funny stories, draw pictures, and tidy up the room. I can do everything!" "Oh.

" Impressed, "But what I'm asking is what you can do for everyone."

[Bullet screen: Little brother is so steady, the time is almost up and there is no chaos on the surface. ]

[Barrage:! This question is too good to ask, all these messy things are messed up by the dark side of your kid, you have to pay off the debt if you think about it! 】

【Bullet screen: But from his appearance, he is quite willing to contribute... I really am the exact opposite of Yin Li. ]

[Bullet screen: And this kid looks so skinny and easy to beat. ]

[Barrage: ... He spoke! 】

The little boy's mind is really bright, and Di Liuliu turned his eyes around, and Link came up with the correct answer: "That grandpa has bad legs and feet, I can help him, and my sister who likes to dress up, I can tie beautiful hair for them, and I can coax the little sister not to cry. I will do whatever people need me to do, just look at me more and don't leave me alone." He

said After finishing, he looked at Lin Ke expectantly.

However, Lin Ke quietly glanced at the owner of the ancient house, and just turned back the faint smile at the corner of the man's mouth, and continued to put on an inhuman expression.

Lin Ke: "..."

There is not much time left, and I promise to do this. All the ghosts around are nodding at what he said, and they are probably already planning how to arrange things for the little boy Done... After all, the old house has been in disrepair for a long time, and the labor force will only be too little or too much.

After Lin Ke's guidance, the players probably figured it out, anyway, they had to let him out to clear the level, and besides, he could also help these ghosts a lot, so that's it.

I saw Lin Ke squatting down to look at the little boy, and half stretched out his hand, and the little boy looked at him eagerly, with his little palm pressed against the mirror.

Just when everyone thought that Ke Lin was going to take the little boy out of the mirror, Ke Lin spread his palms and asked.

"I can take you out, so do you have anything to give me now?"

[Bullet screen: Poof, I have to rob at the end hahaha. ]

[Bullet screen: It's better to grab all the light! 】

【Barrage: I laughed so hard, dressed in such rags, what else can I get here. ]

[Bullet screen: only sixty seconds left! 】

Actually, Lin Ke didn't really want anything, he was just worried that "Yin Li" was carrying something that could hurt people.

Seeing that the little boy Qiqi Ai couldn't say anything, as if he was really poor, Lin Ke let out a sigh of relief, reached out and grabbed his elbow and pulled him out: "Forget it." The weather was still cloudy just now

. Suddenly it cleared up again.

The figure of the owner of the ancient house also changed from fiction to reality again.

He said slowly in a deep voice: "Thank you very much for restoring the world I guarded. As for the unfinished transaction just now..." The

owner of the ancient house turned his eyes and landed on Link: "You can get it once later, A chance to ask him for props."

【Bullet screen: What do you mean? Who is he referring to? Who can I ask for props from? 】

【Barrage: Xiang Yinli? ? ? ]

[Main God System: Congratulations to the player, entering the full protection stage. 】

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution during 2021-08-01 20:42:21~2021-08-02 20:48:28~Thank you for the

irrigation nutrient solution My little angel: 10 bottles of random; 5 bottles of Xia Xiaoxi; 4 bottles of Meihua Yuanshan Chang; 2 bottles of Xinxinzi; 1 bottle of learning from Oda;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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