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    The man's voice was deep, hoarse, and dangerous, and everyone's heart trembled.

Even though the players are well-informed, they have never seen a punishment-level boss come out to make faces at the beginning. At the moment, several players' faces were pale, and a few of them couldn't stand still and fell to the ground.

Even more miserable than the players are the townspeople. They were extremely fierce just now, but now they are as honest as quails, and they almost walk in front of each player in a one-on-one helping posture.

Of course, Lin Ke is special. Not only is there no one within three meters around him, there is not even a ghost.

—— Link is going crazy!

The players and the townspeople were in a mess, because there were so many men and women pestering him, he was already eye-catching enough. Fortunately, not only all the townspeople, but also Annan and his group, who had provocative eyes just now, finally cast their meaningful eyes on him.

He was forced to be the most beautiful and sought-after cub in the audience.

Lin Ke almost turned into a rose, exhaling fragrance.

However, the "bishop" in front of him didn't seem to think there was any problem. He was polite, standing where he was, straightening his sleeves, and standing under the golden holy spring, waiting for Link's reply.

The townspeople and the players retreated quietly, leaving the central position to the two.

Lin Ke: "..." Very good, the center of the stage.

Lin Ke raised his head to look at him full of complaints, but met those deep eyes.

Under the bishop's black pupils, there seemed to be a round of bright sun hiding behind it, with a little bit of golden light faintly lingering on the edge - as if seeing a glimmer of hope in the abyss of pain and hatred.

Like Lin Ke is the only light he longs for.

Lin Ke was stunned.

He was dumbfounded, as if attracted by that emotion, and slowly took a step forward.

"Lin Ke," Jin Qingyue's calm voice sounded behind him, waking Lin Ke up: "Keep calm at all times in the C-level dungeon."

[Bullet screen: once again doubting what kind of god Brother Jin is, he dared to directly interrupt the good deed of the punishment-level boss! ]

[Bullet screen: ...It was nothing at all, but I think it's wrong when you describe it as 'interrupting a good thing'? ? ? ]

[Barrage: Isn't it a good thing? Tears, I have experienced this feeling. At that time, there was a handsome guy who asked me to follow. That was really the happiest moment in my life! When I come back to my senses, oh! Has been eliminated! 】

【Barrage: Don't talk about it if you are so embarrassing! But the bishop is really handsome, and I want to be taken away too...]

Seeing Jin Qingyue exit to save people, Annan and others not far away smiled mockingly again.

The short-haired woman turned sideways, and said something to the man named An Nan, their eyes lingered back and forth on the tail ring in Lin Ke's left hand and Jin Qingyue.

In the end, Annan shrugged his shoulders, expressing his contempt and impatience for the whole copy, while the short-haired woman seemed to be persuading him not to worry.

[Barrage: Wow, I'm late, Mr. Annan is here! I don't know what kind of props Young Master Yinli is looking for this time? Hee hee wouldn't it be that beautiful ring? ]

[Barrage: ...My lord? Master? 】

【Barrage: Hehe, why don't you ask them what they want to grab? The dog's head saves his life. I am anonymous. ]

[Barrage:? ? ? Of course, what Young Master Yin Li wants, he must try his best to give, how can it be called grabbing? ]

[Bullet screen: My little brother, Annan is rolling! 】

At this time, the bishop in the field suddenly glanced at Annan and the others. The latter was extremely sensitive and suddenly fell silent.

Even Annan, who was the most impatient just now, instantly tensed up, like a cheetah stimulated by a strong enemy.

It's a pity that the "strong enemy" in his eyes didn't take him seriously at all. The bishop only glanced at them, and then turned his gaze back to the young man in front of him.

He lowered his hands, the gorgeous sleeves of his gown fell by his side, he seemed to be very respectful and pious: "Have you decided? My distinguished guest. I can show you the scenery that others cannot let you appreciate. Please let me entertain you." You."

Lin Ke opened his mouth and didn't speak, but Jin Qingyue's ethereal voice came from his ear.

The other party seems to have used some props to form a secret communication between the two.

Jin Qingyue said: "Lin Ke, this is a world where all the literary stories and fairy tales about roses are intertwined."

He paused, and then increased his volume: "There is only one story about the temple - the beautiful Rhodanthe, who was pursued by her. Many people hid in the temple to seek shelter, but over time, the owner of the temple, Diana, also began to envy her beauty, and finally turned her and her suitors into roses and thorns..."

"Just now in the crowd, you It is the most popular and the most dangerous. I guess if you choose to follow the bishop, the townspeople will not be able to hurt you, but be careful—"

Jin Qingyue's voice stopped abruptly.

The "Bishop" looked indifferently at the young man sitting in the wheelchair behind Link, his pupils were clouded with murderous intent.

The killing intent was not only aimed at Jin Qingyue, but also at all the players here, including Lin Ke.

Lin Ke's heart trembled, thinking of the scene in the square and the eliminated players, he immediately made a decision.

He took a step forward, blocking the bishop's sight: "I see, please take me away."

Jin Qingyue sighed from behind.

The sense of oppression dissipated in an instant, and the bishop smiled lowly.

This step was too close, and the man's shadow fell on Link. Feeling the other party's warm breath, Lin Ke's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"Then please." The bishop bowed gracefully, then turned around and walked into the town.

Lin Ke stepped up to keep up, with a million complaints in his heart. Although he was going through the plot at the moment, the overall situation was similar to being caught at the beginning.

Fortunately, however, he chose the right one.

Link looked at the rose still in his hand with a complicated expression.

Red rose.

Inferred from the situation just now, red roses can make people more attractive, but also lose the right to refuse.

The Red Rose team players who were eliminated on the field just now were all those who struggled, pushed and rejected the villagers. Although Linke was entangled by many townspeople, he did not show any obvious rejection, so he survived.

Therefore he did not reject the bishop.

The death conditions of the C-level dungeon are very complicated and metaphysical, and it is a bit of a taste that can only be understood and cannot be expressed in words. Thanks to Jin Qingyue's analysis, Lin Ke's thinking has been broadened from the side.

But why does this boy care so much about himself? I would rather risk my life to help myself.

Lin Ke had a doubt in his heart.


The bishop's holy white robe was dragged on the masonry floor, gemstones and gold threads glowed with interlaced light, and the embroidered stems seemed to be growing vigorously. And he himself is too young and handsome, with deep facial features and such a grand attire, he has a charming charm.

The young man behind him was not inferior either, he looked like an elf among the flowers, with curly brown hair and slender eyelashes, even the half-folded neckline was as beautiful as the falling rose petals, and the fragile and slender neck was as beautiful as The stems are generally delicate.

For a moment, all the townspeople and players stared at the two of them, stunned.

On the one hand, no one dared to act rashly before the boss left; on the other hand, it had to be said that out of some kind of magic, they were deeply attracted by the two of them.

Only the eyes of the boy in the wheelchair remained calm. Jin Qingyue looked at Lin Ke's back, and the smile on his mouth gradually disappeared.

After a while, he turned his head, and his cold eyes fell on Annan and his group who were cursing and leaving in another direction, apparently not bewitched.

Like a wild beast staring at its prey.

There were originally less than fifty people on the field, and there were more than 20 Red Rose and White Rose players each. About seven Red Rose players were eliminated just now, and the remaining ten or so were taken away by the townspeople.

Before they left, their eyes showed unwillingness, and they shouted at Jin Qingyue from afar.

"Jin God, please let me do whatever you want!"

"Me too!"

A few casual players of the White Rose team had no partners or townspeople to entertain them, so they stayed where they were, looking at him expectantly.

Jin Qing never refused anyone who came, and waved at them: "Okay, come here."


When Lin Ke recovered, he found that he and the bishop had completely separated from the crowd and entered the depths of the town.

It is said to be deep, but it is actually going to a higher place. The houses here are distributed in steps along the mountain. The red, yellow, and ocher towers and sloping roof huts are scattered high and low, with snow-white and frosted vines climbing on the walls, and ice-blue rose gardens surround every house.

Bright colors and cool colors collide together, revealing a thrilling mystery.

He looked up at the tall bishop's back and the sacred crown, feeling a wave of despair in his heart.

There are so many myths and derivative stories involved in this dungeon. Everyone has a completely different understanding of the dungeon rules, but some players in the forum have summed up several general methods to avoid the dead point.

Among them, it includes never leaving alone with any townsman, even a very handsome guy or a very beautiful woman.

—however, he may have left alone with the handsomest of them all.

[Barrage: I'm afraid, my little brother is on the order. 】

【Barrage: It's okay, it's okay, I like to watch him and the boss get alone. ]

[Barrage:? ? ? 】

"Rose Town was born here." At this time, the bishop stopped in front of a small, relatively inconspicuous brick building. A red rose plant. This town gradually came into existence later." When

mentioning Nightingale, Lin Ke almost instantly thought of "Nightingale and Rose", in which Nightingale dyed white with her own blood in order for her lover to confess to the girl she likes. Rose. He pulled himself together and listened.

  "To commemorate Nightingale, the townspeople built the first small brick building here. Every year, townspeople send here the brightest and fullest roses planted in their homes to commemorate it. But later, some people said that it was not Nightingale.

 It was a witch, and gradually no one came." Witch? What is the direction of this story? And "gradually no one comes here again", if the townspeople regard this place as an ominous place, they will definitely not bring players here, no wonder there is no one here. Then there is a high probability that it is "the scenery that others cannot let him appreciate". 

"So is that nightingale really a witch?" Linke asked boldly seeing that the bishop was in a stable mood. In most fantasy stories, the witch always represents the dark creature, while the bishop is the leader of the light. 

The two are fundamentally opposite, not to mention the witch in the story represents the rose, and now all the roses are frozen by frost—— No matter how you think about it, it makes people feel suspicious. As a bishop, you shouldn't bring guests to the house of your nemesis, right? "It's a witch," the bishop said frankly.

 "The red roses she planted with her life have the power to seduce people, so I put all the roses to sleep. " Did the setting shake out? So much information! It's not in vain that I give up Jin Shen's perspective to talk to my little brother! 】 

 【Barrage: It's cool, don't you know? The little brother and the punishment boss have always had an affair. 】

[Bullet screen: As a player in the previous game, I cried. In the last game, the blind man was super easy to deceive, and he could pass any flower - but suddenly all the roses were frozen. People pass the level! ! 】

"So," Link hesitated for a moment, and decided to ask, "Why did you bring me here?" The

bishop's face changed slightly, and then he said coldly, "No reason, just to introduce you to this town."

Tsk, nervous I even forgot "you" and was exposed all at once.

Lin Ke realized something, and slowly took two steps forward, staring at the small brick house with a sloping roof. "Mr. Blind

will live here, won't he?"

Little angel of nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 5 bottles of mona;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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