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   [Bullet screen: Just, a little unexpected, was it really frightening? 】

In the volunteer dormitory, a pale young man lay on his side on a narrow bed, his face was calm and clear, like a sleeping beauty in a fairy tale.

The curly hair fell on the side of the ear, like a light wind, against the Southern Cross and the small earlobes, it was very beautiful.

Just looking at this scene, it is completely unimaginable that this young man named Lin Ke once angrily rolled up his sleeves to fight with the thirteen-year-old boy ghost, but was so frightened that he passed out after failing.

[Bullet screen: Maybe it's because I'm too tired, but you guys didn't realize that it's actually the little brother who has been holding the audience. He is the one who entered the alien space, he conquered the dean, he discovered the props, he put together the puzzle, he encouraged the small fish, and he persuaded the big one. ]

[Bullet screen: You said that...]

[Bullet screen: It seems to be true! ! ! What kind of genius rookie is this! ! ! 】

【Barrage: And even though he fainted, he has already ruled out all the dangers. The twenty-four filial piety scenes are so harmonious that I thought it was my hometown celebrating the New Year. 】

【Barrage: Haha, there's nothing wrong with it, but it looks like you want lucky money. 】

It is indeed like Chinese New Year.

In front of Lin Ke's bed, Dake, Xiaoke, Xiaosha, Xiaolan, and Lin Lin were all standing. Dake lowered his head and played with his hands. Beside him were Su Xue and Ye Shi who brought ice towels.

As soon as they entered the door, the eyes of the five children swept over in unison, as if they were holding life-saving medicine in their hands.

Ye Shi: "..."

Ye Shi is also an old A-level dungeon player. He hasn't seen any scenes before, but he doesn't know how to react this time.

It is relatively rare for the player and the boss to coexist in the same room so harmoniously. Although the boss in the F-level dungeon is relatively simple and easy to communicate with, but being able to communicate to this level is considered to be Lin Ke's ability.

The children got out of the way, and while Ye Shi was applying an ice towel to Lin Ke's forehead, he tilted his head and said, "Go back first... go to sleep, you have to get up early tomorrow."

It was a bit awkward for her to say this herself, as if she was really talking to the child, but if she didn't say it, she couldn't let the boss stay in their dormitory forever.

Da Ke cried and raised his head at this moment. There was an obvious bruise around his right eye socket because he was punched by the little shark when he came out.

[Bullet screen: Fuck this face, so did you get beaten in the end? Hahahahahaha I suddenly feel so miserable. ]

[Barrage: Hahahahaha. ]

Da Ke is really sad, he has never been beaten by a small shark, and no one has ever treated him so gently, and he was so scared that he fainted.

He touched his neck: "Big brother, is he better?"

Ye Shi paused and said, "It's better."

When he watched Dake help Lin Ke out, Ye Shi thought it was some kind of prop control by Linke It's okay to live, but now it seems that it doesn't look like it.

She lowered her eyes, looked at Lin Kequ's left hand with five fingers slightly curled up in front of her, and saw the beautiful tail ring.

The ring-shaped leaves are familiar in shape, like the olive branches and leaves that symbolize life, peace, hope, fecundity and friendship in a myth she experienced, but the pattern is more delicate and complicated.

This must be an extremely important and powerful prop, but Ye Shi didn't have the slightest desire, he just thought it looked good around the young man's fingers.

Little Shark was very sensible, and realized that they would disturb the rest of his brothers and sisters here, so he took the lead and proposed to take all the children away. Ye Shi praised him, and he was very happy.

Su Xue really couldn't bear to see Ke Ke's lost back, and promised him to take good care of Ke Lin.

When the children went out, Ye Shi and Su Xue looked at each other.

Ye Shi smiled: "Go to sleep. There won't be such an easy book in the future." In

all honesty, this dungeon is not easy, but the atmosphere is not depressing at all, and Ye Shi even feels unprecedented relaxation.

Su Xue nodded: "It's okay, I've already died once." After a

pause, she asked, "Where is this place?"

"Where is this place..." Ye Shi was speechless, shaking his head with a smile, "It's hard to say, It's like another small world, you just think you've crossed over. In this world, as long as you clear all kinds of dungeons, you can get action points, continue to live, and get everything you want."

Su Xue asked: "Can I go back to the original world?"

Ye Shi thought for a while, then slowly said: "Not necessarily. A long time ago, there was a legend in the main god world, saying that as long as you clear the copy of the final chapter, all your wishes can be fulfilled. But the other side of the legend is that when the copy of the final chapter appears, the entire world of the main god will be destroyed. The two sides of light and darkness, I don't know which is true. No one has seen the copy of the final chapter so far. Everyone is still Challenge."

Su Xue exclaimed, "It's like a fairy tale." A

trace of fatigue flashed in Ye Shi's eyes: "Well, in this world, a person may become a god... as long as he pays a certain price."

Hearing this, Su Xue was shocked . Ask: "Does the main god really exist?"

Ye Shi: "If you mean the power that cannot be resisted, then it exists."

Of course it exists, and it forces people to work!

When Lin Ke woke up, he heard this, and complained wildly in his heart.

It's not that he is willing to continue eavesdropping, but that as a big man, he was fainted by the ghost, and he doesn't want to wake up for the time being.

Besides, he was indeed tired, physically and mentally exhausted, who hasn't taken the opportunity to strike? When he heard two soft female voices start talking about family matters, saying that Su Xue is actually a preschool teacher, that the dungeon selection is really thoughtful, etc., he really fainted again.


Open your eyes again, it's already dawn.

Lin Ke jumped up from the bed, and there was no one in the dormitory.

What about them? There is no reason not to wake yourself up wherever you go?

Lin Ke's heart had just rested for a while, and it couldn't help but start beating faster again. To be honest, after yesterday's incident, he was a little bit reluctant to see his teammates, but he still stepped out resignedly.

[Bullet screen: Hahaha, the hair on the top of my little brother's head is up, so cute~]

[Bullet screen: Someone really stopped at this angle all night to watch him sleep? 】

【Barrage: It's a pervert to watch all night! Unlike me, I wake up early in the morning to watch. 】

【Bulletum: Woke up early in the morning to watch people sleep, it doesn't sound very healthy...】

The barrage paddles, but Lin Ke is very nervous, the orphanage is too quiet, there are no children crying and shouting, no leaves When Su Xue screamed, she could even hear the birdsong outside the window.

It's so beautiful in the dungeon, is it normal? Certainly not normal.

Link couldn't help scolding himself in his heart, he was really tortured by the dungeon and became a Stockholm patient, and his heart beat faster if he didn't give him something to do.

Going down to the first floor, Link was startled again by the clock on the dining room wall.

Half past ten!

Already past breakfast time, free time, and psychological counseling session?

The bad premonition became stronger, and this shock was not a small one, Linke ran up to the second floor again.

When he rushed to the door of the psychological consultation and found that it was quiet inside, the five children were sitting neatly, and Ye Shi and Su Xue were picking out toys with full faces, he almost thought that he had come to a model kindergarten in the city.

[Barrage: Hahahahaha, my little brother's expression is exactly the same as when I just switched perspectives! 】

【Barrage: You're silly, that's how harmonious it is! Scary not scary! ]

[Bullet screen: It's funny to see him flustered, just waiting for this moment. 】

"I, you..." Linke couldn't organize his words for a while.

Ye Shi replied: "Seeing that you slept too deeply, and the children were very obedient, they all said not to wake you up. We didn't wake you up."

Lin Ke: "..."

Yes, for a moment I felt that I was a clown again just now.

Ye Shi's expression was a little anxious: "Lin Ke."

Lin Ke returned to his senses.

She approached and whispered, "It's still not right."

Old players habitually lowered their voices when discussing the plot of the dungeon. Lin Ke knew Ye Shi's habit, so he nodded to listen.

"Dake is obviously very cooperative," Ye Shi motioned Lin Ke to look at Dake, who is staring at him with big eyes and bruised eye sockets, "but there is no way to activate his memory, no matter what kind of toy it is, even a ball can't activate the sand table As

he was speaking, Lin Ke and Dake met eyes, Dake straightened his back, his face full of grievances, like a classmate who studied all night and failed the exam.

Lin Ke felt that something was wrong, and after a while lowered his voice: "Where is Zhou Zhao? Didn't come back? No one from our side traveled there?"

Surprised by Lin Ke's sensitivity, Ye Shi said: "No, you can eat a little , I just said that my stomach hurts and I don't want to eat. Zhou Zhao's dean has been staying in the dean's room and didn't come out for breakfast. It's not a problem with Da Ke, he seems to have a stomachache."

It's not a problem with Da Ke, it's a copy Mechanism problem. Ye Shi explained in a low voice that sometimes the trigger conditions for the same event would indeed appear more stringent each time in the dungeon.

Over there, Su Xue was still coaxing the children to play, Linke thought for a while and walked to her side, and said to Dake who was very nervous: "Relax, what do you want to play?" Dake stood up suddenly, his head shook, almost fell off down.

"..." Link said, "Don't get excited."

Don't move still: "I usually like to play football, and I don't like to play anything else."

Link frowned.

This information is infallible, and everyone knows it. Not surprisingly, the perverted player who coaxed Xiaoyu before also attacked Dake, but Dake's personality is not like Xiaoyu's. in memory.

But the little ball can't trigger Dake's memory. According to the setting where the player enters the sand table to repair the children's memory, does he have any more terrible memories than this one?

But one thing is strange, the toys other children need are single-use props, such as bears, books, bubbles, kites... only Dake's small ball is more suitable for multiplayer games.

"Do you like playing football with other children?" Link asked following his words.

Da Ke hesitated for a while, and looked back at Xiao Ke, as if hesitating between telling the truth and lying, but he finally said: "I don't like it."

Don't like it?

Then why did the dean say, "Dake likes the ball the most, and always likes to take it out to play with the guests. If he accidentally kicks and hurts someone, he will be sad for a long time."

Why do you want to take the initiative to come out to play with the guests even though you don't like playing football?

Why did he look at Xiao Ke just now?

Lin Ke suddenly remembered Zhou Zhao's strange description of Xiao Ke's memory, "Although flying the kite activated the memory, he cleared the level without doing anything."

and cut kite strings.

He seems to understand.

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