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[Barrage: I am happy to see the little girl laughing again, but she is a boss, am I a pervert! ]

[Barrage: You are not alone. 】

Su Xue opened her eyes, the terrifying and haunting pain still lingered around her body, but when she stood up with the support of the sand table, she found that her whole body was intact, and even her clothes were not stained with dust.

It seemed that everything just now was just an illusion.

Su Xue was in a complicated mood. Looking aside, Xiaolan was sitting on the red round stool, hugging the little bear that she took off from the sand table at some point, and smiling sweetly at her.

Just ten minutes ago, she was brought back to the room by the injured Xiaolan as the little bear in Xiaolan's memory.

At that time, the little girl had become different from ordinary people. She hugged the bear and cried for a while, cut the bear with scissors for a while, and sewed up the bear for the bear after a while.

The viewers of the live broadcast may not be able to see it, but can only guess that Su Xue is being forced to suffer, but Su Xue herself feels it. When the scissors cut the flesh and blood, the severe pain gave her the strength to move her hands.

She reincarnated five times in this memory.

The first time she was nearly driven mad by the pain, but she couldn't move even though she was able to move. The second or third time she tried under extreme fear, but she just escaped from the little girl's knee.

For the fourth time, when she saw the number of live viewers drop, she was really disheartened. She didn't know when she would die, and she didn't know how many times she would be reincarnated in this horrible pain. People would easily think blindly in despair, and she wondered if the copy had ended and she was left here alone? When no one pays attention to the live broadcast, will others soon forget about her and she will become an npc here?

Just when she was about to lose her will and fall into the bottom of despair - only to find that the number of live broadcasts was soaring.

Before that, she never felt that these audiences would bring her any support or hope, she only thought that they were watching the fun, and they were indeed just watching the fun.

But at that moment, even if she was unwilling to accept it, she had to admit that the sudden increase in the number of viewers was like an elusive booster, telling her that there was still hope.


Su Xue regained consciousness in an instant, and began to look for the answer from the thoughts of several teammates. At first, it was Lin Ke who discovered through the timetable that dangerous food could be replaced with delicious food in the kitchen... Thinking of Lin Ke, Su Xue couldn't help but gain some strength.

She suddenly entered this world and was told by the system to participate in the dungeon. At first, she was very scared, worried that she would be bullied and targeted because she was a "newcomer". —Of course, later Su Xue understood that in the entire dungeon, only she and Lin Ke were newcomers, with extra points, they could still survive even if they were eliminated.

But if it wasn't for Lin Ke, she wouldn't take the initiative to stand up.

If she chooses to stand up, she cannot give up.

There are also Ye Shi and Zhou Zhao. When they do reasoning, they often make guesses from the conditions given by the dungeon, and teach her to reversely think about the role of the props in the utility room when they see the utility room, and then use follow-up clues to verify this. effect.

So now...

As a teddy bear, she can only swing her arms at the end of a memory and in extreme pain. It is almost impossible to escape just because of this. Is the dungeon set up like this for the purpose of letting What about her escape?

Looking back at Xiaolan's attitude, she cut the little bear up and sewed it up at the same time, which shows that she is also very contradictory. She loves the gift she received, but she doesn't understand why the owner of the gift became so fond of her. That's cruel. She is still young and doesn't understand the complexity of human beings at all, so she can only sway back and forth in doubt and pain.

Yup! Since the mission of the dungeon is to find the beloved toys for the children, she has a different choice to make.

This kind of logical thinking is really common among old players, and it is a low-difficulty level F-level dungeon, but for Su Xue, the answer was obtained only by a flash of inspiration.

In the fifth round, in severe pain, she tried to shake her weak arm, and manipulated the bruised bear to hug Xiaolan.

The little bear is stuffed with cotton, and its arms are soft, leaning gently on the little girl's arms. Because she had no sense of warmth, Su Xue almost felt that she touched two wooden sticks, which were hard and inflexible. These were Xiaolan's arms. Su Xue was just a little scared, and was hugged by these two movable wooden sticks.

Xiaolan's tears fell on her furry head, making the top of her head softer.

Then Su Xue came back. She came back to her senses and smiled at Xiaolan.

On both sides of Xiaolan, the short-sleeved Dake and Xiaoyu showed some expectant expressions, completely different from before, they seemed to want to play games too.

It was only then that Su Xue realized that Lin Lin and Xiao Ke were closing their eyes, and there was an uncovered book and a broken kite on the sand table.

It seems that Ye Shi and Zhou Zhao have already entered their memory.

Just as Su Xue felt guilty for coming out too slowly and not bringing out useful information, Ye Shi's tall figure and Zhou Zhao, who was clutching his forehead, both appeared in front of him.

[Main God System: Orphanage copy, player progress 2/6, please continue. ]

[Main God System: Orphanage copy, player progress 3/6, please continue. 】

In the classroom in another world, Lin Ke quickly finished the whole body of Lin Lin and Xiao Ke before arriving at four o'clock in the afternoon, and also filled part of the sky.

The tone of the whole puzzle is obviously much brighter.

Fortunately, Lin Lin always looks down and reads with a slightly rounded back, which is very recognizable.

The dungeon with the original three-day time limit completed 3/6 within the first day, and the progress has been kept, but Lin Ke always has the extra denominator in mind.

The extra 1/6 undoubtedly refers to the dean, but there is too little information about the dean in this world. Do you still need to find toys for the dean? It is not logical to think about it.

Thinking of this, Lin Ke subconsciously raised his eyes and glanced at the opposite side, but unexpectedly met the man's eyes.

The man raised his eyebrows and looked at him with the corners of his lips raised.

Lin Ke: "..."

You are alive, you know you are alive, there is no need for such rich facial expressions.

Lin Ke found sadly that he couldn't analyze the dean like an ordinary NPC, because in his case, the composition of the dean was too complicated, which added a lot of difficulty to his reasoning.

The dean is first of all an npc in the dungeon, but secondly he is also a weirdo in the small study. He doesn't know if there can be an equal sign between the two, and whether they are both "□□" as the main god system said.

From the current point of view, the dean's mood must be able to affect the weirdo, and he needs to be appeased by arresting him and turning him into a weirdo in the study.

At the same time, the weirdo must also be able to obtain more information through the dean to complete his own growth, from being ignorant who can't speak to suddenly becoming a civilized person who "can't hit people", the dean must be credited for it.

Can that weirdo influence the dean? Link thought it was impossible at first, but after returning to the dungeon this time, the dean grabbed him by the wrist and even spoke to appease him, Link was a little uncertain.

Could it be just two personalities of the same person? What's the difference between that and a mental patient!

Lin Ke does not discriminate against the mentally ill, but finding the mentally ill in the horror dungeon and comforting them is too hellish.

Just as he was thinking, the "mental patient" on the opposite side straightened his collar and stood up, glanced at Lin Ke, as if he was asking, "Aren't you leaving?"

Oh, strictly follow the timetable for tasks.

Lin Ke stood up, and slowly followed the steady pace of the dean, who was dressed in a white coat, from the second floor to the first floor, and entered the restaurant.

The moment he stepped into the restaurant, the dean looked back at Lin Ke again, his eyes seemed apologetic.

Lin Ke: "..."

Speak up if you have something to say! Your eyes can talk I already knew it!

But your mouth can speak too Have you forgotten?

The next moment, the man seemed to see what he wanted, and slowly asked, "What do I like to eat?"

Link was taken aback.

The logic of this question was too weird, it took him a second to react, and he almost laughed angrily, thinking how do I know what you like to eat, but he heard the hoarse and pleasant voice asking again.

"What do I like to eat?"

Linke's pupils shrank suddenly.

This is not small talk, it is a must-death plot.

Almost instantly, the dean's gaze no longer looked like a human being, but like some kind of giant carnivore staring at its prey.

Lin Ke's scalp tingled.

It turned out that the apologetic look in his eyes just now was really sorry, "Sorry, I'm going to kill you"?

This time was different from the previous ones. After the dean finished his question, he didn't get any closer, but stood there and waited. Lin Ke felt a chill and climbed up his heels.

He took a step back stiffly, but found that the cold air was real—for an instant, the death method of the chewing gum youth who fell to pieces crossed his mind.

Lin Ke's whole body was numb, and his thoughts were spinning.

what do you like eating?

This dungeon has basically zero information about the dean, not to mention such personal things as what he likes to eat, even the position, height and age are unknown!

But the dungeon will definitely not set unsolvable questions, and the answer must have appeared before.

What does a dean who lives alone in a different world like to eat? No, wrong direction.

What would a man in his mid-twenties like to eat? Too general.

Could it be that lonely people like to eat anything, as long as it is made with love? This answer was so disgusting that Link blackened half of his face first.

[Bullet screen: This must-death question is set...so subtle. 】

[Bullet screen: I'm going to ask my male ticket, smile.jpg, let him know that if he can't answer this kind of question, he will die. 】

Frost has spread to his upper arm.

Just when Linke's neck was stiff and his mouth could hardly be opened, he said with difficulty: "I know. I know what you like to eat the most." The

frost stopped spreading, and the man looked at him with a slightly raised eyebrow, as if suddenly returning to normal .

[Barrage: Ah, hey, you can get by like this, the boss is so easy to fool? ]

[Barrage: The dean is so easy to coax. 】

【Barrage: So coaxing +1. 】

【Barrage: Don't make a fuss hahahaha little brother's life is hard enough, cooking a meal and coaxing the children and adults to save face. ]

[Barrage: Don't say it! From the moment I clicked on this live broadcast, I found that he has this kind of bossy temperament, and everything can be coaxed. ]

[Barrage: Anyone can be intimidated hahaha. ]

"What do I like to eat?" The man asked again, this time in a much lighter tone.

Lin Ke lowered his eyes, and waited until the frost on his body slowly melted, then raised his eyes and moved the corners of his lips.

"Make it for you to eat, you will know."

I send warmth to the boss in the horror world [Unlimited]Where stories live. Discover now