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  According to the main god system, the original main god world was created by the "main god", the power of the main god is the power of the world, and the system is responsible for managing all the worlds created by the main god.

As for the "Lord God", it is not a person or an individual, but an "insurmountable rule".

"Rules?" Lin Ke was thoughtful, while flipping through the guide about "The Frozen Rose Town" on the screen.

[The main god system: Yes, the main god sets up the rules for action points, exchange rules, dungeon reward rules, and punishment rules. This part of the authority is not here in the system. ]

Lin Ke seemed to see the dean's shadow in this passage: "And then?"

The electronic voice of the system fell.

[The main god system: Then the host also saw that the bosses and players in the dungeon began to be incompatible. At first, the players were constantly eliminated, but human beings are really good at learning. Unlimited plundering inside, over time the bosses were overwhelmed, and alienation appeared in one way or another. If it was the previous world, the master would definitely adopt the obliteration rule directly, destroy the world and rebuild the order, but...] The

system paused, and seemed to be very puzzled.

[Main God System: The master did not do this this time. ]

"Didn't do that?" Lin Ke wondered, "Could it be because the player has developed too powerfully, and it can't kill it directly?

" short electronic sounds.

[Main God System: How is it possible! A mere player, how could he shake the master in the slightest! Let the system make an analogy for you as the host that you can understand.

After testing, the world where the host lived was once full of wars, and there were often situations where one country was stronger than the other and challenged another country, but has the host ever seen any of them wanting to challenge the world?

Even the materials and energy they used to fight each other come from the world, even if they are all wiped out, everything will belong to the world again...

No one can really challenge the master! It is a big joke to say that the master can't obliterate the player! 】

The main god's systematic tone made Lin Ke think for a moment that he had heard the classical Chinese translation. He was a little shocked by the analogy of the system, but he really understood the meaning.

If you think about it carefully, this is indeed the case. Since the main god can choose to obliterate the whole world and start over again, he will definitely not care how strong the players are, just like Mother Blue Star or the entire universe will not care about the artillery developed by humans. strong as well.

Lin Ke frowned: "He didn't choose to rebuild the world, then what?"

The voice of the main god system, who was passionately defending the master just now, fell down again in an instant, and this time it fell to the valley.

[Main God System: Then the master disappeared. The master's consciousness, which used to be like the ocean, suddenly became as thin as a strand of rain, and directly entered the copy... You may not understand how difficult it is to split the consciousness of the host, it is like cutting the host into trillions Like that! ]

Link couldn't bear it anymore: "You don't need to use metaphors anymore."

[Main God System: ... Oh, in short, when we found the master with great difficulty and helped him gather most of his consciousness, the master materialized and became the host. You are in the study The space is as it looks, and has become in a bad state. Not only did he have no way to give us any more rules and instructions, but he also left an unspecified rule. 】

Speaking, the main god system called up the terminal screen in front of Lin Ke, entered the copy selection interface, and continued to swipe down.

At the bottom of the screen full of blood-red customs clearance number "0", there is a pattern like a layer of fog, with a small gray lock interface. In the mist, the picture is very deep, as if there is a huge world hidden behind it, and the upper right corner shows the dungeon level "S+".

The lower right corner shows the number of challengers, "0"; the designated number of challengers, "all members".

Link frowned, no one has challenged this dungeon? And it needs to be challenged by all members?

As if in order to answer his questions, the Lord God explained patiently.

[Main God System: Yes, after the master returned, we found this new copy. This dungeon will only be opened after a perfect clearance of an S-level dungeon, and all members will be forced to enter after opening. Not only that, this dungeon has no background introduction, no hints, no punishment conditions or reward conditions, and even the system does not know the rules of this dungeon clearance. 】

Link's frown deepened. It didn't sound good. Rather than saying it was a dungeon, it was more like a trial for all players that the world had prepared for a long time.

Linke thought of something, and tentatively asked: "If you haven't cleared the S-level dungeon perfectly, this dungeon will never be opened, right?"

Linke is different from those players who are eager to conquer. To open a Pandora's box casually, it is better not to touch it in the first place. After all, life is not a game that must be cleared to the end, and you can find a suitable position for your survival at any stage.

He is just a wage earner, not a savior.

Unexpectedly, the main god's system's answer made Lin Ke's face darken.

[Main God System: No, this dungeon must be opened. ]

Link: "Why?"

[Main God System: Because most of the master's consciousness is condensed in this copy. The operation of the main god world relies on the power of the master's consciousness. Now that the master is gone, the main god world you see is just an empty shell. will collapse. 】

Lin Ke was silent for a moment, and then translated in disbelief: "Then, can I understand that your master—that is, the former Lord God, although he didn't directly obliterate this world, he still abandoned this world in disguise and put all The power is sealed in this final chapter 'S+' dungeon, unless you enter the dungeon and liberate the power of the main god, otherwise the outside world will lose the support of the main god's power, and it will soon fall apart."

[Main God system: Host, you are really smart ! ]

Lin Ke: "..."

He felt that he had already entered the boast PTSD, and he no longer wanted to hear the praise from the main god system.

So the objects of his service are fragments of the main god's consciousness that are fragmented and inexplicably insane-what kind of information is this! What exactly this main god wants to do, and why he reluctantly cut himself into shreds, is hard to understand!

And what is the connection between the main god's consciousness and punishing the boss? Punishment boss is the materialization of the fragments of the main god's consciousness?

I am afraid that these problems still need to be contacted and explored by Lin Ke himself in the end.

Fortunately, the matter of clearing the S-level dungeon does not fall on him for the time being. Lin Ke thought optimistically that senior players in this world would naturally worry about challenging difficult dungeons. He decided to calm down and be a hard worker, and settle the matter at hand first.

The problem at hand - "The Frozen Town of Rose".

Lin Ke clicked on the profile again.

This copy is similar to the copy that was upgraded to "Kids Toy Horror Night", and it is also a copy that has just been upgraded.

It was originally a D-level dungeon "Rose Town". After eliminating the previous batch of players, it was upgraded to a C-level dungeon "Frozen Rose Town". Because of this, there is almost no information about the updated dungeon on the forum. , the players just shared some myths and legends about roses, and complained about the irregularity of the boss killing, which only increased the sense of fear.

And obviously, it is much more difficult than "The Orphanage", because the number of people admitted to this copy is 100, and the points required to enter are 10 points.

Lin Ke went to look at the help object information carefully prepared by the system for him.

"Mr. Blind", as the clearance-level boss of this dungeon, because of his simple mind and blindness, many players found that they could directly deceive Mr. Blind to make him think that he had obtained important items, so as to take a shortcut to clear the level. After the news spread, the imitators became even more serious, which caused Mr. Blind's work error rate to soar, and also caused him to become suspicious, suspicious, and violent.

All in all, it is the story of "Wolf is coming". Now this blind man will not let people pass the level easily no matter whether he gets the clearance props or not.

It is understandable that since releasing people to clear the customs may make mistakes, it is better not to let anyone go.

Lin Ke: "..." Although rebuilding trust is very troublesome, if it's just like this, it's not particularly difficult to solve.

The problem is that the customs clearance props for this dungeon are roses, and now the theme has become frozen roses.

It doesn't sound optimistic.

"Let's go in first and talk about it later." Linke looked at the rising number of people preparing, and clicked to enter the queue without hesitation.

Forced by the situation, there are currently tens of thousands of people queuing up for dungeons below C-level, and most players with insufficient action points gradually overflow to C-level dungeons. Lin Ke only has 11 action points left, and deducts 1 action per day According to the rules of points, the longest queuing days he can accept is eleven days.

And an F-level dungeon would take three days, and a C-level dungeon would definitely last for more than three days.

I hope that this time, his action points will not be deducted by mistake.

Accompanied by the excited encouragement of the voice of the main god system, Lin Ke was once again wrapped in a light film.

This time, he closed his eyes and even experienced the sense of emptiness when teleporting through space.

The moment the light film was withdrawn from his body, the warmth of the room was instantly swept away by the frosty cold wind. Link shivered on the spot, subconsciously tightening his shoulders.

There was also the sound of the wind passing by the grass and trees in my ears. There was a very faint fragrance in the wind, but it was frozen and disappeared in an instant.

When I smelled it again, there was a pungent rust smell.

Link's heart tightened, and he opened his eyes against the cold wind.

[Main God System: Warm reminder, is the player activating the item? Passive props cannot be disassembled after being activated once. 】

I send warmth to the boss in the horror world [Unlimited]Where stories live. Discover now