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   The main god system was silent for a moment.

[Main God System: Of course! The condition of the owner is unprecedentedly good! ]

Having returned home, Lin Ke rang that he no longer needed to use private communication: "Then let him come out and chat with me?"

[Main God System: ...]

[Main God System: Surprise! Just now, the information of the object of assistance has been sorted out, and now it will be delivered to the host. ]

Lin Ke got up with a sullen face, ready to go to the small room.

The small room is the junction of the main god system and the main god space, where you can get closer to the main god, and more importantly, there is a system with a clearer mind.

Unexpectedly, although the main god system changed the topic very bluntly, and it seemed that the logic was not strong, it reacted extremely quickly when it involved its own sensitive topics.

it yelled anxiously.

[Main God System: Host! Another system is taking care of the master, if you rashly enter the boundary space, it will disturb the work of the other system - of course, the system knows that the space is given to you by the master, and you have the right to enter and exit at any time, but please ask the host Cooperate with our work. ]

EQ seems to be higher.

As if he was confused by Lin Ke, the main god system projected the situation in the private space of the main god onto the wall curtain in the center of the living room.

For some reason, Lin Ke was nervous for no reason, and subconsciously pinched his five fingers into his palm. But he put it down to concerns about the situation of major clients.

The picture slowly appeared in front of his eyes.

It was still the original study room, but Lin Ke was shocked when he saw it. I saw that the entire huge bookshelf had collapsed, books with exquisite covers of various colors were scattered all over the floor, and worn pages were scattered everywhere, the pen on the desk rolled to the ground, and the ink stains swam on the carpet, leaving a large area with shadows. stains.

The dim yellow lamp on the desk seemed to have dimmed a few shades, looking gloomy, reflecting the momentum of a storm in the sky above the study.

"Where's the person?" Linke asked as calmly as possible.

The main god system didn't answer, but Link soon knew the answer.

I saw the ubiquitous black shadows on the table, wall, and bookshelves moving slowly while restlessly, and finally clustered around the desk, turning into a man leaning on the desk again.

The man's breathing was rough and heavy, and he had an inexplicably extremely dangerous breath, which could stimulate Lin Ke's nerves through the screen.

Soon, within tens of seconds, the tall figure slowly turned into a black mist and disappeared into the room.

This scene made Lin Ke realize more deeply that the other party is not human.

Lin Ke frowned, feeling his heart beat faster.

Although he has tried his best to restrain himself, the sense of danger still makes him breathless as if it penetrates the screen, attaches to him, and grabs his heart.

[Main God System: Cough, the master is not in a bad state, but he has used his mental power to do some other things recently, and he has no extra energy to control himself, let alone control the avatar, the master is very powerful of! The system is only worried that the host will be separated/injured by the host when he enters the dungeon at this time. ]

Did something else? What's up?

Link: "Let me in."

[Main God System: Huh? 】

The average person hears the danger, and it is too late to escape, and the host still wants to go in?

Lin Ke repeated it again.

Nonsense, of course you have to go in. From the systematic explanation, Lin Ke understood that the main god's emotional instability before was because he held part of his power to suppress the other part of his power. Now he doesn't know how to allocate his mental power to do other things, so he has to give up suppressing himself. , in this way, it made him more aggressive than before.

Fortunately, I asked in advance, if there is such a world explosion source outside, the copy has not been cleared by then, and the main god world will be gone.

I have never seen such a system that can't distinguish between primary and secondary!

There is also this main god, who can't tell the priority, obviously there is not much spiritual power left, so what do you want to use the spiritual power for? What is so important, more important than the whole world he created?

Lin Ke secretly slandered.

However, the main god system was silent for a long time, and finally retracted the projection, and burst out a grateful hum.

[Main God System: Host, the system really didn't misunderstand the host. In the host's heart, the host is indeed the most important. The host knows that his life will be in danger, but he still insists on serving the master. ]

[The main god system: ——but! The host has clearly requested that the host is not allowed to enter. The host only needs to wait for the host to calm down for two days, and then go to some low-level dungeons to confirm the emotional stability of the host avatar. ]

After the main god system finished boasting, it still rejected Linke's request to provide positive assistance to the main god.

But it reveals a lot of information. Now, Lin Ke fully confirms that the main god and the avatars in various worlds have memory and emotional connections, and can influence each other.

This is difficult.

The meaning of the main god system is to let him avoid the edge of the main god's power, and indirectly achieve the purpose of appeasing the main god's emotions by appeasing the main god's avatars in each small dungeon world. Its thinking is correct, if the main god's emotions are essentially affected by distraction/spirit, simply relieving the main god's emotions is not a cure for the symptoms.

But these millions of copies, one by one to appease, when is the head?

As if seeing Lin Ke's hesitation, the main god system spoke again.

[Main God System: Believe me, host, the system has never deceived the host. After your hard work during this time, the host has been able to stabilize his emotions on his own. Many low-level dungeons have returned to normal difficulty due to this reason, and gradually some players have achieved it. Clearance conditions, everything is going in a good direction! As for those dungeons that are difficult to conquer, the host can wait later...]

"I can't wait," Lin Ke lowered his eyes and rolled his eyelids, "If you wait any longer, the Lord God World will collapse. Among the dungeons that my identity card level can enter, which dungeon has the greatest influence on him?" After a while,

Lin The guest was surprised: "I can't say that? Isn't this my normal job content?"

He suddenly had a very subtle feeling in his heart.

The main god system that had been trying so hard to squeeze him, suddenly became extremely polite to him, and didn't want him to do any rough and tiring work. What kind of relationship households are they? They only need to eat and don't need to work. They are specially occupying the number of staff members to get their wages.

This treatment is really flattering.

Perhaps the main god system itself felt that its actions were a bit out of the ordinary, and was worried that Lin Ke would see the clues, so after dawdling for a while, he hesitated and went to calculate for Linke.

Link took advantage of this time to put all the passive props on his body, and then went to the bathroom, which was larger than his original house, and looked at his own image when the special effects were fully turned on in front of the new shiny full-body mirror.

I saw colorful lights swirling around his body, and a small transparent blue shark happily circling around him, which is both killer and cool.

The home's security system is very advanced, and within a few seconds, a warning message "Unknown light inside the house has been detected" was sent to Linke's terminal.

Lin Ke hides the special effects and sees a message from Jin Qingyue.

[Jin Qingyue: When are you going to go in? 】

Lin Ke: "..."

Well, just now I was anxious about the client, but I completely forgot about Yin Li and "Four Side Mirror".

He moves his fingers.

【Lin Ke: Come on, I'm a little busy. ]

[Jin Qingyue:? 】

[Jin Qingyue: What are you talking about? The conversation between you and him has turned upside down in the forum. Everyone thinks that the two of you are about to fight face to face. I also thought that you have been preparing to get involved. You... you just don't take him seriously? ]

[Lin Ke: ...Why should I take him seriously. 】

Lin Ke is baffled. As a "new employee" who has just entered the world of the main god, he has never heard of Yin Li's many deeds. Judging from the information he has learned, Yin Li is just a person who jumped into trouble. It's just bears.

It's a nuisance and needs a beating, but it's nowhere near the number one priority.

Seeing Lin Ke's reply, Jin Qingyue seemed to be completely speechless, and his profile picture went dark.

Because of what Jin Qingyue said, Lin Ke looked through the forum again, but saw that the two sides were really arguing. You can tell at a glance that you are fishing, but you can still attract huge firepower as you wish.

Lin Ke was ashamed, and when he was thinking about whether to say something, the electronic sound of the main god system interrupted his movements.

[Main God System: Host, there is good news and bad news. ]

Lin Ke: "Say."

[Main God System: The good news is that the host's identity card is grade A, and the dungeon that can most affect the master's emotions is also grade A! 】

It paused.

[Main God System: The bad news is that there is also a client in this A-level dungeon who has been evaluated and is almost impossible to be rescued. We are already planning to hang a warning sign on the forum and close this dungeon after all players in the dungeon are eliminated. . 】

Warning sign?

Lin Ke remembered that he had indeed seen this kind of post in the forum. It was called "Warning Closed Post". It mainly reminded players of the difficulty of the dungeon and called on players not to invest in it, so as to reduce unwarranted casualties of players.

No one pays, of course it can reduce the conflict between the player and the boss at the same time, but this is equivalent to isolating the boss, leaving it alone in the dungeon to go crazy... 

I send warmth to the boss in the horror world [Unlimited]Where stories live. Discover now