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The black mist began to move rapidly across the entire orphanage.

In the corner of the corridor, a pair of black hands stretched out from the wall, hugged his head and touched it, like grabbing a bowling ball, grabbing his head in his hands.

Da Ke's eyes close to his waist were filled with black water, and he smiled maliciously, with the corners of his mouth grinning all the way to his ears.


This time is the happiest time for him. Those villains who once put his head on the ground and kicked him will also taste the feeling of rolling their own head on the ground. It is best to be scared and cry, that would be so beautiful.


From the corner of the wall, balls rolled out continuously, and they jumped up the stairs "bang bang bang". After jumping, they became whiter, and then highlighted their facial features and grew thick hair.

And when he gets them here, he throws his head out and literally bites their heads off!

Da Ke showed a vicious expression in the dark.

[Bullet screen: If I were Da Ke, I would hide obediently and don't throw so many heads! Isn't this reverse exposing your position! 】

【Barrage: So they all have names... I don't think they can beat Little Shark. 】

【Barrage: Don't say it, don't say it, I'll find it. ]

A mighty group of people, led by Little Shark, came aggressively from the other side of the third floor.

The little shark opened the way, and Lin Ke was behind him with a sullen face.

He and Ye Shi confirmed before that they didn't do anything that might trigger the conditions of death. What they did to Da Ke was what they did to other children. Arrange showers normally and change into clean clothes.

That is to say, Dake's current behavior is his "job content" - this does not belong to the plot of the dungeon, but the horror scene unilaterally triggered by the boss's emotion is purely Dake's venting his emotions.

If this problem is not solved, everyone will be entangled with countless headaches these days, and it is inevitable that they will not be tricked.

The little shark turned back and whispered: "When I find it later, he will throw his own head out. You have to be careful with that head, don't touch it lightly. If you are bitten by him, he will not let go. The most terrifying Yes, he might bite your heads."

Lin Ke: "Okay."

Ye Shi and Su Xue: "..."

They didn't know what happened, and the little fish suddenly joined their camp and became a little shark. And it is completely different from before, this time it looks energetic and responsible.

Forget it, are you even revealing the dungeon mechanism to them now? Can this be said?

Although the content is horrific, being spoiled so early makes it feel very subtle—as a ghost, throwing its own head out, why does it sound a little cute?

In front of him, the little shark suddenly stopped, with a serious expression, like a little adult.

Looks like a great deal has been found.

Ahead is the stairway where Link had a conversation with Little Shark earlier. There are many debris piled up in the corridor, which is especially suitable for hiding, so all these children like to hide here, no wonder Little Shark found it right away.

"You stay here," Lin Ke said to Ye Shi and Su Xue, "I don't know if there is any danger in other places, can the little shark stay and protect the sisters?" The

little shark hesitated, obviously wanting to go down with Lin Ke, but Link said again: "Don't forget that I am a big shark."

"That's right," the little shark nodded, "Okay then, I'll stay and protect my sisters."

Ye Shi and Su Xue: "..." They were already numb. up.

Although the dialogue was too naive, the effect was amazing. The little shark stood in front of the two with his hands on his hips. It was the first time for Su Xue to feel "safe" in this world, and her mood was complicated.

Along the way just now, she felt guilty that she had influenced Ye Shi - if she hadn't been scared to cry, with Ye Shi's observation skills, she might have recognized that it was a fake head.

Su Xue felt that she was holding back the team.

But now she was relieved, and quietly leaned against Ye Shi, watching Linke go down the stairs and disappear into the black mist.

It's now!

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Da Ke, who was hiding in the darkness, raised his right hand and flew straight out with his head.


Zhou Zhao woke up suddenly.

I only heard the sound of "rusting" coming from the next door.

The setting of this room is unreasonable, the player's accommodation is actually next to the boss, can it make people sleep well?

Zhou Zhao huddled under the quilt, his scalp numb.


The door next door opened.

Zhou Zhao was stiff all over.

The dean's footsteps were both steady and powerful. When the footsteps came to Zhou Zhao's door, his heart almost jumped into his throat. One minute...

two minutes...

the dean seemed to be confirming something, and then finally walked away.

Hearing the footsteps gradually fade away, Zhou Zhao's heart was slowly let go.

He poked his head out of the quilt, and suddenly froze.

There are no curtains in the dormitory, and the stars outside the window are like broken stars, spreading the night sky, like an endless sea of ​​sparkling waves, in which there are even shadows like swimming fish.

The dim light illuminates Zhou Zhao's dazed face.

Not to mention in the horror dungeon, even in the main god world, he rarely saw such a peaceful night.

Under the starlight, the empty dormitory looked quite clean and tidy.

For a while, Zhou Zhao almost forgot where he was, and when he came back to his senses, doubts suddenly arose.

The dean is out? It's midnight, why?

Although night is not a good time for player activities, Zhou Zhaoshen understands that this is his own disciplinary dungeon. If he misses the clues brought by the boss activity, he may not be able to pass the level.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhao got up and stretched out his feet to try to find his shoes on the ground.

But what he stepped on was not the floor, but lumps of soft things, like strands of silk swimming lightly on the soles of his feet, numb and itchy.

Zhou Zhao trembled all over, lifted his foot suddenly, kicked away the clinging hair, almost bounced on the spot, suddenly threw himself to the side of the bed, grabbed the chair beside him, and waved it wildly in front of his eyes.

At some point, dense black hair poured in from the crack of the door.

The atmosphere gap was too great, and Zhou Zhao was almost frightened into a madman.

But fortunately, he was a player who had previously cleared the A-level copy, and he responded only instinctively to the ordinary hair-like solid monsters in the F-level copy.

——Seeing the black hair climbing up the chair, Zhou Zhao skillfully turned the chair, curling the black hair in circles like a kite string, restricting the black hair from moving.

His hands were flying, and the chair was rolled up like a huge black cocoon in a short while. There was a "boom" outside the door, and something caught by the black hair hit the door.

Then it stopped moving.

What else could hide behind black hair? Of course it's the head!

Zhou Zhao panted heavily, and threw the chair to the ground, his neck was covered with crystal beads of sweat. He couldn't imagine what would have happened in the room if he hadn't woken up just now.

What was the dean confirming before? In this dungeon, only the exhalation of the dean can make him shudder - Lin Ke and his newcomers will not understand how terrifying the punishment-level boss born in the dungeon is.

His mind was spinning wildly, and he had no clue.

At this time, footsteps reappeared in the corridor.

The sound insulation in the orphanage was so poor that Zhou Zhao could hear the footsteps different from before.

When going out, the dean walked steadily and calmly, but when he came back, he was in a rush of depression.

Zhou Zhao stared at the door without blinking.

Footsteps stopped outside the door again.

Zhou Zhao had difficulty breathing for a moment, and he tightly grasped the iron frame on one side.

Just when he thought he was going to die and trembled all over, he saw that the chair seemed to have received a mysterious command, turning it in the opposite direction round and round, and the black hair that was originally stretched tightly on the chair legs was untied round after round.

Then, the black hair seemed to be summoned, and "swished" out from the crack of the door, and disappeared completely through the crack of the door after a while.

After a long time, when Zhou Zhao realized that he was safe, he almost slumped on the bed.

A strange idea appeared in his mind—the orphanage had a mutation just now, and the dean seemed to be dealing with the mutation, but how is that possible?


Five minutes ago, Lin Ke walked into the black mist in the corridor, only to hear a "咻" in his ears, and a gust of wind rushed towards his face.

He frowned, raised his right hand to grab it.

In his previous life, he played basketball quite a bit, and he could accurately judge the trajectory of the "ball" just by listening to the sound, and he caught Dake's head accurately.

At the same time, a soft breath hit his wrist.

Rao knew that it was a human head, but human beings' ability to withstand it was limited after all. Lin Ke's wrist was still numb instantly when touched by this breath, and a chill ran down the back of his head.

It's kind of scary!

At first, when I saw these little ghosts and Ye Shi's head, I thought I had developed the ability to bear it, but I never thought that touching the head with my own hands would be a completely different feeling.

Why did he come down alone just now, and why he was worried that criticizing the children in front of others would not be effective, which would bring psychological shadows to the children and cause rebellious psychology.

Is this an ordinary kid! He will have a psychological shadow! It's all because the life was so smooth before, making him forget that he is actually afraid of ghosts.

Just as he was thinking about a sharp pain in his wrist, it was the head that bit him. In the dark, Dake let out a "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Unexpectedly, with just this mouth, Lin Ke instantly grasped the specific position of the head in the dark, and his left hand grasped Dake's ear with lightning precision.

The tail ring flashed a silver light, it could be like getting an electric shock, and he let go immediately.

In the next second, Dake's head, which fell because he let go, was caught by Linke with both hands.

"Are you still biting?"

Lin Ke seized the initiative, and was tremblingly preparing to give a good lesson to the brat when his five fingers suddenly touched the soft cut of Dake's neck.

Lin Ke: "..."

His last "?" was completely out of tune, and he felt like he was going to faint.

However, his head-grabbing action just now was so handsome that the bullet screen was full of excitement.

[Bullet screen: Oh oh oh oh, little brother is going to teach the children a lesson, just wait! 】

Sure enough, happy to hear and see, there was a panicky voice in the darkness.

"You, you let me go!" Dake was stunned by the electric shock just now. As a small boss of the F-level dungeon, how could he come into contact with the god-level suppressing props such as the tail ring, so he loosened his teeth involuntarily. When you come to your senses, your head has already fallen into the hands of others.

The situation turned 180 degrees, thinking of his head that was always kicked violently by others, the malicious pride on his face was suddenly replaced by fear, he was still a child after all, he was terrified.

Lin Ke was also terrified.

As soon as Dake spoke, the head moved in his hand, and he could even feel the bulging and shrinking of Dake's cheeks, as well as the beating of the blood vessels on half of his neck.

Link's whole body was numb, and he said after a while: "Okay, don't talk anymore, can't you know like this next time!"

Xiao Ke was so frightened that he burst into tears, "Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" He rubbed his head flatteringly on Link's arm, which was holding his cuff.

But his head was still in Linke's hands, so the broken neck was moving, and the soft flesh, hot tears, and breath all rubbed against Linke's arm for a while.

Lin Ke couldn't help filling in the picture in his brain, only to feel his brain make a "buzz", and then his soul slowly left his body and flew out of the sky.

Da Ke also woke up at this time.

He did apologize because he was afraid of Link and the others kicking his head around again, but in all honesty, the big brothers and sisters who came this time treated him very well, and the big sisters didn't kick him when they were free activities head.

He didn't understand why he couldn't help the bad thoughts in his heart. At this time, he seemed to lose all his senses. Just now, even if Lin Ke was a little fierce to him, he would have bitten off the opponent's head if he took his life. Hold it in the palm of your hand.

It was too good for him to scare them with their heads just now.

"Whoever did something bad to you, you go...to find that person, and don't vent your anger on irrelevant people, okay?" Link said with difficulty.

He really didn't want to be reasonable, he really wanted to give him a big beating, lest the brat wouldn't listen to him.

But he's a little unsteady right now.

【Barrage:? ? ? That's it? Although I can't see clearly, didn't I promise to give him a hard lesson? ]

[Barrage: Weak! 】

【Barrage: Little brother is obviously gentle! 】

【Barrage: Gentle has a fart, he finally got the head and took advantage of it, and now he was thrown on him by a ghost, can he still live! 】

Dake was silent for a long time, his arms gradually tightened.

Lin Ke was a little suffocated, thinking that he wouldn't fall here, right?

[Bullet screen: Did you see that, I just said, your gentle little brother is about to be cut into two by a ghost. 】

Lin Ke couldn't feel anything, only felt the lips against his palm moving slowly in the dark, with moist heat.

"I see. Brother."

Finally, Linke's eyes darkened.

[Barrage: Damn! The little brother was frightened and fainted! ! ! ]

[Bullet screen: Damn it! The kid helped him up! ! ! 】

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