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 Lin Ke was startled, only then did he realize that the ground began to shake more and more frequently.

There was only a "bang", as if half of the building had collapsed.

Lin Ke went crazy.

Why is there any plot here? Is it reasonable to arrange earthquake science in a horror film?

Wait, since it's unreasonable, is this really an earthquake?

After the dean finished these two sentences, he turned around and went out.

As a dungeon hides the boss, it is impossible for him to remind himself to leave quickly out of "good intentions".

Besides, where can I go?

Countless questions flooded Linke's mind in an instant, and he quickly sorted them out one by one.

[Barrage: Is this a bit magical? ]

[Bullet screen: Is God Jin still there, please analyze. ]

[Bullet screen: I wish the dean came to remind him because he felt sorry for my little brother...]

[Bullet screen: You can wake up upstairs, it's dawn. ]

Half of the corridor collapsed, cement mixed with sand and stones scattered from the roof, and from time to time a beam fell and cracked the ground, causing the whole building to shake.

The dean walking in front of him was stained with gray in his white coat, his figure was even taller against the narrow corridor due to the collapse, and his footsteps were getting faster and faster.

Linke trotted to keep up, passing by the window, he stopped abruptly.

The sky was completely dark without knowing it. If you look carefully, it seems that there is a big hole in the sky. There are no clouds, just empty darkness.

Where black and white intersect, the boundary of white is continuously shattered, burned to ashes, and disappears into boundless pitch black.

A thought flashed across, and a trace of astonishment flashed across Lin Ke's face.

Just as I thought before, it is impossible for there to be an inexplicable earthquake here, and the dean will never be kind enough to remind him to leave.

No matter how fantastical it is, there is only one truth—this is still a part of the entire plot of the dungeon.

Link doesn't know much about the plot of the dungeon, after all, he was taken away by his avatar as soon as he made a stir-fry.

But Lin Ke knows a lot of information, and this world can be said to be a place of comprehensive information.

Here comes the problem again. Is the world with more information the world where the checkpoints are located?


The sky outside the window reminded Link of the half-finished puzzle.

He has ups and downs, guessing that he may exist in the puzzle world.

No, it's not exactly a jigsaw puzzle world, this world is much bigger than a jigsaw puzzle...

All the clues are connected together in an instant, Linke paused following the steps of the dean who was going downstairs, and rushed in another direction.

The dean who was walking to the gate of the orphanage turned around.

Behind him, the door of the orphanage opened, revealing the darkness of the outside world.

The dean's eyes were deep, looking at Lin Ke who ran away without saying a word. In the darkness behind him, countless tentacles chased out suddenly, but when they approached the dean, they frantically trembled back.

The man raised his hand slightly.

Amidst the unwilling twisting of countless tentacles, the door slowly closed.

They have been waiting for a long time, as long as someone steps out of the courtyard, it will become their delicious food, and they have been hungry for hundreds of years.

Unfortunately, the man did not show mercy, and soon the door was completely closed. He stood there in silence for a moment, then stepped in the direction the young man left.


On the top of the kitchen, the ceiling gypsum boards collapsed, flooding the pots and pans, and the stone lanterns struggled to emerge from the ruins, still tenaciously emitting a faint light.

Lin Ke's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward quickly.


With a loud noise, the entire second floor collapsed, and the beam suddenly hit Lin Ke in front of his toes. It was as if a giant smoke bomb exploded in front of Lin Ke's eyes, and several pieces of rubble fell down.

Surprised but not a smile, Lin Ke retreated three steps in a panic, stepped on the irregular gravel, and slammed violently.

He stared wide-eyed, subconsciously pushed his hands back, ready to face the heartache of falling on the gravel -

the next moment, he slammed heavily into the tight chest of the person behind him.

Lin Ke: "!"

The heartbeat of the man behind him was extremely steady and powerful, through body temperature and two layers of clothes, it did not weaken at all, almost chaotic Lin Ke's rhythm.

The feeling of having a disturbed heartbeat was uncomfortable, Lin Ke had no choice but to support the man's arm to regain his footing in a panic, turned around hastily, and took two steps to a safe place to avoid the second round of collapse.

The man's eyes moved, but he didn't step forward, but just looked at Lin Ke. He looked more and more like a real human being than he had a few hours ago.

Meeting the man's eyes, Lin Ke raised his heart, fearing that he would have another soul torture.

"Why don't you go." The flag stood up very well, and the next second the dean really spoke, with a low voice.

"Why don't you go?" Lin Ke smiled inwardly, and said to himself that there is something waiting for me outside the door, do you pretend that I don't know? At this time, I still want to mess with Lao Tzu.

"Because I am the dean." The man replied.

Lin Ke: "..."

Lin Ke: "..."

He was confused for a moment, thinking that he had penetrated into a touching moment interview video, the title was "The director of the orphanage sacrificed his life to fight the disaster and live with the orphanage".

But suddenly, his heart trembled.

Wait - live and die.

Does the dean really exist?

He has always regarded the dean as a "living" npc, and neglected to consider why the dean is left alone in this world.

In the memory, the childish handwriting reappeared again, and "The King is Coming" was written densely on the white paper.

Lin Ke opened his eyes slightly, and looked at the handsome and tall man in disbelief.

"Prince and Princess" are the first batch of guest volunteers, and "Hunters" are malicious players. They all exist, there is no doubt about it.

Only the "king" does not exist, and the orphanage does not have a director at all. This man is nothing but the self-righteous imagination of the children.

The operating logic of this world cannot be deduced with common sense. The dean was born with this memory world from the children's desire to be protected, which in turn acts on the real orphanage.

He is protecting the children according to their will. Because he is an imaginary character, he is handsome, powerful, omnipotent, and is the protector of children.

Link knows where the missing puzzle pieces are—it's impossible to find them, either in the real world or in the children's imaginary world.

Because the children hide it well and forget it in the depths of memory.

Counseling, Counseling!

To remind them of all this, the puzzle can be reproduced here.

Lin Ke analyzed frantically, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

It is too late to know the answer now, and the building is about to collapse, which shows that the mental state of the children is extremely poor. When this building that still retains a little bit of good memory completely collapses, I am afraid that the children will be completely blackened, and the copy will become a black hole in hell, and none of them will be able to live.

The time limit is said to be three days, but the children cannot wait for three days.

The whole building shook even more violently, and Link looked at the entrance to the kitchen, which was blocked almost invisible.


With little hesitation, he left the NPC dean who was standing still, bent down in the mud, sand and stone rain, and got in while avoiding the crumbling beam.

Immediately, his face was ashen.

【Barrage:? ? ? Why are you still running into the kitchen! 】

【Barrage: Little brother, don't die, there is no one on the other side, your unilateral communication is useless! ]

[Bullet screen: Come back quickly, it's okay for a rookie to lose a game——fuck, it hurts to be hit by this...]

Lin Ke groaned and cursed in his heart.

He simply suspected that the crossbeam was also endowed with the spiritual power to block the player by the dungeon, and it was aimed at him at such a wide angle.

Lin Ke gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. His nose and mouth were full of ashes. With one force, he lifted a piece of plasterboard.

His face was whiter than lime.

"Kacha", where he couldn't see, the stone slab cracked, and the prismatic gravel was crumbling.

[Barrage: Little brother, turn back! ! ! ! ]

[Bullet screen: Hastily, he went down again. ]

[Bullet screen: It's about to fall! 】

"Whoosh", after a slight cracking sound, there was a small burst of wind. Lin Ke was trying his best to lift a section of the beam, his whole body was trembling with stiffness, and he felt danger.

Amidst a burst of nervous dizziness, he lost strength in his hand, and in a panic, he pinched something cold and cold with his left hand, which was both hard and soft.

What the hell!

It's not that I haven't been so disheartened before, but it's another matter to be embarrassed by nearly 600,000 people on the bracelet.

You have to go in, you will lose face if you are buried here.

Link between life and death, there is only one thought in his mind.

— must go in.

In a trance, he suddenly felt his body loosen, and the heavy burden suddenly disappeared.

[Barrage: ... Am I dazzled? 】

【Barrage: No, the husband and wife are holding hands again. The dean also helped carry the beam and block the knife, which moved the world. 】

[Barrage: Discuss how the barrage can change the painting style within five seconds. ]

[Jin Qingyue: Not surprising. Have you noticed that the dean's eyes are not right. 】

【Barrage: Jin Shen is here to analyze! ]

[Bullet screen: So, are the dean's eyes this color? So beautiful 1551, as intoxicating as wine. ]

[Bullet screen: This newcomer doesn't really have the legendary props to control the boss...]

[Bullet screen: Don't just look at this angle, look at the other side! ]

The other side is also not optimistic.

With Su Xue on his back, Zhou Zhao was sweating profusely, running upstairs for the dozens of times.

Ye Shi summoned the last D-level prop and blocked the stairs at the end of the corridor. The giant trampoline was torn apart by the little ghosts in less than ten seconds.

The children's heads jumped out of the wadding of the trampoline, and the wadding was pulled away with bare hands. They are no longer like children, they use all four limbs together, they are flexible like some kind of reptile, their pupils are pitch-black, and there are no whites, no matter where they stand, they seem to be under their gaze.

In the dark, a head rolled over first, and "Gu Lulu" was about to check the location of the three of them.

The three of them hid around the corner.

Su Xue was trapped just now, Zhou Zhao and Ye Shi cooperated and rescued her together, Zhou Zhao injured his arm, Su Xue twisted his leg, so they had to resume their joint action.

It was already 2:05 in the afternoon, and after more than five hours of chasing, all three of them had collapsed.

"Did you find out?" Zhou Zhao panted, "Only the dining room and the kitchen are dead ends. This design itself points to the correct answer."

Ye Shi gasped for a moment: "Do you think Lin Ke will come back with the answer?"

They only had A chance to choose, to choose to go to the kitchen, means to be blocked.

"If you procrastinate any longer, you will die." Zhou Zhao was surprisingly calm.

"I'll go." Su Xue said again.

Zhou Zhao carried Su Xue around to a blind corner, put her down, and helped her lean on Ye Shi's body: "You have bad legs, and you're a woman."

Ye Shi gave him a deep look, but didn't say anything.

Five minutes later, Ye Shi limped upstairs with Su Xue, Zhou Zhao came out and stood in the corridor, watching the little ghosts breaking through the barrier from a distance.

[Barrage: Although it's really vulgar and rustic to wear a suit into the dungeon, but at this time, look at this man, he's quite handsome. 】

【Barrage: For the first time, I don't think it's mocking when someone says "it's a girl again". ]

[Barrage: Be careful! ! ! 】

At the end of the corridor, the imp escaped from his trap and shot towards him like an arrow, Zhou Zhao ran away.

He almost rushed down the first floor at a speed like jumping off a building, over the handrail, and broke into the restaurant.

Just before entering the restaurant, the little ghost threw himself on his ankle, Zhou Zhao suddenly stopped and fell forward to the ground.

His jaw hit the ground heavily, and Zhou Zhao almost bit off his tongue. His head was dizzy and his mouth was bloody, but he still squinted his eyes and raised his head.

[Barrage: Another perspective is coming! Fuck ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 】

【Barrage: A moment to witness history! ]

[Bullet screen: Both sides, please support a little longer, don't make me cry for nothing! 】

At the end of the restaurant, a faint light suddenly lit up.

Light and dust gathered, revealing the figure of a young man in a state of embarrassment.

Zhou Zhao was startled, suspecting that he was wrong, closed his eyes and opened them again.

Sure enough, it was Lin Ke.

Overjoyed, Zhou Zhao continued his life in an instant, punched the two imps away with his elbow, struggled to climb half a meter forward, and tried to get up.

However, the light became more and more blooming, and it seemed to condense all the whiteness in the world on Lin Ke's side, and then suddenly fell, turning into a white coat and covering the tall man.

Zhou Zhao: "..."

Seeing the man's appearance clearly, Zhou Zhao was stunned.

With a soft sound: "Huh?"

The little ghost who was pressing on him and was about to open his mouth to bite down on his head suddenly stopped, "Kaba Kaba" turned his head, and the other four ghosts raised three He was also stunned.

It's the dean.

They're all over.

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