
730 23 1

 At one point the situation took a turn for the worse.

One second he was a beautiful and sunny little brother, a gourmet anchor who cooks with Qing Qi, and a newcomer boy god, and the next second he has become a poor bastard who was dragged up the stairs by the ghost "Ga Deng Ga Deng" and almost shattered his buttocks.

Not to mention Lin Ke, even the audience couldn't react, calling out "it's a pity", "I can't bear to watch it again", "But is this neck lift really doable", "23333 should be okay if it doesn't break"...

All in all, the number of onlookers rose to 120,098, breaking through six figures.

Lin Ke, who accidentally caught a glimpse of the bracelet, also deeply felt the malice of this world.

His culinary skills only attract tens of thousands of fans, how can he break through six figures when he is about to die?

How can we not hope for the good of others?

However, it is difficult to change the taste of the audience, and the top priority is to change one's own destiny first.

The "separation/body" has dragged him to the corridor on the second floor, and it seems that he wants to drag him to the third floor for some reason.

When he first regained some consciousness, Lin Ke was actually very scared and terrified.

He is also a mortal, although he has died once, he is still afraid of death, and the force on his neck is so strong and cold, which gives him the illusion that he will be divided into pieces by five horses.

He wanted to call for help, but couldn't make a sound. For the first time, he felt very helpless.

But when the weirdo dragged him up to the first floor, making his ass ache, he figured it out!

The opponent wouldn't kill him directly, otherwise, according to his abnormal combat power, would he still need to kill him alone? Just zoom in, and the audience is gone.

Link comforted himself with the spirit of Ah Q, while taking a deep breath to relax.

As soon as I relax and my observation ability returns, I immediately feel that something is wrong.

In the route that was dragged just now, not only did he not see Ye Shi, nor did he see the ghost child, the tone of the entire orphanage was also different from before.

The red lettering on the green wall is still the red lettering on the green wall, and the brown stair railing is still the brown stair railing, but it doesn't look so hellish.

In this way, it is more like the "orphanage" Linke stayed in an hour ago, and now Linke can confirm that they do not belong to the same space.

Then the children he saw just now, are they the original children?

Anyway, only the left half of Lin Ke's whole body can move, so he might as well use his brain first.

Thinking about it carefully, there are more and more strange points.

For example, the alienation of the children at the beginning. At first, Lin Ke only thought that it was the system's purpose to increase the terror effect, but now he felt that it might not be so.

Like an old man's child... every

guess and inspiration is fleeting, and Linke couldn't catch it, and suddenly had a splitting headache.

The pain spread to his right shoulder, and finally the consciousness on the right half of his body slowly returned.

At this moment, the person who was dragging him stopped, only to hear a "click" sound of the door opening.

[Barrage: I really dare not watch it. ]

[Bullet screen: I am still looking at the integrity of the mouth and body. ]

[Bullet screen: This boss is so awesome, he directly arrests people and sends them to another space. ]

Ye Shi was really confused.

The young man who was washing cups, dishes, and dishes in front of his eyes just now suddenly disappeared, and a plate was smashed into the sink, and the water flowed on the debris, splashing water.

She subconsciously pulled out a magic talisman and shot it in the air. The yellow paper burned completely, but no ghost appeared.

A heart sank to the bottom.

She stepped up and wanted to rush out to meet Zhou Zhao and the others, but the children outside were clamoring for more food!

Can't be messed up!

Ye Shi calmed down, picked up a plate of sliced ​​toast and walked out.

The children sitting around the table, because they drank milk and ate a hot breakfast, seemed to be slightly flushed, not as pale as before.

Ye Shi even felt that he had an illusion, that the children were a little rounder and "younger" than before.

[Barrage: Don't dare to look over there, switch back to watch the food show. The kid seems a little cuter than before, is it my illusion? ]

[Bullet screen: It's not your illusion, I also think they are quite obedient. I entered this book about hundreds of years ago. We knocked out the mutated children in the first round, and got props. I can't remember exactly what props are... Anyway, I never thought these children were cute. It was so disgusting at the time. Intestine heads flying all over the sky, completely different from now. ]

[Bullet screen: So you can pass the level without fighting? 6666666 Brother is so awesome that I chased after him. ]

[Bullet screen: New here, can someone explain to you who the little brother is? Is it the one who was dragged through the door by the boss? This can also be blown, but how can it be blown up to the sky if it looks better? 】【Barrage: Heizi go away! I believe the little brother can come back! ]

[Bullet screen: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ]

Link fully regained consciousness when he was dragged through the door by the "Dean".

It was dark all around, and he could move his hands and feet, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

Above the head, someone let go of his hand, threw him on the ground like a thing, then stumbled, dragged something heavy with a "boom", and made a loud noise on the ground.

He didn't kill him...

Lin Ke realized that he was in a cold sweat and the back of his head was numb. The crazy thinking just now was just thinking instinct replacing fear.

As soon as the person relaxes, the feeling of muscle soreness and tightness also follows. Linke feels that his whole body hurts, and he curls up on the carpet.


[System: Host? 】

A soft voice sounded with worry.

Lin Ke was taken aback.

It is the second system.

The main god system once said that as long as the dungeon starts and the live broadcast is in progress, it loses the right to control the free dialogue in the space. However, during the dungeon process, the main god system can still release information about the player's elimination, which shows that it retains a part of the "right to speak", or is left in the content of the dungeon as a voice messenger.

But now, the No. 2 system is obviously talking to him in a humane way, that is to say, he is no longer in the orphanage copy?

Eyes gradually adapt to the dark.

Lin Ke's cheeks were pressed against the soft and clean carpet with intricate patterns, and his eyes were slightly wide open.

Very familiar, this is the study room he saw when he first entered the world of the Lord God!

The light in the study room was still dim, the side of the big desk, the entire wall to the top were covered with cabinets, and the spines of the bronzing collections were densely packed, with a mysterious golden light dancing in the darkness.


With a muffled hum, the pattern and light suddenly intertwined and distorted, giving people the illusion that the space is turbulent.

[System No. 2: Host... I...unstable... Please use props to link...]

The soft voice of System No. 2 is intermittent, adding a touch of eerie and weirdness for no reason.

[System No. 2: Master status...]

"呵——" There

was a sound like an old radio station disconnecting, and System No. 2 fell silent.

Lin Ke: "???"

Wait, he's just a small worker, why should he be given the difficult treatment of a protagonist, wouldn't it be good to leave after finishing talking?

What to link with props? Link master status? How to link?

Every nerve in the body was instinctively aware of the danger, the temperature of the study suddenly dropped, and the huge desk looked hideous and huge in the darkness, like a tall building.

Lin Ke suddenly felt something was wrong in his heart, so he rolled on the spot!

The next moment, on the ground where he was lying down, the carpet's fluffy white rhombic pattern turned into sharp teeth, which suddenly grew three feet long!

Lin Ke broke out in a cold sweat instantly. If he was not sensitive just now, he would really be on fire now.

Lin Ke stood up with difficulty, only to see a huge black shadow reflected on the empty wall behind the desk by the light of the desk lamp, like a giant beast in the abyss, the figure was still growing and trembling, and the light in the room was getting less and less—

a black shadow The shadow rushed out with a "shua", Lin Ke's scalp numb, and he ran away, but he couldn't run better than an inhuman boss. He was hit almost instantly, stuck his neck and pressed against the wall, his back collided with the wall, making a heavy muffled sound.

Lin Ke felt that his body was smashed into pieces.

Under the severe pain, he raised his hands subconsciously, trying to break away the black shadow strangling his neck.

But the strength of the black shadow is too great. To be precise, it is not the black shadow that presses Lin Ke against the wall, but the entire space is manipulated, and the surrounding air seems to be assisting the shadow to create an airtight cage.


Lin Ke was panting desperately, kicking his legs against the wall feebly.

Breathing became more and more difficult...

When he was dying, Lin Ke was angry like never before.

The helplessness of the status quo, the absurdity of the imminent death, and the unreasonableness of this boss.

You say kill it? Then what did you drag me here for? Read to you?

Since death is so easy, why does the system persuade him to become a staff member?

Then why on earth did he have to live for more than twenty years, why did he work so hard, just to die brilliantly for this moment?

—Wait, he's angry, is he angry?

Lin Ke suddenly sobered up. He was "powerless and furious" because he was powerless to deal with the status quo?

This emotion was so strange that Lin Ke felt that something was wrong, so he pulled out of it in time. Only then did he feel a severe pain at the root of his left little finger, which was stronger than before. If you don't drop it, it's like torture——Link suspects that his little finger has been burned off.

But it was this kind of pain that kept him awake, realizing that the unreasonable anger was "conducted" to him by the shadow.


Lin Ke's eyes lit up.

Good guy, it turns out that you are incompetent and furious!

Since Lin Ke woke up, he clearly felt that the power of the shadow was weakening, and the faint light of the desk lamp gradually appeared in the center of the room. Only then did Lin Ke see a tall figure crouching on the table.

The figure was deformed and dark, with exaggerated shoulders on both sides, and the white coat was stretched tightly, quite like the monster in "Beauty and the Beast".

Lin Ke was panting, and with his left hand, his slender five fingers tightly grasped the black shadow, almost blending into it.

He used the force of the wall to let himself breathe again, and tried to calm himself down.

He probably understands the function of this tail ring. It is probably an empathy tool that allows him to use his emotions to comfort the other party.

It stands to reason that this kind of props is not suitable for Lin Ke to use, because he has been a very sensitive person since he was a child. His parents worked outside the home. He's been called a sissy for being too teary--of course that's gone after his face grew and he started fighting with punks.

As the emotions of the two "persons" gradually stabilized, the black shadow retracted like a solid body, and Lin Ke landed on both feet.

It's over, is it over?

Isn't the boss's sex so terrible, Lin Ke thought with relief.

He hadn't let go of his breath yet, but saw that the shadow that had just shrunk back a little suddenly swelled up again!

Lin Ke: "???"


This time he was very experienced, he leaped forward and grabbed a limb of the black figure - he saw through the faint light that the man was leaning over the desk with his right arm folded on his left arm, as if trying to curl his tall body They were together, but the five fingers of his left hand were too strong, and they were inserted directly into the wooden table. What he grasped was the shadow of the man's wrist bone.

Link: "..."

A small piece of shadow is so awesome, the whole world will be destroyed if you stand up, right?

Realizing that he was becoming irritable, Lin Ke stopped immediately and tried to stabilize his mood.

Very well, the shadow slowly began to shrink back again.

But Lin Ke also realized the biggest trouble at the same time.

It's not that simple, he's stuck.

Either he finds a way to resolve the irritability of the boss in front of him, or he lets go and is directly strangled to death by the shadow of the boss, or...

——the shadow holding the boss's wrist bones to comfort him until eternity.

For a moment, Lin Ke felt that he was really irritable and angry.

It's not a human job! What kind of job did he do!

I send warmth to the boss in the horror world [Unlimited]Where stories live. Discover now