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    This domineering declaration stunned everyone present.

But the players were a little excited while being scared, because the most important customs clearance boss finally appeared! Everyone knows that giving roses to Mr. Blind is the key to leaving Rose Town.

"God, god, it's this madman again."

"He always comes at this time, hurry, let's go home before the bishop returns."

"What about the other guests? They finally came here... "

So what if it's hard work? They will soon—" The

townspeople all showed expressions of fear, mothers and fathers picked up the children, and men spontaneously stood beside the women.

Not only that, but all of them started to approach the bishop. Link took the opportunity to lower his voice and ask one of the girls who was shivering with fear, "He comes here often?"

"Yes." Before the girl could answer, the bishop's voice sounded abruptly, Let the girl choke back.

The girl gave the bishop a timid look.

[Bullet screen: ... This is still in the rush to answer. 】

Lin Ke: "..."

He didn't change his face, still looking at the girl with concern, as if he was only waiting for her to answer the question.

The girl blushed slightly.

She raised her eyes to look at the handsome little brother who was asking the question, and felt very relieved for some reason. She added, "Yes, the bishop is right. He, he comes here often. This man is a lunatic, very scary.

" Screen: I understand little brother now, this bishop looks too big, there are so many things I can't ask! For example, why are you so scared, why is this person a lunatic—it seems that you can't ask the professor what "1+1" is equal to...]

[Bullet screen: Image, I understand. ]

Hearing the little girl's answer, Lin Ke was thoughtful.

In front of him, a middle-aged man who seemed to be very prestigious among the townspeople came out. Like other residents, he was also a handsome man. The years did not leave him too many traces, but instead gave him a mature charm. He said to Mr. Blind who had already walked in front of everyone: "There is nothing here that you want, please go back."

"Yes, go back quickly."

"A woman...how can she tell the truth?"

" Nonsense!" Mr. Blind suddenly became extremely angry, and his whole face was distorted, "She told me that she planted a rose for me here, where is the rose? Where did you hide it?"

Obviously he passed a rose field when he came, and obviously the whole town was covered with roses, but he kept asking the same question with a hoarse and weird voice.

Lin Ke only felt a "buzzing" in his head, as if there was a voice whispering in his ears all the time.

"I found the rose."

"I found the rose..."

Suddenly, a rather cold hand grasped his wrist like a snake, and Lin Ke was terrified and woke up.

Beside him, a white figure floated out.

Mr. Blind's voice also stopped abruptly.

The stooped man seemed to be sensitive to danger, wrinkled his sensitive nose, and looked up at the direction the bishop was coming from.

One of them is divine and handsome, and the other is incomparably embarrassed, creating a strong visual contrast in an instant.

It seems that if nothing happens, Mr. Blind has already suffered a crushing defeat. It is even a bit pitiful to look at it like this.

The bishop's eyes were condescending, and he lightly fell on Mr. Blind: "Here, there is nothing you are looking for."

Mr. Blind suddenly fell into complete silence, as if he had stopped breathing. It took him a while to recover his voice, trembling his lips Said: "No, I will definitely find it, I have traveled for so many years, even the gods will have pity on my heart, I curse all those who are wandering and lost like me, unless they find it, no one can leave here!"

"No one can leave

here—" He became more and more excited as he spoke, his whole body trembled, his teeth were clenched tightly, as if he wanted to chew everything in front of him into ashes.

Ok, the customs clearance conditions are clear.

The players showed expressions that couldn't bear to look directly at them and were speechless. Of course, they couldn't understand Mr. Blind's painful emotions. They just thought in their hearts, "Oh my God, I'm looking for you roses again. Which one do you want?" The big move of playing the magic sound has blinded my props for nothing."

Seeing that Mr. Blind was about to howl for a while, several players took out their props with pained faces, and were about to use them, when they heard a fairly clear voice from the crowd.

"Then why are you looking for it?" The

magic voice stopped abruptly, and Mr. Blind, who was on the verge of violent rage, froze suddenly.

All the players, together with Jin Qingyue, looked at Lin Ke.

The bishop's face turned dark all of a sudden.

[Barrage: Here we go again, just ask for the answer! My little brother has never been so upright! ]

[Bullet screen: Cover your face, but it's a slap in the face. The bishop just said that there is no one here, so the little brother asked you why you are looking for it...]

[Bullet screen: Yes, I think the punishment boss was completely hurt today Heart... In short, no one will ask you...]

[Bullet screen: I'm really afraid that he will directly let the little brother pass the level in a fit of anger. ]

Facing the bishop's cold and complicated gaze, Lin Ke couldn't help shivering down his spine, and secretly groaned in his heart.

The Lu Zhou avatar in this world is simply poisonous. It seems that he is not happy to say a word to others, but he can't help it! He's a staff member, and a staff member who doesn't have many action points and is also dying. The main target of this session is Mr. Blind. If Mr. Blind's problem is not resolved, he will definitely not be able to pass the level.

The primary and secondary are clear, and everything is focused on the object of service. This is the basic professional quality of a worker.

Link thought very straightforwardly. If Mr. Blind entered the brick house belonging to the witch, it would be difficult to say whether he would have the opportunity to go in and chat again. It would be better to exchange a few more words while the bishop was suppressing the other party in front of him.

Unfortunately, Mr. Blind still didn't answer.

There was always a confused expression on his face, as if he was thinking of something a long time ago.

Yes, why did he find roses? No one asked him this question for a long time, and for a while he didn't know how to answer it.

Although Mr. Blind's magic sound attack was forced to stop, as time passed, a more dangerous atmosphere gradually filled the air.

Lin Ke felt a little dizzy, and noticed with sharp eyes that the rose in Yang Yue's hand not far away had gradually half-melted, revealing a delicate red petal.

I saw Yang Yue raised her head and looked at Mr. Blind foolishly, with an expression like a young girl Huaichun.

Lin Ke's gaze was involuntarily attracted to Yang Yue. For some reason, he felt that Yang Yue was much more attractive than before. If it weren't for the more recognizable double ponytails, he would hardly be able to recognize the same person—the strange thing is that judging from the facial features There is no difference from before.

Both curious and "amazing", Linke felt baffled, and didn't even notice that the flowers in his hands were melting, while more people's greedy and obsessive eyes fell on him.

Finally, the bishop's eyes moved slowly.

[Barrage: ... Shura Field is scheduled. 】

【Barrage: This dungeon started again, and Red Rose started the heartthrob filter again. 】

【Barrage: However, I can feel the breath of death emanating from the Archbishop through the screen. 】

Not good!

Lin Ke was in a daze, and the one percent vigilance he still retained made the alarm bells ring in his heart.

The voice of Mr. Blind finally sounded faintly, like the background sound, and he smiled morbidly and stupidly: "Why? Does this need a reason... That is the only rose that belongs to me, and any rose in the world is better than me. No, it belongs only to me."

Link suddenly woke up, but at some point, he was surrounded by players.

"You belong to me only." Walking in front and closest to Lin Ke was Ji Hong, the short-haired woman next to Annan. For some unknown reason, Annan was not by her side.

At this moment, she is obviously playing with a lot of fun. Rather than saying that she fell into the trap of Red Rose like other players, it is better to say that she deliberately does not use props to enjoy the moment of distraction.

For advanced players like them, the difficulties in the dungeon are sometimes just a tool for fun.

As early as when Annan mentioned the mysterious prop in Linke's hand, she was very interested in this little brother, and she was even more interested at this moment.

[Bullet screen: God... the little brother is being targeted by Ji Hong! 】

【Barrage: I'm done, light the wax, and observe three minutes of silence. 】

【Bullet screen: What kind of physique is this

? Is it because different coffee positions cannot be side by side, or is it because the faction discriminates against and punishes the boss? 】

Seeing that someone was going to put his face on the face, Lin Ke felt goosebumps all over his body, and suddenly felt an offended anger. He suddenly swung his arm, and was about to hit the woman in the face with his elbow, but the other party reacted unexpectedly Very fast, not annoyed, but "giggling" like drunk, reaching out to lift Link's chin.

Lin Ke's eyes turned cold, and he wanted to twist her hand back very bluntly.

Suddenly, Ji Hong picked up a gold chain hanging around her slender neck, and pulled out a gold watch. For some reason, all the players around her froze in place, and Lin Ke was also stiff and unable to move.

Ji Hong gently raised her hand in front of him and shook it: "Are you still moving?"

She seemed to have fully recovered her senses, and even drew a sharp knife out of nowhere with a smile: "It won't hurt very much..."

From this angle, Lin Ke saw not far away, Jin Qingyue was guarding a little girl in the white rose team, looking to this side, he seemed also very confused.

But it didn't seem like he was really confused, but rather like an expressionless observation.

Lin Ke frowned, wondering if he was too sensitive.

As long as this scene is too weird, everyone doesn't seem to realize that they have lost their minds, and the npc is still following the plot!

A middle-aged man NPC who is obviously mature and dignified, with a high status, is slowly talking to Mr. Blind: "There are vacant houses in the east of the village, you can find a place for yourself, but... each hut has only two beds, It's better not to stay with too many people. The food in the hut is enough for you to eat for seven days."

Mr. Blind was very satisfied, muttering that he only lived in "that room", then smiled slightly, and walked slowly towards the depths of the town. walk around.

This was clearly supposed to be a reminder to the players, but at this moment, few people heard it. The players were stopping in place indiscriminately, and the townspeople scattered and fled early.

Under the magical influence of Mr. Blind and Red Rose, the entire dungeon has been completely messed up.

Even the bishop was very strange. In the chaos, the bishop's holy white costume was blurred under the dim night shadows. For a moment, it was like frost that was about to melt. Staring at it as if it could kill someone.

"Quick, let's go home before the bishop goes back."

Thinking of what the townspeople said before and the townspeople who left early, Link's heart sank a little.

The only person on the field who can suppress Mr. Blind is the bishop. If the dungeon sets the bishop at night, it will be "no way"...

Suddenly there is a sharp pain at the tail ring of his left hand.

Wait a minute...wait a minute...

Since he can regain his calm and rationality through stimulation, then...would the bishop also be able to brace himself through stimulation?

Lin Ke had never done this kind of thing before, and his mood was complicated for a while.

In front of him, Ji Hong's voice gradually became dangerous: "At this time, do you still think about other things, look at others?"

It was really a devil's speech, and before Lin Ke had time to complain, Ji Hong grabbed his left hand.

He clearly saw the bishop's eyelids twitch, his heart skipped a beat, and he said loudly in a very mocking voice: "Why? Then I must only be thinking of you."

It seemed that something exploded on the bishop's body. The coercive aura made the rose that had just melted the frost feel chilly again.

Just listen to "Kara", like the sound of broken glass.

Ji Hong was taken aback for a moment, then lowered her head in disbelief, and saw a deep crack on the surface of the gold watch. Her eyebrows skipped a beat.

Then, there was a sharp pain in the wrist, and the knife flew out with a "shua", and the young man in front of him didn't even have the slightest thought of pity, so he pushed her away suddenly, his expression was as cold as ice.

The incident happened suddenly, but Ji Hong was able to respond accordingly. I saw a triumphant smile on the corner of her mouth, and at the same time urged an S-level protective item-in the dungeon, only excessive defense is not a violation.

At the same time, a look of shock flashed across Lin Ke's face, and his heart ached sharply.

This kind of pain went from inside to outside, affecting the internal organs, and almost split his whole body.

Lin Ke clenched his fists, inserted his fingertips into his palms, and stared at Ji Hong.

Ji Hong gave him a bright red smile.

[Barrage: Cao! ! ! ]

[Barrage: It's justifiable self-defense to kill and steal again, this bandit! 】

【Barrage: I'm so fucking mad. Damn, this trick has been tried and tested, hasn't it? Ji Hong, you wait! ! 】

【Barrage: No, woo woo woo. 】

With Xiaoyu's promise, he will not die, but he will be very embarrassed.

Lin Ke felt disgusted again by saying something to Ji Hong to irritate the bishop.

"You're so funny," Ji Hongyan smiled and provoked him slowly, "You're not bad looking, do you want to consider joining us? Give me the props, just chat with my sister."

Lin Ke sneered.

"I'm sorry," he looked at Ji Hong, his voice was calm, except for the occasional fine breathing, it was almost impossible to notice what kind of pain he was suffering, "I have someone I like, I like it very much, who I can't—" In the

next second, Lin Ke's neck tightened, and he suffocated for a while.

The furious white robe flashed in front of him, and this familiar feeling came again.

In the panic of the barrage, Jin Qingyue's calm gaze, and the unwilling eyes of many "suitors".

Lin Ke was captured by the boss again!

The author has something to say: I'm sorry, sorry, this chapter has been revised and revised, thank you very much, cuties! ! !

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