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  The three of them were out of their wits again.

Xin Chen screamed hoarsely: "If this goes on like this, you will be scared to death if you don't get bitten to death by zombies."

Weng Tianwu stepped on the gas pedal with a livid face.

Lincoln rolled up the window.

The black car turned on full power and fled forward.

Police cars with sirens sounding in twos and threes followed closely behind.

Weng Tianwu's eyes were red, and he stared at the rearview mirror: "If the fuck can't be shaken off, I can only fight. Do you have any offensive props?" Both

Lin Ke and Xin Chen were silent.

Weng Tianwu didn't say a word, concentrated on getting rid of the police car behind, and drove the car into a snake shape.

Several people knew that there was a fierce battle to be fought in all likelihood, and Linke was silently observing the terrain beside the highway—there were mountains and cover.

[Barrage: Damn, little brother is still chasing. 】

【Barrage: This S-level dungeon is too difficult. ]

[Bullet screen: Why is the city in this area developing so well and full of zombies? It's so strange. 】

【Barrage: Laughing and crying, I just cut back from the perspective of the ruined city in Area F. There are zombies attacking the city for human protection, and here is the hometown of zombies catching human saboteurs. I don't know which side is more terrifying for a while ? 】

【Barrage: Could it be that the customs clearance conditions are different in different districts? I've seen some players in area C go directly to the hospital for a physical examination...]

[Bullet screen: And then? ]

[Barrage: Then it becomes a zombie! Do as the Romans do! ]

[Barrage:? ! ! ! ! 】

【Barrage: Luckily Brother Lin didn't go to the hospital... But how can they have time to collect information in such a chase? 】

Elimination means being obliterated, which is a double test of spirit and body.

Lin Ke just sat in the back seat, controlled the little zombie girl, and felt very tired following the car upside down like this-it is conceivable that without Weng Tianwu, they would never have escaped in the car.

too tired.

How is Uncle Chen?

Lin Ke's mind was in a mess.

Just when all three thought that this battle was inevitable, an opportunity appeared.

I saw a large armed truck driving from the opposite side on the empty, car-free highway lane. The reason why it is called "armed" is because the truck is brand new, and the cabin is made of bright silver metal with a very high-tech feel. It looks like some kind of high-end model in a science fiction film.

Weng Tianwu went straight towards the car.

Realizing what Weng Tianwu was going to do, Xin Chen closed his eyes and lamented, "Life or death depends on destiny!"

Behind him, three police cars were getting closer and closer to the car, which rammed into the truck like a bullet.

The tall truck is pressing on the head, and a shadow covers the small truck. This visual oppression makes the players who have just cut into the perspective blast out a bullet screen.

[Barrage: It's been a long time since I watched this kind of chase battle! ]

[Barrage: Is this a pursuit battle? It's almost like a pincer battle! 】

Amidst the exclamation of the barrage, the horn of the truck blared, and just as the car was about to slip into the bottom of the truck, Weng Tianwu suddenly turned the steering wheel.

The tires made a screeching friction steering sound on the ground, the car fled next to the truck, the body suddenly rolled out, and rolled onto the guardrail.

And the three police cars that followed without thinking were smashed into the air by the truck, making three loud noises in a row, and fell off the guardrail.

The big van was unscathed, not even parked.

It cuts through the middle of the road like a shiny steel knife, with a sense of majesty.

At this very moment, both Lin Ke and Weng Tianwu, who escaped from death and were leaning on the left window of the car, saw the words painted on the carriage.

"Yihua Experimental Company", "Carnival Annual Meeting", "Looking forward to your participation".

Lin Ke suddenly widened his eyes, rolled down the car window and poked his head out, but the large truck had gone away in the thick smoke from the burning police car, and he couldn't see the side, only the rear compartment with iron railings installed.

He was a little disappointed, and looking away, he saw someone in the rear compartment waving to him.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Su Xue and Huo Jianan.

Su Xue and Huo Jianan were obviously also surprised to see Link, but the truck was moving forward, and they didn't seem to dare to shout loudly, they just stretched out a palm to Link, and then shook their heads desperately.

Lin Ke also made several gestures to them.

Then the truck disappeared from Lin Ke's field of vision.

Lin Ke was stunned for a moment, then turned his gaze away from the front, only then did he feel some pain in his body.

The car overturned, and all three people were trapped in the car. The situation was not good, but the police car was "thrown away" anyway.

When the truck was gone, Weng Tianwu violently opened the box again, kicked the door, and was the first to get out of the car.

He walked to Linke's side, opened the car door, and stretched out his hand to bring him and the little zombie out first.

Xin Chen was injured, his legs were pressed under the cushion, and he couldn't help moaning.

"Look like a man!" Weng Tianwu said "Hi" and pulled the cushion with one hand, and handed the other hand to Xin Chen.

It took a lot of time before Xin Chen came out tremblingly, supported Lin Ke's arm, and watched Weng Tianwu snap the overturned car back again.

His eyes shuttled back and forth on the three crashed police cars, and then returned to Weng Tianwu after a while, finally revealing the same monster-looking eyes that Lin Ke had seen before.

After rescuing the black car, Weng Tianwu walked towards the three smoking police cars and said concisely, "Materials!"

Xin Chen's expression changed, but seeing Linke carry the little girl into the car, then turn around and walk towards the three police cars, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow.

The three of them approached the police car cautiously, and did not boldly start searching until they confirmed that no zombies jumped out.

They noticed that these police officers were indeed zombies. They did not turn black after being burned by the fire. On the contrary, a layer of fat-like substance seemed to soak out of the pale skin, wrapping them like a cocoon.

They don't seem to be dead, but they seem to be sleeping in it.

Weng Tianwu then stepped forward, and while picking off the zombie's clothes, he said, "Hey, I still have the documents! Haha!"

Xin Chen's face was livid, and he looked like he was about to vomit again, so Lin Ke asked him to rest aside.

A few minutes later, they got several sets of clothes and several ID cards with their surnames, and they received a lot of money. Weng Tianwu endured the smell and put on a suit himself, looking mighty like a bodyguard.

"Are you going to smash their heads?" Weng Tianwu asked.

Xin Chen didn't speak, but Lin Ke thought of the scene where the little girl called him father, and also thought of his client who didn't know where he was so far, who was struggling to support his family... He looked again at the zombies shrunk in the cocoon : "Forget it, other players who rob the shopping mall will be notified, what if this becomes a homicide and attracts more police?"

Weng Tianwu glanced at him, grinned and said: "I saw you pass the level before, I think you're being too polite to the npc and the boss, but if it wasn't for the little zombie girl's help just now, we wouldn't be able to pass the level, I listen to you!"

Link also smiled.

From the moment they entered this dungeon, they were chased by zombies and ran for their lives in various ways. Until now, they barely gained a sense of security.

Several people relaxed at once.

"Don't get in the car yet, I'll take the smell off my body first, and see if I can still start it later." Weng Tianwu returned to the car and stood, holding the open door. After resting for about five minutes, he got back into driving again. room.

After a while, the car made a sound like a broken gong, and trembled wildly, "Yes, come up!" The

two of them got into the car slowly, and this time the car no longer bounced around like a flexible bullet. , but coughing and moving forward like a classic car.

Although it is very frustrating to ride in such a car, all three people feel more comfortable than ever.

"Did you see the spray paint on the truck body just now?" Weng Tianwu asked slowly.

Lin Ke, who was always frowning and thinking, answered him: "I see, the carnival annual meeting. I didn't say when or where it will be held. I just said that everyone is welcome to participate." "That must be the customs clearance conditions. The annual meeting must

be What will happen... Thinking about it this way, I have seen the name of this company, and the building of this company is on the other side of Tiantang Road, but unfortunately I didn't pay attention at that time." Weng Tianwu said shamelessly. He failed to see the key information.

"This world is so realistic, there are details everywhere, it's normal to miss the key points," Xin Chen comforted, "Besides, we didn't have time to exchange the information we got with each other before, right? Trust your instinctive judgment." "

Actually In the compartment of the truck just now, there are two players I know, and the clues in the six districts may be interlinked." Linke said suddenly.

"What?" Both Weng Tianwu and Xin Chen were a little surprised.

Weng Tianwu even stepped on the brakes.

Lin Ke confirmed: "A player came to Area C from another area." The

sudden appearance of Huo Jianan and Su Xue just now opened up a new way of thinking for him.

"There are six districts in this world," he said, trying to integrate all the conditions. "They came from other districts, which means that when players enter this instance, they are in different districts." "According to the paint on the car body,

we It can be speculated," Lin Ke said, "they got the clues of the 'Carnival Annual Meeting' earlier than we did. And just now you said that there is the headquarters of Yihua Company on Tiantang Road, and that is the purpose of their coming to Area C. They want to engage in Understand what the New Year will be."

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