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   [Barrage: Is there such a way of thinking? 】

【Barrage: Thinking about it carefully, the number of people really doesn't match up. It's frightening to think about it carefully, so someone in the town also hid red roses? 】

As soon as Lin Ke said this, the expressions of the players were shocked at the same time. Even Gao Feifan's face flashed a look of shock and disbelief. Although he didn't understand the previous reasoning, this simple and easy-to-understand conclusion was It's all over.

He believed three points in his heart, but he still didn't admit it, and stammered: "Show evidence and then talk!"

Lin Ke shook his head: "There is no evidence, you go on, what I said is just a guess, don't take it as it is." Really, life-saving is the most important thing."

Although Lin Ke picked himself up completely, but the water that was thrown out by what he said, the players who were ready to contribute props became more active, and they all prepared to collect another wave of information. Gao Feifan and Chen Ming became anxious when they saw that no one was buying the survival quota. First, they warned viciously that if these people came back to buy again, they would not sell any items they gave them. Then they saw that everyone was disgusted by him and walked faster. Let go, indicating that the price can be reduced.

In the end, the deal ended with Meng Tang proposing to form a team first and then pay for the props.

Lin Ke has mentioned all the points that should be mentioned, and he can't control the rest so much. While asking Yang Yue to pay attention to the situation of other townspeople, he hurried to the church.

There was a sea of ​​people outside the church door.

The townspeople all looked panicked. A team lined up from inside the church to outside the church. Players also gathered here, trying to appease the townspeople while obtaining information.

Jin Qingyue was sitting at the side, staring at the inside of the church. Now seeing Lin Ke approaching, he turned his head and smiled faintly at him: "I'm back."

Link nodded to him, and then saw with sharp eyes The confessing girl in front had just arrived at the end of the line, and she was so anxious that she was still muttering to herself like she was reciting a script, obviously preparing her confession lines.

Lin Ke stepped forward: "You accidentally touched the red rose, so you are going to ask for forgiveness?"

It was just a greeting, but the girl jumped up as if hearing a thunderclap, and looked at Lin Ke in horror: "You, what are you talking about?"

Link smiled, glanced around, and lowered his voice to comfort him: "I said I know what you did, and the bishop also knows, you don't need to memorize those words."

The girl was completely startled, her breathing was obviously short of breath, her face became rosy, and her chestnut hair was stuck to her forehead due to the cold sweat. superior.

I have to say that she looks very beautiful, like a rose that has just bloomed, and it is extremely unbearable to see her.

Link said: "You haven't done anything wrong, so you don't need to be so worried."

The girl stared at Link suddenly.

From her pupils, Lin Ke really caught another answer.

He tentatively asked: "Actually, was the red rose once—"

Before he finished speaking, there was a commotion from the next door, and it turned out that several players rushed over, grabbing the townspeople and asking them if they had ever picked red roses . When the townspeople were asked this question, they panicked collectively. The little girl here was also frightened, and ran behind the man next door, and looked at Link timidly, as if Link wanted to eat her just now.

Lin Ke: "..."

He frowned slightly, looking at the reckless players who suddenly barged in.

Sure enough, Gao Feifan took the lead again. He believed that he must get the clues first, and he seemed to believe that the one who picked the roses was the sinner who would be cast aside. Become the judge yourself.

Of course, this aroused the rebellious psychology of the townspeople, only to hear their rebuttals one after another.

"No, how could it be possible? How could we touch such an evil thing?" "

Our family has enough to eat and use, and the crops in the field are growing well. What do we need that thing for?" "

My daughter is already a town There are countless young men chasing her, so why should we touch that evil thing?"

"Don't spit blood!"

Gao Feifei was not only not frustrated when he heard the answer, but was very excited: "How do I know if you are lying?"

Obviously, he is not interested in obtaining information at all, and he is clearly here to disrupt the situation.

[Barrage: Is this person poisonous, isn't he afraid of being eliminated? 】

【Barrage: Half of the difficulty of the C-level dungeon is artificially pulled up... There is no way, the props brought by the player who enters the C-level dungeon are too eye-catching. It's a good deal. 】

【Barrage: But that was before! Now that the dungeon is alienated like this, if he fails again, he will die. Does he have any brains! ]

[Bullet screen: I don't know if he has a brain, but people with brains can still get information. 】

【Barrage: Yes, I heard the townspeople talk, and they are all stupid. It seems that this red rose has a lot of curative effects? 】

【Barrage: I agree, as if having roses will make everything go well, plants will grow well, luck will be good, and people will become beautiful-then I want it too! 】

Where is this attitude towards evil spirits?

"Wait a minute," Lin Ke also realized that something was wrong, and gave the girl a look to make her calm down, and then asked the townspeople on the other side from a distance, "After hearing what you said, how do I feel about the red rose?" Is there anything wrong with that?"

Hearing Lin Ke's unexpected question, all the townspeople seemed to have been pressed the mute button suddenly, and they collectively fell silent for a moment.

"Yes," said Jin Qingyue, who was beside Lin Ke, slowly shaking the wheelchair forward, "Butterfly told me before that roses used to be a lucky thing in your town, and they brought you beauty, hope and peace." , Then when did this point change?"

The expressions of the townspeople became even more frightened, looking at each other, it seemed that someone wanted to find the nonsense little butterfly, but the little butterfly was not there.

They were obviously afraid of something.

Link carefully observed their expressions and the frequency with which they turned their heads from time to time, and was basically sure that the person they feared was the bishop.

"The bishop... when did he appear?" Link lowered his voice and asked tentatively.

Sure enough, as soon as this remark came out, the expressions of the townspeople were terrified to the extreme.

"It's all after the witch appeared." Finally, a townsman who was almost frightened and started talking nonsense, "Everything is messed up. It was all good, everything was good... it's all her fault The second rose..."

Link keenly grasped the key words: "The second rose?"

The townsman was about to answer, but was interrupted by someone. I saw a townsman who had just entered the church trot out, stumbled and shouted in a panic: "It's not good, bishop, bishop..." The

scene was extremely quiet just now, and his voice immediately attracted everyone's attention. The townsman was sweating profusely, his hands and feet were trembling, and his expression on his face was very strange. He trembled his lips for a long while before saying: "...the bishop seems to be injured. His body is full, full of blood... "

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Especially the townsman who mentioned the second rose just now knelt down almost on the spot, and he confessed madly: "I shouldn't have mentioned it, I shouldn't have mentioned it..." Linke frowned fiercely



who? bishop?

[Barrage: No way, will punishing the boss also be injured? ]

[Bullet screen: It doesn't matter if you can get injured, the point is that there must be a reason for the injury, right? We watched the whole process just now, how could he get injured? Could it be that the little brother stabbed him before leaving? 】

【Barrage: After my little brother summoned the rose, I always feel that the whole plot line has changed again. 】

【Barrage: It must have changed, C-level books will never figure out the routine. ]

[Bullet screen: It's obvious that the progress bar is being sped up... It's scary. 】

The townspeople have always been protected by the bishop, and when they heard that the bishop was injured, they were all bewildered, and no one dared to go in to see the situation. Everyone was discussing countermeasures in a hurry, but saw a figure rushing into the church at high speed.

"Lin Ke!" Jin Qingyue shouted in a low voice with great disapproval.

Although Lin Ke's props can control the boss to a certain extent, the punishment-level boss is special after all. Jin Qingyue's eyes sank, and he raised his hand to follow Lin Ke in.

However, the door of the church was slowly drawn inward after Lin Ke entered, ready to close.

Jin Qingyue pursed his lips slightly, and was about to use the props when he caught a glimpse of a black shadow from the corner of his eyes. It was a person running towards the entrance of the town.

His eyes were very poisonous, and he recognized at a glance that this was not a player, but a townsman—the old girl who was talking to Link at that time.

Old girl, run to the rose field?

Jin Qingyue is not an ordinary player, countless clues flashed through his mind immediately, without hesitation, the wheelchair turned, and he said to Yu Sheng behind him: "Chasing." After hearing this, Yu Sheng used some method and

pushed The wheelchair walked like flying, and chased after him like a house.


Lin Ke only felt that he had missed an extremely important clue, his heart was beating very fast, and he even felt a little dizzy before his eyes.

He broke into the confessional in a familiar way. The curtain was half raised, but the bishop was not inside.

Seeing this, Linke's heart tightened for no reason, and only then did he smell the pungent fragrance of flowers in the entire church that was hard to ignore.

No way?

Could it be that rose that hurt the Bishop?

Are bishops and red roses really complete opposites?

Link suddenly doubted all his previous judgments. If his judgment is wrong, will it kill more other players?

He shook his head lightly, no, before he saw the bishop, he couldn't jump to conclusions...

[Bullet screen: Little brother looks so sad...]

[Bullet screen: It has been affected, and the church has also begun to produce spiritual pollution. 】

【Barrage: What's going on, I thought for a moment that they were very close to the truth. 】

It must be very close to the truth.

Lin Ke had an extremely firm intuition in his heart.

He relaxed his body, trying to identify the source of the rich floral fragrance, and walked towards the source. After wandering around in the dungeon for so long, he was used to heading to the most dangerous places, because there would definitely be the most important clues there.

Slowly, all the clues were connected little by little following his footsteps.

Red roses, white roses, townspeople dodging, torches at the entrance of the village... and the bishop stimulated by roses, these things must not be meaningless, because they have caused such violent reactions from the townspeople time and time again. Their customs clearance direction must be correct, the problem lies in the sequence of triggering the plot!

A gleam flashed across Lin Ke's eyes, and he murmured subconsciously: "Sequence..."

[Bullet screen: What did the little brother just say? 】

【Barrage: He said the order... I go? Sisters, I seem to be through! 】

【Barrage: Don't be a riddler, what do you know? 】

【Barrage: The order of customs clearance is completely disrupted! Oh, I guessed!

Originally, this story should be that the little brother and these players went to the town to find clues, and then of course they would learn that these red roses used to be a symbol of luck, and then they would explore why white roses appeared later, and at this time it would involve To the bishop and confession, right?

Then, based on the content of the confession, the reason for the white rose and the origin of the red rose can be obtained-this is how to make a red rose like the little brother, and use the red rose on the bishop! 】

[Barrage: But this game was quite chaotic, the players messed around, which caused the little brother to make a red rose inexplicably. It can be said that he skipped the information collection process. The step of sending the bishop's rose is no problem. The problem now is It's about solving the puzzle in reverse! Solve the mystery of how the red rose affects the bishop. 】

【Barrage: I understand, the current situation is very dangerous. The final screen has been activated, but the players still don't know what they are doing. Is that what you mean? ]

[Barrage: Bingguo! ]

Link saw the bishop.

The bishop stands in front of the cemetery behind the church.

Rather than saying that this is a cemetery, it is better to say that this is a flower mound. The cool wind blows head-on, and the ground in front of you is densely packed with rose petals, flower stems and flower leaves covered by frost and snow.

Link only glanced at the cemetery, and his eyes were irresistibly attracted to the bishop beside him. His heart almost stopped beating, and he stared blankly at the man in front of him.

I saw the bishop standing tall, and the original white and holy robe, starting from the cuffs, was as gorgeous as if stained with blood, and spread all the way to his chest.

The bright red color made the bishop's skin paler, and instantly pierced the sense of holiness, revealing a touch of coquettishness.

So beautiful.

It turns out that the bishop is the source of the fragrance.

At the same time, what swept over him was the raging emotions on his body, which almost made the surrounding air seem restless, ready to burst into sparks.

The bishop was lowering his eyes, strongly restraining something.

Link thought of the half-red and half-white rose that made Mr. Blind crazy. The bishop in front of him almost coincided with the rose.

"Rose" looked over at him.

Lin Ke's heart skipped a beat, his throat felt parched and he couldn't speak a word. It was difficult for him to describe his mood, he just felt caught or captured by that gaze.

The bishop just looked at Link quietly for a while through the restless air.

Then, he said to Link in a hoarse voice.

"Because of my own sins, I will not listen to the confession today."

"Let me give you my last blessing."

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