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  [Barrage: Really! ! On the other side of Wori's perspective, all the staff are being chased by ghosts, and from this perspective, they are dragged by the ghosts into the small black room and then lead the ghosts out. I don't know which side is scarier. 】

【Barrage: I always feel that 200,000 words are omitted in the middle. ]

[Bullet screen: I immediately fell into a tizzy when you said that. I blame the dean for being too handsome. I'm sorry little brother. 】

Almost instantly, Lin Ke felt the wrist in his hands go stiff, and at the same time, he felt a chill on the back of his neck.

He turned back slowly.

Facing a pair of cold eyes, those eyes seemed to be looking at the weakest prey in the world.

"You..." The man opened his mouth slowly, his eyes moved down slowly, and fell on Lin Ke's second finger, which was pinching his wrist, his voice was hoarse and full of danger, "What are you doing?"

Linke: "... "

Really, have you forgotten, then do you still remember who was the person who wanted to throw his whole body on me just now?

He has served multiple personality patients, but he has never seen a master of Sichuan opera who can change his face so quickly.

He lost.

Fortunately, Lin Ke's brain is quick and he has a strong ability to adapt to changes. He instantly understood that most men have entered the role, and now he is the "Dean" himself. "

As he spoke word by word, thick ink-like crow black slowly gushed out from the man's amber pupils, covering the original pupil color.

"Dean" had an indifferent expression, and with that handsome face full of anger, he pursed his lips and nodded slowly: "So that's the case. Then please come with me, and I will introduce you briefly."

It seems that he has completely entered another In the plot line, Lin Ke moved his lips, and finally chose to swallow his complaints and keep up.

[Barrage: Why do I think my little brother is full of "did you forget what happened just now?" expression, so abusive. 】

[Barrage: Really? Why do I feel that the little brother wants to take the dean's head, but he doesn't see the same face. ]

[Barrage: Scratch your heart and lungs, what the hell happened! ]

[Bullet screen: Just survive. ]

[Barrage: Surprise! The F-level dungeon has a branch line of a different dimension, and the dungeon is so involuntary. ]

[Bullet screen: Little brother, come on, the perspective from the next door is about to die! ]

Sure enough, it is not the same orphanage.

From the first floor, the timetable posted on the green wall is different from before, and it looks quite normal.

8:00-9:00 Breakfast

9:00-10:00 Guest visit

10:00-11:00 Game time

11:00-12:00 Lunch

12:00-13:00 Guest discussion

13:00-14 :00 Siesta

14:00-16:00 Game time

16:00-17:00 Dinner

17:00-18:00 One-on-one help

18:00-20:00 Game time

20:00-21:00 Personal hygiene

21:00-8:00 Bedtime

, which was originally a time for free activities, was replaced by guest visits, guest discussions, and one-on-one assistance, and psychological consultation was all replaced by game time.

This is the real world? That other world...

Lin Ke raised his hand and gently pinched the earring on his left ear.


[Barrage: Such a terrifying F-level dungeon, can anyone tell which is real and which is fake? Ask the big guys to analyze and comment. 】

[Bullet screen: I can't analyze it. If you want to say this is □□, who has ever seen that all the members were born in a fake world, and they have to rely on the boss to get into □□? ]

[Bullet screen: Here we come. ]

[Barrage: Boss Jin airborne F book! Ask for analysis! ! ! ]

[Bullet screen: Well, just call me Jin Qingyue. I recalled the time when I went through the kitchen. The ingredients were all fresh, but the kitchen utensils were very old. One was new and the other was old, which met the basic conditions of time and space. However, the newcomer used old kitchen utensils and new ingredients to make breakfast at the same time, which triggered normally. 】

【Barrage: God, I have a clue after your analysis! ]

[Jin Qingyue: More clues are needed to confirm the customs clearance space. Objectively speaking, this dungeon is limited to three days, and I think it is not an exaggeration to rate it as an A. At present, the motivation of the newly added dean boss is very strange. As a hidden level punishment boss, he should not go to the kitchen to gank people in person. 】

The audience of the live broadcast was at a loss, but Lin Ke quickly cleared his mind.

After removing all the special plots about the client "Dean", the truth immediately emerges—it wasn't the Dean who caught him into the current world, but he triggered the conditions for entering this world. He didn't do many things, he just cooked a dish, but the kitchen utensils were old and the dishes were new, so there must be fraud in the weirdness.

Fortunately, he thought the new ingredients were prepared for the dean.

There are two planes of space, and there are two possibilities for customs clearance. One is that there are clues in this world that need to be brought back to the original world, and the other is that everyone travels to this world to clear the customs.

Lin Ke discovered with some sadness that as a staff member, he not only needs to coax people, but also needs to immerse himself into the "working environment".

Fortunately, this dungeon is similar to a horror game. He used to play it in order to find the runaway kid on the Internet for the parents who were looking for death.

But obviously this is the super complicated version.

The clues are already complicated, and there is a client with a deranged double personality to add to the confusion.

Lin Ke's faint eyes fell on the man in front of him who was introducing the orphanage.

It has to be said that the big boss who entered the state is very dean-like, very powerful and polite.

"This is an activity room, and children like to play games here." He stopped in front of the psychology classroom on the second floor, and to be precise, it has now become an activity room.

Lin Ke has been staying in the kitchen since he entered the orphanage, and he doesn't know this. He just subconsciously memorizes the props in the activity room.

"What do they like to play with?" Linke picked up a half-assembled jigsaw puzzle placed in a wooden box, trying his best to conceal the ups and downs in his heart.

The puzzle finally appeared.

This is a very ordinary jigsaw puzzle, a bit like a custom-made one on Taobao. It is a picture of five children standing at the gate of the orphanage. At this time, the bodies of the five children have been pieced together, and the parts above the head are missing. Everyone They all hold the same toy in their hands, including a puppet bear, a bubble blower, a ball, a kite and a book.

Due to the lack of the upper part, the whole photo lost the blue sky, only the dusty land, body and legs, and there was an inexplicable sense of gloom in the happy scene.

Most of them can survive after completing the puzzle. Lin Ke doesn't expect the director to tell him the correct answer directly, but just asks with an attitude that is worthwhile.

Unexpectedly, although the man looked cold, he walked up to him and spoke.

"Xiaolan likes the teddy bear the most. When the volunteer gave it to her, she named it Xiaoxiao, hoping that Xiaoxiao would grow up with her; Dake likes the ball the most, and always likes to take it out to play with the guests. If he accidentally kicks and hurts someone, he will be sad for a long time; Xiao Ke likes kites, once the kite string broke, he cried miserably; Lin Lin likes to read books, not too involved in activities; With bubbles, there will be the feeling of the ocean."

Lin Ke: "!"

He immediately cheered up and kept in mind the situation of the client.

Likes bears, grows up with toys, restrained child; uses his own ball to play with volunteers, relatively cheerful...

Out of the corner of his eye, the man caught a glimpse of the young man's earnest profile, paused slightly, and the faint starlight of the Southern Cross flashed across his dark eyes.

[Barrage: This wave of information is so comfortable, this is the comfort that should have been in ancient times! 】

【Barrage: The little brother's expression is too sincere... as if he really cares about the children. 】

【Barrage: The serious little brother is even more charming. nosebleed. 】

"Do you remember?" the dean asked.

Lin Ke wondered if there was a replay button. He raised his eyes to meet the man's eyes, and his heart froze.

I saw that the eyes that had been a little bit emotional because of the statement of the children's situation just now, now there is only a thick crow black.

"Do you remember?" the dean asked again, and bowed slightly to Lin Ke.

His body was very cold, exuding a threatening chill, and his gaze was also very cold, like a king who judged sinners, no one would be able to move when he looked at him.

"Remember," the young man stared straight into his eyes without fear of judgment, "Xiaolan likes teddy bears the most..."


On the big screen, there are tall Yujie, a man in a suit and leather shoes, and a tear-stained face. The girl was rushing down the corridor on the other side of the third floor to the second floor.

"I can live. This double-corridor design is very suitable for pursuit battles." A cold voice sounded.

In the small room on the second floor of the villa, the teenager sitting in the wheelchair leaned back, clasped his hands on his knees, and his trousers were stuck to his shrunken muscles, like indigo denim cotton cloth hanging on a pole.

He only stayed in the pursuit battle angle for three seconds, and switched angles after confirming that the personnel could survive.

As soon as the picture turned, the horror atmosphere dissipated, the sunlight diffused into the quiet classroom through the screen window, the dust in the air glowed little by little, the young man was forced to the table by the man, and the collar of his shirt was messy. Holding the tool table behind his hands, he raised his head and answered the boss's fatal question calmly, not only repeating what the dean had said, but also adding some of his own analysis.

His beautiful and slender fingers were firmly pressed, and the tail ring of his left hand, which glowed like mercury, was almost embedded in the wooden table.

"Brother Qingyue," a little girl behind him said timidly and puzzled, "Why do you keep looking at him?"

Jin Qingyue said, "He looks a lot like Ah Cheng." The

tone didn't change, but the little girl shivered.

The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground came from downstairs, and in the next second, a figure rushed into the door, and the person came panting frantically, and broke out a lung-puffing cough.

When he coughed, snot and tears flowed together, and the 1.8 meter man was crying so hard that Jin Qingyue raised his hand, and the wheelchair turned. He looked at the man calmly, without any fluctuations in expression.

"It's them," the man said intermittently, looking up with bloodshot eyes: "They forced Xiaomeng to hand over his props, forced him to foul, forced him to enter the punishment book, and forced him to die! Robber, bastard! Xiaomeng, Xiaomeng... ..." The

little girl's eyes widened suddenly: "Brother Meng is dead? Brother Meng, Brother Meng..."

"A person cannot be resurrected after death," Jin Qingyue raised his hand, "If I were Meng Zhihao, I would rather die than put Give them the props and let them succeed." The

man stared blankly at Jin Qingyue with a hint of fear in his eyes. Since when did their team leader become so impersonal?

His gaze then saw the screen behind Jin Qingyue, and suddenly it was fixed on the young man. He stretched out his fingers tremblingly: "He is!"

Jin Qingyue smiled with great interest, as if someone he deliberately The secret of making bait is discovered.

Under the little girl's puzzled eyes, the man said: "I know this newcomer. I heard the data analyst among the bastards say that there is a newcomer with props that can control the boss in the F-level dungeon of the orphanage. He I'm being targeted!" The

little girl's face turned pale, and a bloody picture of a young man's beautiful fingers being cut off appeared in her mind. She has seen too many newcomers die tragically because they hold important props.

"Let's, let's remind him." She begged Jin Qingyue.

"You are becoming more and more like Ah Cheng," the boy's voice could not detect any emotion, "Not yet. This prop is very interesting, and it can catch very big fish." The

little girl was also a little unbelievable, and the man looked at each other , Both of them felt that the boy was strange.

Brother Qingyue did it on purpose, the little girl thought.

This F-level dungeon only stayed on the recommended position for an hour, but the number of viewers still surged because they knew that Jin Qingyue was also watching, and many people wanted to hear his analysis.

Is it because the villain deliberately spread the news to expose the prop, which attracted more people, or did they discover the prop because of the large number of viewers?

The little girl's face turned even paler.

She only needs to be innocent and kind, "like Ah Cheng", and she can be protected by Brother Qingyue. What about this newcomer who is also "like Ah Cheng" but abandoned by Qingyue Brother? what will happen to him She shivered and looked at the boy's back.

"Also," Jin Qingyue felt that gaze, and turned back to the wheelchair with self-deprecation, his emotionless gaze returned to the screen, "He is better than me, he doesn't need my help, just watch." The

little girl was stunned again, turning her head Go to see the copy screen that has been ignored for a long time.

I saw that terrifying dean boss, I don't know when he let the young man go, Xu was very satisfied with the young man's answer, he even raised his hand in a good temper, straightened the collar of the young man, and wiped his fingertips almost inaudibly. Past the root of the neck of youth.

The young man raised his eyes sharply.

The picture is too beautiful and harmonious.

Jin Qingyue opened the barrage.

When the screen goes black, so does the room. The dense barrage did not miss any gap, screaming wantonly on the screen.

The little girl was dumbfounded.

I send warmth to the boss in the horror world [Unlimited]Where stories live. Discover now