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Uncle Chen's excited voice naturally attracted a few zombies that were wandering around just now.

Fortunately, Lin Ke had arrived before the zombies rushed over.

He was not in good condition, but he still recognized the person in front of him as Uncle Chen. Linke jumped off the silent Sang Shi's back and knocked a zombie into the air with one elbow.

Uncle Chen's eyes immediately fell on the wound on the inside of Lin Ke's arm.

"It's nothing..." Link said stiffly.

Seeing that Lin Ke could talk, Uncle Chen was somewhat relieved. He had been cooperating with the zombie staff on the experimental vehicle since he first entered the dungeon, so he was not overly afraid of zombies.

He grabbed Link's arm and observed carefully.

Lin Ke gently withdrew his arm with some guilty conscience: "It's okay."

Chen Bo glanced at him. After all, he felt distressed and the situation was urgent. He didn't say any accusations this time, but said: "It's so late, the cars are running away. It's gone!"

Speaking of this, Lin Ke was a little bit dizzy, he looked around, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a chubby thing falling from the embrace of the giant bear.

It landed with a "boom" and bounced again.

It was very dark, and it was this kind of atmosphere again, which shocked all the people and zombies present, and they all looked at this strange thing. Lin Ke was the first to react and reached out to grab it.

Uncle Chen changed his face: "Reckless!"

While speaking, Lin Ke had already held the ball in his hand - this is a very ordinary ball, not a human head or other scary things. The only weird thing is that the ball is writhing in Lin Ke's hand, as if trying to escape.

Lin Ke frowned, feeling that the ball looked very familiar.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and recognized that this is the ball that Dake likes to play with. Now it belongs to Su Xue. What is it called? The F-level prop "sticky ball" will always follow the player.

He let go of his hand, and as expected, the ball began to roll in one direction, at a speed that was not like a ball, but like a bullet.

[Barrage: What is this prop? 】

【Barrage: Could it be the F-level props obtained in the orphanage dungeon! It was so useful at the last moment! 】

【Barrage: Great, I have a feeling that the children are helping them. ]

[Barrage: Everyone! 】

"Follow!" Realizing that this is a guiding prop left by Su Xue for several people, Lin Ke was a little surprised.

No nonsense, Sang Shi carried Uncle Chen on his back, his wife carried the little girl on his back, Linke led the way, and the army of zombies galloped away like the wind following the guidance of the ball.

Behind them, the world shattered, and darkness slowly engulfed the entire F area.


The silver-white experimental vehicle cut through the darkness like sharp knives, gradually leading everyone to the bright avenue.

In front of you, there are two bifurcated routes on the left and right, the left direction goes to Area C, and the right direction leads to Area B. Vehicles carrying employees turned left one after another, and vehicles carrying zombies began to change lanes and turn right.

Looking at the situation of the convoy through the car window, Su Xue clenched her hands, expecting to see the sticky ball come back to her side.

Just when she drooped her long eyelashes in disappointment, everyone exclaimed in unison, stumbling around.

The experimental car braked suddenly.

Su Xue bumped into Ye Shi's shoulder in a panic, she hurriedly got up and looked out the window.

The next moment, her heartbeat almost stopped. On the other side, there was also an experimental vehicle slowly stopping. The staff were opening the door and pulling Lin Ke, who had turned into a zombie with pale skin, into the vehicle.

Su Xue was so anxious that she trembled all over, unable to speak, she patted Ye Shi's arm. Ye Shi was closing his eyes to rest his mind when he was suddenly slapped awake. When he looked back, his eyes were also wide open: "—Lin Ke!"

The sound came out, and the players in the car ran over and stuck to the window.

On the other side, Lin Ke seemed to feel the gaze from this side, opened his eyes and turned his head.

His gradually gray eyes met pairs of anxious eyes in the car window. Suddenly, he raised his hand slightly, pointed at several people, pointed at himself, stretched out two fingers, and then stretched out five fingers.

"He means," Ye Shi accurately translated, "He is going to Area B, let us pay attention to Area E that has never been seen before."

Ye Shi held Su Xue's hand.

"It will be fine."


"It will be fine!" Uncle Chen waved his hand, assuring several zombie workers.

The staff also couldn't understand what he said, they only knew that Uncle Chen suddenly caught four more zombies and rushed them into the car.

At this time, Sang Shi had already taken off his employee uniform, pretended to close his eyes, and was thrown into the experimental vehicle leading to Area B together with Linke, the little girl and his wife.

"I caught these, and I have to put them under my name," Uncle Chen said bluntly behind them, "I'm going to get into your car with me.

" He talked a lot, but in the end he was no match for Chen Bo's reasoning, so Chen Bo also got into the car.

The smell in the compartment is so strong that it can suffocate people once the rear compartment door is closed.

As soon as the experimental vehicle started, Chen Bo looked at the gap and untied several people. He helped Lin Ke to sit up, and then asked anxiously: "Is there something wrong? Do you understand? What's going on?" Lin Ke's lips turned pale

. , shook his head, nodded again, and looked at Sang Shi opposite him: "Sang Shi, you gave me a medicine that can keep me awake for a while. I also injected myself with the reagent from Yihua Company, and it should be able to recover. Hold on for a while."

Uncle Chen stopped talking, touched Lin Ke's forehead again, and said in silence for a while: "It's okay, I'm here."

Lin Ke smiled.

In fact, when he first found out that he was bitten, he was still a little nervous. Although he knew that the mechanism of this dungeon would not kill him, just thinking about how he would become that kind of monster that smelt all over his body made him feel nervous. He couldn't bear it.

But now he is completely at ease.

"Don't worry," Lin Ke said, "It's just the last bit."

After finishing speaking, Link looked at Sang Shi again.

Sang Shi remained silent, and was helping his wife up to make sure that the female zombie was not injured. It moves very carefully, as if touching a fragile object.

The female zombie had just been injected with a dose of medicine. At this time, she held the little girl in her arms and closed her eyes as if she was sleeping.

Sang Shi also touched the little girl's face.

After doing all this, it stared dazedly, and leaned heavily on a pile of rotting zombies behind it.

Just now, just after the main god system suddenly started broadcasting the reduction of the world map, and Yihua Company suddenly began to arrange for the evacuation of personnel, it seemed to be beaten by life, and the whole zombie lost its luster.

Although Linke didn't talk about his wife, judging from the situation at the time, District F was about to disappear. If his wife didn't leave, sooner or later he would disappear with District F. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for Sang Shi to bring his alienated wife back to live in Area C.

So Sang Shi had no choice but to take the risk, disguised himself as a wild zombie, and went to Area B with Lin Ke.

It could be seen that it was in excruciating pain, partly because of its wife, and partly because of Link—which Link could see because it no longer met his eyes.

In each dungeon, the service object is the key to customs clearance.

Seeing that the client fell into depression again, Lin Ke had to try to communicate with it again. According to observation, Sang Shi has exhausted himself in this doomsday world. Originally, it worked like hell to protect his wife in Area F, but seeing that his wife will also be "recovered" ", it has lost all hope and motivation for life, and unless a miracle happens, ordinary appeasement will be completely ineffective for it.

"You..." Link looked up, and was about to talk to it first, but unexpectedly saw a few zombies raised their heads from the back of the carriage.

He was startled, subconsciously stood up, and first protected Uncle Chen behind him.

But he suddenly felt dizzy and staggered.

Lin Ke's heart sank, and he blinked his eyes with all his strength, only then did he see clearly what was happening in front of him.

In the pile of zombies, there were actually a few zombies who were resistant to the medicine and had already woken up. They were moving their bodies among the pile of zombies, and they were slowly pushing away the "partners" who were pressing on them with their withered hands.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ke felt chills in his heart. He rolled his eyes stiffly, and vaguely saw the Valium reagent placed on the wall of the carriage.

The interior of the experimental vehicle was sealed off on all sides, and when the group of alienated zombies woke up, it would be Weng Zhong biting—no one could escape.

"Sang Shi," he had no choice but to whisper, "help!"

Sang Shi raised his head slightly.

A zombie had already crawled out from behind it, Linke narrowed his eyes, and jumped up to hold it down. This action made him dizzy again, his hands and feet were weak, and he was almost bitten again.

Just when Linke thought he was going to be unable to hold on, Sang Shi suddenly jumped up as if awakened from a start. It blankly helped Link hold down the living zombies, and injected medicine into their veins as if venting anger.

Then it stiffly returned to its position and sat down.

At this moment, Uncle Chen also saw that something was wrong with Sang Shi, and he looked at Lin Ke suspiciously.

Lin Ke was also a little confused, judging from Sang Shi's behavior, it still regarded itself as a friend, so what, is this sulking? Generally, when this happens, it is necessary to try to start the dialogue from the perspective of caring for the other party, which can usually achieve good communication results.

Thinking of this, Lin Ke casually raised his hand to wipe off the hot sweat from his forehead, and was about to speak, but Chen Bo beat him to the punch again.

"This is your wife, right?" Uncle Chen said cheerfully as if he couldn't see Sang Shi's unhappiness, "You two have such a good relationship. Living here is not easy, is it?" Sang Shi was indifferent


"Thank you for taking care of our Lin Ke." Uncle Chen looked indifferent as if he couldn't see it, and found some usable clothes that he had folded himself and handed them to Sang Shi, "Wrap it on, Look at how thin it is! No one can understand you better than me, if one day Linke becomes like your wife, I have to learn from you how to live in this world." [Bullet screen: My God,

Ah How did Uncle do it? I suddenly feel very uncomfortable. They won't be unable to get out, right? ]

[Bullet screen: Don't, I've always regarded this as a dungeon world! ]

[Bullet screen: Please, even if it is for me to live in the doomsday world, give me an uncle like Uncle Chen, okay? That's also possible...]

Uncle Chen's words somehow seemed to poke Sang Shi's heart, causing Sang Shi's eyelashes to tremble suddenly in pain, and he raised his eyes to stare at the old man with white hair.

Once Lin Ke has completely turned into a zombie, it is impossible for the old man alone to lead Link to live.

And in this world, there are already tens of thousands of old people like Chen Bo.

Thinking of this, Sang Shi showed a painful expression on his face, and he covered his face again.

"Don't be too sad, life and death are destiny, we are all ordinary people. You are already very remarkable." Uncle Chen said slowly again, while putting the clothes beside the female zombie.

Although Sang Shi didn't look up, he reached out and grabbed the worn shirt in his hand, and gently laid it on the female zombie's knee.

Seeing this, Uncle Chen smiled at Lin Ke and gave Lin Ke a wink, which seemed to say, "Ginger is still old and hot."

Lin Ke: "..."

She's still showing off her business ability!

But Lin Ke didn't complain too hard in his heart. He knew that Uncle Chen wasn't really blaming himself at the moment, but wanted to let himself feel at ease—this old man had always understood the situation clearly and could skillfully make the atmosphere reasonable. controlled within a normal range.

At this time, switching to any other way of handling, such as expressing excessive concern for Link or showing excessive nervousness about the situation, will make Link feel more stressed.

"Okay." Now that Uncle Chen was in control of the scene, Lin Ke immediately felt a lot more relaxed, a little lazy, "I now believe that you have really entered an S-level dungeon." "

Stinky boy." Uncle Chen scolded with a smile.

There was a tremor in the carriage, as if the experimental vehicle was passing through a security checkpoint, and it was likely that it had entered the experimental base in Area B.

The vibration was very small, but it fell on Lin Ke's head, which made him unbearable.

Lin Ke clenched his teeth and closed his eyes.

The dizziness is getting stronger.

"... Lin Ke?"

"Lin Ke!"

Someone seemed to be calling him in his ear, it seemed to be Uncle Chen, but he couldn't hear clearly.

[Barrage: It's over, it's over, the little brother is not in the right state. 】

【Barrage: He's been sweating! ! Just like the fat man before! ]

[Bullet screen: I vaguely remember that Abo once said before that high body temperature is not easy to be infected? ]

[Bullet screen: It may be similar to the principle of a cold. The human body is mobilizing the immune system to fight against the source of infection from the outside world, but if it cannot resist, will it be completely infected? 】

On the screen, Lin Ke pursed his lips tightly, his complexion was pale, and beads of sweat kept dripping from his forehead. Uncle Chen stood beside him with his hands open, not daring to touch him, his expression seemed nervous for the first time.

As if regaining some consciousness with great difficulty, Lin Ke twitched, reaching out and trying to push Uncle Chen away from him.

This little action of his finally made Uncle Chen unable to hold back anymore. He frowned, grabbed Lin Ke's hand, and even the little zombie girl stood up, crying anxiously: "Dad!

" I can hear it, I can feel it, but I can't move and I can't speak, the fire in my throat is burning.

He was afraid that he would really be alienated, and in the end he would be infected by Uncle Chen out of control.

While struggling, there was only a crisp sound of "Dang Clang".

He hasn't carefully analyzed where the voice came from, he just felt a powerful big hand grabbing his wrist from bottom to top. Then Link felt a shrunken feeling all over his body.

Are you really going to be a zombie?

Link thought in a daze.

[Barrage: Mirror? 】

【Bullet screen: Help, Brother Lin was captured by the boss in the mirror again. How can such a small mirror capture people? ]

[Bullet screen: I think the flashing boss inside looks a bit familiar...]

The bullet screen was surprised, and Chen Bo and Sang Shi were even more surprised. Take it to the small round mirror.

Lin Ke's body was distorted as if in a distorting mirror, and he was actually pulled into the mirror just like that.

When Uncle Chen picked up the small round mirror in a panic, a layer of white mist had already covered the mirror.

He held the mirror blankly, as if thinking of something, he quickly wiped the mirror and carefully protected it in his arms.

After the white mist.

Link's whole body was so hot that he was about to burn, but what was worse, he felt a hotter thing wrapping his whole body tightly.

It was like a giant octopus had entangled him.

Link was going crazy, he wanted to raise his arm, but was held down by another powerful arm.

"Don't move," as if someone whispered in his ear, "I'm sick."

Wait, this voice...sick?

Lin Ke himself is not very clear-headed, but the experience of being captured by Lu Zhou many times at the critical moment of life and death has cultivated his conditioned reflex behavior. Almost instinctively, he stretched out his left hand and groped until he grabbed the opponent's wrist before he felt relieved.

Faintly, there was a chuckle in his ear.

Lin Ke moved his eyelids and opened his eyes in a drowsy state. His eye sockets were red with heat, and the tears he secreted seemed to wash away the white film on the eyeballs, making the scene in front of him clear.

Caught off guard, he saw the familiar handsome face again——Lu Zhou's eyes were closed, his brows were furrowed, and a handsome head was pressing against him regardless.

Around the two of them is the scene in the mirror.

Lin Ke recognized it. This place was not elsewhere, but the round mirror that he had once entered. There is ice fog everywhere, as beautiful as a fairyland, and it looks very comfortable and cool. If it wasn't for the hot zombies wrapped around him, this place would be a real fairyland.

Why do zombies get hot? Shouldn't this kind of creature between life and death be cold all over?

Lin Ke stared at his eyes, his brain was so burned that he started to think wildly, and there was still logic in his wild thoughts.

He subconsciously moved his only moving head, trying to stay away from the head heater in front of him.

But only a few seconds later, the head followed, the man's high nose brushed against his cheek, and his hot breath fell on Link's neck.

At such a short distance, Lin Ke was almost hurt by the heroic spirit in Lu Zhou's eyebrows.

Seeing him coming with hot air stickers, Lin Ke shuddered all over, it was horrifying!

He once again thought of the fear of being dominated in the study. At that time, Lu Zhou was like this. No, Lu Zhou at that time was too uncomfortable and needed to get close to him, so he stuck to him, like a sticky dog. Big dog. But at this time, Lu Zhou felt more aggressive and aggressive, like a ferocious wolf sniffing its prey.

Can it be so uncomfortable? What's going on, is the situation in this world affecting Lu Zhou? Or can't hold on mentally? That problem is serious...

Amazingly, due to the rise in body temperature and excessive worry about Lu Zhou, Lin Ke's consciousness gradually returned, and his thinking gradually became clearer. He took a deep breath, restrained the urge to push away the person on him, let him hold him, and asked in a low voice: "Where...why is it uncomfortable?

" pull out.

Although Lin Ke felt awkward, he was more worried about what might happen to Lu Zhou at the critical moment, so he had no choice but to let him hold him, comforting him constantly, and stretched out his right hand to pat Lu Zhou's back lightly.

It was just such a shot, and he felt that the person on his body stiffened obviously.

Lin Ke was slightly taken aback, doubts suddenly arose in his heart.

But the man didn't seem to want to give him a chance to be suspicious, and hugged him even harder, as if their hearts collided.

"Wait a minute," Linke felt his heart beating wildly faster, but it didn't affect his judgment, his voice was a little stiff, "You...open your eyes and let me see." He twisted his neck as he

said Trying to see Lu Zhou's expression clearly.

However, Lu Zhou seemed to want to bury his whole body into Lin Ke's neck, so he stabbed down.

The latter was caught off guard by a strong force and fell on the soft clouds.

Lin Ke was completely shocked by Lu Zhou's series of actions: "You..."

He had an incredible idea in his heart that needed to be verified.

"You!" Lin Ke couldn't believe it.

"Are you awake now?"

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little one who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-08-21 20:52:27~2021-08-22 20:26:41 Angel~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 11 cute;

thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 40 bottles of Shangguan Zixi; 20 bottles of cuteness; 11 bottles of 10; Customer is really amazing 1 bottle;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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