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[Bullet screen: This is not scolding, this is probably... the little brother's unique way of coaxing babies? 】

【Barrage: In the previous article, you must have a grudge against me and want to laugh at me to death hahahahaha. 】

【Barrage: Little brother, your fish is really cute! Although I can't tell what kind of fish it is, the favorability is +10000. 】

【Barrage: I love it, I love it! 】

When Lin Ke returned to the real world, he was still babbling uncontrollably, his delicate face was livid, and it was Ye Shi who gave him a hand before he woke up.

Link opened his eyes and saw that Xiaoyu's stool was empty.

Ye Shi pointed out the door.

Link turned his head, only in time to see a crying figure holding a water gun and wiping away tears.

Looking back, Da Ke, who was sitting there patiently waiting for the "psychological consultation", was covering his head and looking at him, his eyes were indescribable: "Brother, I, I, I want to go to the bathroom..."

His expression didn't look like he was about to go to the bathroom , as if fleeing.

Lin Ke said "Don't mess with me" all over his face, waved Dake to leave, and raised his long legs to chase after Xiaoyu.

Ye Shi grabbed him: "Wait, what happened inside? Why did you come out, but didn't pass the level?"

When she asked, Link was also taken aback.

Indeed, the system did not sound the four-sixths completion beep.

Why? Didn't clear the level? How did he get out?

Lin Ke was anxious about Xiaoyu, and his thoughts were a little confused for a moment. He only said a little annoyed: "Wait a minute, I'll be right back."

Ye Shi couldn't laugh or cry: "Why do you still look worried about Xiaoyu? He can't get out again. What's wrong with you."

Lin Ke was dragged to the spot and took a few deep breaths, pulling himself out of his emotions.

Yes, Xiaoyu is just a dungeon boss, and will not hurt himself because of emotional problems. Even if he hurts himself because of emotional problems, as long as he does not go crazy and kill people, it will not affect the players.

So what is he worrying about?

But do you still need a reason? Lin Ke couldn't answer by himself, but his displeasure

was real, so he just said, "Come right back."

, let him go, we will go to the next link soon, if Xiaoyu is not there, we will not be able to pass the level."

Ye Shi nodded: "It can only be like this, but I can't see that he is in a hurry. I just don't know the end It is a problem whether you have cleared the level or not."


In another world, Zhou Zhao also had the same doubts.

Is this a clearance? He turned the jigsaw puzzle back and forth with a perplexed look on his face.

I saw a considerable number of jigsaw puzzle pieces, all of which were pictures of a beautiful whitebait spinning 360 degrees in midair.

Among the pile of fish, there is only a picture of a pitiful little boy's head, still with a crying face.

The boy was crying miserably, and he didn't look like he was being comforted at all. Zhou Zhao held the puzzle piece and didn't dare to put it on the original picture.

Suddenly, there was a low chuckle from the opposite side.

A pair of good-looking, strong hands with well-defined joints came into view, picking up a piece of jigsaw puzzle covering the whole body of the whitebait.

It's the dean.

The dean took the jigsaw puzzle, put it on his fingertips for a while, put it in his palm, and looked at Zhou Zhao.

Zhou Zhao was covered in cold sweat, and the alarm bells were ringing in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the dean just lowered his eyes, his eyes paused for a moment on the puzzle in his hand, and then moved away.

[Barrage: This death stare, I was so worried when I switched perspectives, could it be that the little brother really failed, right? 】

[Barrage: It's not surprising that it failed. Not everyone can pass the level by means of coquettish operations. ]

[Bullet screen: Heizi, let's go by yourself, thank you. 】

Zhou Zhao swallowed a mouthful, with sweat on his forehead, and carefully explained: "Let's keep it for now, and wait for our team... friends to come and see." The

dean was not emotional, only when he heard the word "friend" , his eyes moved slightly, and then he nodded in agreement, and while getting up to straighten his collar, he signaled Zhou Zhao with his eyes, "You can leave now."

Zhou Zhaofu also left as if, until the end did not see the dean return the hidden puzzle.

[Barrage: Did the dean follow along? Steal yourself? ]

[Bullet screen: Follow along with the little brother's full body photo hahahahahahahaha. 】

Among the blazing eyes of the Leeuwenhoek players on the barrage, the dean disappeared from the screen, and Zhou Zhao hurried to the kitchen, trying to contact his friends.

But he waited and waited, waiting like a straight man complaining, waiting until the screen was full of "hahaha", "brothers and sisters don't want you anymore", but he still didn't wait for anyone.


On the other side, Ye Shi and Su Xue went to the bathroom to wait for orders, and the four children followed obediently except for Luoran Xiaoyu.

At this stage, according to the prompts on the washing machine, they need to arrange for the children to wash and change their clothes.

Ye Shi turned on the faucet to test the water temperature, and suddenly slapped his forehead: "Ah! Forgot about Zhou Zhao."

Su Xue thought for a while: "I'll go now?"

Ye Shi waved his hand: "No, let's not separate, wait for Lin The guests are back."

... The

orphanage is not big, and the lights are dim at night, and the color tone is like a retro old photo. The corridors are filled with ghostly shadows, and the seemingly invisible cries of children can be heard everywhere.

On such a weird night, other players have locked themselves in the dormitory and buried themselves in bed to save their lives, but none of these can stop Linke from looking around.

Xiaoyu moved very fast and cried everywhere. After chasing him for a long time, he calmed down a little.

Is it true that he said too much and made people cry?

Lin Ke felt incredible.

There is no guilt. Link himself is a staff member who came to help them. Being a spy among a group of players is enough to give these little devils face. The main reason is that the situation in front of him is too embarrassing, and it is a question of his professionalism.

Is it useless for him to "persuade" him so earnestly? He ran away crying, and still haven't cleared the level for him?

And after hearing a few words from another pervert, he obediently cut his stomach open?

The little white-eyed wolf cub didn't realize his kindness at all.

He had to make it clear.

Finally, Lin Ke followed Xiaoyu's cry of "wooooahahah" and saw the thin figure of the little boy holding a bubble gun at the corner of the inconspicuous corridor.

Xiaoyu was probably frightened by Lin Ke, and when he saw the figure of the young man, he was about to run away again with the gun in his hand.

Lin Ke shouted loudly behind him: "Don't move!"

Thunder stopped him.

Xiaoyu turned around, sobbing, and saw the livid Lin Ke under the dim light, curled his lips and took a step back, sticking to the wall.

Looks pitifully weak and helpless.

[Barrage: ... Subtle. ]

[Barrage: I always have a feeling that I can't tell who is the player...]

[Barrage: The first person to blur the boundaries of the player boss is here. 】

Seeing the pitiful appearance of the little ghost, Lin Ke kept his expression down and put down his sleeve: "Let's chat?

" Hello! ]

Lin Ke stepped forward.

Xiaoyu couldn't retreat, showing a frightened expression.

Link: "..."

Seeing that Xiaoyu was completely on guard and refused to answer anything, Link could only slow down his voice very reluctantly: "Can you lend me some bubbles? I'm about to kill it.

" In the face of this kind of child who treats himself as a mushroom, a small fish, and this and that, the only way to communicate is to try to become his kind.

Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, first realized that the other party was asking for help, so he became more confident, then suddenly found the point, and said in surprise, "Are you Xiaoyu too?"

"..." Lin Ke can only do a full set of acting, which is difficult Said, "I am, we have met."

[Bullet screen: Hahahaha God damn met. 】

【Barrage: There's nothing wrong with it, it's a real fish than you. There are photos for souvenirs! ]

Seeing the same kind, Xiaoyu immediately let go of his guard and moved over, as if he had completely forgotten how scared he was just now, and generously made many bubbles around Linke.

Transparent bubbles float all over the corridor, and the colors are messy and beautiful under the dim light.

It was indeed like a little boy's beautiful dream.

Lin Ke was dazed for a moment, a few dreamy bubbles floated to the tip of his hair beside his ears, burst through with a "snap", scattered like fireworks, and a smell of inferior detergent rushed into his nose.

Lin Ke: "..."

He hasn't smelled the smell of bubble water for a long time. The last time he smelled this smell in his memory was the time when Uncle Chen saved up money and took him to the amusement park.

At that time, like Xiaoyu, he had low self-esteem and was extremely aggressive, with thorns all over his body, no one liked him.

This memory is too long, it seems like a lifetime ago, Lin Ke was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses, and calmly put down his left hand that was raised to his ear.

Looking at Xiaoyu again, he still looked at him expectantly, and asked him: "Are you feeling better?"

Link looked at Xiaoyu quietly for a while.

[Barrage: The picture is suddenly warm? ? 】

【Barrage: The kids are actually quite cute, buy a lollipop and go in to see them. 】

【Barrage: What the hell did you buy lollipops too? 】

Why didn't I become a little fish?

Lin Ke was actually thinking about this problem, and quickly figured it out.

According to his temper, if someone told him all these things like he did to a small fish, he might blow his head off.

Thinking about it this way, how to deal with Xiaoyu's matter, he has an idea.

He is different from Xiaoyu. He will fight back when he is offended, but Xiaoyu is too small and weak. Only by arming himself with malice can he survive in the player's hands.

If Xiaoyu is as strong as the dean, he won't become full of resentment and overly vigilant.

Lin Ke completely understood.

"Is it still uncomfortable?" Xiaoyu asked worriedly.

"Much better." Lin Ke said.

"That's good! You, what kind of fish are you?" The little fish was a little shy when meeting the same kind for the first time, and raised its bright eyes to look at Linke.

[Barrage: I also want to know this question. 】

【Barrage: I bet my little brother is going to use strange ways to coax the children again. ]

[Bullet screen: No, I don't understand, what is there to be proud of in passing the level in this way of playing house? He also said that he is a fish, isn't it funny, only F-level dungeons can be cleared by talking. 】

【Barrage: No way, no way such a harmonious game and there are sunspots? 】

【Barrage: That noble Heizi, why did you come to the F-level dungeon? Is there no room for you to use the S-level? 】

The barrage was clamoring, and Lin Ke bowed down, smiled and said to Xiaoyu: "I and you are the same kind of fish."

Xiaoyu was even more surprised: "!"

"We are all sharks." Link looked at Xiaoyu seriously.

The bullet screens that were fighting each other paused, and then the screen was filled with question marks.

After a full ten seconds, the first line of shock drifted past, and the barrage of shocks filled the barrage one after another.

【Barrage:? ? ? ? ? ? ? What fish again? ]

[Barrage: Is a shark a fish? ? 】

【Barrage: Chordate Phylum - Vertebrate Subphylum - Chondrichthyes, thank you. 】

Hearing that he is the same kind of fish as others, Xiaoyu is very happy, but there is a puzzled expression on his face, obviously he doesn't know what a shark is.

"It's a fish that has very sharp white teeth and never loses in a fight." Ke Lin said in a persuasive manner.

"Ah, really, I'm so powerful?" Xiaoyu happily grinned fiercely, revealing a row of fangs.

[Bullet screen: ... This tooth, I... lollipop. 】

【Barrage: I said before that everyone gets out, do you dare to live with this kind of family? ]

"Yes," Lin Ke patted the little boy's head, showing the big shark's smile, "It's fine to eat people who don't like you, but people who like you can't just eat them, and you have to protect them, you know? "

Understood!" Xiaoyu was super happy.

The viewers of the live broadcast were stunned and typed "666" on the public screen.

[Bullet screen: One thing to say, one thing to say as an educator during his lifetime, this kind of education method is wrong, but it is very cool. 】

【Barrage: Brother, don't talk about educating yourself like this. But it's really cool. 】

It's over when you're happy, and Lin Ke is also very happy to see that Xiaoyu is not lost and has the hope of clearing the customs.

Stepping on the tail of the "personal hygiene" time, Linke Shark slowly took the younger brother Shark who had just received it upstairs, and when he stepped on the floor of the second floor, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

The corridor is too dark.

The floor was wet.

He also seems to have kicked something.

In the darkness, a ball "gululu" rolled forward, and the black hair scattered all over the ground.

Seeing clearly in front of him, Lin Ke's pupils shrank suddenly.

Heizi, who was bombarded by the barrage, finally let out a schadenfreude smile.

[Barrage: cool? All teammates are gone! 】

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