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 The bishop's aura was too strong, and everyone present was shocked for a while.

Even Lin Ke felt a sense of coercion.

The old girl was directly targeted, and she couldn't do it for a long time. She almost scrambled and retreated, but she didn't dare to run again after running a few steps, and finally turned back into the confession room trembling.

The bishop was very dedicated, and almost escorted the people back. At the end, they each turned around and glanced at Link, and finally calmed down and lowered the curtain.

That look seems to be quite gratified.

[Barrage: Hahahaha, the bishop is finally happy for once. ]

[Bullet screen: It's not easy, my little brother has matured and learned to resist temptation. ]

[Bullet screen: It should be the mental pollution of adapting to the dungeon... Although this adaptation speed is very devilish, why are you talking about it so strangely! 】

【Barrage: The cow is a real cow. I have to pass no less than five levels of this kind of spiritual pollution dungeon to avoid being killed in seconds. He actually restrained himself? ]

Link was dumbfounded until the moment he and the bishop finished looking at each other.

It cannot be denied that just now, Lu Zhou, no, the bishop stood in front of him, and when he said the sentence like a trial with his voice, he was really handsome, with a bit of demeanor.

But the bishop was full of emotions, wouldn't he just crush the key npc to death in the confession room?

He subconsciously pricked up his ears to listen, but there was the scraping sound of rollers on the solid wood floor beside his ears.

As soon as Lin Ke turned his head and met Jin Qingyue who was steering the wheelchair, he suddenly thought of the words he had just heard.

He was a little embarrassed, and scratched his hair with five fingers: "Have you talked?"

Jin Qingyue looked worried just now, but now he looked at Lin Ke thoughtfully, and then smiled: "Yes. The bishop has a lot about me We exchanged ideas because of our unique insights."

"Let's go." Jin Qingyue turned around the wheelchair without saying a word about why Linke was still "listening" here.

Looking back at the confession room, Link paused: "Oh, you go first. I'll stay and listen for a while. The one who just went in is probably an important npc." He briefly described what happened to her: "I want to know what happened to her and what to confess."

Jin Qingyue frowned and turned around to glance at the confession room, as if hesitating whether to stay or not. Come down and listen.

Just at this moment, the old girl burst into astonishing weeping in the confessional, and then she began to enumerate her various "crimes".

"It's all because I'm too beautiful and charming, which makes them all make mistakes, but I beg you to have pity on me. Because of this, I have no friends since I was a child, and they are all jealous of me... You know, That's why I hang out with the witch, but it's also because I exposed her true face that the townspeople are free from her bewitching, you, you must accept my confession!"

Jin Qingyue: "... ..."

Lin Ke: "..."

The amount of information in this passage is overwhelming and confusing, while Lin Ke was speechless, he was relieved—it seems that the bishop did not do anything to him in a fit of anger, and continued to fulfill his duties. the bishop's duties.

He was thinking this, but he heard the bishop say: "No." The

voice was cold and merciless.

Lin Ke: "..." That's fine, it's

fine if you don't accept it, maybe you can force her to share some more information.

Just based on what the old lady said now, it is enough to infer that there is an inexplicable relationship between her and the witch. As the only friend of the witch, she probably knows the hidden meaning of the red roses and white roses planted by the witch. Furthermore, if one can use this part of the information to infer the witch's current state, she might be able to get the quest item.

Although the biggest problem with this dungeon is Mr. Blind, an autistic nerd, the witch is more critical.

First, Mr. Blind feels that everyone has lied to him and doesn't trust everyone, but he only firmly said "she won't lie to me" at the beginning. Judging from the communication situation the night before, if you want to pry Mr. Blind's mouth open, you really have to exchange information from the witch.

Second, the witch has a close relationship with the red and white roses. The strange things that happen in the town and the fatal proposition at night are all related to the roses. We must find a way to solve it. It can be seen that although the witch did not appear on the scene, it is a background and plot. Lin Ke believes that Jin Qingyue also fully understands the key figure of double material.

Of course, Lin Ke had a weirder intuition, as if Jin Qingyue's hesitation just now was just thinking about whether to act separately from him.

In front of him, Jin Qingyue pondered for a moment after hearing that the old girl "was hanging out with a witch", "Then I also—" Before

he finished speaking, a voice interrupted him.

"God Jin!" One person shouted hastily.

Then a figure rushed in, it was Huo Jianan from the White Rose team, followed by several older townspeople who scolded her: "What's the hurry, you bumped into someone, do you know? How can I jump in the queue?"

"Girls, they are really uneducated!"

Huo Jianan's brows were heroic and beautiful, and he frowned when he heard the words, and quickly apologized with widened brows, while apologizing, he stretched out his arms and pushed the townspeople back. Block: "Sorry, I'm sorry, we're leaving right away, and please don't disturb the bishop." The

townspeople were stunned, listening to the apology in their ears, but their bodies were pushed back, and they were suddenly confused by this operation. Some couldn't react, and they still said "why is this" in their mouths, and their bodies had already walked back obediently.

Huo Jianan was obviously used to dealing with these uncles and aunts, just after laughing, his expression froze when he turned his head.

Her eyebrows were full of solemnity, and she said to the two with a suppressed voice: "Something happened!" Both

Lin Ke and Jin Qingyue looked at her.

"Qin Du didn't want to wait, so he went out for a walk, and finally ran into Gao Feifan and Chen Ming, saying that many people...were eliminated."

As soon as Lin Ke said this, the sense of crisis in Lin Ke's heart became more intense, but Jin Qingyue suddenly smiled unceremoniously: "How did they get eliminated? Are all the players eliminated by White Rose?"

Huo Jianan was a little surprised: " Yes, three of them died."

Then she smiled wryly: "Gao Feifan and Chen Ming were both stunned, stuttering and unable to say anything, Qin Du went to see the scene, and it stands to reason that the White Rose player would not be killed. The townspeople besieged..."

While a few people were talking, the old girl came out of the confession room. People trot past.

The next townsman poked his head to come in.

"Let's go and have a look." Lin Ke took a deep breath, feeling that this matter was very strange.

Perhaps the deaths of these people were not caused by the dungeon mechanism.

The sky had already brightened and the sun was shining high, but the whole town was still filled with ice. The players gathered outside the church, and the few who just came back dared not wander around any more, and shrank in the corner.

"What did you see? Who did you see?"

Qin Du was asking them, but it was obvious that he couldn't get a fart out of his hands.

Seeing Lin Ke and Jin Qingyue coming out, Qin Du breathed a sigh of relief, and took two steps forward: "Then everyone is here, and they can't tell why, so let's all go over and have a look together."

At this moment, Gao Feifei was tense He couldn't help but stare at his neck and stare, and said: "I, we won't go, we just went..."

Qin Du couldn't laugh or cry: "If you don't go, who will lead the way? Where is it, and who is eliminated Already?"

[Barrage: Oh my god, why is this kind of person eligible to enter the C-level book? Isn't the copy very volume? Why didn't I get in! 】

【Barrage: Do you think they are just stupid and cowardly? 】

[Bullet screen: It looks like a newcomer at first glance, so take a closer look. Generally, you should be vigilant when this happens. If you put this kind of superficial "disgusting" in an F-level dungeon, it's really bad character—as for the C-level dungeon If you encounter something like this in the dungeon, hehe, you have to be careful. Let's put it this way, there are no fools in C-level books. ]

[Bullet screen: See how Qin Du handles it, just copy it. ]

[Bullet screen: It's okay, Jin Shen is here too, I can't find the palm of my hand. 】

Seeing that Qin Du not only let them go without anger, but insisted on asking them to lead the way, Jin Qingyue also glanced over, Gao Feifan and Chen Ming looked at each other, and then he hesitated to speak.

Gao Feifei said: "Actually, we are not lazy, who dares to be lazy in the C-level dungeon, right?"

Only then did his brain lighten up, and he stuttered and talked about what they saw along the way.

Gao Feifan and Chen Ming were indeed not lazy, and they were very clever. They specially selected those townspeople who had already confessed to the bishop and seemed to be very docile and healthy in body and mind to inquire about information.

The information they heard was very similar to the information poured out by the townspeople in the church—at night, some townspeople would disappear inexplicably, and some townspeople would even unconsciously go crazy and hurt their relatives who lived with them. Of course, these townspeople who have gone mad or "run away from home" must go to the bishop's church to repent the next day. As long as they get the bishop's forgiveness, they can get peace of mind and peace tomorrow. It's only going to get worse—and the town has already lost a lot of people because of it. This is why the church is overcrowded today. "I think, I think there's nothing wrong with this bishop," Gao Feifei said and became agitated again, "Everyone goes crazy when he's not around, and you have to go to him to confess after you're mad. Is the town under control? Ah? A high-level PUA!" That's the case, no wonder the old girl looked at her so resentfully just now, it turned out that she had not been "forgiven" by the bishop. Lin Ke was listening and analyzing, when he suddenly heard Gao Feifan's unreasonable guess, he couldn't help frowning slightly, and looked at him very bluntly.

Gao Feifei was talking vigorously, his eyes were wandering around, and he caught Lin Ke's glance unexpectedly, and immediately choked with fright.

Gao Feifei stammered: "You, why do you look at me like that? I mean it. We have inquired about it. This blind man comes here often, and he just wants a red rose. What does that mean? It means that this little The white roses in the town are not normal! In all the fairy tales, including the story of the nightingale, the white roses turn into red roses. Don't you think

the bishop is very white?" Yes, I have already.

The bishop and the nightingale witch are more like the opposites of white and red, morning and night.

This part of the analysis is correct, but it doesn't prevent the rest of the content from being nonsense. Others may not know it, but Lin Ke is clear in his heart. Mr. Blind has already gone crazy, and nine times out of ten the witch has also gone crazy. The bishop is suppressing, and Rose will come out to kill during the day.

Link couldn't bear it and couldn't listen anymore, so he interrupted him and said, "So? Is there any conclusion? Everyone knows that the bishop is a punishment-level boss, so just tell me that you think there is something wrong with him, and then what are you going to do."

Gao Feifei stopped stuttering. He is dumb.

His extraordinary brain has no way to answer this question, and his extraordinary ability is no match for punishment-level bosses.

"So I, we speculate," Gao Feifei stared at Linke, wriggling his lips and said, "As long as there are no more White Rose players, maybe the bishop will lose his power, and this dungeon can be cleared.

" Definitely, the subway grandpa looks at his phone. If the bishop loses his power, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the whole town will be in chaos, right? How does this pass? 】

【Barrage: He's not speculating, he's just flying around. 】

【Barrage: It's good to see as many ghosts and snakes as possible. The main purpose of being able to pull out such a large piece of truth is to cover up the real cause of death of those people. 】

The average level of viewers of the C-level dungeon is obviously higher than that of the F-level dungeon.

"Oh is it?" He asked, tilting his head slightly.

Gao Feifei was taken aback by the question, and even Jin Qingyue looked over with great interest.

You know, since entering this dungeon, Lin Ke seldom took the initiative to stand up and guide the progress of the dungeon plot, let alone lead other players... Obviously from the previous dungeon, he is a very capable and cohesive player. people.

A hint of amusement flashed in Jin Qingyue's eyes.

"So?" Lin Ke was listening to Gao Feifei's words with concentration, but he didn't pay attention to that gaze.

"—How did those people die?"

Hearing this question, Gao Feifan and Chen Ming's faces turned pale as expected.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution during 2021-06-20 19:11:13~2021-06-21 00:28:01~

Thank you for the irrigation nutrient solution Little Angel: Song Shengsheng & 10 bottles; is Hanhan there? 5 bottles;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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