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Uncle Chen had been sitting cheerfully and looking like an idler before, and the few people didn't expect this.

Now when he speaks, everyone immediately thinks that he is Linke's father.

If the son is so powerful, the father must go against the heavens, right?

So they all got excited.

Zhou Zhao was the first to stand up, walked to Uncle Chen and said respectfully, "Auntie, tell me."

Uncle Chen patted the sofa and let Zhou Zhao sit down: "You are here to clear customs, aren't you?

" That's right! Of course!" Zhou Zhao said.

"Then why didn't I hear you discuss how to clear the level?"


As soon as this question came out, everyone was puzzled at first, and then understood.

What Uncle Chen meant was that they only discussed how to survive, but didn't discuss how to find the clues to clear the customs—but don't you have to enter the dungeon to find the clues to clear the customs?

Can it be seen now?

Uncle Chen has always been such a persuasive character. Back then, Ke Lin was often killed in a hurry. Now when he saw everyone surrounding him curiously, Ke Lin couldn't laugh or cry: "Just tell me what you find!" "I said it!

" It's still mine." Uncle Chen glared at him, "You also use your rusty brain."

Lin Ke: "..."

Players: "..."

Everyone looked at each other and pretended not to hear Lin Ke was trained.

How embarrassing.

Lin Ke blushed again: "I understand! It means that the customs clearance method is related to the setting of the entire dungeon world."

He was crazy, why is there so many people in the main god world, and he has parents?

Before he finished frying this end, Uncle Chen gave another sweet date: "Well, almost."

Lin Ke managed to maintain a pleasant expression.

I just heard Jin Qingyue say: "Abbot, interrupt me. I didn't dare to ask you just now, but I couldn't help it. Now I take the liberty to ask, is your current state of existence a 'player'? You also need to enter the instance to join us Have you cleared the customs?"

Several people around Huo Jianan looked at each other, they wanted to know this question before they entered the door, everyone got the mirror props, but when they arrived at Lin Ke's place, Uncle Chen turned out to be a living person - anyone would know this feel curious. But everyone was worried that this matter would involve Link's privacy, so they didn't dare to ask more questions. "That's exactly what I want to say," Uncle Chen gave Jin Qingyue an appreciative glance, completely ignoring the complicated eyes of Ke Lin next to him, "Young man is nice, polite, and sees things clearly." Ke Lin simply stopped talking . "In my current state, I am indeed a player, and I want to enter the dungeon with you." When Uncle Chen said this, even Lin Ke was stunned. He originally thought that Uncle Chen had just returned to the main god's space, but he hadn't really thought about whether Uncle Chen had returned to being a player. At this time, he observed carefully, and found that there was a terminal bracelet hidden in Chen Bo's sleeve. "This bracelet?" Lin Ke couldn't help but make a sound. "This just appeared just now, just when you were checking the terminal alone, it means that before that, I was attached to the room, but now I have to enter the copy, what does this mean? It means that when the countdown ends , the Lord God World no longer exists. The system suddenly took this into consideration, and restored my identity as a player." Chen Bo pointed out. The scene fell into silence for a moment. The main god world will soon cease to exist. This was originally the guess of most people. Now that Chen Bo is an example, everyone can almost believe that this is a fact. This means that if they are eliminated in the dungeon, they may not have the chance to enter the punishment dungeon again. "So let me tell you, let's not think about whether to pass the level or not. This zombie world may be the last world we stay in, right?" Everyone still didn't speak, but there was a dazed look on their faces . .

"Abo means," Ye Shi continued, "we can't just treat the S-level dungeon as an ordinary dungeon, but think from the perspective of coexistence and death, because we may live in it for a long time, Is that so?"

Chen Bo nodded.

This is a brand new approach to customs clearance.

In the past, players cleared dungeons just to complete a certain task and get better rewards. Naturally, it was impossible to regard the dungeon world as the world they really lived in.

Thinking about it now, for them, isn't this dungeon the real "doomsday carnival"? The inside of the dungeon is doomsday, and the outside of the dungeon is also doomsday.

If a dungeon is regarded as the real world, how should their thinking change?

"We need to know as much as possible what's going on in that world, and then solve it." Link said with his eyelids stretched.

Uncle Chen hummed, indicating that he answered well.

With Chen Bo's guidance, everyone knew everything, exhausted the existing film and television materials, and listed all the possibilities of zombies, as well as... the possible living needs of zombie brothers, in order to cope with the possibility of living together in the same space scene.

The most amazing thing is that when everyone thought of staying in the dungeon for a long time, their anxious hearts calmed down as if they had been cast with a spell of purification.

This is the only time they don't want to quickly clear the level to get props, because after clearing the copy level, they will face even more unknown dangers.

Time passed quickly, and the sky in the main god's world gradually darkened, with the tranquility of nightfall.

Listening to the sound, the progress of the collapse seems to have slowed down.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door again.

Lin Ke got up and opened the door, and explained to several people: "I also posted the address in the post of the refuge in the forum, it may be a player who has no place to live." When he opened the door, there were indeed, and the number was quite a

lot. people.

The leading man asked with some embarrassment: "Excuse me, are there any servants who can stay here? There is no place around here that can accommodate us."

When Linke allowed them to come in, dozens of people breathed a sigh of relief.

One of them said gratefully: "Thank you so much, we're really afraid we won't be able to survive tonight."

The other said: "Yeah, even if it's the last night, it's still warm.

" Only then did Lin Ke realize that it was very cold outside.

Only a few stars twinkled in the dark night sky. The sky over the central square not far away was pitch black with no lights.

This once bustling and splendid world of the Lord God, like a burnt out fire, is slowly losing its vitality in the night.

For some reason, Lin Ke felt a little lonely in his heart.

The last refugee also came in. Before closing the door, she glanced back and said with emotion: "We should cherish it."

After a moment of silence, Linke said: "It's too late."

The woman smiled, as if she didn't hold much hope , but she recognized Link: "It's you! My daughter likes to watch your live broadcast."

Although the woman said so, she didn't bring her daughter with her, and Link didn't ask, just said: "Thank you."

The woman He said again: "Thank you."

These players who came to seek refuge had a very low level of identity cards, so their physical fitness was also slightly weaker. Lin Ke arranged them on the second floor, and Jin Qingyue also came up to tell them what to do A copy is safer, and you can go in and avoid it at that time.

"We have been watching the analysis on the forum, thank you," the team leader sincerely thanked, "We are going to enter the instance of 'Bright Rose Town' at that time, and this instance has been perfectly cleared, and the npcs in it are very friendly to the players. It's more friendly, secondly, its clearance content is very clear, we only need to help the witch restore the bright eyes of Mr. Blind, thirdly..."

The team leader paused and said, "Even if we can't pass the customs, as long as we get along well with the townspeople, at least we can live in such a beautiful town for seven days, and we are content." Jin Qingyue glanced at Link in

surprise .

It seems that for some ordinary players who have no hope of clearing the level, they are really looking for a copy that is suitable for them to live for a few more days.

At the last moment, everyone finally realized that every world, no matter how big or small, is a living space.

The two walked downstairs slowly, and they ran into Zhou Zhao who was going upstairs with a food box.

The dinner that was ordered before arrived, and the unique aroma of the food permeated the home and the night.

At the same time, in the countless homes that were still flickering in the central city, the owners and the refugees were dining in a nervous and calm mood.

They came into this world because they lost their lives, and now they are facing a second possible end of life.

On countless open terminal interfaces, the countdown has turned into 21 hours, less than a day.

Unlike the unexpected death in the previous life, this time, they had more time to make decisions.

Decide whether to conquer a world or merge into one.

In Linke's home, the atmosphere is not too dull. After all, there are a few seasoned players sitting here, and after being touched by Uncle Chen, everyone has the energy to fight hard.

"If we really can't pass the customs, let's build another city by ourselves." Zhou Zhao, who had just had a full meal, uttered nonsense.

"Are you going to be the mayor?" Ye Shi asked mockingly.

"Don't think about it, zombies are difficult to manage." Another player answered while rubbing his stomach.

Lin Ke, who was collecting lunch boxes at the side, heard this, and wondered in his heart, what if the zombies are very civilized?

In view of the fact that after completing the last dungeon, everyone had another high-intensity discussion immediately, and then ate a full meal, and the tired feeling of several people was finally aroused.

Everyone immediately yawned.

Even a god couldn't stand this situation. As the leader, Uncle Chen gave an order to drive a few people to the room to rest, while he stayed in the living room, guarding the door, waiting for other players who might come to take refuge at any time.

Link wanted to accompany him, but was yelled back by several voices.

Chen Bo seems to have become the new owner of the home.

Lin Ke had no choice but to stop when he was about to go upstairs.

He stood there without knowing what to think, and then slowly went downstairs. As he approached, a dilapidated wooden door appeared on the wall.

Under Chen Bo's suspicious gaze behind him, Lin Ke opened the door and returned to his small room.

The moment he lay down on the bed, he couldn't hold back, he gently took out the mirror and put it on his chest.

He came to the world of the Lord God for less than a month, but he seems to have gotten used to everything here and the dungeon that must be passed through, and he has recognized himself as a resident here. When he sees the outside world gradually being destroyed, he doesn't feel very good. .

What about the Lord God?

Has the main god completely lost touch with this world, watched it fall before his eyes, or is he still trying to survive the last night?

Lin Ke couldn't sleep.

It is already difficult for him to attribute this concern to the concern of a service object, because the main god is obviously accustomed to the destruction of one world after another, and it may be easier for people to think it is easier—so he is deeply aware of this concern. In fact, it is completely unnecessary, he just cares too much about Lu Zhou.

Linke, who realized this, became even more irritable. He kept sliding his thumb along the edge of the round mirror, feeling the cold bumpy touch with his fingertips, and tracing those mysterious and miraculous patterns.

Okay, he admitted that he admired the Lord God very much from the bottom of his heart, and was very impressed by the personality charm of the Lord God—no, the charisma of Godhead.

In all fairness, if he, Lin Ke, created a world, and then a group of destroyers broke into this world to mess around and drive the natives crazy... He wouldn't find some staff to try to restore the world, he would definitely put The world is blown up, and a new one is made.

But Lu Zhou didn't do that.

Lu Zhou not only gave everyone a chance, but also allowed him to meet Uncle Chen again, and also gave him the hut.

No one is born obliged to provide help and care for others, even if he is the main god.

Link raised the mirror and stared blankly at his own face in the mirror. Then he hesitated and tried to wipe the mirror, but stopped when he wiped it for the second time.

He pressed his thumbs against the smooth surface of the mirror, staring into his own eyes in the mirror, trying to analyze the emotions and emotions in it.

But after a while, he gave up, the emotion was too strange.

So he turned around with the mirror in his arms, closed his eyes, and thought to himself: No matter what Uncle Chen said—what about living for a long time in the last world, what about being prepared to live and die together, he will never give up Clearance. He just wants to enter the final world, release all the power of the Lord God, and then create a better place with him. Because he is different from others, he is not a player, but a staff member who has been officially hired.

It's his job, he's just doing business.

With this self-deceiving attitude, Lin Ke thought about many things in his mind, and finally fell asleep in a daze.

He had no dreams all night, but he always felt that the darkness was pressing on him, making him restless.

The next day, Lin Ke was awakened by the shaking.

"Lin Ke!" Someone called him anxiously, like Jin Qingyue, Jin Qingyue had never looked so anxious. Lin Ke slowly opened his eyes.

"How did this happen? You have a fever!" It was Huo Jianan's voice.

Finally, he saw clearly that it was Zhou Zhao and the others who were surrounding his bed, and Uncle Chen was also standing beside him with a serious face: "How do you feel?"

Link felt his whole body was hot and his limbs were cold.

"Maybe he was too tired before. Think about it carefully. Since Lin Ke entered the world of the main god, he has basically been clearing the level in the dungeon. Who can bear this intensity? What should we do now?" "Is there any props?


"There are a lot of items for healing, and items for healing... I... I'll ask them..."

"The medicinal materials need to be ordered from the terminal, it's too late!"

Several people whispered anxiously.

Lin Ke squeezed the mirror in his arms, fumbled to put it back into his pocket, and asked in a daze, "How much time is left?"

The discussion in his ear suddenly stopped, and Uncle Chen walked up to him and said, "What time do you have?" Rest for a while."

Lin Ke tried his best to stand up, squinted his eyes, and opened the terminal regardless of everyone's obstruction.

Time remaining: half an hour.

He slept for a long time.

After recovering from his sleep, Lin Ke finally regained his senses. He waved his hand and said, "It's okay, what's the matter if you have a fever once in a while." Having said that,

he frowned, obviously a little dizzy: "Give me Just get a cold towel."

Someone over there immediately handed a cold towel, and Jin Qingyue whispered in his ear: "Don't be too nervous, this kind of escape-oriented dungeon is usually a safe zone after entering, or in a safe zone. Near the area, if you encounter a difficult character, run away."

"Don't be nervous," Lin Ke calmed down almost immediately, he knew that if something happened to him, everyone would be really nervous, so he could only force out A trace of clarity, "Let's talk after we go in."

As he spoke, he raised his head and said to the few people blocking the door: "Thank you for your concern. You guys go to choose the copy first, and be careful not to miss the queue."

Those few people were all players who were taken in by Link last night. They sincerely thanked Link and cared about him sincerely. Hearing what he said at this time, he nodded and said: "Then we will pay for it, let's work hard together."

As soon as they left, the tension of the dungeon countdown immediately enveloped everyone.

Several people stood in the room silently.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and everyone saw that the countdown turned into bright red sixty seconds.

Fifty-nine seconds.


ten seconds.

Everyone tensed up.

Lin Ke's face was still a little pale, but he seemed to be the most relaxed among them. He twitched his lips and said, "Don't worry, how can you survive in the last days if you can't bear it?

" Falling from the sky, the number and magnificence are almost like light rain from the sky.

White light covered the entire central urban area, illuminating the gloomy sky as bright as day.

Slowly, the white light dissipated and turned into dots of glowing white in the air. All the life that was originally active in this city disappeared at this moment.

The central city, which has stood for hundreds of years and welcomed countless players, made a loud "bang" and began to shatter from the edge.

The shattered stones fell into the boundless darkness below the city like powder, and then disappeared quietly—the entire city was being swallowed by darkness.

At the same time, all players entered the instance they selected, and they faced various towns and streets, in the magical world or the gloomy old house, and started their last journey.

The white light slowly dissipated from Linke's body.

[Main God System: Start a special live broadcast. Since the number of onlookers in the audience area of ​​the live broadcast is currently 0, players can watch other people's copies as audience members. 】

[Main God System: Welcome players to the world of doomsday carnival. Here is where it all ends and where it all begins. Here, all life is endless, and people enjoy the greatest carnival in eternal life. But please players beware of the lies that life itself carries, and don't indulge in the endless life. 】

A paragraph of words that cannot guess the meaning at all.

A babble of words.

Lin Ke's head was swollen, he gritted his back molars and stood firm, only feeling that the process of entering the world this time was extremely slow.

Looking down, he found that something was wrong—it had changed with his personal attire. He was wearing cotton and white home clothes, and he was standing in the living room of a high-rise apartment with floor-to-ceiling windows.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the details of the city are vivid, and the tall buildings are row upon row, revealing the strangeness in the quietness.

Suddenly, there was a slight sound behind him.

Link suddenly turned around, and in a burst of dizziness, he saw a rotten face pressed against him.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me as a bully or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-08-06 20:43:27~2021-08-07 20:34:20~Thanks to those who voted for

mines little angel:? ? ? ? ? ! 1;

thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Jian Zhujian; 13 bottles of 32507255; 5 bottles of Loulan and Soft Kiss; 4 bottles of Camel Camel; 3 bottles of Yu Moci; 1 bottle of 49646360; thank

you Everyone supports me, I will continue to work hard!

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