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Lin Ke was so startled that he almost dropped the mirror.

But the excited electronic sound of the main god system came from the ear.

[Main God System: Master! Woooooo finally see your master again! I'm sorry, it's all my fault for not balancing your mental strength! Are you okay now——]

The words of the main god system stopped abruptly, and it finally realized that it was existing in Linke's private communication channel, and had lost contact with the master for a long time.

So it "stabbed" for a while in frustration.

Link was brought back to his senses by its howl, and immediately felt that the situation was more serious.

With the energy available in the main god's world, it is impossible to maintain communication with the main god? Didn't the Lord God become a loner?

Wait, this means that the main god...has given the final order to the system.

Lin Ke's face was slightly stiff, and he looked at the "lost contact" person in the mirror.

The man's expression is as usual - this is also understandable, after all, whether the main god's world survives or perishes is a trivial matter for him, if it breaks, it breaks, just make another one.

However, the old god was still the main god, when he saw Lin Ke outside the mirror, his expression changed significantly.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he was thinking about why he saw Lin Ke, and then his golden eyes moved, showing a hint of "I understand".

Lin Ke: "!!!"

"Are you still used to using this prop?" Before he could respond, the man in the mirror asked.

"...Where's Uncle Chen?" Hearing his question, Lin Ke remembered that Uncle Chen was gone.

The smile in Lu Zhou's eyes became more obvious.

Lin Ke exploded: "I'm looking for Uncle Chen!"

[Main God System: Friendly reminder to the host, this item is not a communication item...it's only if you have someone in your heart...]

"I know!" Lin Ke Going crazy: "Stop talking. Anyway, that..."

Help, what is he trying to say?

At this moment, only the sound of the door opening came from the side of the cabin.

There was no one else in the room, Link looked back vigilantly, and saw an extra door on the wall, which was the small room that the Lord God had made for him. At this time, a familiar figure was coming out of the room. When he looked up and saw him, he said loudly: "If you want to find me, you can use your own brain. What's the point of just yelling at others!

" Hiding it in his hand, when he realized that it was Chen Bo who was really talking to him, he was shocked and said, "How did you come out from there?"

He was very pleasantly surprised and at the same time felt incredible.

Of course, his brain still has 70% of its operating capacity to deal with the embarrassing conversation with Lu Zhou, so only 30% of the excitement is left, just clenching his fingers, and he didn't do any extreme behavior under the ecstasy Come.

Uncle Chen actually appeared! Still such a good-looking living person, not some fairy in the mirror!

Lin Ke breathed heavily, digesting everything in front of him.

"I don't know, this world is so interesting. Ever since I was eliminated, I felt like I was floating somewhere, and then another force attracted me." Uncle Chen glanced at the things hidden in Lin Ke's hand , wrinkled his face and said "tsk", "I seem to have seen the old room we used to live in, before I came down, suddenly I ran to your side... that house again." Lin

Ke Covering the round mirror in front of his body, he felt something was wrong.

What's the meaning? It means that Uncle Chen saw this room and wanted to come back, but he was summoned into the A-level dungeon because of his own thoughts? So Uncle Chen in the A-level dungeon is the real Uncle Chen... No, why can Uncle Chen see the room?

[Main God System: Cough cough, seeing the host so confused, the system had no choice but to stand up and say something. This is an employee benefit prepared by the system for you at the master's request! Special rewards for your outstanding work performance! 】

[Main God System: In fact, players eliminated in the main god world, as long as their willpower is strong enough, can still exist in a state of mental power. Alone, of course the system is omnipotent! It's just a little troublesome! ]

The main god system emphasized the trouble several times, as if trying to let Link know how much effort it has put in, so that Link can work harder.

Although the approach is still a bit too straightforward, but to a certain extent, the system is quite honest as an employer.

Link clearly remembered that his small room was the junction of the main god system and the main god space, and it was closer to the main god space.

Moreover, before entering the copy of "Four-sided Mirror", Lu Zhou was in a bad state. At that time, the reply of the main god system was "The master is not in a bad state, but he has been doing some other things with his mental power recently, there is no need energy to control yourself."

Lin Ke: "..."

At that time, he was still complaining that when the main god was about to collapse the world, he had to do other things, just like the main god system, he couldn't tell the priority.

But now it seems that the main god at that time was actually "wasting" his spiritual power to find Uncle Chen for him by himself.

It was difficult for Lin Ke to describe his mood at this moment.

He suddenly felt that the mirror in his hand was getting hotter.

"There's no need to be so surprised, your old man's fate is very tough," Chen Bo said comfortingly when he saw Lin Ke in a daze, and as he walked to the comfortable sofa and sat down, he patted him with satisfaction, "You little brat is here It's a good job."

"... I'm doing my job, and you teach well." Link returned to his senses and replied perfunctorily.

"Hmph," Chen Bo breathed out his nostrils, and glared at him, "Go into the house."


"Let you go in," Chen Bo waved his hands desperately, with a look of disgust on his face, "You said it nicely, 'I'm looking for Uncle Chen', 'You teach well', tsk tsk, but I don't know where to put my brain, go get busy!"

He said, crossing his legs, as if he was about to rest on the sofa.

"You..." Lin Ke realized that Uncle Chen had let him into the small room, looked at the small room in disbelief, and then at Uncle Chen.

"What's the matter? Are you going to drive me back as an old man? You won't let me live in a big house?"

Chen Bo asked repeatedly, leaving Lin Ke speechless.

He had more options, such as going upstairs to another room, but at this moment his brain froze, and he walked towards the small room uncontrollably.

It wasn't until he closed the door that he realized what he had done.

He, hugging Lu Zhou, the two of them entered a separate small room.

Lin Ke's brain buzzed.

Fortunately, here is the junction, where the main god system and the No. 2 system used to coexist. The main god system should still be there. At this time, it can barely be regarded as a person.

But at this time the door was knocked, and Chen Bo's voice came muffled: "That system asked me to bring you a sentence, saying that all the management areas related to another system are closed, and it can't talk to you now, But there is still some key information to tell you, let you pay attention to your time in everything you do."

Lin Ke: "..."

Lin Ke: "..."

He said dryly: "Got it."

Uncle Chen came from outside the door Deliberately making a loud "cough cough" and leaving.

No way?

Is it really a secret room?

Lin Ke's head was about to explode, and he didn't understand why his heartbeat accelerated and his blood flow accelerated.

Although he and this "client" were often in the same room, there was only one time when both of them were so sober, and that was the last time he ran away in the round mirror.

Lin Ke couldn't help thinking about what happened in the round mirror.

—he's dead.

But you can't keep covering your chest like this, maybe the expiration date of the props has passed?

With a trace of luck in his heart, Lin Ke quietly lifted the mirror and took a look in.

He was looking at the man's gaze, which seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

The numbness went straight from the heel to the top of the head. Lin Ke resisted the urge to put the "small bowl" back on and asked, "What's going on in the Lord God World?"

Talk about work, just talk about work.

He thought he was calm, but he didn't know how he looked in Lu Zhou's eyes.

Lu Zhou's eyes moved slightly.

I saw that the person in front of me changed from his previous casualness and unruly attitude, and became very vigilant and nervous, even a little helpless—he was in a good mood.

It was the first time for the Lord God to be a human being, and he actually thought it was a good feeling.

Although those inexplicable emotions from human beings tormented him time and time again, with the help of the people in front of him again and again, he had completely recovered his composure.

Also fully restored to nature.

Gods always have the trait of despising all creatures and some evil tastes because of their strength. He is the strongest among gods, and naturally he is no exception. But what makes him different is that when other gods are still trying their best to enjoy the pursuit of the souls of various worlds and are keen to use games to control them, he has already enjoyed the pursuit of other gods—and therefore I don't think it's fun to do things that are purely for fun, gambling, and testing the soul.

Therefore, among the gods, he can be regarded as very kind.

At least he was able to obey his heart, gave these interesting souls a chance to survive, and created this world for them, and even after these people let him down, he still left a glimmer of life for them.

Now he is very grateful for his decision, because it made him meet this reckless person in front of him.

Lin Ke was the first human being who made Lu Zhou curious. He was obviously not impatient with anything, but he was able to suppress his temper and clear one copy after another.

As a god, Lu Zhou couldn't understand the self-cultivation of the workers. He just thought Lin Ke was very good.

very good.

So good that he is willing to learn about his past, to cherish his memory, and to bother to find everything he cherishes for him.

He did these things only to see the surprised and nervous expression of the person in front of him, and to make his heart beat faster, just like before and now.

And make him more flustered.

God thought wickedly, but forgot to think about why he wanted to do this.

Lu Zhou raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "As you can see, I don't have much mental strength to stay outside, and I can't support the operation of this world. Are you worried about me?" Come, soul torture is still

coming .

Link thought stiffly, but soon he found the words: "The system said it couldn't get in touch with you, how do you feel now? I... need to confirm your situation.

" He held the mirror a little far away from himself, and put it on the small wooden table, while he sat cross-legged on the bed, which allowed the two of them to maintain a distance that seemed to be negotiating.

"Very good, very sober." Lu Zhou said, and then he suddenly said, "But I was a little flustered just now, I don't know if the mirror will have any effect?

" It was very similar to Linke's first time seeing him in the study.

Seeing this appearance, Lin Ke panicked for a moment. The No. 2 system is no longer there. If the main god loses control again, he has no way to rush to the other party's side immediately—plus the entire main god's world is already crumbling, and the consequences will be disastrous.

He jumped off the bed almost at once, held the ears of the little angels on both sides of the mirror with both hands, and looked at the man in the mirror anxiously.

Tsk tsk, look, I got anxious all of a sudden.

The Lord God is in a good mood again.

Of course, he remained calm, and even forbearance flickered in his golden eyes, and his handsome eyebrows frowned more and more.

Lin Ke's eyes moved back and forth on his face: "How can I get there?"

Lu Zhou raised his hand and pressed his broad palm against the mirror.

"Try it."

The mirror was so small that it could only hold half of the main god's hand. Half of the palm completely blocked the man's expression.

Link hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his left hand, slightly curled up and pressed it against the mirror.

The moment the silver ring touched the mirror, Lin Ke felt a warm current flowing into his heart along the Baimai, making him happy and joyful. He was puzzled for a moment, and then suddenly realized something, withdrew his hand in a panic, and said to the mirror in astonishment: "You are obviously very normal!"

The main god - actually lied to him!

The corner of the man's mouth in the mirror became wider and wider, and then he leaned back slightly: "I didn't lie to you, it was indeed very uncomfortable just now."

Link: "..."

I believe you are a ghost!

But he was still shocked that Lu Zhou even joked with him, and laughed and teased him when the world of the main god was about to collapse—Lin Ke's three views were all shattered.

Sure enough, this is the Lord God?

Link stared at the mirror.

There was a dead silence in the room.

In the end, Lu Zhou spoke first: "Okay, let's get down to business. Next, you will enter an S-level dungeon. No, that dungeon doesn't matter. The important thing is the last dungeon...that's where most of my mental power is. Dungeon."

It doesn't matter...

Lin Ke slot is so boring, this time the A-level dungeon has almost made everyone fold in it, facing an S-level dungeon, the person in front of him actually showed a look of "boring and don't want to talk about it" The look on his face really doesn't understand the pain of mortals.

But he realized that Lu Zhou was about to tell him an important message, so he withdrew his glaring expression and listened carefully.

Just listen to Lu Zhou said: "That is an unfinalized dungeon, how the dungeon will become depends on all the people involved in the dungeon."

"Unfinalized?" Lin Ke asked.

"Yes, but I don't know what's in there." Only when he mentioned this dungeon, Lu Zhou's eyes flashed a moment of vigilance, "I really don't know what kind of world I will design in my anger ...In short, it should be very crazy."

Lin Ke: "..."

You have left a big hole, and you still have the face to say it!

Lin Ke's expression was twisted, but then he remembered what he saw in the previous dungeons, and became able to understand Lu Zhou's anger again.

If the world made with good intentions is turned into this way, even a god would be angry. In the Old Testament, Jehovah saw that people were extremely sinful on earth, and wanted to use floods to destroy all living beings. In comparison, Lu Zhou can be considered very kind.

At least it just makes the dungeon more difficult to pass, and even personally enters the dungeon to restrict the behavior of the players.

At least the Lord God in front of him never thought of giving up everything he created—as long as he thought about it from this direction, he felt that those punishments should be bearable.

"Then what do I need to do?" Link asked.

Lu Zhou let out a sigh of relief: "There is no other way, only you—"

Before he finished speaking, the door was knocked again.

Uncle Chen's voice came from outside the door: "Are you two finished?"

"..." Lin Ke's blood rushed to the top of his head when he heard Uncle Chen's words, and he said loudly, "What are you doing?"

"How many of your friends are there?" I came here, and said that the outside is so collapsed that you can escape here, and I have some questions to discuss with you, should I let them in?"

Lin Ke just wanted to say wait, but listened to Jing Inland Zhou. : "Let them come in and stay until the countdown ends."

Lu Zhou's voice was serious.

Lin Ke was stunned for a moment, and didn't ask what the countdown was. He just said, "Okay."

Lu Zhou said again, "Huo Jianan and the others will tell you what you need to do.

" When he went to see it, only his own confused face was reflected in the mirror.

Lu Zhou must be trying to stabilize the main god world.

Link's heart shuddered, and he went out immediately.

The people who came were indeed Huo Jianan and his group. They were all high-level players, and they lived in the main city.

"I didn't expect you to really live here," Huo Jianan sighed, "We couldn't contact you in the friend area of ​​the forum. Jin Shen said that if there is no landslide in this world, you must be there. We really found it after we searched. "

Behind her, Jin Qingyue nodded slightly: "It's obvious."

"Oh, it's great that everyone can meet again alive." Behind Zhou Zhaoda spoke generously, and stood outside the door looking at Lin Ke in surprise. The courtyard of their home—it is very luxurious and beautiful, and has the most advanced defense devices. The huge stones that fall from the sky will be crushed less than 300 meters away from the home, and then turned into dust.

so cool.

It can be seen from his eyes that he doesn't think Linke is such a pleasure-seeking person.

Naturally, he didn't expect that this house was a gift from the system, otherwise he would definitely jump on his feet.

Behind them, there are several players, Su Xue and Ye Shi are also among them, they are Zhou Zhao's friends, this time Zhou Zhao brought them along.

Lin Ke suddenly saw so many familiar faces, and stood bustlingly at the door. He raised his hand and scratched his curly hair, having no experience in hospitality in his previous life.

It was Uncle Chen who reacted quickly, pulling Lin Ke away while beckoning everyone to come in.

It's clearly the end of the world, but here it looks like friends gathering for a party.

When everyone found a suitable place to rest, a player couldn't help saying: "I'm so angry." "Okay, okay."

Ye Shi comforted him, "I have lived in the world of the main god for so long, and there are not many weirdos. See?" "It's really sick." The player snorted coldly, rolling his eyes to the sky, "My master

is about to issue a punishment book, and he keeps yelling."

Drinks and snacks alone, his hands paused when he heard this.

He looked up at Jin Qingyue, who gave him an indifferent expression: "I won't be angry with this kind of person now, I didn't grow up before."

Lin Ke: "..."

I haven't seen you for a few hours, Growing up pretty fast?

But from this point of view, Mu Cheng should have returned.

"Speaking of this," as expected, Jin Qingyue said, "Thank you for Mu Cheng's matter."

Lin Ke was stunned again: "Thank me for what?"

Jin Qingyue said: "The owner of the ancient house told me "

It's good that he didn't mention it, but Link's ears perked up when he mentioned it.

"Whether Mu Cheng can come back really has nothing to do with me...but what did he say? Can he still mention me?" Lin Ke tried his best to make it look like he was asking casually.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he said this, more than a dozen players in the room all turned their eyes to him.

This demeanor, this action, does not need words at all, what is expressed is "he mentioned you" or "he mentioned you ten thousand words", which is almost hitting the bullet screen on the forehead.

If Lin Ke couldn't understand what everyone was communicating on the screen when he cleared the dungeon, then after hearing the chat content of the players just now and seeing their current expressions, Lin Ke would probably be able to understand a thing or two.

With a "ding", Lin Ke finished placing the order.

He stiffened and turned his head slowly.

"He mentioned you." Huo Jianan said seriously.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution during 2021-08-04 20:35:18~2021-08-05 20:37:03~ Thanks for the

irrigation nutrient solution Little Angel: 15 bottles of Chen; 10 bottles of 53281191; 7 bottles of Xinxinzi; 5 bottles of 1111+11; 3 bottles of An'an


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