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   Link hesitated for a moment.

"Lu Zhou?"

This was the first time he called him that.

What responded to him was a long breath in the darkness. Lin Ke listened for a moment and frowned slightly.

Lu Zhou was able to say the words "don't come over" to him. Compared with the one who caught him regardless and sucked him into a bald head, it was a huge improvement—it also proved to a certain extent that the other party was sober.

Of course, no matter how clear you are, you can't hide the fact that Lu Zhou is punishing the boss. Theoretically speaking, the most sensible thing for Lin Ke to do now is to stay away from the punishing boss. Anyway, his task of appeasing the main god avatar has been completed.

However, "Mr. Blind's Trust" told him that it was the right direction to get close to Lu Zhou.

What does this mean?

Link took a deep breath and asked tentatively, "Is there anything you need my help for?" He

paused for a moment in the dark, and then a cold voice sounded, with some cold alienation, as if he was covering up something : "I don't need help. You guys have messed up my house."

Link's eyes lit up.


Lu Zhou also has an identity in this dungeon, just like the dean in the first dungeon and the bishop in the second dungeon, his identity will definitely bring a lot of information.

In other words, the current small black room is different from the dean's small black room, and more similar to the bishop's small black room. It belongs to the border of the instance, but it is still in the instance story.

The wool has also been squeezed, how can I go without some information?

Pass by, not to be missed.

"But it's pitch black here, and I don't know where to go? Are you the owner of the house here?" Link took a step forward cautiously, and asked again tentatively, preparing to continue the scuffle if the other party rushed forward.

"Don't come here again," the other party's voice sank suddenly, "otherwise—"

But it was too late, Lin Ke had already walked over.

With the sudden change of the friction under his feet, Lin Ke realized that he had stepped on a huge oval mirror, that is, the moment he stepped on the mirror, several scarlet rays shot out from the edge of the mirror, and a milky white light lit up in the center of the mirror , reflecting the man sitting on the huge mirror at the moment.

Lin Ke's pupils shrank suddenly.

I saw a huge crack running across from his feet. At the same time, the man in the rather simple costume on the mirror, starting from the shoulder, the clothes were torn suddenly, and then the flesh and blood were torn apart, and the wound embedded in the shoulder blade.

The man frowned suddenly, and looked at Lin Ke with displeasure.

Lin Ke: "!!!"

No way, he broke the mirror by stepping on it?

Seeing the other party's sudden injury, Lin Ke's heart stopped beating suddenly.

His first reaction was to leave the mirror quickly, but the person in front of him snapped: "Don't move!"

Lin Ke paused, and the back of his head felt cold—because he took a step back and touched the red strands of hair on the edge of the mirror , was chopped off in mid-air, and fell down, just like touching the blade that could be broken by blowing the blade.

Lin Ke's heartbeat speeded up slowly, and he realized that he was also trapped on this mirror.

In front of him, the man's chest was heaving and heaving, obviously he was angry, but the object of his anger was not Lin Ke. I saw him looking gloomy, staring at the mirror under his feet.

Following the man's gaze, Lin Ke found that the mirror surface was actually cracked from all directions, and he was not the one who crushed it, so he was relieved. This is very obvious, but he was a little concerned and confused just now, so he mistakenly thought that he had done something stupid.

Thanks to the fact that the man is not a human being, there are only wounds on his body, but not much blood.

Seeing more and more scars on the man's body, almost tearing him apart, Link clenched his lips tightly.

——It won't work if this continues, sooner or later his whole body will be broken on the spot. Thinking of this, Lin Ke didn't care whether the other party was fierce or not, so he rolled up his sleeves and was about to put it on. Anyway, it was still that handsome face that seemed familiar, and Lin Ke could recognize it when it turned gray. It was an old acquaintance!

With a thought, Lin Ke stepped forward quickly, and supported him under the man's astonished gaze: "Go to the middle." The

middle of the mirror has not yet been affected by the crack.

Unexpectedly, the man frowned: "Who are you?"

Linke: "..." Good guy, did you forget?

After the oolong just now, Lin Ke was actually sure that Lu Zhou did not recognize him, but subconsciously asked for help under the extremely painful situation, and then left quickly after waking up.

And judging from the situation where Lu Zhou said "don't come here" in words, Lu Zhou may not even know that he is a punishment boss...

But, how could this be?

The doubts in Lin Ke's heart are getting bigger and bigger. This is the avatar of the main god. Who else has the ability to hurt the main god?

Seeing that the mirror surface began to vibrate, the cracks spread like patterns, revealing the scarlet light below, and the breath of death suddenly approached.

But the man sitting on the mirror remained motionless. His gaze was quite majestic, and he raised one arm to be dragged by Lin Ke. He looked at him deeply with a pair of dark eyes, as if he was asking for an answer.

It was too late, Lin Ke closed his eyes and turned his heart, his left hand tightly grasped the man's wrist, while feeling countless crushing emotional links, and his mind fell on the man in front of him in dizziness, while trying to maintain his sanity, he gritted his teeth "I'm not someone, you are my ancestor, okay. From now on, listen to me!" Under the criss-crossing light of death, the man's expression was slightly startled, as if he didn't understand why Lin Ke was neither annoyed by being in danger, He was not afraid of himself like others, but ran over to help himself. He raised his hand to support Linke's shoulder, and a gentle look flashed through his angry eyes for a moment. "Okay." ...

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