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[Barrage: Hahaha teaching a little zombie girl to pick up gold is okay. ]

[Barrage: Ah this! Do you want to return the wallet to him? ]

[Bullet screen: How do you get in the car at that moment? ]

Weng Tianwu was also very surprised: "What is this?"

Before Lin Ke explained, the little zombie girl nodded happily, grabbed her wallet and walked towards the group of zombies.

From the process of her actions, it can be seen that although other zombies do not have vision, they still have some judgment on the appearance of similar moving ones.

Probably the little girl is still very beautiful among the zombie cubs. Many zombies gave way to her and even patted her head.

It wasn't until the little girl walked up to Sang Shi that they realized that the little girl had picked up Sang Shi's wallet.

Lin Ke, Weng Tianwu, and Xin Chen hid in the corner of the huge unknown machine, staring nervously in front of the ticket gate.

They fought so hard just now, Lin Ke was a little worried that there would be an accident.

However, to his surprise, all the zombies did not stop, but watched Sang Shi get back the wallet.

Sang Shi was still kneeling on the ground, and turned blankly to the little girl who was about the same height as him. He touched the wallet with stiff fingers, then lowered his head, and touched the wallet again.

As if I couldn't believe that fate was finally back in my hands.

It even forgot to stand up first, but opened the wallet with trembling fingers in this kneeling position, and found ID cards, work permits, bus tickets, and a few banknotes of small denominations.

The zombie's eyesight is defective. Although his gray eyes are turned downward, the movement of his fingers is more like touching Braille.

Finally, Sang Shi excitedly confirmed that there was nothing missing in the wallet, and sat on her calf in that posture, sobbing for a while in a relaxed manner.

"Papa Papa".

Someone actually started to applaud the little girl, and some zombies started to take out some things from the bag and handed them to the little girl, and the little girl happily held them in their hands.

Even Sang Shi, who seemed to be driven to a desperate situation and was impoverished, took out a big pancake that seemed to have been stored for a long time from his bag. up little girl.

Then it stood up and touched the little girl's head too.

This scene stunned the few people standing in the dark.

Weng Tianwu even forgot to take advantage of the chaos to steal the ticket.

"He...isn't he too civilized? Wasn't he still fighting just now?" He couldn't believe it.

"It may be that the zombie's body is ossified, the cerebral cortex is affected, and the emotional transition will be more abrupt." Xin Chen made a reasonable analysis.

"But it's quite humane." Weng Tianwu said.

"So we need to find out what happened in this world." Link said.

These zombies still retain their personalities and behaviors before they were alive, and they are even able to maintain the normal development of the entire city without collapsing—this is probably all due to Yihua Company.

What is going on here? Why do people turn into zombies?

Besides this area, what happened in other areas?

Although there are more and more questions, Lin Ke feels that he is getting closer and closer to the answer.

While thinking, he saw Lin Ke's zombie daughter bouncing back, attracting the attention of many zombies.

Several people immediately stood up nervously, not daring to say a word.

Fortunately, those zombies didn't seem to have any extra curiosity about the little girl. They only looked at it for a while and then went back to check the ticket. Sang Shi had stumbled to his feet and was the first to enter the station, leaving behind a wobbly figure.

The electronic display shows that the time has reached 8:17.

Only then did Weng Tianwu anxiously say: "It's too late to get the ticket!"

Lin Ke gently took the little daughter who came back from bouncing around, took some food from her hand, and stuffed the pancake into the backpack.

He was also a little anxious, and said: "If it doesn't work, just break in."

This is indeed the last way, but it is too risky.

Weng Tianwu frowned, and was about to say something, when Lin Ke let out a "huh" and unfolded the piece of paper in his hand.

Several people can actually read the above text.

When they saw Sang Shi begging to get in the car with this piece of paper just now, they all thought it was a letter of employment, but now they saw that it was a job advertisement!

"Speaking of it this way, it seems that there are similar advertisements posted on the pillars of the underground parking lot." Xin Chen said.

But the angle of the post was very tricky, and most of it was torn away by someone, and it was impossible to see what was written on it, so although Xin Chen paid attention, he didn't find any clues.

"This is it!" Weng Tianwu pointed to a paragraph on the recruitment advertisement.

Lin Ke also saw it, and his eyes lit up.

Not to mention that such a large company is very inappropriate to post small advertisements everywhere, but the amount of information on the advertisement paper is very large.

The first is an introduction to this company. There are a lot of businesses, most of which require business trips, and some experimental work—all clues point to the reason for the zombies.

The part Weng Tianwu pointed at is also the most critical part of the small advertisement—Yihua Company is urgently recruiting employees who can work in non-safe areas. Residents who have not yet successfully registered their household registration and failed to apply for an ID card are also open for recruitment. As long as they pass the recruitment, they can get a temporary ID card and free tickets.

Below the job advertisement, there is a QR code, indicating that it supports machine scanning as well as mobile terminal scanning.

The legendary correct identity and ticket are here!

Xin Chen was also excited: "This is it! This is it!"

Lin Ke looked up at the huge machine beside him: "This is the machine."

He had been confused just now about the existence of this ticket machine-like machine in the East Station. What is the purpose, but now I understand.

Sure enough, when he walked up to the machine and placed the leaflet printed with the QR code on the scanning area, the machine was automatically activated, and the logo of Yihua Company flashed on the white interface.

Then enter the welcome interface, the first option that pops up is "do you need to apply for a temporary ID card".

Xin Chen was so excited that he was about to cry.

He stretched out his hand to click "Yes", but was gently stopped by Ke Lin.

Xin Chen was puzzled, and saw Lin Ke pointing to the bottom of the screen, in the small corner, several default options that had been ticked, "I have read and agreed to the employee regulations", "I have read and agreed to the personal safety responsibility statement", "I have read and agreed Agree to salary terms".

Xin Chen: "..."

No way?

Such a big company still engages in such small tricks!

Linke has been in contact with labor lawsuits and is particularly sensitive to this kind of hidden contract. Although the electronic agreement is very controversial, if the electronic agreement is combined with identity authentication at the same time, the possibility of becoming effective becomes very high.

Of course, what they are facing right now is definitely not unscrupulous merchants, but a large amount of duplicate information.

The three of them carefully recorded the content of the agreement within a limited time.

The content is quite simple. The employee code requires them to abide by the company's regulations for employees, just like Sang Shi. The personal safety responsibility letter allows them to ensure their own safety without the company being responsible. The only strange thing is the salary conditions.

The terms are very clear, how much remuneration an employee can get depends on performance, and there is no basic salary.

"It's too dark." Xin Chen murmured, making an angry sound as a working dog.

"And the work content is quite arduous." Weng Tianwu said.

"It's not too difficult," Linke said with a complicated expression, "It just doesn't sound very friendly."

It's really unfriendly, because the performance indicators are calculated by head—ten heads can be exchanged for five material exchange points, and they I don't know what the material exchange points are, whether five is too much or too little.

Ten heads sounds scary enough.

At this time, the mobile phone comes in handy. Lin Ke searched on the website and found that the material exchange point is located in District D, which is very similar to the industrial park area. It is said that materials can be manufactured according to the needs of residents. As for how to exchange them, you need to download the APP Check it out after signing up.

The phone drained very quickly, and less than 90% of the battery was left after a few uses. Lin Ke didn't rush to download it.

Seeing that they were almost the same, Linke and the two of them confirmed that they were correct before proceeding cautiously to the next stage.

Then everything became extremely simple, just like Yihua Company has confirmed that they are the best employees through the previous agreement, and opened an extremely smooth green channel for them, from selecting the number of people to entering faces, getting ID cards, It took less than three minutes to get the ticket for the current session.

The time now is eight twenty-seven.

When they turned around, they found that the waiting hall was empty, and most of the zombies had already entered the station through the self-service ticket gates, while the ticket inspectors were standing by boredly.

Lin Ke, Weng Tianwu, and Xin Chen came to the ticket gate slowly in a hurry and apprehensively, and used their tickets.

Lin Ke was the most nervous, because the little girl was a zombie resident with a definite identity and could not obtain a temporary ID card, so he was forced to engage in fare evasion, which he had never done in his life.

Only a "beep" sound was heard, the ticket check was passed, and the gate slowly opened.

Lin Ke saw the opportunity, held the little girl by the shoulders, and led her through the gate together.

The ticket inspector who was standing aside looked up sensitively.

It raised the tip of its nose and sniffed, with a suspicious expression on its face, and then it walked stiffly this way.

How could the three of them wait for him to come over? Link picked up the little girl, and this time he was not afraid of making noise, so he ran in with the two of them.

By the time the ticket inspector came to the ticket gate, there was no "human" smell here.

Facing the empty ticket gate, the ticket inspector smacked his lips in frustration.

Finally made a pit stop.

Xin Chen showed his athletic ability in a rare way. He ran first and his eyes were red: "We can finally leave." "

Look at the ticket," Lin Ke put down the little girl and said, "We are all in the fifth carriage."

Lin The guest and Xin Chen were seated in the same row, and Weng Tianwu and the little girl were seated in the same row.

It's still humane, but there are three seats in Weng Tianwu's row.

Weng Tianwu's face turned dark: "Do I want to sit with the zombie?"

"I'll change it with you." Lin Ke changed the ticket casually, then made a "shh" gesture, and stepped into the high-speed train compartment first.

Lin Ke was not so optimistic. Although they successfully checked the tickets and boarded the bullet train, it did not mean that they had escaped from City C.

Instead, they're putting themselves in a cage with hundreds of zombies.

Zombies are so sensitive to human breathing, and the distance between the people on the train and the zombies is so close, no one can say what will happen.

Full of vigilance, when Linke entered the seating area, it weakened slightly.

Probably because of the warning from the TV broadcast, many residents of Area C gave up going out, and only the zombies who were going to work in Area F got on the bus, so at a glance, there were not many zombies in the compartment.

They were sitting sparsely, and some of them just sat side by side and found that there was still a space in front of them, and even stood up to change their seats.

Most sat by the window.

This habit in life really helped a few people a lot.

Lin Ke swallowed softly, and carefully moved from the middle to the back. Since the zombies don't have to sit in the correct position, he is also going to find an empty seat.

Weng Tianwu and Xin Chen followed behind him cautiously, not daring to take a breath, for fear that if they did, they would be gone.

Behind him came the sound and reminder of the closing of the train door.

Then at the end of the aisle appeared a belated flight attendant.

Xin Chen at the end of the line looked back and was so frightened that he stretched out his hand to push Weng Tianwu, but was stared at by Weng Tianwu.

Lin Ke was also aware of the danger, so he quickened his pace and walked towards the very narrow and uncomfortable position in the last row.

As soon as he entered with the little girl in his arms, Weng Tianwu and Xin Chen squeezed in.

"Wouldn't that be good? It would be troublesome to run if you are crowded together." Weng Tianwu lowered his voice, "Why don't I hide in the bathroom." "It's a way

, but don't walk around casually." Lin Ke said.

The zombie flight attendant's body was stiff, but his movement speed was very fast. In the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in the middle and rear row, which shocked all three of them into a cold sweat.

Xin Chen held his breath until his face turned red.

The flight attendant stopped four rows away from them and suddenly picked up the tickets.

The zombie who was drawn was full of dissatisfaction, and took out the ticket and ID card from the package.

and many more!

The little girl has no ticket!

And according to the setting that zombies can "see" zombies, the flight attendants may not be able to find the three people who are holding their breath, but they will definitely find the little girl.

The three looked at each other in horror.

They hadn't stopped for a while when they got in the car, and they were forced to the point where they were about to leave. They were all extremely tired.

But there was nothing he could do about being exhausted, Xin Chen forced his body that had been softened from sitting down just now, and climbed out, followed by Weng Tianwu.

Weng Tianwu was probably really upset by the twists and turns, so he pushed harder, and his knee hit the armrest with a loud sound.

The flight attendant in front turned his head around with a "crack".

Lin Ke stopped all movements, and the blood all over his body was frozen to ice.

The flight attendant slowly returned the ticket and documents in his hand to the zombie in front of him, and then turned his whole body towards Lin Ke.

Xin Chen had already walked to the middle of the two train cars. Seeing this situation, his legs gave way and he was pushed into the bathroom by Weng Tianwu. Weng Tianwu looked at Lin Ke worriedly, his whole body was on guard, his muscles bulging.

But Lin Ke quietly stuffed his ticket into the little girl's hand, and then stepped out first to fasten the little girl's seat belt.

Just when the zombie flight attendant was about to face him, he staggered and slid into the seat on the other side.

This series of actions was so thrilling that Weng Tianwu almost held his breath. Lin Ke gestured to Weng Tianwu, telling him and Xin Chen to hide in the bathroom first.

Weng Tianwu did so, leaving Lin Ke alone by his seat.

Lin Ke pursed his lips, squeezed the mirror in his backpack tightly with one hand, and stared at the zombie flight attendant.

The flight attendant slowly turned his head back and began to check the ticket. The little girl waited with blinking gray eyes.

The flight attendant first touched Lin Ke's handsome face on the ID card, then looked at the little girl, and then touched the ID card.

Immediately, it realized something was wrong, and was about to yell with a "wow". At this moment, a zombie appeared in the rear compartment as if flying.

The zombie man with a hooked nose was very angry, and stopped the flight attendant's hand that was grabbing the little girl. The movement was as fast as murder, and Lin Ke was terrified when he saw it.

Sang Shi was actually in the rear compartment!

But isn't he incapable of violating company regulations?

Lin Ke was puzzled, but suddenly saw the scenery outside the train window change.

The city, which was beautiful and orderly just now, turned into a pile of yellow wasteland with miscellaneous vegetation growing on it in just a few minutes.

The grass and trees are withered and lifeless, and the skin seems to be mutated, with a layer of metallic light—it looks poisonous and sharp.

It hasn't been long since we left...

Lin Ke was a little puzzled, and leaned closer to the window, looking in the direction of the train station.

Seeing this, he was startled.

There is no train station, there is only one big dirt bag. This high-speed train came out of a big bag of soil, and the whole area C was covered by that bag of soil. Although the sky that could be seen at this time was bright, it was glowing pale, without clouds, and it looked similar to the sky. The waste soil on the ground is as permeable to people.

Is it because she has left the civilized city in Area C and entered some barbaric area, so Sang Shi no longer needs to follow the rules?

Another hundred doubts popped up in Lin Ke's mind, and while he was thinking, he heard Sang Shi's roar, which scared his soul back.

Sang Shi was violently driving the flight attendant away.

Although the flight attendant looked ferocious, he could actually see that he was a thin person before he was alive. He would feel wronged and said "wow" a few times, but he had to let the little girl go, cursing and walking to the rear compartment. Sang Shi pushed him again.

Almost fell.

Link: "..."

That's fine, brother zombie, you can do it.

Sang Shi stared at the flight attendant to leave, rubbed the little girl's head at the same time, and then left.

It was completely beyond Lin Ke's expectation that the crisis was resolved in this way. He followed up and knocked on the bathroom door.

It took a while for the door to open a crack, Weng Tianwu saw Lin Ke clearly, and then gently opened the door: "Let's go?"

Link nodded.

Several people returned to their positions.

After such a toss, he was covered in cold sweat.

Finally relaxed, Xin Chen sighed with emotion in a low voice: "If I do this again, I won't be able to hold on anymore."

But Lin Ke leaned his head on the back of the chair and frowned.

Only then did Xin Chen realize that his face was a little red: "What's wrong with you?"

Lin Ke waved his hands and said nothing. He was a little sick.

Not to mention Xin Chen, he couldn't last a few more times, and the exhaustion from fleeing all the way just now came up: "...I'll just close my eyes for a while, please take a look.

" Weng Tianwu said in a low voice, "You are the most tired."

Although Weng Tianwu seems to have put in a lot of effort on the road, smashing doors and driving, but he can understand after careful thought that they can get on the expressway and train, but in fact It all depends on Lin Ke. Lin Ke seems to be acting on instinct, but every step of the way is walking in the right direction of the dungeon.

Not to mention that the things he does are ordinary, in such a dungeon, who dares to run around with zombies? Who dares to give up the ticket in hand?

Weng Tianwu couldn't help but take another look at the thin young man.

Originally, he only thought Lin Ke was good, but now he really admired Lin Ke.

So he concentrated on being a bodyguard, pricking up his ears to protect Linke.

[Barrage: This road is too difficult. 】

【Barrage: Finally, I can take a break, the three big brothers have a good rest! ]

[Bullet screen: Little brother still looks very uncomfortable, what should I do...]

[Bullet screen: Ah! Wait a minute, who's that behind! Be careful! 】

【Barrage: Is that Yin Li's...? ]

Amidst the barrage of concern, a warning suddenly popped up.

It's a pity that Weng Tianwu didn't hear the sound, Lin Ke was also sad because of the fever, and Xin Chen, who was sandwiched between the two, couldn't notice it.

In the train compartment where Sang Shi was, I saw a few monsters standing up that seemed human but not human.

If the viewers who have watched Linke's participation in the copy of "Rose Town" are here, they will definitely be able to recognize what kind of props it is, and even who those people are.

At the end of the front carriage, Annan, half of his body turned into a zombie, turned his head to confirm something with the short-haired woman beside him.

A trace of hatred flashed in the eyes of the short-haired woman.

Soon, they lifted their feet and came towards the carriage Linke was in.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution during 2021-08-11 19:08:27~2021-08-12 19:36:30~ Thank you for the

irrigation nutrient solution Little Angel: 20 bottles of Fengwan; 12 bottles of Luo; 3 bottles of Hexiu; 2 bottles of Ding Linwu;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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