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   On the second floor, the psychological counseling classroom.

Ye Shi was shocked, and looked at the five children sitting on colorful plastic round stools and surrounding the sand table in front of them.

Just now the five children came like a tornado, which frightened her a lot.

Another child gave her a box of matches and threw her onto the sand table. Fortunately, Ye Shi was quick-witted and jumped off the moment he smelled the flames, otherwise he didn't know what would happen.

But when she turned around—the

children were already sitting obediently on the stool, with their hands clasped on their knees, their heads on their necks, and their intestines stuffed back into their stomachs.

Ye Shi and Su Xue were stunned.

Zhou Zhao hurried in quickly. Seeing the situation in front of him, he was relieved, but when he heard that Ye Shi was almost tricked by the children, he frowned again: "Fortunately... Lin Ke brought the information back!"

He lowered his voice, Briefly narrated, and then introduced the five children and their corresponding exclusive props to Ye Shi and Su Xue. During the period, the children sat upright with their lips pursed, Xiao Ke rubbed their buttocks, and Da Ke caught them with a single glance.

But they were just posing. After knowing that they couldn't just kill the people in front of them, the five children lost interest.

"I understand what you mean, but this F-level dungeon," Ye Shi shook her head, her long black hair was scattered, and she looked gentler than before: "It's a bit weird, it made me doubt life, can it end so easily? "

To be honest, Zhou Zhao is also a little uncertain.

His clothes are torn all over his body, his face and wrists are scratched, and his bare skin is covered with bloodstains. At this point in embarrassment, I feel unconvincing even if I make any promises.

"I don't know," he said.

He has experienced so many dungeons, although there are many times when he is not sure, but there is no one like this time.

In the past dungeon crises, most of them were harsh death conditions or tricky puzzles, but in this dungeon, he obviously felt abnormal—these bosses seemed to have their own ideas, just like the children who just threw leaves when they played tricks. Like on the table, they try to kill them by exploiting loopholes in the rules.

Taking advantage of loopholes in the rules has always been the privilege of players who are highly intelligent humans. Now that the bosses suddenly show this characteristic, Zhou Zhao shudders.

out of control.

Yes, out of control. These bosses seem to be starting to break away from the roles and tasks set up for them by the instance, gradually deriving their own ideas and concepts.

Zhou Zhao shivered.

"I'll do it by trial and error." In contrast, Su Xue, who was a pure rookie, seemed more decisive.

Just now, she and Ye Shi planned ahead and moved all the props that seemed to be usable from the utility room on the third floor into the classroom. At this time, the cardboard boxes in the corner of the classroom were filled with miscellaneous toys and sundries, the most conspicuous of which was a little brown bear.

A brown bear with two black buttonholes sits quietly above the clutter, seemingly staring at everyone.

"Please put the lost toys here, and bring the children back to find everything lost." Ye Shi read the instructions written on the sand table with his fingers.

It's a very fantasy function. Of course, it's not used in this way in the normal sand table, but in the dungeon world, no one thinks it's strange.

[Bullet screen: Hold your breath, it is obviously a very straightforward reminder, but it just makes me uneasy, and I always feel that there is a pit. 】

【Barrage: Me too, F this PTSD. 】

"A brief analysis first, the logic lines of this dungeon are specially lengthened," Zhou Zhao took the little bear out of the cardboard box, "Just now Linke and I did the reasoning together. Although he hasn't seen this room, he specifically mentioned to every prompt to split the copy."

Zhou Zhao pointed to the sentence on the sand table: "I agree with him, let's just look at this sentence, I think 'put it here' and 'take the children to find everything they lost' must be two different things, just finding the props and Can't complete the task. But in the process of 'bringing the children back to find everything lost', there may be a hidden point."

Ye Shi: "It is true, he can grasp the essence."

"If we do nothing, we will Survive for three days?" Su Xue listened to Zhou Zhao's analysis, and suddenly asked about the survival conditions at the beginning.

This is indeed a question that newcomers generally get confused. It is very good that she can wait until now to ask.

Zhou Zhao smiled patiently: "It's clear from the conditions. If the dean is here, we must carry out activities according to the prescribed schedule. If the dean is not there, we will be hunted down. No matter whether we live for three days or not, we must go through the point of death. Days are just a time limit. You'll know if you buy a few more books."

Su Xue nodded without asking any further questions, and took the teddy bear from Zhou Zhao.

Time was running out, and the three of them stopped talking nonsense. Ye Shi and Zhou Zhao raised their hearts and watched Su Xue gently place the little bear in the center of the sand table.

There was a blunt sound and several crackling sounds.

Things happened so fast that Ye Shi didn't have time to react, so Zhou Zhao grabbed her and said in a trembling voice, "Don't panic, she's going to 'find' memories."

Right in front of their eyes, Su Xue The white dress made of yarn was torn several times, scarlet wounds appeared on the snow-white arms, and before a sound could be heard, it disappeared from the eyes of the two of them.


A few puzzle pieces appeared out of nowhere above the wooden table, and fell onto the plate with "crackling".

coming. Lin Ke stared.

He was sitting on an orange-yellow plastic round stool, with long hands and long feet, and the round stool was too short, so he could only stretch out his feet and put his elbows above his knees.

Opposite him, a man taller than him by more than a head was also sitting uncomfortably, with his hands clasped in front of him, but those two long legs looked good no matter how they were placed.

Between the two of them, there was a small round table with a half-completed puzzle.

After talking about "play time", the dean took him to this room. As the two walked up the stairs, the entire orphanage miraculously slowly repaired itself, and all the dust gathered, like a sandbox restarting In that way, back to the original.

When the room was also repaired, the dean, as a qualified guide, took him to sit at the round table.

Lin Ke didn't say or ask, just waited for the "game to start", and the extra puzzle pieces appeared, but the number seemed terrible.

The dean looked up.

Lin Ke stretched out two fingers and picked up a piece of "you"-shaped fragment. When he saw the pattern on it, he suddenly frowned.

Lin Ke moved his eyes to the dean's face and took a deep breath: "... May I ask how to play this game?" The

dean didn't answer, stretched out his hand, picked up a puzzle piece and glanced at it.

On that jigsaw puzzle was the other half of Su Xue's face, a part of her neck, she was terrified, her cheek was scratched and bleeding.

It was clearly just a pattern, but the little girl's expression was extremely vivid, as if she was about to scream out of it.

Just as the two of them picked up the puzzle, new pieces of the puzzle were constantly scattered in the air.

Like a small self-harm photo, there are injuries everywhere.

Just when Link couldn't help asking the question a second time, the man said, "Find the correct puzzle piece and complete the game." Link's

swear words stuck in his throat.

He knew it was not that simple!

After all the calculations, I didn't expect that there would be misleading options.

It seems that the more mistakes are made in another world, the more wrong puzzles will be generated in this world, which will directly increase the difficulty of completing the game.

The most frightening thing is that the pictures in these wrong puzzles... I am afraid they are real events.

Su Xue was injured.

The man across the street glanced at him.

The look in his eyes this time has another meaning, it is a way for seniors to look at juniors.

"I'm very worried about your partner." The dean put the puzzle pieces together and asked casually.

This tone, if not for the wrong scene, Lin Ke almost thought he was sitting in a coffee bar chatting with an old friend.

There is no sense of violation and.

The dean has unknowingly grown from a mechanical announcer to a mature and elegant man?

Lin Ke's mouth twitched.

Amidst a little anxiety, he suddenly became curious about his long-time client.

He didn't answer directly, but said: "It's a little bit, can I go out to relax?" The

man's eyebrows are strong, and the brows are beautifully moved, and he can almost imagine his resolute handling of daily affairs: "Yes."

Lin Ke stood up , and left under the dean's meaningful gaze.

[Barrage: Are the three worlds okay? All three perspectives are in different places. 】

【Barrage: Attracted by Gu Zao, amazed by my little brother, and so disgusted by Ben that I can't get out. ]

[Bullet screen: But to be honest, looking at the young lady's perspective, I think the players are also disgusting. 】

...It hurts so much.

Su Xue didn't know how many times she experienced this pain.

She was terrified, but being a "teddy bear", she couldn't close her eyes, and then a pair of hands picked her up again.

"Can I give this to you?" The sky is above the head, the girl's smiling voice can be heard, and the bow tie on the girl's chest can be seen.

"Okay, thank you sister!"

Xiaolan smiled "hee hee" from the other side, and Su Xue was covered in cold sweat.

This is a loess open space, Su Xue had seen it by the south window of the orphanage before, it was next to the orphanage.

A few minutes ago, this player was playing rubber band jumping with Xiaolan and a group of children.

They just completed a very simple game, and they passed the level smoothly. Xiaolan gave all the toys she liked to the girl, and before the girl left, she gave Xiaolan the bear.

Su Xue was taken over by a pair of small hands, and Xiao Lan's warm breath hit Su Xue's neck: "I like it very much."

Su Xue's breath was short, the world was spinning in front of her eyes, the picture instantly fell apart, and then reassembled in front of her eyes.

A dark wardrobe.

"Woooo..." The little girl beside her was crying. The little girl hugged Su Xue tightly, and there were messy footsteps outside the closet.

"Where did the other one die?" a man asked impatiently.

"The only girl who can't hide anywhere. What are you in a hurry for?" A very familiar female voice said, "I have come in this book eight times if not ten times. I really don't understand why you guys are still here? What are you talking about? No. "

"Something is better than nothing, this book is suitable for quick brushing." Another person explained.

Su Xue's heart suddenly raised, here it comes!

As a few people were chatting, the cabinet door was suddenly opened, and Xiaolan screamed and was dragged out by her hair.

She struggled and cried desperately, and "Su Xue" was kicked so hard that she rolled far away and fell face down on the steps.

"Stop screaming, hand over your fucking things, do you know you're not human? You're just an npc, living in a crudely made world, with mosaics on the tabletops, an orphanage without even a director, just five children , What are you and me arguing about. Huh?" The man made a horrible nasal sound, and crushed Xiaolan's face on the ground.

"Dean... Dean..." Xiaolan was already unconscious, with blood all over her face: "Help me..."

[Bullet screen: You are not human, are you? 】

[Barrage: I fucking really want the dean to appear here now. 】

【Barrage: Fuck, help me, quickly cut to the little brother's perspective, the dean's expression is too scary right now! Come back, little brother! 】

In front of the dean's room on the third floor, Lin Ke's heart beat fast.

He used the excuse of distraction to avoid the dean and go into the office to have a look.

Since he has always regarded the dean as a bug before, he has always ignored the role of the dean himself in the plot line.

It is also important to know what kind of person the dean is. Link cautiously opened the door.

But when he saw what was inside, he was completely stunned, and his expression froze for a moment.

—it was blank.

There is nothing, no imaginary Dean's desk, lounge, bookshelf newspaper, comfortable chairs... The four walls here are white, the ceiling and the floor are white, empty. Just as mysterious as the dean himself, with the horror of nothingness.

That's right, this is the world imagined by the children. They have never seen the dean's office, so it is naturally impossible to create it.

Thinking of the dean entering the empty room alone when there was no plot task, standing silently and gloomyly, waiting for the child to need him again—that picture made Lin Ke shudder.

His heart lifted up bit by bit, and suddenly he felt that the surroundings were too quiet, as if even the air had stopped flowing.

Realizing something, Lin Ke slowly turned his head.

He met a pair of dark eyes that were as gloomy as he had imagined.

"Want to go in, do you want to sit down?" The

dean's voice was hoarse, and he paused every word. The voice was completely different from before, full of danger and confusion that Lin Ke was familiar with.

Lin Ke: "..."

No, big brother, it was fine just now! Why are you so emotionally unstable?

Being pinched around the neck by a familiar hand again, Lin Ke split open.

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