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   While Lin Ke was exploring the reception room, the viewers of the live broadcast were not idle.

They opened a special floor in the Lord God World Forum to provide clues to the "Four-sided Mirror" and to prompt supplementary personnel.

No one knows how this unprecedented cohesion came about. Maybe it was because of the disaster that everyone put their hopes here, or maybe after these two rounds, the players who hoped to help Link and at the same time let themselves find a way out of trouble became more and more powerful. more and more.

Lin Ke himself didn't think so, but in the eyes of other players, he was the one who suddenly appeared in the most terrifying period when the main god world was about to collapse and the copy was deeply alienated, pointing out a clear path for all players.

Although no one has analyzed the reasons in depth, most players have a belief in their hearts.

This time, the little brother must win.

[Barrage: Do you have any clues over there? ]

[Barrage: Yes! It's really scary. I hope there will be no accidents with the fourth mirror of my little brother. I think many people are scared crazy by the fourth mirror, and some of them are directly taken away. There will be evil spirits in it! ]

[Barrage: Ahhh? No way? Fuck, someone was eliminated again, and the live broadcast was shut down again. Who can go in and add it. ]

[Bullet screen: I'll go in, I don't have many survival points, and I won't last a few days if I don't go in. 】

【Barrage: Huh, come on, buddy! ! ! ]


Lin Ke stopped.

Behind him, Linke No. 2's eyes gradually became worried, and Linke could even feel the worried eyes.

The fourth mirror is perhaps even more dangerous than the first three.

Lin Ke came to this conclusion subconsciously, stood not far from the mirror, looked at it carefully, and made a brief analysis in his heart.

It is said that the three mirrors just now have no rules, but in fact there are certain rules. The "Lin Ke" projected by the No. 1 mirror can be said to be his "dark side". He will directly expose some offensive thoughts in his heart, or he is assembled from his own aggressive thoughts. But he is more aggressive than himself; while the "Lin Ke" projected by the second mirror can be said to be his "bright side", he will show the friendly side of his heart, but his friendliness The degree has also been beautified, far surpassing me on a moral level.

Thinking of this, Lin Ke tried his best to connect mirrors No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 mirror.

 Chen Bo was in No. 3 mirror, and he was the most important person to him. So what would be in the fourth mirror? No, it is not necessarily the most important person. If you only think from one label, sometimes key information will be missed. 

Uncle Chen is also his nurturer, educator, partner and friend on another level. Think back to the mirror owner's description of the mirror in this dungeon. "I finally made this unique mirror in the world. I make sure and affirm that it can show your truest appearance." Four mirrors, one unfinished mirror. What if they were the same mirror? After all, in the A-level book, time and space will joke with players. Then suppose that the four mirrors reflect the real self, and the truest appearance of oneself is composed of the light side and the dark side of oneself, and it is inseparable from Chen Bo, then the fourth mirror... 

Lin Ke vaguely feels that I have grasped the crux of the problem, but I always feel that it is still a little bit worse. But enough is enough, a little guesswork is enough for Link to try. With his right hand, he lightly twisted the cold tail ring on the little finger of his left hand, and took a step towards the fourth mirror with a stretched body.

  [Barrage: Wuwuwu, as expected of my little brother, it has been discovered that there is a problem with the fourth mirror, right? 】

[Barrage: I have to say that my little brother's intuition and reasoning ability are top-notch, and he seems to be analyzing, what is the law of the old swan! 】

【Barrage: Jin Shen is also preparing to activate the fourth mirror! It has been tested that the people in the third mirror will really help, and Jin Shen's third mirror is Brother Cheng! ]

[Barrage: What? Brother Cheng? ]


In a similarly dark and narrow room somewhere, a boy in a wheelchair was slowly leaving from the third mirror. Although his hands were moving, his eyes seemed uncontrollable, still looking at the The man in the mirror.

Inside the mirror is a young man with very ordinary height and appearance, but kind and firm eyes.

Just looking at him makes people want to tell him their emotions, as if he will immediately provide reasonable advice and help.

Just like this moment.

Mu Cheng said: "Jin Shen, you can no longer use revenge as the reason for all your actions, it will interrupt your train of thought. I don't want you to do that either." Hearing what he said, Jin Qingyue felt extremely

youthful There was a gloomy look on his face, and for a moment, he showed an expression very similar to Yin Li's.

"Don't call me that, it's not fun," Jin Qingyue seemed to suddenly realize that the young man in front of him was not the one he was looking for, put away the soft look on his face, and said in a cold voice, "Of course it's okay to let me not take revenge, as long as you come back .As long as you come back, I will do whatever you say, and you can let me hug him." It

was clearly a joke, but Jin Qingyue said it coldly and horribly.

His eyes were fixed on "Mu Cheng". The young man in the mirror

was dumb, and said after a while: "Don't be petty."

Like a dependable big brother. ]

[Bullet screen: Oh my god, I really look like a big brother. This is the first time I heard someone say that God Jin is having a temper tantrum. I suddenly? ? ? 】

[Bullet screen: Really, although Jin Shen is very young, he has always been very sophisticated, okay... Only Brother Cheng dares to say this, the person in the mirror really looks like Brother Cheng... Is it really fake? ? 】

【Barrage: It should be fake, they are all eliminated. ]

[Bullet screen: Then this dungeon is really too difficult. Even a rational person like Jin Shen is a little... a little bit affected. Maybe Brother Cheng is the only one who can break Jin Shen's defense. 】

Jin Qingyue was also aware of this, as if he was suddenly irritable: "Even if it's a petty temper, it's not against you." "

A Yue, you are not rational anymore." Mu Cheng said disapprovingly, his voice Very clear and powerful.

"What's the use of being rational? I believed your words very rationally at the time, and let you try an S-level copy by yourself. Who knew you would make such a dangerous attempt?" Jin Qingyue paused, "You Do you know how much I hated my rationality at that time?"

After a while, he slowly reacted, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Forget it, you don't know. You are not him." Hearing this,

Mu Cheng's face showed After a moment of complicated expressions, he frowned and pondered, and finally sighed: "You can say 'I'm not him', which means that you have regained some sanity, and I'm very happy. I don't know why I appear here , I can't remember many things..."

He paused again: "...Whether you think I am true or false, this does not prevent me from telling you my reasoning, does it? I I think this dungeon has something to do with Yin Li's special ability, and he may not be as omnipotent as he seems."

"Omnipotence? Him? You're giving him too much face." Jin Qingyue's face became more serious, and he didn't want to Talk a lot, and turn to the fourth mirror.

As soon as his eyes left the mirror, Mu Cheng lost the opportunity to talk to him, and could only show an even more disapproving look.

Right behind Jin Qingyue, on the mirrors of No. 1 and No. 2, stood two Jin Qingyue respectively, one with a face somber and full of traces of being tortured by hatred, while the other looked worried, Looks pretty but weak.

Their expressions are hesitant to speak. It seems that after Jin Qingyue activated them, he didn't give them much chance to speak. Even "Mu Cheng" let him Just stayed for a while.

Mu Cheng was right, he was too sensible. Jin Qingyue thought expressionlessly.

He also hopes that he can be less rational, like Lin Ke, who just believes in any illusion when he sees it, and then gets the comfort of his soul, even if he dies, he is willing to die, that would be great.

It's a pity that he can't, he just wants to be true, and he just wants to make the person who took his treasure pay the price.

When Jin Qingyue turned the wheelchair and came to the fourth mirror, the portrait on it reappeared.

After seeing clearly who the person appeared, Jin Qingyue's confident gaze was suddenly interrupted. He was a little stunned and stared at the person in the mirror.

【Barrage:? Why! 】

【Barrage: What kind of devil's rule is this? 】

【Barrage: This is really a double blow, Jin Shen held on. ]

I saw that ordinary young man reappeared in the fourth mirror belonging to Jin Qingyue.

Mu Cheng smiled apologetically, and his voice came from the two mirrors at the same time: "It seems that I play multiple roles by myself, which affects you. I am really sorry. But I have already understood the setting rules of this dungeon." ...


Ke I probably understand it too.

As he got closer and closer to the fourth mirror, wind and clouds began to surge on the mirror, and his thoughts gradually became clearer.

Yes, it must be so.

The truest appearance of a person, in addition to the dark and bright sides of his own nature, also comes from external stimuli. There are two types of stimuli, one represents safety, and the self displayed by a person in a safe state, The other represents fear and danger, and it is the self that people show in a state of collapse.

According to this reasoning, the fourth mirror should be invalid for oneself. Lin Ke thought very confidently.

After all, he has never been afraid of anyone or anything since he was a child. Although he was haunted by nightmares after his parents had an accident, there was nothing for him to escape. It is normal for a child to be afraid of ghosts. It's been a tough time, but tough doesn't mean you have to be scared.

If you encounter something, you can handle it by yourself. If you can't handle it, you have no ability. The life experience from childhood to adulthood has taught Lin Ke that fear is useless. Fear will only make everything worse, and will only make bad things worse.

So - want him to be terrified? joke.

Lin Ke stood in front of the last mirror with an air of being not to be messed with, staring at the mirror face unceremoniously, as if saying "I'll beat you if you come out".

[Bullet screen: Pfft, I couldn't tell who the boss is for a moment, the little brother's expression seems to be squatting at the player's villain boss. 】

【Barrage: I died laughing, sister, I agree with you. ]

[Barrage: Here we come! 】

But seeing the waves rolling on the mirror surface, the white smoke kept surging, and finally subsided gradually under Linke's gaze.

The surface of the mirror is as flat as water.

【Barrage:? ? ? ]

[Bullet screen: Damn it! Did the little brother scare away the evil spirits just by looking at them! ]

As if hearing the praise from the barrage, Link himself felt that he was very powerful, raised his eyebrows and stared at the mirror for a while, and took a closer look. There were indeed no other clues, so he straightened up.

However, just as he turned around, he suddenly felt a chill on his neck.

Lin Ke's scalp tingled for a while, and he turned around suddenly.

But he saw a black mist suddenly rise in the mirror, his eyes blurred, a powerful big hand directly pierced the mirror, pinched his neck precisely, and dragged him into the mirror.

Lin Ke: "???"

The instant shock and unreasonable fear of being attacked made his brain go blank for a while.

But the inexplicable sense of familiarity quickly brought him back to his senses.

...No way, big brother, it's you again.

Didn't we say goodbye calmly and authentically in the last dungeon?

So you said goodbye, is this kind of goodbye? That's it?

In a trance, half of Lin Ke's body was pulled into the mirror, and he felt cold all over.

His left and right hands subconsciously supported the mirror frame, stuck his body, and then pressed his feet against the mirror frame, and then lost the ability to move all over his body.

Very good, the feeling of being completely dominated is coming again, as expected of a punishment boss. Lin Ke gritted his teeth in his heart and gave him a thumbs up.

At the same time, there were bursts of pain from the little finger of his left hand. It was Wei Jie who sensed Lin Ke's state and began to exert its "thawing" effect.

With the little strength he recovered, Link regained his grip on the left mirror frame.

No, it doesn't matter if you are usually dragged away. To be dragged away in front of Uncle Chen would be too embarrassing on the one hand, and Uncle Chen would worry on the other.

Besides, this dungeon is too dangerous. If you travel through the space at will and leave two people in the mirror who look the same as yourself, you don't know if there will be any hidden dangers.

Lin Ke felt that although the owner of the big hand on his neck was exerting force, he did not exert all his strength. He was thinking about how to get out of trouble skillfully, when he suddenly heard a very painful voice.

To be precise, it wasn't the sound, but the extremely depressed heavy breathing.

Lin Ke was taken aback.

The man's manic face flashed through his mind in an instant.

The voice of the main god system also sounded in his mind - the master's condition is not very good, this dungeon has the greatest impact on the master.

Lin Ke suddenly came back to his senses.

He suddenly realized that the person in front of him was not trying to catch him as a prank, nor was he trying to hurt him, but was... asking for help.

The people in front of me are suffering.

Link stopped.

A voice in his mind tried to convince him that if the main god's avatar/body's emotions affected the main god, then the entire main god's world would be very dangerous, and he had to solve the man's emotional problems first.

But another voice told him that the main god world is not so easy to collapse, and the main god system is still in balance. If he is eliminated in this dungeon, he will directly enter the punishment dungeon. Too dangerous.

Then the first voice said loudly again——but in the last dungeon, they saved you, and they also said that one prospers all prospers and one damages all damages!

Lin Ke: "..."

Convinced, could it be that looking in a mirror really made him schizophrenic?

He withdrew all his consciousness, felt the strength of the other party's pain and restraint, and sighed in his heart.

Then, Link climbed onto the frame, exerting so much force that his white knuckles moved slowly, and slowly loosened his fingers one by one, and then completely slipped off the frame.

His whole body was gradually dragged into the mirror.

[Barrage: Help! ! ! Little brother is exhausted! ! ]

[Barrage: No! Players caught by the fourth mirror are eliminated! ]

[Bullet screen: Don't panic, sisters, hold on tight, I looked carefully at the condition of this hand, it seems that the little brother let go of it himself. 】

【Barrage: How could you let go by yourself! Could it be that he wanted to cooperate with the boss to take him away? Laughing and crying.jpg]

[Barrage: Maybe the little brother has his own ideas? After all, his relationship with the boss has always seemed to be pretty good...]

[Barrage:? ? ? 】

In the next second, the live broadcast from Linke's perspective went black, and there was an uproar in the barrage, and the players were terribly anxious. Fortunately, the whole live broadcast was not over, which meant that no players were eliminated at that moment.

The little brother is still alive, but he is nowhere to be seen. Everyone is very anxious.

Lin Ke's heart was as still as water.

It's all here, he closes his eyes and thinks resignedly, although this job is not done by humans, since he decided to help, let's help to the end.

When Linke's whole body passed through the mirror, he was immediately surrounded by a huge monster.

The heart knows that the current form of the avatar/body is different, and it may be similar to the main god avatar/body he saw for the first time. It is a half-shadow and half-huge person. Lin Ke held out his left hand in the darkness. Wrists around his neck. Immediately afterwards, with a sigh of relief, a hot breath came over, making his whole body feel hot at the same time.

In an instant, Lin Ke's brain seemed to be pierced with countless steel needles, and a bunch of monsters with fangs, claws, and eyes dripping blood roared and rampaged in his mind, making nerve-stimulating roars, as if the entire hell Shura field had been moved to him. in the brain.

For Lin Ke, who was afraid of ghosts, it was undoubtedly a heavy blow. He suddenly felt short of breath and his throat was tight, and cold sweat poured out of his forehead like rain.

Who can stand this!

Time passed by, and just when he couldn't help but want to let go, the wrist took the initiative to withdraw from his palm, and even the force that imprisoned Lin Ke's body was completely withdrawn.

The hallucinations and mental pain disappeared in an instant, as did the heat source on his body, and the coldness of the surrounding environment gradually invaded Linke's clothes.

After a long while, Link opened his eyes panting, his forehead covered with fine sweat, he stared at the darkness in front of him and said in a daze: Is it over?

Looking behind me again, the mirror that just entered here also disappeared.

No way... Lin Ke regained his strength, dumbfounded, did he run away when he ran out?

He supported the ground with one hand, stood up with difficulty, and suddenly had a premonition in his heart—"Mr. Blind's trust" took effect again, pointing to the left front.

This time, Lin Ke didn't hesitate, and took a step in that direction, but heard a rather hoarse voice.

"Don't come over."

Link stopped.

The split/body is awake, and the person in front of him is Lu Zhou.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for the overlord or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during 2021-07-10 20:30:58~2021-07-11 19:33:01~Thanks to the little angels who voted for

mines Little angels: &. Xin.XIN, HiaHiaZ, Qingyi 1;

thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 3 bottles to pass the exam; 2 bottles for the baby;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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