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 [Barrage: Is this something I can see? Wipe away the nosebleed. 】

【Barrage: Punishment boss came out to beat people in person? quietly. ]

[Bullet screen: Hurry up! ! 】

【Barrage: How long are you two going to watch each other! ]

The barrage instantly boiled. In the picture, the indifference and alienation in the devil's eyes has not faded away, but his stiff body seems a little vigilant. He didn't do anything, and just stared directly at the owner of the ancient house for a while.

Yin Li rolled his eyes with difficulty, and when he saw who was coming, his eyes moved slightly: "..."

He said a few words silently, only Linke heard.

What Yin Li said was: "It's finally you."

After a loud noise, Lin Ke coldly pressed Yin Li to the ground, looked away from the owner of the ancient house, and pinned it between Yin Li's eyebrows: "Don't make any foolish plans. "

Do you know?" Yin Li said while coughing in a low voice when the owner of the ancient house slowly walked out of the mirror and approached the two of them accompanied by thunder and lightning.

After the appearance of the owner of the ancient house, he became weaker, and the increasing pressure around him seemed to hit his chest with a sledgehammer, causing him to cough up blood a little bit.

But his eyes were bright and excited, which made Link feel uneasy.


Lin Ke gathered his fingers together again. For some reason, he was still waiting.

"...For Jin Qingyue, your only value is to be able to attract me, just like for me, your only value is to be able to attract God...From the moment you restrain each other, I have already won ."

Yin Li's behavior was completely different from what he said. After he finished speaking, he seemed to want to violently give Lin Kelai a blow, but he could only collapse on the ground as if his bones had been broken.

So he simply relaxed completely, showing a dead dog who gave up resistance, and only stared at Linke with those playful eyes.

From the moment the owner of the ancient house appeared, everyone felt the complete coercion. Even though Yin Li had transformed into a demon, he lost all fighting power under this oppressive feeling.

[Barrage: This, is this the punishment boss? There is no need to fight at all, and people will be useless. 】

【Barrage: It's always been like this, the power to punish the boss is overwhelming, so I don't understand why Yin Li thinks he can fight the boss? 】

【Barrage: But I always feel a little panicked. ]

Lin Ke was also thinking, but suddenly he was helped up by a big warm hand gently holding his arm.

A man's voice whispered in his ear: "Let's go."

Then Lin Ke's palm warmed up, and someone held his hand.

The tail ring fell on the center of the palms of the two of them, bringing tranquility into Lin Ke's heart again. A force came from the hand holding him, so firm that Lin Ke had to keep up with the moving pace of the owner of the ancient house.

The indifference in the devil's eyes gradually faded, Linke's memory seemed to return, and he raised his head to look at the person in front of him.

The handsome face of the owner of the ancient house is awe-inspiring and steady, even in the wind, rain and thunder, he does not look gloomy.

He was like a god who was offended but still aloof, he didn't even look at the thing that angered him, only the people he cared about. He just walked over, asked Lin Ke to stand up, and then led Link away from here.

However, the moment he turned around, countless golden lights burst out from the mirror, avoiding the figure of the owner of the ancient house like flowing lines, and suddenly piercing towards Yin Li lying behind the two of them in the rain—this made the People saw that God was also secretly angry.

Because of the setting of the dungeon mechanism, Jin Guang also attacked Lin Ke at the same time, but he couldn't get close because he was following the owner of the ancient house.

Lin Ke felt countless knife-like sharp blades stabbing at him, but he had to turn sharply and attack behind him again.

He narrowed his eyes slightly in excitement.

The dazzling golden light broke through the dark and humid world, reflecting the people in front of them as if they were radiating light all over their bodies.

The owner of the ancient house has long hair fluttering, and his robes are fluttering. Under the light of the holy light, the ancient blue-gray clothing has countless dark lines flowing on it, as if the spell of an ancient miracle has been activated.

Lin Ke was stunned.

Liu Meng, Chen Bo, and everyone who looked at them through the mirror were also stunned.

The most sluggish is the live audience.

——I saw the God of Light dressed in fine clothes, with deep amber eyes drooping down, holding the demon looking up at him with his right hand, and slowly moving forward. Behind the two are howling wind and rain, thunder and lightning, and in front of them is a piece of holy light, connecting the gate of life.

The picture was split in two, one side was extremely bright and the other was extremely dark, as if the entire world of the main god was cut at this time and here.

The demon still looked at the god in front of him. The figure of the god was reflected in his pupils, making his dark red eyes gradually glow with a little beard. Although his figure was hidden in the darkness, when the wind blew the hair on his ear temples, the holy light also illuminated the Southern Cross beside his ear.

There are stars flickering in the dark.

[Bullet screen: Damn... the god took the devil away. 】

【Barrage: With a little angel! ]

[Bullet screen: If I can take a screenshot of this screen, I will use it as the terminal wallpaper! ]

[Danmaku: This... I can't speak...]

[Danmaku: I also hope that if one day I become like this, someone will take me away gently. ]

[Bullet screen: ——not to send away. ]

[Barrage: The previous article, don't spoil the atmosphere! ! ! ]

[Bullet screen: just send away the person who should be sent away! ! I'm so happy to completely shut down those things that the master jumps and jumps with! ! 】

Although most of the viewers of the live broadcast were waiting for the moment when Yin Li was sanctioned by the dungeon, in fact most people only saw two people at this moment.

The owner of the ancient house and Lin Ke.

Everything else seems to have become a cloudy background in the darkness.

Yin Li was lying alone in the mud, seeing the deadly light coming, but he suddenly smiled, his eyes seemed to be looking at the empty and dark far away.

"Really? The whole world is going to abandon me again...then pay the price!"

[Bullet screen: Did Yin Li speak just now? ]

[Bullet screen: I said it, it's weird, maybe it's also affected by the dungeon, but I'm not interested hahahahaha. ]

[Bullet screen: Are you still struggling to die after everything is like this! 】

【Barrage: What the hell are you doing! ]

[Bullet screen: Wait a minute, those props used by Yin Li are so poisonous——] Yin Li

, who hardly used any props in the whole process, suddenly summoned several props, some of which extended life, and some amplified the pain , of all kinds. And at the moment when his body was pierced by the holy light, a double scarecrow in the air linked his body with the bodies of Lin Ke, Liu Meng, and Jin Qingyue in the distance.

S-level props are irreversible and irresistible in the dungeon, because the gods once made them.

But occasionally, they work in demonic hands, as at this moment.

Lin Ke felt Yin Li's eyes firmly glued to his back from the air, felt the desperate and dying hatred and malice.


With a shudder in his heart, he suddenly let go of the hand of the owner of the ancient house, and jumped away from his own protective umbrella.

At the moment when the sharp stabbing pain penetrated his chest, he was suddenly hugged into a very warm embrace.

Lin Ke suddenly opened his eyes wide - he didn't expect that the person he pushed away would come back.

"Would you like to feel my pain together?" Yin Li's voice came from behind, "I've been waiting for this moment, hee hee, this is a surprise that I... have saved for a long time... for you."


Someone yelled next to him, and Lin Ke looked at a corner of the corridor of the ancient house—a figure jumped out of the mirror desperately, first pulled Liu Meng back, and then came out again, hugged the lying Jin Qingyue, who fell there, protected him with his body.

It's Mu Cheng.

It hurts so much. Watching their movements, Lin Ke subconsciously wanted to push away the person who was holding him tightly, but unexpectedly, he was hugged even tighter.

Lin Ke raised his head anxiously, but met a pair of angry and painful eyes.

No one has ever looked at him with such eyes.

Those eyes were full of bewilderment and pain, as well as helplessness that shouldn't have appeared.

He could protect people well, but he didn't understand why Link let go of his hand, why he pushed him away, and got hurt.

The owner of the ancient house had red eyes. For a moment, Lin Ke only felt that the blood in his whole body exploded, and his heart hurt like hell——the whole world shook.

Blood was still pouring out of his chest, and his ears were full of "buzzing", but even in this situation, he still clearly heard the sound of the mirror shattering, as if cruelly declaring——God's wrath will make him The world will perish with him.

Gradually, the indifference in Lin Ke's heart completely disappeared.

He held the hand of the owner of the ancient house again, and explained in a hoarse voice: "I have something to do, and I can't let him hurt you, so it's up to me." "Tsk tsk tsk, how

arrogant you are! Just look down on me Me, ignore me, trample me! In the end, it's not incompetent and furious...I'll send this sentence back to you!" Yin Li's voice came from the deep, deep darkness, floating in everyone's ears like a ghost.

The scene was chaotic, and there were countless screams all around.

Huo Jianan, Zhou Zhao and the others managed to arrive, but they arrived at the wrong time. Almost as soon as they stepped into the field, they were linked by a scarecrow in mid-air. Several pale lights attacked them with violent attacks.

[Barrage: Cao! ! ! ! ! ! ! 】

[Bullet Screen: Isn't this considered good? 】

【Barrage: Hahahaha, so you are really stupid. 】

【Bullet screen: Our young master Yin Li's habit is always to catch everything in one go. It's because he hasn't appeared for so long that you all forgot. ]

[Bullet screen: If you want to blame, blame Mu Cheng for not reminding you. He knows that he and Master Yinli entered the same instance back then, and in the end only Master Yinli came out alive. ]

[Bullet screen: It's useless. To be honest, I really hate people like Lin Ke, who seem to live a beautiful life, with countless halos, and everyone turns to him. Why? 】

【Bullet screen: That's right, since you were born with it, we can take it away too. 】

In this live broadcast, Yin Li's attendants and followers have been overwhelmed by the barrage and reality, and now the first burst of carnival finally broke out.

In their view, the end is sealed, because the world is about to collapse.

Because no world can withstand the wrath of a punishing boss, and Yin Li can even take advantage of this, which is really wonderful.

They started cheering.

But unexpectedly, this time they didn't get the anger and helplessness they wanted. The barrage didn't even use any vicious words to scold them, but completely ignored them like Linke and the owner of the ancient house.

The screen is full of words of encouragement.

[Barrage: We won't lose! ! No kind of darkness can defeat light! ! 】

【Barrage: Little brother hold on! ! ! 】

【Barrage: Don't be angry when punishing the boss, he is about to die, calm down! 】

【Bullet screen: I suddenly looked away. Although I am still very angry, if my little brother is eliminated and entered the punishment book for this reason, I will definitely go in and break out with him. 】

【Barrage: Then we will defeat Yin Li together! ! ! 】

[Bullet screen: Hurry up, everyone continue to give the signal, as long as one of them can wake up, we will win! 】

In the picture, Linke and the owner of the ancient house are still clasping their left wrists, and the terminal starts to vibrate crazily again.

This time the frequency is fast and urgent, and it contains worry and concern.

Lin Ke's blood-red eyes looked firmly into those golden eyes.

One second, two seconds...

the master of the ancient house's hand relaxed.

In front of the two of them, the mirror emitting golden light was already torn apart. Mu Cheng broke out of the mirror because he violated the dungeon mechanism. His whole body was cracked like the mirror, and the fractures on his arms and neck were shining fiercely.

Jin Qingyue suddenly "woke up", with his head nestled in Mu Cheng's arms, his shoulders shrugged slightly, and black air erupted all over his body, which meant that his mood was extremely bad.

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