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 Several people were taken aback by Lin Ke, and they all looked at him worriedly, among them Jin Qingyue's gaze was particularly serious.

Uncle Chen also asked: "What's wrong?"

Lin Ke realized that he had overreacted, but just now his thoughts and actions were out of his control, and the unreasonable fear completely submerged him like a sea tide, making him feel overwhelmed. out of breath.

Until now, his fingertips are still shaking.

But in order not to worry Uncle Chen, he could only say in a steady voice: "It's nothing, I'm full, I'll go upstairs first." This made people feel

even more strange, Lu Zhou said from the side: "There is no rush. "

Let's go." Link glared at him.

Seeing his appearance, Lu Zhou felt very interesting, and smiled softly.

Five minutes later, Lin Ke left behind a table full of dishes and puzzled people, went upstairs with Lu Zhou alone, and locked himself in a small room.

Seeing his strange behavior, Ye Shi couldn't help turning his head: "God Jin, this is..."

"Let's close it at the end." Jin Qingyue said lightly.

The expressions of several players suddenly became more worried.

At this time, I heard Chen Bo say: "Don't worry, I think that Xiao Lu is a nice person." Chen Bo's

heart was so big that it made all the players dumbfounded, but after thinking about it, the relationship between punishing the boss and Lin Ke is really not bad , to a certain extent, even a little subtle, this is a little relieved.

It's just that they still wanted to get it wrong. The relationship between Lin Ke and the punishment boss was not only good, but before Link himself didn't realize it, he was going crazy to punish the boss.

In the room, Lin Ke suppressed his voice and spoke quickly: "What's the matter with your hand?"

He was so nervous that he didn't dare to touch Lu Zhou again, for fear that it would break if he touched it.

However, the more nervous he was, the happier Lu Zhou seemed. The smile on the corner of the man's mouth deepened, and he teased him: "I'm fine."

As he spoke, he stretched out his completely transparent hands.

Lin Ke took a breath and did not argue with him: "Have you exhausted your spiritual power in this world?"

Lu Zhou raised his hand and lightly "touched" Lin Ke's cheek.

"...Are you nervous?"

Lin Ke finally exploded: "Talk

about business." Tell me."

The room was quiet for a moment, and Lin Ke looked at Lu Zhou with his eyelids stretched.

Although he knew that it was impossible for the Lord God to have an accident, he was still irritated by his inexplicable mood.

Link's temper has always been "very good", and he can still be calm when facing unreasonable clients. Even if others set off firecrackers in front of him or go crazy and provocative, he just smiles and passes.

But now, he couldn't restrain his emotions, and let his emotions be carried away by another person. People themselves are not in a hurry, but he is in a hurry.

Thinking about it makes me even angrier!

Lin Ke's expression became more rigid, which made Lu Zhou want to laugh even more.

Naturally, Lu Zhou wouldn't be frightened by Ke Lin, but he couldn't really make Ke Lin so angry, so he said first: "Okay, then let's talk about the final matter.

" As immobile as a mountain, he seemed to be listening attentively.

Lu Zhou said: "If I give you two choices..." He said this, observing Lin Ke's expression.

After a while, Lin Ke answered, "What choice?"

Lu Zhou smiled slightly: "The first option is to follow the original plan and let you enter the last instance alone, but I'm not sure what will happen, maybe you will meet a big bastard with a bad personality, arrogant and conceited, and then get hurt. Very miserable."

"What about the second one?" Link asked.

I only heard Lu Zhou ask: "Is your mirror in your pocket?"

Lin Ke was stunned for a moment, not understanding why Lu Zhou suddenly mentioned this matter, so he took out the small round mirror from his pocket.

After only one glance, he was surprised to find a red rose reflected in the small round mirror.

The round mirror has two functions, which need to be activated by touching the mirror three times. The first function is to allow players to see the people or things they want to see in their hearts, and the second function is to copy props "whatever you want", but the trigger probability is extremely low.

From this point of view, his mirror unexpectedly triggered the function of copying props at some point? But he obviously didn't activate the mirror?

Lin Ke frowned and thought about it, and then suddenly realized.

At that time, his mirror fell to the ground, and the zombie girl wiped it when she picked it up for him, and he stroked the mirror twice, and by chance, the activation conditions were met.

Link tried to reach into the mirror with his hand, and with a cold touch, he easily took the rose out of the mirror. To his surprise, even though he had taken one rose, the rose in the mirror did not disappear.

Could it be that he can take out endless props from the mirror? The function of this prop should not be that powerful.

"The item can be copied infinitely because your spiritual power has affected it and given it the miracle of restoring life." Lin Kezheng was wondering, but he heard Lu Zhou explain to him, "You have mastered the secret of life. You can take over this world, and live here forever with your friends who love you—this is your second choice." These

few words made Link completely confused, and he asked blankly: " What did you say?"

This was different from the information he had received before.

According to the prompt given by the main god system, this world is about to collapse, and the players must migrate to the new world as soon as possible.

But the current situation is that Lu Zhou told him that he can live here forever with his own power.

"I mean, the main god didn't come into being out of thin air," Lu Zhou looked at him and smiled, "Because you love this world like a god, so you are becoming a god." Link was stunned



"In short," Lu Zhou's figure was already very faint, and he couldn't wait for Lin Ke to fully understand: "I have given you this world, and you are gradually gaining the power to create and extend life. Have enthusiasm. This kind of power will never disappear."

"And I will return to another world that belongs to me, and I will be reunited with another me," Lu Zhou paused, "The memory of me and 'His' I will never forget you. If there ever comes a day when this world makes you feel so tired that even you can't hold on anymore, you can come to me again." "However, you'd better become

a powerful main god. It

was rare for him to say so many words in such a gentle manner. While speaking, he rubbed the tip of Link's hair with his completely invisible hands.

Lin Ke was completely dumbfounded.

What Lu Zhou said was too informative, and he had just cleared an S-level dungeon, and he had just relaxed, so he couldn't understand it quickly.

Seeing that Lu Zhou had completely dissipated, he stretched out his hand in panic, but only caught the shadow of Lu Zhou's beautiful golden eyes shining brightly.

——Lu Zhou disappeared.

After a long while, Lin Ke suddenly realized this, and his heart couldn't beat for an instant as if being grabbed by a pair of big hands.

Unreasonable fear strangled his throat, making him speechless.

"...Lu Zhou?" He asked alone in the small empty room.

But no one answered him.

Link stood where he was, took a few short breaths, and then opened the terminal with trembling hands to check the information of the final shutdown.

The cover of the final level is still covered by a layer of gray fog, but the name of the copy has changed.

["The Wish of the Lord God":

dungeon level: S+;

dungeon introduction: Please complete the true wish of the Lord God.

Participants: There is no limit to the identity and number of participants;

Opening hours: Permanently open. ]

Seeing the words "permanently open", Lin Ke breathed a sigh of relief, and then regained some thoughts.

According to what Lu Zhou just said, he has become a "lord god", and Lu Zhou handed over the authority of this world to him.

This is incredible, right?

Before Lin Ke tried to feel the difference between himself and before, he heard a knock on the door behind him.

Open the door, there are Chen Bo, several people and children outside the door. They probably saw Linke not coming back for a long time, and they were a little worried.

Uncle Chen glanced behind him, and asked strangely, "Where are you ?


They all looked surprised.

"His own world?" Zhou Zhao was stunned.

"Actually, he is the main god." Jin Qingyue was very calm, as if he had already deduced this point.

"Lord God?" Zhou Zhao was dumbfounded.

"Yes, he is the main god." Under the shocked eyes of everyone, Lin Ke managed to make his tone appear normal. "Just now he said that you don't need to enter the S+ level dungeon for the time being, and you can continue to live here." If

he The previous sentence had already stunned several people, but this sentence directly frightened them into petrification.

Several people reacted for a long time, and Zhou Zhao was the first to say excitedly: "This means that we don't need to challenge the next dungeon, and we can continue to live in this world? We don't need to enter the dungeon again in the future?" "That's

great , Is it because our performance satisfied the Lord God?" Ye Shi understood and was very happy.

"If this is really the case, that would be great, thank the Lord God." Su Xue said with a smile.

No, the Lord God has left and will never return.

For some reason, Lin Ke didn't feel happy at all, but felt even more upset.

He was about to open his mouth to find a reason to prevaricate, but he heard a loud "bang" from outside the window.

The loud noise startled everyone, and they all looked out together.

I saw that the sky not far away had completely collapsed, and gravel was falling like rain, revealing the dark and ferocious outside world. Another gust of wind blew with howling ghosts and howling wolves, making the whole world rustle, as if the end of the world would be in the next second.

The movement was too frightening. Many players, npcs, and bosses thought there was an earthquake, so they ran out of their homes in a hurry and looked up on the street.

I didn't know if I didn't see it, but I was shocked when I saw it. Except for the collapsed place, the sky was crowded with dark clouds at some point, and it was so dark that it seemed to rain.

"What's going on?"

"Did we do something wrong again?"

Everyone became very panicked.

Only Lin Ke stood there blankly, and an incredible thought flashed in his mind.

Behind him, Zhou Zhao was also stunned: "This, this means that we can continue to live? Isn't the Lord God making fun of us?" Jin

Qingyue seemed to think of something, and hurriedly called Lin Ke: "The Lord God left Did you say how we should maintain this world?"

How to maintain...

Lin Ke settled down and remembered what Lu Zhou said just now.

"As long as you have enthusiasm for this world, this power will never disappear."

The condition for maintaining this world is that Lin Ke has a mysterious "like" for this world.

In other words, when Link no longer loves the world, the world will collapse—as it is now.

But it was less than an hour since Lu Zhou said this to him, why did this power disappear? Why doesn't he love this world?

That unbelievable thought began to "bang bang" hit his forehead again, making Lin Ke unable to ignore it even if he wanted to.

The only answer, I am afraid there is only one, is that his mood was affected by Lu Zhou.

Subconsciously, he really didn't want Lu Zhou to disappear. This feeling of not wanting Lu Zhou to leave is very strong, so strong that it can arouse his extreme fear. Even after Lu Zhou disappeared, his perception of the world changed, which led to the collapse of the world.

Thinking about it this way, even the sudden fear just now had a reason.

No way? Lin Ke was a little dumbfounded. He never expected that in his own mind, Lu Zhou's weight had already reached this level.

He thought it was absurd at first, but after careful consideration he took it for granted.

All the things the two had been in before, avoiding, being unnatural, easily annoyed and treated differently, all of a sudden perfectly fit into this emotion.

Thinking of Lu Zhou's gentle exhortation before leaving, and thinking of himself accidentally collapsed a corner of the world that Lu Zhou gave him, Lin Ke unconsciously moved the corners of his mouth.

It is estimated that Lu Zhou did not expect that after a lot of hard work, the second option would be a dead end because of Lin Ke's emotional exposure.

All right, he is not the kind of person who dare not face himself, now that he has figured it out, he has an idea in his heart.

No matter how many back roads and options Lu Zhou left for him. He's still going to find him.

"Oh, heaven!"

Just as Lin Ke was still thinking, he heard Liu Meng yell softly.

Then several people sighed one after another.

Outside the window, the violent gust of wind swept away the dark clouds in an instant, and the night sky was as clear as a wash, with thousands of stars flashing in an instant, paved into a river of stars for thousands of miles.

Countless meteors flashed by again, burning into a rain curtain of light in mid-air.

The quiet night became noisy, as if the Creator wanted to share his joy with everyone.

The scene changed suddenly and was so shocking that even Lin Ke himself was dumbfounded.

He only knew that the world would change because of his emotions, but he didn't know that when he thought of Lu Zhou, his state of mind turned out to be like this.

It turned out to be like this.

In an instant, he completely figured it out.

He took a deep breath, then turned around, told everyone most of the known facts, and frankly explained to everyone that he could not control the world with his own ability: "Therefore, I think the safest way is to attack the S+ level dungeon , as we agreed before, I will go in first. If I can't come out, you can use this mirror..."

Lin Ke said, took out the round mirror from his arms, and handed it to Uncle Chen: "I will put This mirror stays here, it can heal all wounds and bring the dead back to life."

Uncle Chen took it, and patted him on the shoulder as if he knew what he was going to do: "Growing up, I know how to pursue what I want Good, good."

For Uncle Chen, the happiest thing is to see Lin Ke pursue and love something.

He will never forget the dead ashes in the eyes of the injured child when he first met Lin Ke.

A child who lacks the ability to love others and lacks interest in the whole world is doomed to grow up rough.

This child does not kiss anyone except himself, this has always been a knot in Chen Bo's heart. But at this moment, he felt that the ashes in Lin Ke's eyes ignited a flame, and the flame was buried deep under his dark pupils, making his gaze hot.

"Go." Uncle Chen encouraged again.

"Wait a minute," Jin Qingyue said suddenly, "You are considered the main god of this world now, before you leave, you must tell everyone." He said, motioning

Lin Ke to look out of the window.

"Come on!" Players, NPCs and bosses who received the message from the wooden bird in the square shouted at Lin Ke's home, "We will guard this world for you!" "Come back soon!


Linke He smiled, lowered his eyes, clicked on the terminal, and chose to enter the final level.

"Thank you," he said looking at his companions, "I will be back soon."

In an instant, all the voices in his ears disappeared, and the stars, fireworks, and shouts all went away from him.

The icy cold covered his body, he opened his eyes, and saw a barren scene - it was pitch black on all sides, without stars, and there were floating rocks everywhere, if he was not careful, he would be hit by gravel.

But Lin Ke didn't feel cold or scared. He even felt hot and full of strength.

"Take me to meet your master."

Lin Ke whispered.

With the sound of his voice—the voice of a new Lord God, the broken stones regrouped under his feet, and a stone staircase rose, leading to the highest throne.

The stars began to twinkle around him, following him like fireflies, bringing a little bit of warm yellow light to the completely dark space of the Lord God.

His self-assertion obviously angered the real owner here. He only heard a loud bang, sand and rocks flew in the sky, and after a burst of smoke and dust, a dark figure appeared on the throne.

The "Lu Zhou" who suddenly appeared was like a god transformed from darkness. He was dressed in a crown and gorgeous clothes, and the golden light in his amber eyes flowed, full of anger and arrogance.

"The newborn Lord God." His cold voice was extremely soft, floating down from a high place, but it shattered countless stone steps in front of Lin Ke, and weighed heavily on Lin Ke's heart.

He was indeed the most powerful main god, and with just one sentence, the disparity in strength between the two was revealed.

Lin Ke looked up at him, his heart sank.

Looking at it like this, Lu Zhou didn't remember who he was.

But Lin Ke had no way out, he waved lightly, and countless stone steps were reborn again, he stepped up the stone steps quickly, and called out his name before the other party was furious.

"Lu Zhou!"

On the thousands of stone steps, the main god flashed a flash of astonishment in his eyes, and moved his fingers almost subconsciously.

At the same time, the rock on which Link was standing seemed to be under an absolute command, and it flew up with Link like a bullet. The speed was so fast that it almost knocked Link down.

When Lin Ke was able to stand still, he realized that there was an abyss under his feet. When he approached the throne, all the gravel was crushed into powder by the powerful spiritual force. He was the only one who came to Lu Zhou safely.

While feeling terrified, he couldn't help being a little nervous at the same time.

The tall and handsome god in front of him stared at him for a long time before asking softly.

"Lu Zhou, who is that?

" Angel~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: three or two vests, 18236219 5 bottles;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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