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  The real complete relaxation and surprise caused everyone to fall into a moment of silence.

After a while, the players who reacted burst into enthusiastic cheers even on the barrage.

"It's really perfect again!"

"I knew I would have good luck at least once in my life!" "

It's one step closer to the S-level copy."

"Thank you little brother and my friends for taking me through the first A level. Level book!"

"During your lifetime, move out of the way and let me meet my little brother!"

"Brother Lin! Hello, hello, my name is..." " Hello,

God Jin!" "Sister Huo, Brother Zhou Zhaohahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, Brother Brother Lin!


[Barrage: Perfect! ! ! again! ! ! ]

[Barrage: There is a cow's voice! ! ! ! ]

[Bullet screen: Suddenly envious of the people present, I want to go in too! ]

[Bullet screen: wait for the next dungeon. Judging by the situation, the next dungeon must be a full dungeon... You have to go in if you don't want to. 】

The players were so excited, they rushed up and surrounded several players headed by Lin Ke, and started talking nonsense excitedly.

Lin Ke was the worst besieged, his face was full of big hair, and when he turned his head, he saw the half-smiling eyes of the man in the mirror, so he had to raise his voice to change the subject: "Everyone wait... there should be a system to get rewards Mission!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly saw Jin Qingyue, who was surrounded by another group of people, quietly lowered his hands and looked at him nervously.

Lin Ke knew that he had been worrying about Mu Cheng.

Jin Qingyue is very persistent about this matter. He worked so hard to clear the level before, just to get the "reward" he wanted. Lin Ke even suspected that if Jin Qingyue failed to take Mu Cheng away in the dungeon, would Jin Qingyue still Will do some uncontrollable things on the spot.

Quest rewards have never been more important than they are right now.

Not only Jin Qingyue, but also many players present had the same feeling for this mirror, so after hearing Lin Ke's words, they all calmed down and showed the same disturbed expressions.

"What do you want?" A native female ghost asked curiously.

"Isn't this nonsense, everyone came here to get the mirror made by the magician!" Another replied.

"Wait, where did the magician go?" Another asked in panic.

Sure enough, when everyone was very excited, they found that the magician disappeared at some point.

Everyone looked anxiously at the owner of the ancient house inside the round mirror: "Mirror, mirror god? Where is our magician?" "The magician has returned to his

workshop to make gifts for everyone."

Hearing When the owner of the ancient house answered, someone immediately jumped up: "Great!"

"Is there any other question you want to ask me?" The man's calm voice was very nice, "During the time when the magician made the mirror, each of you You can come to me, ask me a question... and get the final answer. But you are not allowed to communicate with each other." [

Bullet screen: Blind guess, this is the additional reward of the dungeon. 】

【Barrage: Rewards are a problem? Is this a magic mirror that can answer questions? Suddenly I feel so cool, can I ask how to pass the level next hahaha! ]

[Bullet screen: Don't laugh, I suddenly feel that this reward is awesome, because it is called the "final" answer. ]

[Bullet screen: I noticed it too, it's the final answer, it feels like the world's ultimate secret...]

[Bullet screen: I really want to go in and ask together! 】

Although item rewards are very tempting, when the entire main god world is crumbling and everyone is panicking, exact information and hope are even more precious.

The barrage was already so excited, and all the players on the scene were even more excited.

"Can I ask the Lord God the secret of the world?"

"Even if you know the answer to this question, it's useless, can you still create the world?" "

I just want to know how my family is in the original world." "

Only Ask a question? Then I have to think about what I want to ask..."

During the discussion, Lin Ke saw Jin Qingyue go straight to the mirror and asked, "Can we start now?"

The owner of the ancient house was not surprised , nodded kindly to him.

But Jin Qingyue plunged into the round mirror, and then the mirror surface was covered by white mist, no one could clearly see or hear what happened inside.

Less than a minute later, the fog on the mirror slowly parted, and Jin Qingyue came out relieved, but gave Linke a complicated look.

There were gratitude and awkwardness in those eyes, as well as disapproval and incomprehension.

Lin Ke was baffled by this look, but he couldn't ask Jin Qingyue what the answer was.

As for the question, he could guess that it must be about Mu Cheng's situation.

Then why did it come to me?

Link was thinking, but saw Huo Jianan also entered the mirror.

This time it took a very short time, and when she came out, she was relieved, her eyes were a little red, and it seemed that she had asked about the child.

But suddenly, she raised her eyes to lock herself in the crowd again, and her expression was a little complicated.

Lin Ke: "?"

Lin Ke was confused, but Huo Jianan looked at him, indicating that he would try to communicate after this matter.

In the blink of an eye, another player entered the round mirror.

[Barrage: Wait a minute, why do they always look at Brother Lin when they come out? What is this asking? 】

[Barrage: I found out too! ! what happened! Could it be that the little brother is a destined person! ]

[Bullet screen: It shouldn't be, they are not asking the same question. ]

[Barrage: Could it be that the three words of punishing the boss are not separated from the little brother! ]

[Barrage:? ? ? 】

Not to mention the doubts about the barrage, Lin Ke himself is even more confused.

This doubt directly led to his decision to wait outside, waiting to see everyone's reactions.

The whole scene then becomes very delicate. Most of the players who entered after Huo Jianan gave Lin Ke a look when they came out. There were compassionate, encouraging, and understanding in the eyes. In short, there were all kinds of players; Or come out easily or heavily, without paying special attention to him.

This scene is very similar to the scene where people talked to the bishop in the previous dungeon.

At the end, there was only one question that Lin Ke wanted to ask the most in his heart-"Why do everyone look at me".

"Go now."

Beside him, Liu Meng, who saw him in a daze, reminded him softly, "It won't be long."

So Lin Ke took a deep breath and put his hands in his trouser pockets. , buried in the mirror.

The fog on the mirror caressed his cheeks.

The cold and sparse feeling, slightly moist, made him even more refreshed.

After passing through the fog, Lin Ke sighed softly when he saw the scene in front of him.

The scene inside the mirror is quite different from before. The originally dark and narrow place has become extremely vast now, the sky is filled with soft white light, and the mirror surface extending infinitely under the feet is hard, smooth, crystal clear, like an ice surface, reflecting two people figure.

It's simply too beautiful to be human.

Link stayed for a moment before recovering, and looked up at the tall man standing in front of him.

The owner of the ancient house is waiting for him quietly.

For the owner of the ancient house, Linke is really the most peculiar existence.

After the other players came in, most of them had a clear purpose, but Lin Ke obviously waited until the last one to come in, but he still seemed to be hesitating.

He was most interested in the questions Link wanted to ask. He was certain in his heart that the questions Link asked would be different from similar questions such as "the clearance conditions for the next dungeon", "how long can the Lord God World last", "can I survive to the end".

Just when he was about to speak first, the thin young man in front of him blinked to remove the mist from his eyelashes, and then looked at him with those clear and dark eyes and asked.

"Why is there an old house in the magician's safety mirror?"

The owner of the old house: "..."

The man's brows and eyes relaxed slightly, but he soon smiled.

He didn't expect Link to ask a question about a magician, but after thinking about it carefully, he didn't think it was surprising that Link asked this question.

To be honest, Lin Ke himself didn't expect that he would ask this question in the end—but he really couldn't help it.

Working as a social worker for so many years, working with people for many years, did not make him nosy, but it enhanced his curiosity.

This violation in the dungeon has always made him hard to let go.

If he passed the customs with doubts like this, I am afraid he will recall it many times afterwards.

In contrast, other conceivable and popular questions must have been raised by other players. Judging from everyone's expressions just now, the answer to the question should be optimistic, so there is no need for him to worry about it repeatedly.

Out of this consideration, Lin Ke still asked this rather useless question.

"This is a good question." The owner of the ancient house praised Link.

Link thought it was because the question was stupid, so he nodded perfunctorily.

"Before I answer your question, I have to let you know the premise." Unexpectedly, the man seemed to start from a far away place, "Because a magician is not born with a relationship with an ancient house. Let me start with you."

Link was stunned: "Is this so complicated?"

If the forty-nine players in front of Link were present at this moment, they would also be stunned.

Because of the questions they racked their brains to come up with, the information they got was not as much as one-tenth of the information Linke got at that time.

"Indeed, please sit down." The owner of the ancient house raised his sleeves, and "clicked, clicked" on the spot, forming a clear table and chair like ice.


"It... Lin Ke has been in for fifteen minutes, right?" Outside the round mirror, Zhou Zhao scratched his head and said.

A group of people are still waiting here, because I heard that the magician has not yet finished making the mirror.

They wanted to wait for Link to come out and take the opportunity to exchange the content of the dungeon, but they didn't expect that Link seemed to be eaten by Yuan Jing, and he was silent after entering.

"Is there going to be an accident?"

"It's already the full protection stage, so it won't happen!"

Everyone talked a lot.

Just at this time, I heard a shout from a distance: "The magician is coming!"

All the players turned their heads, only to see the magician sitting on a very retro carriage, driving a horse "kick and kick!" Tata" came slowly from the open gate of the ancient house.

The curtain of the carriage was drawn up, and the inside was densely packed with mirrors, shining like treasure hidden in the depths.

No, it is not enough to describe the mirror as a treasure.

Mirrors can do wonders.

The eyes of the players headed by Jin Qingyue all lit up.


Lin Ke didn't hear the cheers outside at all, but was a little complicated by the answer that was not an answer in front of him.

The world of the main god is very similar to what he imagined. The elements of each copy are derived from the original spirit and culture of the residents in the world. Although the owner of the ancient house did not explain the existence of the "main god", according to speculation, it is not bad Is a strange creator.

All in all, this world relies on the interaction between people's souls to generate power and exist.

The Lord God created this world, and the souls that descended into this world inject power into this world.

Their harmony and collision with each other, their sincere emotions, and their efforts to achieve their goals are all the forces that drive the world to continue to grow and move forward.

Perhaps this is the legendary spiritual power?

Lin Ke thought incredulously.

"A magician is born for miracles. His mission is to make the impossible possible like a magic trick. As his favorite prop, the mirror has assumed this responsibility." The owner of the ancient house said, "And enter People who come to his world need to complete this task with him... Then he will reward people with miracles."

Lin Ke only felt his heartbeat slowly speeding up.

The owner of the ancient house told him too many things, so much that he still hasn't answered his boring question.

Is this really reasonable?

Or, this is biased again...

"The reason why I told you this," unexpectedly, the owner of the ancient house seemed to see through what he was thinking, explained, "It is because of your concern for magicians. He is happy to have a real caring person. As for your question, it is actually very simple, because the magician likes this old house."

"After the magician was created, he created the magic mirror, so he has the ability to decide which world he lives in. This is just his personal preference, nothing more. And this is not an ancient house , but a haunted house, he himself thinks that a haunted house is a good match for a magician, so it makes him feel safe here. He is such a strange magician." The owner of the ancient house finished.

Lin Ke was stunned again.

That's it?

Personal preferences?

Linke, who had absorbed too much information, was suddenly shocked by this simple answer, and his mind went blank.

But then he immediately returned to his senses, and was shocked to discover another fact—the magician has real personal feelings and preferences, and he is no different from the player in this regard.

In other words, the bosses and npcs that everyone thinks are really just another group of residents of the main god world, but their responsibilities in the main god world are different from those of players. 

I send warmth to the boss in the horror world [Unlimited]Where stories live. Discover now