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  "What did he mention about me?" Linke was really surprised now.

"Let me talk first," Jin Qingyue paused, as if he was trying to see if the main god system could stop him, but unexpectedly found that he was able to say it smoothly, "In order to know the answers to two questions at the same time, the question I asked is, What should I do to meet Mu Cheng for a long time."

This question was designed quite cleverly, not only to answer the method of meeting, but also to satisfy the length of meeting.

"And then?" Lin Ke looked into Jin Qingyue's eyes, hoping to see the answer.

It was rare for Jin Qingyue to see Lin Ke pay so much attention to an answer. His heart moved, as if he had thought of something.

But he stopped guessing too much, and said frankly: "Then the owner of the ancient house told me that as long as you pass the customs, you can meet Mu Cheng, even if you don't pass the customs, you will let Mu Cheng continue to live in this instance. The reason for your thanks. About how to meet each other for a long time... His request is to let you enter the final chapter copy alone."

When Jin Qingyue said the last sentence, several players who had entered "Four-sided Mirror" exchanged Looking at it, it's clear they've gotten the same answer before.

But Lin Ke cared about the first half of the sentence.

What is "he will let Mu Cheng continue to live in this copy"?

Lin Ke raised his eyes, and met Jin Qingyue's slightly suggestive eyes.

Jin Qingyue lightly pointed to the terminal.

Lin Ke suddenly realized!

What Jin Qingyue said was not the original words of the owner of the ancient house, but the original text with mosaics—the original words of the owner of the ancient house are probably "Even if you can't pass the customs smoothly, Lin Ke will use props to revive Mu Cheng."

Lin Ke really thinks so, if he can't pass the level, if Jin Qingyue goes crazy again because of losing Mu Cheng, he will try to use rose props to revive NPC Mu Cheng, this may motivate Mu Cheng to repeat the level, and also Empower your entire team.

As for why Lin Ke didn't tell Mu Cheng about this idea earlier, of course it was because he was afraid of causing Mu Cheng to go crazy early and try to grab him.

It's no wonder that Jin Qingyue showed that kind of look. He was probably surprised that Lin Ke had such a prop at first, and then angry that he watched him suffer without mentioning the prop.

Then he figured it out again, and understood that the reason why Lin Ke was hindered from telling him the plan was because he had robbed Linke of his props—even so, Linke was willing to help him, which was beyond Jin Qingyue's imagination.

So, he showed guilt and disbelief again.

"He also said," Jin Qingyue saw that Ke Lin would come over, and said, "If I receive favors from others, it's best to repay the favor." It means that it's best not to take

Lin Ke's props for nothing.

It turned out that the owner of the ancient house would still make this kind of reminder.

Lin Ke was in a complicated mood: "He let me enter the final level alone?"

Jin Qingyue nodded, and the other players also nodded, Huo Jianan interjected: "I asked the same questions as Jin Shen, and I got the same answer—I want to let you If the entire Lord God World does not get out of control, you must be allowed to enter the final level alone. But we discussed it and felt that this is too dangerous." "That's right, how do you

pass the level alone?" Zhou Zhaodao. Regarding this point, Lin Ke has some guesses of

his own, but it is not convenient to discuss it in front of so many people, so he can only focus on the current difficulties: "The next game is an S-level dungeon. I don't know how long we have to prepare?"

I wanted to ask everyone's opinions, but unexpectedly I got a wave of eyes looking at monsters.

Ye Shi's expression was complicated: "Lin Ke, haven't you checked the details of the dungeon yet?" "

Hey, Brother Lin is just steady, unlike us who just went through the customs and went to look in a hurry!"


Lin Ke just came out. In the dungeon, I only had time to browse the forum, and briefly scanned the dungeon interface, and then I was taken aback by Chen Bo who suddenly appeared, and then got entangled with the mirror... I really didn't read the introduction of the S-level dungeon level carefully.

He was ashamed of himself and hurriedly clicked on the terminal.

Then, he immediately noticed that above the copy cover of the final chapter with a small gray lock at the bottom, there was a copy cover of the same size as it shone with golden light.

The color of the cover of the new dungeon is similar to that of the final chapter dungeon, it is gray and white and misty, but the slight difference is that it is dotted with some green vines like octopus tentacles, and human eyeballs growing on the vines. In the center of the cover, there is also a Q-version zombie.

Look at the dungeon name again, "Doomsday Carnival".

Lin Ke: "..."

The drawing is quite cute, it is estimated that appearing in the dungeon can kill people.

Carnival at the end of the day, how to carnival at the end of the day?

"It's a copy of the zombie apocalypse," Jin Qingyue explained friendly, "The S-level copies recorded so far are like a real world. There is no map concept, only an extremely dangerous area that restricts the player's activities. It is reasonable to speculate that it is a A zombie siege-type story."

"Let me see." Lin Ke recalled the S-level mech dungeon that Uncle Chen had experienced. It seems that the S-level dungeon not only has a large map and is more like a real world, but also affects the player's physical fitness, Survivability has stronger requirements.

He opened the copy profile.

Sure enough, this is a post-apocalyptic survival dungeon, the key words are the end of the world, strange disasters, and terrifying zombies.

The most amazing thing is that the number of challengers is displayed in the lower right corner of the dungeon, "unlimited"; the challenger is designated, "punish this member"; the challenge time is set, "twenty-seven hours left".

It turned out to be a time-limited copy!

No wonder just now when he asked how long it would take to prepare, everyone looked at him that way. It turned out that the preparation time had been limited.

Lin Ke was thinking about it, but the main god system suddenly spoke.

[Main God System: Cough, host, do I need to introduce you? ]

[Lin Ke: Trouble. 】

In the eyes of the other players, Linke just stared at the air with a pensive expression, as if he was thinking.

[Main God System: Woohoo, you are too polite! Move the system! This countdown is the countdown of the main god world. Twenty-seven hours is the longest time the main god world can maintain without collapsing. Before that, please be sure to guide the players into any instance. ]

[Lin Ke: Okay, are there any clues for this dungeon? ]

[Main God System: This is the case, the host, all S-level dungeons in the world of the Lord God, have stronger self-renewal capabilities than other dungeons. but! ]

[Main God System: Thanks to the fact that there is an extremely difficult client in it, we can learn more about the dungeon based on the information of the client! ]

Lin Ke: "..."

Well, after all, it's still a part-time job.

It's okay, he can.

At this time, the drinks and snacks ordered by the terminal butler were delivered, temporarily interrupting his conversation with the system.

When Linke pushed the colorful packaging boxes and beverage cans loaded on the trolley into the lobby from the door, all the players present were greatly stimulated.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo up little brother to the third dungeon just cleared the 3rd dungeon just cleared, did not the little brother just clear the 3rd copy? You are so rich......

" "I haven't been willing to spend points to buy snacks for a long time." "

It's over, thank you little brother!" "

I have a meal with Brother Lin. "

Everyone rushed forward, and after some selection, there were still quite a few left.

Looking at each other, neither was willing to take too much.

"You're welcome." Lin Ke took a bag of potato chips himself, and the plastic wrapping paper made a "swipe" sound in his hand, which made him dazed for a moment.

The realistic sense of life makes him think that he has returned to the original world.

"Actually, the world of the Lord God is not bad, and you can stay young forever." Liu Meng smiled and took several jelly to share with everyone. She specially picked out an orange-flavored one, walked to the sofa and handed it to Uncle Chen.

Chen Bole took it with a chuckle, and looked up: "The little girl is not bad."

He was originally an optimist, and he was not affected by the seriousness of everyone discussing the dungeon. is happy.

And people influence each other. The players who were extremely nervous saw an old man with his feet up and smiling at them... and suddenly felt that this S-level dungeon didn't seem so scary anymore.

The tense hearts were let go, and several people looked for more comfortable positions to rest.

Suddenly, there was a sporadic sound of tearing wrapping paper at the scene, and there was almost a movie to add to the fun.

Only Jin Qingyue didn't take any snacks, just holding a can of drink, walked up to Lin Ke and asked him: "What do you think?" Link said: "

I'll think about it."

Jin Qingyue: "..."

He looked at Lin Ke again, and gently put down the drink in his hand.

Lin Ke knew that Jin Qingyue must have discovered something, maybe he already knew that his ID card was different from other players. But at this moment, Jin Qingyue did not make him feel threatened.

I only heard Jin Qingyue say: "Then I'll go back and sit for a while, and discuss it after you think it over."

After speaking, he left very considerately.

This change is really big, Lin Ke sighed in his heart.

[Main God System: Huhu, that player just now was very smart, fortunately he was not discovered. ]

[Main God System: Next, I will show you the information. The information is precious, please analyze it patiently. 】

The information this time is very detailed, and there are even photos of the clients.

With bluish-white skin, bloodshot face, and white pupils like a pair of hygienic zombie brothers, Lin Ke choked on the drink in his hand and coughed again and again, pointing at the void with trembling fingers.

Lin Ke: "No—"

[Lin Ke: No photos needed! keep it! ]

[Main God System: No! There are tens of millions of similar zombies in this dungeon, if not 100 million, you must remember his appearance carefully! ]

[Lin Ke: Don't they all look the same! ]

[Main God System: No, the system can put a few more comparisons for you. ]

[Lin Ke: No need! 】

Lin Ke was leaning against the window, tearing his heart out, playing a silent movie alone, and not far away, Huo Jianan cast a worried look at him who was dancing.

He had to force himself to calm down, complaining about the system in his heart, while trying his best to ignore the big brother with rolling eyeballs above his head, and shifted his gaze to look at the text part.

"The origin of this zombie is very strange. Although he is a zombie, he still has human emotions and thinking. It is said that he holds the biggest secret of the entire ruins, and may be the key to human survival." Proper protagonist configuration

. Lin Ke continued to look down.

"It's a pity that the order of the human world is disordered, and the shelter doesn't accept members like him, so he can only join the zombie group and become an employee of the zombie king." Link: "..." Link: "?" Become



king of what?

"The business of the Zombie King is very rich, including hunting, expansion, hoarding of resources, etc., because Mr. Zombie doesn't like the feeling of biting people, and he doesn't like to compete for resources, so he actively chooses to hunt, and he usually takes some human alone There are intelligent means to hunt."

"But it's a pity that his civilized and polite approach can't keep up with the era of great changes. Due to his poor performance, he is facing the risk of losing his job. Seeing that he can't afford to support his family, he took risks, tried on the edge of the law, and Started to hunt and kill humans mercilessly..."

After reading the overall introduction, Lin Ke fell into complete silence.

Judging from all the information, this is a story of a middle-aged zombie who embarked on a path of crime under work pressure.

Then his task is to help the zombies catch more humans and overcome unemployment difficulties, so as to save a zombie that is about to go astray—what the hell!

Lin Ke is crazy, and the Zombie King is still running a company? Zombies still doing business? Also talk about the law!

Why did the humans go?

[Main God System: Alas, the system also knows that this task is very difficult - after all, if you want to help the client gain dignity at work and capture more humans, you must stand in the ranks of zombies. This must be a dilemma for the host as a staff member...but the system believes that the host will balance it out! ]

Lin Ke opened his mouth, but before answering, he heard another burst of cursing from the hall.

"They still dare to clamor on the forum, saying that they have too many people and too many props? Damn



A few outraged players were browsing the forum, probably because they saw the confusing speeches of Yinli's followers.

Lin Ke came back to his senses: "...It's not a big problem."

[Mainline system: figured out a solution so quickly? As expected of the host! It is indeed the person chosen by the master! ]

[Lin Ke: Don't talk nonsense. ]

Lin Ke took a deep breath, took one last look at the zombie brother's face, remembered the pair of heavy eye straps, and then turned off the terminal.

The moment he finished his action, Jin Qingyue, who had been sitting on the sofa and had been communicating with several players, stood up in time and walked towards him.

Only then did Zhou Zhao and the others realize that Ke Lin had finished "thinking", and they also stood up one after another and walked over.

The location where Link is located is the small dining room of the homeland. The most basic long tables, candlesticks, and chairs with elegant backs are arranged here. After calculation, seven or eight people can be seated.

Players who have not participated in the copy of "Four-sided Mirror" are still sitting on the sofa, but come to grab a seat, and several friends who have fought side by side with Lin Ke sit around a table.

Seeing this, Link also dragged a chair and sat down.

With the information of the client, he has a little confidence in his mind, but unfortunately he still doesn't know much about the customs clearance method.

Seeing that Jin Qingyue was looking at him and waiting for him to speak, he seemed determined to be his younger brother, so Lin Ke had no choice but to speak first: "We only have a very short time for preparation, and it is not easy to think of the customs clearance method before entering the dungeon." Possibly, we can only try to make some reasonable inferences based on the content of the dungeon to reduce the probability of being eliminated." Only

then did Jin Qingyue receive it: "Well. There is not much information about the S-level dungeon, but the largest difference between the S-level dungeon and the A-level dungeon is The difference is that its customs clearance conditions are more hidden, and the world map is huge, which will give each player a very cruel test from body to spirit. According to the copy access mechanism, we can be sure that there will be all punishment players in this copy ..." He paused here: "Other players can freely choose copies according to their own identity card levels. All in all, this is the last battle of the main god world." "I'm asking the ancient house about saving the main god world. In the method," Liu Meng raised her hand, "The owner of the ancient house only told me that I need to clear the customs within my ability. I judge that we not only need to clear the S-level dungeon, but also clear as many other dungeons as possible. Now the forum is organizing people, Other dungeons have been assigned." "Okay," Jin Qingyue glanced at Lin Ke, "Then let's summarize the guesses in our minds about this dungeon first?"

It is said that it is a summary first, but in fact, everyone thinks about the same.

First of all, as a doomsday world, its supplies must be very scarce, so in terms of carrying props, it is necessary to assign a few players to carry hunger-like props.

Because the grade of such items is generally not very high, but it will occupy the position of carrying items, in order to make up for those few players, several people said that they would let them carry a few more S-level self-defense items depending on the situation.

Secondly, as a zombie-infested horror world with no time limit for survival, there are also personal safety issues, so some simple infrastructure props and storage props are essential and need to be arranged.

Finally, and the most troublesome point... "What about Yin Li?" Finally, it was Huo Jianan who asked the question calmly, "We must meet, don't we bring

offensive props?"

The faces of the people at the table were all stiff, and even the voices of the discussions on the other side of the sofa were lowered.

"Damn it, the ghost is still there. It's already hard enough." Zhou Zhao rarely swears.

"It's okay," Lin Ke said, "he won't make it more difficult for us. What if the clearance condition itself requires some players to be eliminated?" "Yes," Ye Shi nodded, "

If this is a faction dungeon, we Maybe there is still a chance to choose the zombie camp. In short, you can choose the camp opposite to them." "

Not only Yin Li and the others, but also zombies to deal with, I will carry offensive props." Jin Qingyue said.

The scene suddenly fell into silence.

"Okay." After a while, Linke confirmed him.

"Yes, yes..." Liu Meng said, "It seems like zombies should be afraid of fire and electricity..."

Jin Qingyue hooked the corners of his mouth and relaxed his body comfortably, as if he had wandered into a big fight.

Several people discussed some details, such as what should happen if the members lost contact, or what should happen if there are many different spaces, and unified a relatively basic direction and thinking, including how to build a safe camp, etc. Wait.

During this period, Link kept inserting a sentence from time to time, and then made everyone's eyes shine—it wasn't that Link's idea was so good, but that he was slowly hinting at the information he had obtained in another way. Link said: "Since the dungeon will contain certain puzzle-solving elements, maybe this zombie world also has the same clues that we need to investigate. Humans and zombies may not be completely opposite." "If that's the case, it's better. " The player answers. "That's right, the most important thing is to find out the customs clearance conditions. You can't just lose the customs clearance conditions in order to survive." Ye Shi also said. Seeing that everyone's comprehension ability is so strong, Lin Ke secretly hesitated, should he disclose the situation of the client? He was thinking, but he heard a hoarse and slow voice. "You young people have discussed so much, do you want to hear a few words from my old uncle?" Everyone was refreshed after hearing this. The one who spoke was the only veteran player present who came out of an S-level dungeon. 

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution during 2021-08-05 20:37:03~2021-08-06 20:43:27~ Thanks for the irrigation nutrient solution Little Angel: 10 bottles of Ruyu Youxin; 2 bottles of Jiang Jingteng; 1 bottle of learning from Oda Saku; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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