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  The only forum in the main god world exploded.

Players from "all over the world", whether they are sitting at home or fleeing in fringe cities, will inevitably browse the forum every three minutes.

Just a few minutes ago, Yin Li appeared on the forum to reply to Lin Ke's "four-sided mirror", and at the same time blew up a small business district in the central city.

This matter directly angered all players.

"It's really too arrogant! Knowing that the main god's world is unstable recently, it is still adding chaos to the system!" "

To be reasonable, I thought that the player and the system were in opposition, but now that I think about it, the most disgusting thing is really human beings. "

Go to the forum to support the little brother! I feel that after Yin Li replied, the little brother disappeared..." "

I almost caught the little brother in the central square today! It's a pity that he ran away, I really didn't mean anything Yeah."

"Really or not?!"

Since Yin Li left a message on the bullet screen of the copy of "Frozen Rose Town", the topic of "whether the little brother will fight" has remained at the top of the hot list. Out, it's on fire, with the latest comments scrolling so fast you can't see them with the naked eye.

Few of the players in the main god world have never been restricted by Yinli's team, and many of them have been severely tricked. It's just that everyone has nothing to do with him, but this person has created a bunch of admirers, which people can't avoid. Now finally there is a player who is willing to take the lead and confront this little devil head-on. Everyone is happy to see it, but on the other hand, Lin Ke's popularity is too high, and many players would rather be aggrieved than want him to be hurt.

Therefore, the comments also showed polarized contradictions.

As the discussion gradually heated up, everyone's emotions changed from surprise and astonishment to more tension and expectation.

The party at the center of the vortex of the incident disappeared from the forum after learning the dungeon name "Four-sided Mirror".

And in the central square of the central city, Lin Ke, who was walking to the square at first, was chased by a group of star-eyed players and almost forced out of his passive skills, has appeared for the second time.

This time he behaved well, dressed tightly, acting like a dog.

And the system that said "don't bother him" gloated in his ears at this time.

[Main God System: Next time the host goes shopping, remember to tell the system, the system will arrange a reasonable path for you. After all, the host is very popular now, so it is not suitable to go out alone. ]

[Lin Ke: . 】

Looking at the group of people excitedly communicating in front of them, vying to say that they have met "little brother", Lin Ke suddenly felt that he was still living a good life in the forum.

Unfortunately, the information in the forum is very limited.

He was no longer as ready to fight as he was when he was "young". After considering the difficulty gap between F-level dungeons and C-level dungeons, he tried to understand the dungeon mechanism through the existing information on the forum.

After clearing a C-level dungeon, many players will overestimate themselves and arouse strong positive cognition, but Lin Ke is just the opposite.

Because when he recalled the content of clearing the level, he realized that he had just made a red rose that could influence the bishop by mistake, and then made a bold attempt, and just happened to clear the level. It really made him conclude what happened in this copy, but it was very Difficulty—it can be said that he couldn't sort out the logic chain of the Rose Town dungeon until he cleared the customs. But for the orphanage copy, he can clearly tell each clue, the direction of each clue, and the strategy for clearing the level.

Although the clearance time was not much different, Linke was sensitive to the difference in difficulty between the F-level dungeon and the C-level dungeon.

The higher the dungeon level, the more vague the directionality of various conditions and clues. Although the dungeon will also have fixed death conditions, such as the number of red rose players and white rose players, the clues will also be hidden in the death conditions. For example, let Lin Ke discover that the old girl also represents a red rose, but more, it is interpreted infinitely by feeling and association.

Then the A-level copy...

Lin Ke looked up and looked at the big screen.

Before, he observed the early A-level dungeon guide posts on the forum, and found that not only did he not have the detailed content of the dungeon, but the comments often broke out in conflicts.

For example, someone said "you will die if you see green", and another person immediately replied "it is not green, but the person who sees the triangle will die", and then the two sides pinched each other. Moreover, everyone escaped death by a narrow margin, and no one dared to enter this verification again.

And the description of the copy of "Four-sided Mirror" is only one sentence, "God's perspective, pseudo-multiplayer, until the end, I don't know whether the player is inside or outside the mirror, don't go in, it's too difficult to open up wasteland." 

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