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   [Bullet screen: Jue Juezi, this is the first time I saw such a vivid "It's over, it's over" expression on an npc's face—it was still a cracked face. 】

【Barrage: Thinking of being caught by the teacher in a fight in the kindergarten class, I really feel flustered. 】

【Barrage: Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately, you still have a chance. 】

【Barrage: No, there is no chance, the dean frowned. 】

【Barrage: Who still remembers the second courtyard rule... Everyone is not allowed to fight without reason in the courtyard? ]

[Barrage: It's time to sing "Actor". ]

[Barrage: Wait, sister! danger! Don't forget that although the S-level props have a wide field of view, they still need to be triggered by both parties. The dean has not seen them yet. 】

The dean's figure was fully revealed, and his big hand was pressed on the stone lantern together with Lin Ke. I don't know what kind of aura he is, and even the dim light in the stone lantern trembled three times.

Only then did Zhou Zhao see those eyes clearly.

Extremely radiant, like colored glaze, flowing amber light, combined with the cold and delicate face, made the man look like an unkind god.

But Zhou Zhao and the little ghosts were not reflected in those amber eyes.

Zhou Zhao: "...!"

He reacted immediately, taking advantage of the fact that the little devils didn't understand how to use the S-level props, he dragged five little devils, exhausted his last strength, and swooped -

he pressed the stone lantern with both hands For a moment, the little ghosts who wanted to stick their fingers into Zhou Zhao's flesh were also shocked because they were forced to fly and come into close contact with the dean.

Their grimaces were about to crack, and they could feel the screams in their hearts just by looking at their expressions.

Except for the headless boy, "Why did I grab this human just now?" is written on every ghost's face.

At this moment, the figures of Zhou Zhao and the little ghosts appeared in front of Lin Ke and the dean.

Beside Lin Ke, the man's glazed eyes moved.

He lowered his eyes slowly, and his eyes fell on the six people who were entangled.

Eyes: "?"

- Zhou Zhaozheng gasped for breath, his shoulders suddenly loosened.

Xiao Ke, the long-sleeved twin brother who was pressing on him desperately just now, got up quietly, and stretched out his paw to "slap" his back, as if dusting him.

The twin brother, the headless boy Da Ke originally held his arm, but now he let go, turned around, and started looking for his head seriously.

The little girl Xiaolan and the quiet Lin Linben were only responsible for aggravating the situation, so they let go of their hands and obediently stood aside.

Only the gut-holding boy is left, no, only the little fish is left.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone and ghosts, Xiaoyu slowly untied the intestines around Zhou Zhao's neck, and pulled Zhou Zhao up with all his strength.

——What a scene of helping others to cross the road for Le Fu Big Brother.

【Barrage: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I laughed like crazy, and finally started to perform. ]

[Barrage: The Prophet in the front row. 】

Different from the happy New Year's Eve that is different from the barrage, the scene in the orphanage froze for a moment, and there was a dead silence.

On Lin Ke's side, the collapse of the entire building stopped, and the dust flying in the air also quietly and slowly floated to the ground, like snowflakes floating in a toy crystal ball. This gave Lin Ke the illusion that he was in a crystal ball world.

The thrilling just now seemed like a distant nightmare, and now they are in the ruins, but they are safe and quiet.

Seeing this scene, the barrage frantically swiped the screen again after laughing at the ghost children's coquettish operations, turning thousands of words into one sentence.

【Steady. Awesome. 】

The barrage was extremely optimistic, but Link gritted his teeth and tried to look normal.

The root of the little finger of my left hand hurt like it was about to break off.

In the moment of life and death just now, he couldn't feel the pain, he just used his thoughts to support him. Now that he has calmed down, he felt an overwhelming pressure overwhelming him, making him unable to move.

This is the backlash of the dungeon boss himself who does not want to be controlled. If the tail ring hadn't absorbed most of the power, his brain would probably have collapsed.

Seeing the children's "attitude" and thinking of something, Lin Ke's mouth sneered, "I know the system is hiding lies".

Say something like "Master's token is the most powerful prop in the main god world, ordinary monsters will worship you, even the master of the dungeon small world will tremble when seeing you", the full version is probably "Ordinary monsters will pay homage to you." (The one who is trying to hold the master) You worship, even if you are the master of the small world of the copy, you will tremble when you see (the one who is trying to hold the master).

But that's okay, since he was given the chance, it's time to use the power of the fox and the tiger.

The time display is 14:13, which is the real-world psychological consultation time.

Seeing that Zhou Zhao was not out of danger, Lin Ke exhausted all his energy to stabilize the head of the hospital, looked around Zhou Zhao, caught the five little ghosts accurately, and squeezed out a sentence through his teeth.

"Now...it's time for psychological consultation. Why are you still here?"

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Zhao felt five flustered winds around him, and there was only a "shua" sound in the blink of an eye. him alone.

Zhou Zhao: "..."

Is this speed real? So the chase just now was playing tricks with them?

He was stunned for a moment, then looked worriedly at Lin Ke, Lin Ke's tone was wrong.

His eyes then turned around the dean and the two hands in doubt and shock, and his eyes paused for a moment on the tail ring on Linke's left hand.

"Don't be in a daze." Lin Ke suppressed his voice. He didn't even have time to explain, and he didn't even have time to ask Zhou Zhao what happened to them. Just from his embarrassed appearance, he could tell that they had gone through a hard fight. "Where are they?"

Zhou Zhao said : "Upstairs, safe."

Lin Ke breathed a sigh of relief, and ran through the clues for Zhou Zhao as quickly as possible: "With these clues, I know how to play 'games' with the children. You can go to the psychological consultation room right away, as long as you can wake up the children about a certain I may be able to find the puzzle in this world with the memory of the event. However, this is just my guess, and it may not be accurate. You must pay attention to safety."

Zhou Zhao tried hard to remember, and looked away from the dean: "You If you don't come back first, I think your place is too dangerous." Linke was stunned

: "I can go back?"

Zhou Zhao paused, with the same complicated feelings as Ye Shi, and finally realized that Linke was a newcomer: " Yes, this stone lantern is my prop, if there is no lantern, this information should be sent back by your flesh. We have analyzed it just now, cooking is the key."

So it is.

Lin Ke has long felt that the appearance of this stone lantern is too unscientific. It turns out that information transmission needs to switch the world back and forth in this way.

Then three days, nine meals, you can go back and forth between the real world and the imaginary world four times, and finally stay in the imaginary world.

But why nine times? Because it can only be scheduled for three full days?

"But I was transported away in the middle of cooking." Lin Ke always felt that something was wrong, but the pain in his little finger just now had spread to his whole body. At this moment, he had a splitting headache and almost lost his mind.

The palms that overlapped with the dean were full of hot sweat.

"This is the key," Zhou Zhao hesitated for a moment, making sure that the dean was still standing quietly without any other actions, and then said, "This dungeon is very difficult, and the difficulty lies in designing various conditions in a very roundabout way, such as this time travel trigger condition , We suspect that just cooking is not enough."

Lin Kesi thought about it and said that he just cooked: "So?" As

soon as he said the words, recalling the scene at that time, he immediately had a bad idea in his heart.

Zhou Zhao's eyes quickly passed over the dean.

Lin Ke was sure of his thoughts: "...someone has to finish eating, right?"

Zhou Zhao was shocked: "How do you know!"

[Bullet screen:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ]

[Bullet screen: Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is indeed a child who just finished eating, and the little brother disappeared! 】

【Barrage: I thought this team was a rookie at first, but now I'm convinced, my little brother's reasoning ability is superb. 】

【Barrage: Rather than saying that he is powerful, it is better to say that he has grown rapidly. 】

【Barrage: Sincerely, who has ever seen a newcomer live next to a boss, even if it relies on props, it is the ability to resist pressure of cowhide. This team is stable. 】

【Barrage: Don't exaggerate, look at another perspective, what are you doing, people are almost gone! ! ! ]

Zhou Zhao said with difficulty: "That's it. We are not sure whether cooking and eating by ourselves can trigger the time travel, and because we missed the second meal, we couldn't try it, so you can try it at dinner at night, if you can't eat it I'm afraid I have to... ask the principal to eat something."

Zhou Zhao wanted to say a few more words, but suddenly, a woman's terrified scream came.

It's leaf time!

The kid went crazy again? how is this possible?

His complexion changed suddenly, and he looked at Lin Ke.

Lin Ke's voice was hoarse: "Let's go."

Zhou Zhao cast a worried look, turned around and ran away.


As soon as his figure disappeared, Lin Ke immediately half-knelt down on the spot, panting heavily, and cold sweat slid down his sharpened jaw like rain.

His hands were also unable to hang down, as if he had experienced torture, and his whole body was weak and leaned against the stone lantern.

Someone has to finish eating to trigger it? What an abnormal condition.

he thought dazedly.

No... the conditions are reasonable for npcs. Think carefully, through this condition, children can hold the initiative in their own hands.

If the guests take the violent route again, or make some messy things, they make a fuss and refuse to eat, dislike the bad food, or picky eaters and refuse to finish eating, then this copy will be directly labeled as "gg". This is the hidden hell difficulty.

Just now Ye Shi's scream lingered in his ears, he thought he had almost deduced all the clues, but now it seems that he is still far away.

For example, what method is used to awaken the children's memory? What is hidden in the counseling room?

Link can't answer these questions in this imaginary world. He can't leave it all to his teammates. He has to stay until dinner time and find a way to go back.

Then the first thing he has to face now is... Link opened his

eyes and slowly raised his head.

The man's eyes have become the same as before, as dark and deep as an abyss. He is sitting high and looking down at Lin Ke silently.

After dragging Lin Ke into the small dark room once, his mood seemed to be much more stable, and he was just performing the duties of the dean in line with the changing plot. But even so, Lin Ke was still overwhelmed just now.

At this time, seeing Lin Ke woke up, he slowly said: "Now the orphanage has been restored to its original state..."

As soon as he let go, the plot started again, Lin Ke frowned slightly, and listened carefully.

Seeing his serious expression, the dean smiled approvingly.

The gaze that fell on Linke was different from before, more real, and seemed to be full of expectation and criticism: "Let's start the game time."

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