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    "I, I really didn't do anything bad, please believe me!"

Just after the bishop eliminated dozens of people one after another, it was finally Gao Feifan's turn to move back a few positions.

The look on his face was indescribable.

Just a few minutes ago, he had watched the Bishop, for one reason or another, refuse to forgive people.

For example, "speaking harshly to those who have saved themselves", "turning a blind eye to companions in distress" and "robbing others"...

"Really, when I see big guys in trouble, I will help them. Look at him, he is I helped bring it to the church!" Gao Feifei pointed at the red rose player beside him.

[Barrage: ...Wow, are you sure? 】

【Barrage: Laughing to death, the bishop's expression is numb. Suddenly he felt sorry for the bishop a little bit, he was tired of listening to these people talking about running the train all the time. 】

【Barrage: This buddy is very brave. The bishop was so strict just now that he didn't scare him away, and he dared to open his eyes and talk nonsense. ]

[Barrage: Listen to what the bishop has to say. ]

Linke, who was at the end of the crowd, also moved forward gradually with the team, approaching the door of the church.

He looked up at the bishop and listened with pricked ears.

Although he has full confidence in Mr. Blind's character, it is safer to confirm the Bishop's criteria for judgment.

What if Mr. Blind passed the level but he didn't?

That possibility is still quite high.

Lin Ke, who had beaten countless people since he was a child, thought guilty.

Furthermore, to ask the bishop to give blessings, the process must be after the confession. In any case, we have to wait for the bishop to deal with this group of people. It is better to wait for the last observation.

I only heard the bishop say: "Really?"

It was the red rose player next to him who asked.

The Red Rose player hesitated, while looking at Gao Feifan's threatening eyes, on the other hand, he was worried that the bishop would perfectly expose his lying at this time.

That expression, as if someone is putting him on the fire grill.

After a while, he said vaguely, "Yeah, he brought me here." "

Well, at least it shows that you are a person who keeps your promise." The bishop looked back at Gao Fei and said.

Gao Feifei was overjoyed, and before he had time to thank him, he heard the bishop say again.

"In this case, you should do everything you promised. You promised the other three people to bring them to the church, but I haven't seen them now. You can choose to bring them, or bring them to the church." The reward you received will be refunded, and then you can get in." The bishop said without emotion.

After Gao Feifei heard every word, the expression on his face changed from surprise to astonishment to fear, until finally his face was pale and his back was covered with cold sweat.

how is this possible!

Those people were dead, and it was impossible for him to bring them, let alone return the props to them.

This sentence is a dead end.

Gao Feifei, who realized this, immediately felt that he had been deceived, and subconsciously wanted to refute: "You—"

But before he could speak, he was pushed away by other townspeople: "Go away, go away, it's over on your side Don't you? Don't block the way!"

Gao Feifan was taken aback, looked at the bishop, and suddenly realized that he was not discussing with him, but drawing conclusions.

For a moment, he finally realized the fate he was about to face, and his eyes went dark.

Gao Feifan has never won anything in his life, and he can say three points without reason, but he suddenly understood that here, the bishop doesn't care what he said at all, even if he wins verbally 10,000 times, it's useless .

What's wrong with this world? No one is allowed to explain? How could you beat someone to death with such a stick?

He didn't understand and was wronged. He moved away from the crowd in front of him and wanted to say more, but saw the person in front turned around and said impatiently: "The bishop has said it all, so you just do what he said, if you can't do it, it's your fault." Do you have a problem? Admit your problem!"

Gao Feifei was puzzled, grabbed the man and said loudly: "What's my problem? They want me to help protect them, shouldn't they give me some props? I protected them with good intentions along the way, and if they accidentally died, what does it matter to me? This rule is too unfair!" [Bullet

screen: Has he not realized that he has a problem...]

[ Barrage: Give up, he doesn't realize it. ]

[Bullet screen: I'm a little bit angry. I have met people who obviously have problems but feel that they are wronged to death, but they can still speak with one mouth. Even the bishop can't let this kind of person realize his own Question! ]

[Bullet screen: He doesn't need to realize it, just make people like him unable to adapt to survive in this world. ]

[Barrage: Yes! happy! I love the living conditions of this small town! 】

【Barrage: Ready to travel? 】

During the barrage discussion, the bishop seemed tired, and took a step back. The protective cover around the church seemed to shrink a bit, and only the sound of vines "rustling" in the darkness was heard getting closer to the crowd.

The fear of death further loomed over everyone.

In addition to flower vines, there are witches.

After several rounds of failed attacks, the witch stopped trying again, but opened her eyes with pistils, and gently pressed against the top of the church, as if waiting for the barrier to disappear automatically.

Anyone stared at by such a gigantic monster would feel unnaturally depressed. Coupled with the fact that the bishop was strictly guarding the door, some people finally broke down and cried.

"How can I be forgiven?"

"Does it have to be done at the expense of others?"

"That's enough! Don't say angry words anymore, maybe being sincere can impress the bishop?" "

Yes, the previous bishop was obviously very tolerant, but we let him down..." "The reason

why the witch came back like this is because of us." Drive her and Mr. Blind away first."

The people who lost the qualification to be forgiven were dazed, leaning against each other and huddled in the corner of the church, staring blankly at the witch above.

[Barrage: This dungeon is so depressing to watch... But I vaguely feel that the situation is getting better. Is it my illusion? ]

[Barrage: Probably not! You see, little brother, they are going up! ]

In the screen, after the bishop eliminated another Red Rose player with the verdict of "covering the crime for the wicked", Lin Ke, Mr. Blind, and Jin Qingyue finally approached the bishop.

It is impossible to say that they were not affected by the atmosphere. Jin Qingyue, who was always sure of winning, Yu Sheng, who had always been ignorant, and Yang Yue, who was quite cheerful, all looked a little dignified. 

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