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[Barrage: Poof——]

[Barrage: Hahahahaha I am willing, the sentence in this dungeon is too dramatic, mainly because the little brother also asked questions! ]

[Bullet screen: It's all here, are you finally going to HE! ]

[Barrage: Before the article, be careful of the death sight of the bishop. 】

After Mr. Blind answered this sentence, his whole body seemed to lose his strength, and he lowered his hands.

The witch's withered heart was carefully held in the palm of his left hand, and his five fingers trembled, for fear that he would accidentally damage the obovate petals of roses—it was hard to imagine that it was a hand that could crush stones and human heads with bare hands.

Lin Ke was not 100% sure about Mr. Blind's answer at first, but when he heard this, he felt complicated for a moment.

Under the skirt of the violent witch, while leading Mr. Blind, he shuttled through the rose field, while thinking about the final solution.

This dungeon boss is really easy to deceive, and this point cannot be changed anyway. He once tried to teach Mr. Blind to get out of the shadows, cultivate his own judgment, and not to trust others too easily. Now it seems that this way of solving the problem There are deficiencies, at least poor operability.

Because Mr. Blind is too innocent, and this is not the real world. This is a small town full of magic elves. His pure heart is not only his personal wealth, but also the only condition for customs clearance. Once Mr. Blind learns to be complicated and suspicious, the copy of this small town is truly destroyed.

Moreover, the most important thing is that it is impossible for a person like Mr. Blind to be suspicious of others and guess the player's true intentions to live happily.

The current state of "credulity" and innocence is the nature of Mr. Blind, and it is the most comfortable for individuals to grow and live according to their nature.

Then is there any way to completely end this vicious cycle of player deception, boss crash, and player crash?

Lin Ke led Mr. Blind to the entrance of the town, and saw a dilapidated town and the only church standing not far away.

The answer is bishop again.

If in the last dungeon, Lin Ke was only curious about the dean, then in this dungeon, he has a very intuitive understanding of the role played by the bishop—or the main god avatar/body, Lu Zhou.

They are not only punishment, but also protection, and even more balance.

In an instant, what the main god system had said flashed through Lin Ke's mind.

"He is the rule of the world."

Punishing the boss is not just about possessing powerful disciplinary power, his most important role is to formulate correct rules. It is not difficult to use violence or force to punish evil and promote good, but it is even more difficult to formulate a rule that can make the world work better-because no matter what rules exist, people can find loopholes in them and gain from them. Lee, and will show off his intellectual ability to use the rules.

Does the main god want to rebuild a more correct rule? That's too difficult! There are countless dungeon worlds here. Could it be that he alone, no, a main god wants to save the whole line?

No wonder you made yourself mentally unstable!

Although Lin Ke complained wildly in his heart, he couldn't help but think of Lu Zhou's handsome face in his mind. He will never waver, and he will never admit that at a certain moment he thinks Lu Zhou is a bit handsome.

"What's wrong? Is the church also destroyed?" Beside him, Mr. Blind asked nervously and cautiously.

This gentleman, who treats witches wholeheartedly and has never even stepped into a church for the sake of witches, is completely disturbed at this time.

"No, it's fine." Link answered him instantly, but his eyes wandered around the impassable road.

There are flower vines everywhere, soft and drooping, with dense thorns, walking in the dark like wriggling shadows. The townspeople and players fell to the ground and were slowly pulled into the dirt by them.

Perhaps due to the influence of the witch's power, these flower vines, flower leaves, and petals are larger and more terrifying than before. Linke stood far away, and could see the soft down and glandular hairs on the leaf rachis.

As expected of a magical world, this section of the road does not seem to be passable by a mortal body.

Just when Link was about to take a long detour to bring Mr. Blind to the church safely, Mr. Blind seemed to have sensed it. He stretched out his right hand to touch the vine that was tentatively rolling towards the two of them, and pinched it lightly.

——The thick-waisted flower vine snapped off.

[Barrage: ...Shocked. 】

【Barrage: Mr. Blind's appearance always makes me forget that he is a boss. 】

【Barrage: I remember, it turned out to be the boss! ]

Mr. Blind, who cut off the vine, showed some distressed expressions: "I hurt her again, let's, let's hurry up."

Link: "..."

Yes, of course! Everything is easy to say with you!

He found the closest and most congested path, grabbed Mr. Blind and rushed up.

five minutes later.

Lin Ke looked back at the path that had been opened up, and while the wind was turbulent, he wondered if he was unfounded in worrying about Mr. Blind being bullied.

As if getting information from the direction led by Lin Ke, Mr. Blind groped forward, his pace getting faster and faster. Because he has the power to compete with Huavine, he actually saved many townspeople on the road.

Those townspeople who were saved were panicked at first, and then they were very ashamed when they realized that it was Mr. Blind who saved them.

How could they really forget the origin of Rose Town? At that time, everyone picked roses and gave them to Nightingale sincerely, and sincerely hoped that they would be happy.

It's just that after Mr. Blind was deceived and Nightingale turned into a monster witch, they didn't dare to approach them again. Over time, they felt that Mr. Blind was also a bit of a ghost...and every time Mr. Blind came, the roses in the town Will go mad with the witch's heart, and they will no longer welcome Mr. Blind.

"I'm sorry," some townspeople apologized sincerely, "It would be great if someone among us could stand up and tell you when you were cheated." "Why do you

apologize to this idiot? If he wasn't stupid, Will Nightingale become like this? He is not worthy to be with Nightingale, neither can he protect Nightingale, nor can he protect the town." However, some townspeople became angry after discovering that it was Mr. Blind who saved them. ran to the church.

Mr. Blind is not happy or angry when he hears anything. If he is sad, he will lower his head and touch his heart in his hand.

"Is it true that I'm too weak to protect them well?" Finally, he still couldn't help asking.

[Bullet screen: I rely on this boss Baozi to the point where it's hard to look directly at him. Although I'm not willing to scold him, I'm so angry! ]

[Bullet screen: Normally I would cut out when I saw something like this, but now that my little brother is here, I want to see if I can be rescued. ]

[Bullet screen: I'm a little skeptical, after all, nature is hard to change - I didn't mean to say anyone was bad. ]

[Bullet screen: Ah, my little brother comforted me, and this comfort is also very strange. Nothing changes, do you expect the world to change? ]

[Bullet screen: But to be honest, I think Mr. Blind is pretty good too...why change. ]

"It's okay," Lin Ke glanced at Mr. Blind and said, "This is a town that belongs to you and the witch. You haven't done anything wrong, and you don't have to think about becoming like them or something else." Only by looking like you can survive."

Mr. Blind was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

He didn't understand Linke's meaning at all. If he kept him like this, wouldn't he be deceived all the time, bring disasters to everyone, and hurt those who really cared about him?

The two had already walked to the door of the church, and saw that the outside of the church was densely covered with people. They were in a mess, cursing while resisting the plants that came up from the ground to attack them from time to time. Many people tried to climb the plants and enter the church, but they were all pushed back by the wind blowing from the church.

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